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Nonduality HighlightsJerry Katz keeps delivering the goods...


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Wednesday, August 20, 2008 9:24 AM

[NDhighlights] Digest Number 2613



Nonduality Highlights




Messages In This Digest (1 Message)

1. #3262 - Tuesday, August 19, 2008 - Editor: Jerry Katz<about:blank#1>

Jerry Katz

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1. #3262 - Tuesday, August 19, 2008 - Editor: Jerry Katz




Posted by: " Jerry Katz " umbada <umbada

nondualguy <http://profiles./nondualguy>

Tue Aug 19, 2008 6:24 pm (PDT)

#3262 - Tuesday, August 19, 2008 - Editor: Jerry Katz


The Nonduality Highlights -






This is an introduction to the little known website of Jasper Solomon,

entitled Who Am I? What Are We? Jasper told me that his site was intended for a

few close friends, but they urged him to seek a wider audience. His writing is

based on the works of Wei Wu Wei.


I'm including the first and last chapters of his website/book.


You may read the entire work at





Here are just a few quotations:


" The being of separate beings is non-separate being. " Chuang-tse (c.369-c.286



" We, the originally vast, serene, and marvellous mind are all pure and

illuminatingly all-inclusive. Nothing can hinder us: we are as free as the

firmament. " Tsung Kao (1089-1163)


" From the beginning, not a thing is. " Hui Neng (638-713)


" Be still. And know I am God " Psalm 46


" This consciousness exists as each being, and nothing else exists. " The Vigyan

Bkairava and Sochanda Tantra.


" The eye through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me: my

eye and God's eye are one eye, one seeing, one knowing, one love. " Meister



" Seeing that one cannot see the absence-of-things (subjectivity) is true

seeing, permanent seeing. " Shen Hui


" You must have a clear understanding that all things are only a manifestation

of the mind itself. Everything, everything in this world is nothing but a

complex manifestation of one's mental activities. " Lankavatara Sutra


" Remember that from the first to the last not even the smallest grain of

anything perceptible has ever existed or ever will exist.' Huang Po


" I am Not, but the Universe is my Self. " Shih T'ou (700-790)


" Body, heaven and hell, bondage and freedom, as also fear, all these are mere

concepts. What have I to do with all these, I who am pure Consciousness? "

Ashtavakra Gita


" Apart from nothing there is no anything, and apart from anything there is no

nothing. Apart from our phenomenal world there is no Void, and apart from the

Void, there is no phenomenal world. " Heart Sutra


" Let me remind you that the perceived cannot perceive. " Huang Po


" Prajna (Subjectivity) is our true nature. " Hui Neng


" Our original Buddha-nature is, in highest truth, devoid of any atom of

objectivity. " Huang Po


" I've told you all that constitutes the very core of Truth; there is no you,

no me, no Superior Being, no disciple, no guru. " Dattatreya


" Moreover, in thus contemplating the totality of phenomena, you are

contemplating the totality of Mind. All these phenomena are intrinsically void

and yet this Mind with which they are identical is no mere nothingness. " Huang



" Phenomena only exist in the mind that perceives them. " Tibetan Book of the



" What you are looking for is what is looking. " St. Francis of Assisi (attrib.)


" Simply see the world as yourself. Embrace things as they are. " Lao Tzu


And how about the sages and others of the present or recent past? Let's sound

out a few:


" Since there is no room in the Infinite even for nothingness, I cannot be

nothing; and since the Infinite has no parts, I am therefore the Whole. " Shaikh

Ahmad al Alawi (1870-1932).


" The essential Understanding is that in reality nothing is. This is so obvious

that it is not perceived. " Wei Wu Wei


" There is neither creation nor destruction, neither destiny nor free will,

neither path nor achievement. This is the final truth. " Ramana Maharshi



" The very idea of going beyond the dream is illusory. Why go anywhere? Just

realise that you are dreaming a dream you call the world, and stop looking for

ways out. The dream is not your problem. Your problem is that you like one part

of the dream and not another. When you have seen the dream as a dream, you have

done all that needs to be done. " Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897?-1981)


" There is no such thing as an entity. Now you know you are awake because you

are here and you have that knowledge. There is nothing else other than this

knowledge, no entity. " Nisargadatta Maharaj


" Greater than the greatest good in life is to know who we are. " Nisargadatta



" With the belief in the individual entity/doer, problems never cease. When the

illusory nature of the individual is seen, problems never arise. " Ramesh



" There is a Presence that is unnameable that thought cannot touch. It is not

your possession; it is what you are. " Adyashanti


" From the perspective of the infinite it is obvious that the individual self

absolutely does not exist. The idea that we have a self that controls,

arbitrates, or is the doer behind our actions, is absurd. The individual self is

nothing but an idea of who we are. " Suzanne Segal


" All said and done: everything is I and I am no thing. All phenomena are

objective manifestations. What I am objectively is the totality of phenomenal

manifestation. What I am subjectively is all that all phenomena are. Nothing

personal about it anywhere or at any stage. The personal notion is not inherent

and is the whole trouble. " Wei Wu Wei


" I am Presence; not I am present or you are present or he is present. When one

sees the situation as it really is, that no individual is involved, that what is

present is Presence as a whole, then the moment this is perceived there is

liberation. " Nisargadatta Maharaj


" The Vastness is perceiving itself out of itself at every moment, within every

particle of itself everywhere simultaneously. " Suzanne Segal


" So-called self-realization is the discovery for yourself that there is no

self to discover. " U.G.Krishnamurti


" You will come in due course to realise that your true glory lies where you

cease to exist. " Ramana Maharshi


" What is real does not die. What is unreal never lived. " Nisargadatta Maharaj


" A person is not a thing or a process but an opening through which the

absolute manifests. " Martin Heidegger


One thing emerges from what they are saying - we are not what we think we are.

We believe we are this self, this body and the mind that seems to go along with

it. If we are not that, what are we?




Let's consolidate some of what I have been saying. Other than Consciousness or

Mind, there cannot be anything. What else could there be since nothing is

cognisable otherwise than by Mind? Mind alone cognises and all cognition takes

place in Mind, yet Mind 'itself' is uncognisable since there is nothing to

cognise but Mind and Mind cannot cognise the cognising, which is all that it is.

Mind itself is no 'thing', for a 'thing' is only that which is cognisable and

Mind can never cognise its cognising. Phenomena are Mind. All that is perceived

through our senses is Mind. And, at the same time, we are the Mind that is doing

the perceiving and cognising.


The source of appearance is not apparent because there is no 'thing' to

conceive its source in order to make it apparent. All sentient beings are the

source of the apparent universe by means of their experiencing their world as

what they are. The sentient being's objectivity is only an appearance in mind

and his subjectivity is the source of all possible experience. The fundamental

nature of all phenomena is simply the perceiving of phenomena. Phenomena,

including what we think we are, can have only apparent existence in space and

time as concepts in Mind.


Let's try to set this out in simpler terms by using a quote from Wei Wu Wei -

he always manages to put points in the clearest possible way:


" Every perceptible " thing " is a product of Mind.

What we are as " things " is that,

And what we are otherwise than as " things " is that also.

Every manifestation, then, is a product of Mind.

Whatever we may be as manifestation is a product of Mind.

Whatever we may be otherwise than as what is manifested

Is Mind itself.

Since Mind is only manifest in manifestation,

Itself is non-manifestation.

So that is what we are otherwise than as manifested.

Thus we, as sentient beings, are Mind itself manifesting,

And, objectively, Mind manifesting as " things " .

Noumenon, as the word states, is Mind.

Phenomenon, as the word states, is appearance.

Unmanifested, we are noumenon,

Manifested, we are appearance.

They are not separate,

Their difference is in appearance, which one has and the other not.

Why is that?

Because, in manifesting, Mind divides into observer and observed.

That which is observed is appearance,

Its observer is the counterpart of appearance,

Dual aspects of manifesting Mind.

Knowing that the observed has no existence apart from the observer,

Knowing that the observer has no existence apart from the observed,

Divided Mind is reunited.

Then there is no other, so there can be no self.

Then there is no self, so there can be no other.

Without extension in space, without duration in time,

In Mind that is whole,

There is no being to suffer, to experience pain or pleasure,

To hate or to love.

Gone with its ego,

Mind as a concept, utterly absent,

Pure noumenality, none to conceive it,

Untrammelled and radiant, is all that we are. "

From all these few pages, there is only one thing to be understood and from

which all else follows:


I have never existed,

I do not now exist

And I never will exist,

For I can have no being other than as a concept in Mind.

And if you want it in four words, how about Huang Po's " The perceived cannot

perceive " . That says it all.


Read this online book here:



Jasper is considering expanding his website into a larger book.


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