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Following the rules I hope.. corrected

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Dear Rob. Michael, Matt, Judy and everyone else in

the universe that wastes time reading my posts.


What I have concluded after 30 years of intense sadhana is that, except for the

GIFTED ONES like Ramana, the sadhana must happen on all of the 4 foundations of

mindfulness as well as any other meditation techniques that one practices. See

the Net or previous posts if you cant recall what they are.


Not only that, but also diet and exercise has to be concentrated on or the

psyche gets bogged down with negative mental states caused by the functions of

the body going out of whack.


I proffer that Rob would have been Realized many years ago if the universe gave

him dietary and exercise mediums. Rob, am I being presumptuous about you not

paying much or practically no attention to diet and exercise?


Every so often we are impressed when we meet someone that is on their last legs

and still radiates joyfulness. However in this poster's view, more than a moiety

of other seekers have to fight off negative mental states that put a damper on

their sadhana.


Do you agree of disagree with the aforesaid?


If this post too is inappropriate for this group lostnfoundation will become a

lurker waiting for someone to post something here.


As far on my own sadhana goes, I am pleased and optimistic that I am on the

right track to not only wipe out my reactive mind clean, but also becoming one

with the Divinity. If I did not notice progress I would quickly quit the QUEST.







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Hi Alton,


> Rob, am I being presumptuous about you not

> paying much or practically no attention to

> diet and exercise?


I'm deliberate about diet but don't get much exercise. When

I was younger I exercised compulsively, spending 15 hours a

week at bodybuilding gyms. My diet now is low-fat, high

anti-oxidant, low glycemic index. I eat a lot of fruits,

nuts, skim dairy products, fish, shellfish. No concentrated

fats except olive oil and fish oil. I don't eat mammals or

birds or starchy stuff. Back in my bodybuilding days I was

on high-protein, close-to-zero fat diets. My cholesterol

back then tested at 112.


This reminds me that several years ago I experimented to see

if there was any truth to the traditional idea that certain

foods promote sattvic states of mind, others tamasic, etc.

I couldn't detect any effect, except that eating lots of

carbs causes sleepiness.









[Realization ] On Behalf Of Alton


Sunday, August 07, 2005 4:36 PM


Following the rules I hope..





Dear Rob. Michael, Matt, Judy and everyone else in the

universe that wastes time reading my posts.


What I have concluded after 30 years of intense sadhana is

that, except for the GIFTED ONES like Ramana, the sadhana

must happen on all of the 4 foundations of mindfulness as

well as any other meditation techniques that one practices.

See the Net or previous posts if you cant recall what they




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Rob Sacks


Sunday, August 07, 2005 5:14 PM

RE: Following the rules I hope.. corrected



Hi Alton,


> Rob, am I being presumptuous about you not

> paying much or practically no attention to

> diet and exercise?


I'm deliberate about diet but don't get much exercise. When

I was younger I exercised compulsively, spending 15 hours a

week at bodybuilding gyms. My diet now is low-fat, high

anti-oxidant, low glycemic index. I eat a lot of fruits,

nuts, skim dairy products, fish, shellfish. No concentrated

fats except olive oil and fish oil. I don't eat mammals or

birds or starchy stuff. Back in my bodybuilding days I was

on high-protein, close-to-zero fat diets. My cholesterol

back then tested at 112.


This reminds me that several years ago I experimented to see

if there was any truth to the traditional idea that certain

foods promote sattvic states of mind, others tamasic, etc.

I couldn't detect any effect, except that eating lots of

carbs causes sleepiness.








[Realization ] On Behalf Of Alton


Sunday, August 07, 2005 4:36 PM


Following the rules I hope..





Dear Rob. Michael, Matt, Judy and everyone else in the

universe that wastes time reading my posts.


What I have concluded after 30 years of intense sadhana is

that, except for the GIFTED ONES like Ramana, the sadhana

must happen on all of the 4 foundations of mindfulness as

well as any other meditation techniques that one practices.

See the Net or previous posts if you cant recall what they





This guy at the Buddhist Vipassana sitting tonight, who was

a long time Ananda Marga meditation guy also said that when he

started to eat fish he did not notice any difference. I have noticed

that during the periods that I reneged on my vows and ate flesh, my strength

was better but not my endurance. I also have more mental power for meditation

when eating moderate amounts of flesh, but I hope I wont do it anymore because

I believe it is wrong to kill other higher sentient beings. We do kill a lot

of fleas each day combing them off our kitty, but I have to live with that


we couldn't with many flea bites.




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Hi Alton,


I've been a vegetarian at various times of my life and I

never noticed any effect on my state of mind. Maybe that's

because I don't eat a lot of meat at other times. My

previous message said I eat a lot of fish but come to think

of it, I only eat about three cans of tuna and a couple of

octopus tentacles a week, or the equivalent. (There's a

great Cypriot restaurant a couple of blocks away that

accounts for the octopus.) It's been decades since I ate red



On the moral side, I agree with you completely, it's better

not to eat animals. Unfortunately, like you said, we feel

stronger when eating flesh. I think that's because it's

difficult to replace all the nutrients in meat with plant

food. Biologically we are carnivores, or partly

carnivorous, through no fault of our own. One of my close

relatives comes from a family where all the men on his

father's side are 6' 4 " or taller. He was a vegetarian

during his growth-spurt years and ended up at a full height

of about 5' 9 " . His grown-up sister, who wasn't a

vegetarian, makes him look small. I think this shows the

difficulty of replacing meat-nutrients with plant food.

This isn't necessarily a problem for those of us who are

finished growing, but it's something to think about.








[Realization ] On Behalf Of Alton


Monday, August 08, 2005 3:25 AM


Re: Following the rules I hope..





This guy at the Buddhist Vipassana sitting tonight, who


a long time Ananda Marga meditation guy also said that

when he

started to eat fish he did not notice any difference. I

have noticed

that during the periods that I reneged on my vows and ate

flesh, my strength

was better but not my endurance. I also have more mental

power for meditation

when eating moderate amounts of flesh, but I hope I wont

do it anymore because

I believe it is wrong to kill other higher sentient

beings. We do kill a lot

of fleas each day combing them off our kitty, but I have

to live with that because

we couldn't with many flea bites.

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Dear Alton


year do not count only your honesty to yourself and full trust in GD

surely you know theoretically what


this is what you should try to understand and to put in practice


and to recognize that we all are only tools or and dreams in our GD

because only GD exists and nothing else


all this is clearly stated in the " messages " of our beloved SRI RAMANA


what else is needed besides gives our your best in following this example

i f

this is what you really want

it seems as if you are playing with this wisdom like a little brave

stubborn child in the sand building castels along the shore and destoying

them afterwards

invest your energy and " love " in yourself so that this one day becomes

REALLY L O V E thas what Ramana radiates

in respect and in love in GD

yours sincerely

why i am writing this?

enough is enough

the falseness and the emptiness of so many socalled seekers is unbelievable

its a matter of fact we all have to accept

but if this type of SODOM AND GOMORRHA now taking root in socalled

spirituality we all have to be aware of this poison

in love in GD

michael bindel


On 8/7/05, Alton Slater <unbound wrote:




> Dear Rob. Michael, Matt, Judy and everyone else in

> the universe that wastes time reading my posts.


> What I have concluded after 30 years of intense sadhana is that, except

> for the GIFTED ONES like Ramana, the sadhana must happen on all of the 4

> foundations of mindfulness as well as any other meditation techniques that

> one practices. See the Net or previous posts if you cant recall what they

> are.


> Not only that, but also diet and exercise has to be concentrated on or the

> psyche gets bogged down with negative mental states caused by the functions

> of the body going out of whack.


> I proffer that Rob would have been Realized many years ago if the universe

> gave him dietary and exercise mediums. Rob, am I being presumptuous about

> you not paying much or practically no attention to diet and exercise?


> Every so often we are impressed when we meet someone that is on their last

> legs and still radiates joyfulness. However in this poster's view, more than

> a moiety of other seekers have to fight off negative mental states that put

> a damper on their sadhana.


> Do you agree of disagree with the aforesaid?


> If this post too is inappropriate for this group lostnfoundation will

> become a lurker waiting for someone to post something here.


> As far on my own sadhana goes, I am pleased and optimistic that I am on

> the right track to not only wipe out my reactive mind clean, but also

> becoming one with the Divinity. If I did not notice progress I would quickly

> quit the QUEST.



> Love,

> Alton



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Dear Michael,


> if this is what you really want


Heh. That's the big question, isn't it.


Mail groups attract people who like to talk about

realization more than they like to make efforts.








[Realization ] On Behalf Of michael


Monday, August 08, 2005 5:29 AM


Re: Following the rules I hope..



Dear Alton


year do not count only your honesty to yourself and full

trust in GD surely you know theo

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Dear Michael:

You talking about God to me is like saying there is a man in the sky that

makes everything work.

It is completely foreign to anything I can call TRUTH.


Also the same goes for surrender. Groupies surrender to rock stars and are

willing to do anything they say. Surrender is for those who don't want to train

enough to develop a powerful mind to have the QUIET AND BLISS.

I am not a beggar and will never be one.

That does not mean that I would tell anyone else what to do, because whatever

role they are acting out they deserve some award like the academy award for



Just do whatever you do and play your roles to the max.


Ramana is great but he is dead and no longer can give TRANSMISSIONS. His

devotees are groveling in the dirt now. Find a living guru who gives

transmissions, please!!!!!!!!!

Michael you would be happier if you worried about yourSELF.


Loving kindness blessings,




Dear Alton


year do not count only your honesty to yourself and full trust in GD

surely you know theoretically what


this is what you should try to understand and to put in practice


and to recognize that we all are only tools or and dreams in our GD

because only GD exists and nothing else


all this is clearly stated in the " messages " of our beloved SRI RAMANA


what else is needed besides gives our your best in following this example

i f

this is what you really want

it seems as if you are playing with this wisdom like a little brave

stubborn child in the sand building castels along the shore and destoying

them afterwards

invest your energy and " love " in yourself so that this one day becomes

REALLY L O V E thas what Ramana radiates

in respect and in love in GD

yours sincerely

why i am writing this?

enough is enough

the falseness and the emptiness of so many socalled seekers is unbelievable

its a matter of fact we all have to accept

but if this type of SODOM AND GOMORRHA now taking root in socalled

spirituality we all have to be aware of this poison

in love in GD

michael bindel


On 8/7/05, Alton Slater <unbound wrote:




> Dear Rob. Michael, Matt, Judy and everyone else in

> the universe that wastes time reading my posts.


> What I have concluded after 30 years of intense sadhana is that, except

> for the GIFTED ONES like Ramana, the sadhana must happen on all of the 4

> foundations of mindfulness as well as any other meditation techniques that

> one practices. See the Net or previous posts if you cant recall what they

> are.


> Not only that, but also diet and exercise has to be concentrated on or the

> psyche gets bogged down with negative mental states caused by the functions

> of the body going out of whack.


> I proffer that Rob would have been Realized many years ago if the universe

> gave him dietary and exercise mediums. Rob, am I being presumptuous about

> you not paying much or practically no attention to diet and exercise?


> Every so often we are impressed when we meet someone that is on their last

> legs and still radiates joyfulness. However in this poster's view, more than

> a moiety of other seekers have to fight off negative mental states that put

> a damper on their sadhana.


> Do you agree of disagree with the aforesaid?


> If this post too is inappropriate for this group lostnfoundation will

> become a lurker waiting for someone to post something here.


> As far on my own sadhana goes, I am pleased and optimistic that I am on

> the right track to not only wipe out my reactive mind clean, but also

> becoming one with the Divinity. If I did not notice progress I would quickly

> quit the QUEST.



> Love,

> Alton



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Dear Michael:

Did you guru advise calling what other people do STUPID?

You may be able to center in the Self but what good is it if you cling and

condemn and are not aware of your stimulus response reactions.






Dear Rob Dear Alton

of course taking care what we eat and exercising is necessary

but here too

Ramana gave us the best example


sattvic food

walking of course not stupid jogging

and ongoing trying to be centered on the SELF

as better and more honest we are to ourself the better it works

tested it works

in love in GD

michael bindel


On 8/8/05, Rob Sacks <editor wrote:


> Hi Alton,


> I've been a vegetarian at various times of my life and I

> never noticed any effect on my state of mind. Maybe that's

> because I don't eat a lot of meat at other times. My

> previous message said I eat a lot of fish but come to think

> of it, I only eat about three cans of tuna and a couple of

> octopus tentacles a week, or the equivalent. (There's a

> great Cypriot restaurant a couple of blocks away that

> accounts for the octopus.) It's been decades since I ate red

> meat.


> On the moral side, I agree with you completely, it's better

> not to eat animals. Unfortunately, like you said, we feel

> stronger when eating flesh. I think that's because it's

> difficult to replace all the nutrients in meat with plant

> food. Biologically we are carnivores, or partly

> carnivorous, through no fault of our own. One of my close

> relatives comes from a family where all the men on his

> father's side are 6' 4 " or taller. He was a vegetarian

> during his growth-spurt years and ended up at a full height

> of about 5' 9 " . His grown-up sister, who wasn't a

> vegetarian, makes him look small. I think this shows the

> difficulty of replacing meat-nutrients with plant food.

> This isn't necessarily a problem for those of us who are

> finished growing, but it's something to think about.


> Regards,


> Rob




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Dear Michael,


> if this is what you really want


Heh. That's the big question, isn't it.


Mail groups attract people who like to talk about

realization more than they like to make efforts.






Dear Rob:

IMHO that is the wisest observation you have make so far, to my knowledge, but

you know that those who cant make the effort were not given what it takes to

make that effort and they seem to have fun on the groups. I do too but I know it

is counter productive to what I am working for.


The successor to one of the Masters that initiated me, wont let any devotees

on the Net. Of course for business reasons I am sure it is waved. I think he is

smart because we both have observed what goes on in the groups.






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Dear Alton,


> ...but you know that those who cant make the effort...


In my opinion, there are no such people. If you want to

make the effort, you can. The only reason why people think

they can't is because they don't want to. Saying " can't " is

a way of being dishonest with ourselves.


> ...and they seem to have fun on the groups.


That's fine. Fun is good. The only problem is when people

imagine that talking about realization is going to get them









[Realization ] On Behalf Of Alton


Monday, August 08, 2005 2:47 PM


Re: Following the rules I hope..




IMHO that is the wisest observation you have make so far,

to my knowledge, but you know that those who cant make the

effort were not given what it takes to make that effort and

they seem to have fun on the groups. I do too but I know it

is counter productive to what I am working for.

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Five foot 8 in the perfect height according to the macrobiotics. Taller and

there are more health problems and that is exactly what is going to crash our

healthcare system in the U.S.


My 95 year old mom is 95 and If I am as vital as her at 75 I would be pleased.

She is only 5 feet tall or less, so who says that taller is better.


It is plain wrong to kill another animal to eat it and now I just wont do it

even with my attachments to my family.


The Buddhists say it is ok to eat flesh as long as you don't kill yourself. I

say it is worse to have someone take on the karma that you would have had it you

did the killing yourself.


Last night at our Vipassana meditation I asked this guy who was a initiate of

Anadamurti and lived at his ashram and received many transmission from him. Well

he is now violating his vows and eating fish. I asked him if it bothers him and

he said no. Well it bothers me that I cant survive without eggs and ate animals

the last year until I realized it is better to die that do that.





Rob Sacks


Sunday, August 07, 2005 10:06 PM

RE: Following the rules I hope.. corrected



Hi Alton,


I've been a vegetarian at various times of my life and I

never noticed any effect on my state of mind. Maybe that's

because I don't eat a lot of meat at other times. My

previous message said I eat a lot of fish but come to think

of it, I only eat about three cans of tuna and a couple of

octopus tentacles a week, or the equivalent. (There's a

great Cypriot restaurant a couple of blocks away that

accounts for the octopus.) It's been decades since I ate red



On the moral side, I agree with you completely, it's better

not to eat animals. Unfortunately, like you said, we feel

stronger when eating flesh. I think that's because it's

difficult to replace all the nutrients in meat with plant

food. Biologically we are carnivores, or partly

carnivorous, through no fault of our own. One of my close

relatives comes from a family where all the men on his

father's side are 6' 4 " or taller. He was a vegetarian

during his growth-spurt years and ended up at a full height

of about 5' 9 " . His grown-up sister, who wasn't a

vegetarian, makes him look small. I think this shows the

difficulty of replacing meat-nutrients with plant food.

This isn't necessarily a problem for those of us who are

finished growing, but it's something to think about.






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Hi Alton,


> I used to be hard of those who don't do

> meditation until I realized that they just

> cant take the stress when heavy duty stuff

> bubbles up into the conscious from that

> which has been hidden from their view.


That hadn't occurred to me. I don't think I've heard of

that before. But I can see that it must be true because

after all, there are people who find their thoughts to be

intolerable even without meditation. You are surely right

that meditation could exacerbate this problem.


A good friend of mine hears a voice in her head that tells

her to steal other people's babies. She takes a drug that

stops the voice completely. I suppose she is diagnosed as

schizophrenic or something along those lines. I imagine it

could be disastrous if she tried to meditate.


Do you get the sense that the people you are thinking of,

who have this problem, might benefit from that sort of drug?


Do they self-medicate? Are they alchoholics? Do they

exhibit any signs of serious mental illness? Any of those

things might suggest that they have this problem

(intolerable thoughts) all the time, not only when the









[Realization ] On Behalf Of Alton


Tuesday, August 09, 2005 12:43 AM


Re: Following the rules I hope..



Dear Rob:

I used to be hard of those who don't do meditation until I

realized that they just cant take the stress when heavy duty

stuff bubbles up

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Dear Alton,


> Five foot 8 in the perfect height according to

> the macrobiotics. Taller and there are more

> health problems and that is exactly what is

> going to crash our healthcare system in the U.S.


No comment. :)


> It is plain wrong to kill another animal

> to eat it and now I just wont do it even

> with my attachments to my family.


I admire you for living up to your moral convictions.


> The Buddhists say it is ok to eat flesh as

> long as you don't kill yourself.


This has always seemed silly to me. How can it be wrong to

kill but right to eat? Either both are wrong or both are

right. Then these Buddhists (not all Buddhists, by the way)

have to go further and argue that when you order meat in a

restaurant, you aren't complicit in the animal's death

because you didn't encourage the butcher. There's a kind of

foolish denial in that line of reasoning.


> Well it bothers me that I cant survive without eggs.


What's wrong with eating eggs? They aren't fertilized.

They aren't animals. They were never sentient. Eating eggs

doesn't hurt anything.











[Realization ] On Behalf Of Alton


Monday, August 08, 2005 11:38 PM


Re: Following the rules I hope..



Five foot 8 in the perfect height according to the

macrobiotics. Taller and there are more health problems and

that is exactly what is going to crash our healthcare system

in the U.S.


My 95 year old mom is 95 and If I am as vital as her at 75 I

would be pleased. She is only 5 feet tall or less, so who

says that taller is better.


It is plain wrong to kill another animal to eat it and now I

just wont do it even with my attachments to my family.


The Buddhists say it is ok to eat flesh as long as you don't

kill yourself. I say it is worse to have someone take on the

karma that you would have had it you did the killing



Last night at our Vipassana meditation I asked this guy who

was a initiate of Anadamurti and lived at his ashram and

received many transmission from him. Well he is now

violating his vows and eating fish. I asked him if it

bothers him and he said no. Well it bothers me that I cant

survive without eggs and ate animals the last year until I

realized it is better to die that do that.





Rob Sacks


Sunday, August 07, 2005 10:06 PM

RE: Following the rules I hope..




Hi Alton,


I've been a vegetarian at various times of my life and I

never noticed any effect on my state of mind. Maybe that's

because I don't eat a lot of meat at other times. My

previous message said I eat a lot of fish but come to


of it, I only eat about three cans of tuna and a couple of

octopus tentacles a week, or the equivalent. (There's a

great Cypriot restaurant a couple of blocks away that

accounts for the octopus.) It's been decades since I ate




On the moral side, I agree with you completely, it's


not to eat animals. Unfortunately, like you said, we feel

stronger when eating flesh. I think that's because it's

difficult to replace all the nutrients in meat with plant

food. Biologically we are carnivores, or partly

carnivorous, through no fault of our own. One of my close

relatives comes from a family where all the men on his

father's side are 6' 4 " or taller. He was a vegetarian

during his growth-spurt years and ended up at a full


of about 5' 9 " . His grown-up sister, who wasn't a

vegetarian, makes him look small. I think this shows the

difficulty of replacing meat-nutrients with plant food.

This isn't necessarily a problem for those of us who are

finished growing, but it's something to think about.






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Dear Rob:


Since you removed the ability to use colors it works better to reply on top.


This Buddhist monk that we used to meditate with and is an lacto ovo vegetarian

sees red when the Tibetans say that they are releasing souls, so it is ok to eat



There is nothing wrong with eating eggs except that I took vows from 5 Masters

not to eat them. Also, they really don't agree with me and raise my cholesterol.

So I continue to be trapped with my Uranus in the 6th house of diet and health.

That means I will have sudden changes in the area of health. All this motivates

me to get to the stage where I don't have anymore rebirths. If I had a body like

my mom I probably would never have been interested in spirituality.






Dear Alton,


> Five foot 8 in the perfect height according to

> the macrobiotics. Taller and there are more

> health problems and that is exactly what is

> going to crash our healthcare system in the U.S.


No comment. :)


> It is plain wrong to kill another animal

> to eat it and now I just wont do it even

> with my attachments to my family.


I admire you for living up to your moral convictions.


> The Buddhists say it is ok to eat flesh as

> long as you don't kill yourself.


This has always seemed silly to me. How can it be wrong to

kill but right to eat? Either both are wrong or both are

right. Then these Buddhists (not all Buddhists, by the way)

have to go further and argue that when you order meat in a

restaurant, you aren't complicit in the animal's death

because you didn't encourage the butcher. There's a kind of

foolish denial in that line of reasoning.


> Well it bothers me that I cant survive without eggs.


What's wrong with eating eggs? They aren't fertilized.

They aren't animals. They were never sentient. Eating eggs

doesn't hurt anything.









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Dear Alton,


Headache on one side with nausea is almost certainly a

migraine. There's a really excellent drug for migraine

called Imitrex. It has no side effects and it's not a

narcotic. It just stops the whole migraine experience

including the pain and nausea. I'm glad you took the codeine

but I bet you'd like Imitrex a lot better.


Migraines are usually triggered by physical things including

certain foods including yogurt, chocolate, onions, oranges,

soy sauce -- you can find lists on the web.


I hope you feel better soon.


Your friend,






[Realization ] On Behalf Of Alton


Tuesday, August 09, 2005 2:55 AM


Re: Following the rules I hope..



This very moment I am going through some illness that I used

to get almost every two months. A headache on the left

side and nausea. I have conquered it mostly with diet so it

does not happen very often. I used to

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> The codeine is working so I am feeling better now.


Good. Your poor friend. :(


> one must develop mindfulness so that one can be

> aware of when the minds wanders.


Yes I understand. I spent several years dealing with this.

I discovered two ways to prevent the mind from wandering.

But then I realized that there was a better way to approach

the whole thing. Instead of worrying about the mind

wandering, it was more useful to notice the state of mind at

the moment when the wandering is noticed. The effortless

state of knowing which happens naturally at that moment is

the desired state for sadhana. I began looking forward to

wandering so there would be another opportunity to observe

that state so I could notice what it was like and try to

recreate it voluntarily.


I think that moment of returning to your senses is what the

old books mean when they say " notice the moment between two

thoughts. "













[Realization ] On Behalf Of Alton


Tuesday, August 09, 2005 3:17 AM


Re: Following the rules I hope..



Thanks Rob:

I know about that drug and the friend who we were going to

visit uses it, but the authorities have taken it off their

list so she will have to suffer terribly for many hours the

next time she had one. She is incarcerated.

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Dear Rob:





> one must develop mindfulness so that one can be

> aware of when the minds wanders.


Yes I understand. I spent several years dealing with this.

I discovered two ways to prevent the mind from wandering.

But then I realized that there was a better way to approach

the whole thing. Instead of worrying about the mind

wandering, it was more useful to notice the state of mind at

the moment when the wandering is noticed. The effortless

state of knowing which happens naturally at that moment is

the desired state for sadhana. I began looking forward to

wandering so there would be another opportunity to observe

that state so I could notice what it was like and try to

recreate it voluntarily.<<<<<


This is interesting.


" Instead of worrying about the mind

wandering, it was more useful to notice the state of mind at

the moment when the wandering is noticed. "


Can you provide more details about the above statement. How many different

states have you noticed? What are they? What exactly happens when you notice

those states of mind?


We watched Joseph Campbell on PBS tonight so most of my computer time is gone.










I think that moment of returning to your senses is what the

old books mean when they say " notice the moment between two

thoughts. "









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