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Nonduality HighlightsThanks to our friends at

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So much beauty! It must be shared and passed along

and, like love, the more this beauty is shared;

the more it continues on, alive in you.


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Monday, July 13, 2009 2:49 PM

[NDhighlights] Digest Number 2876



Nonduality Highlights




Messages In This Digest (2 Messages)

1. #3590 - Saturday, July 11, 2009<about:blank#1> markwotter704

2. #3591 - Sunday, July 12, 2009<about:blank#2> markwotter704

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1. #3590 - Saturday, July 11, 2009




Posted by: " markwotter704 " markwotter704

<markwotter704 markwotter704


Sun Jul 12, 2009 5:40 pm (PDT)



Archived issues of the NDHighlights are available online:



Nonduality Highlights: Issue #3590, Saturday, July 11, 2009


Ed note: today's selections are all from Poetry Chaikhana - Sacred

Poetry from Around the World, a lovely site.


Secretly we spoke


Secretly we spoke,

that wise one and me.

I said, Tell me the secrets of the world.

He said, Sh... Let silence

Tell you the secrets of the world.


- Rumi, English version by Jonathan Star and Shahram Shiva


Be still.

Listen to the stones of the wall.

Be silent, they try

to speak your




to the living walls.


Who are you?


are you? Whose

silence are you?


Who (be quiet)

are you (as these stones

are quiet). Do not

think of what you are

still less of

what you may one day be.



be what you are (but who?)

be the unthinkable one

you do not know.


O be still, while

you are still alive,

and all things live around you


speaking (I do not hear)

to your own being,

speaking by the unknown

that is in you and in themselves.


" I will try, like them

to be my own silence:

and this is difficult. The whole

world is secretly on fire. The stones

burn, even the stones they burn me.

How can a man be still or

listen to all things burning?

How can he dare to sit with them

when all their silence is on fire? "


- Thomas Merton


Though the air is full of singing

my head is loud

with the labor of words.


Though the season is rich

with fruit, my tongue

hungers for the sweet of speech.


Though the beech is golden

I cannot stand beside it

mute, but must say


" It is golden, " while the leaves

stir and fall with a sound

that is not a name.


It is in the silence

that my hope is, and my aim.

A song whose lines


I cannot make or sing

sounds men's silence

like a root. Let me say


and not mourn: the world

lives in the death of speech

and sings there


- Wendell Berry


When the desire for the Friend became real,

all existence fell behind.

The Beloved wasn't interested in my reasoning,

I threw it away and became silent.

The sanity I had been taught became a bore,

it had to be ushered off.

Insane, silent and in bliss,

I spend my days with my head

at the feet of My Beloved.


- Abu-Said Abil-Kheir


still the body

still the mind

still the voice inside


in silence

feel the stillness move



this feeling

cannot be imagined


- Kabir


why fear this moment

when no thoughts come

at last I lie naked

in the arms of experience

why fear this moment

when no words come

at last I find rest

in the lap of silence

why fear this moment

when love finds itself alone

at last I am embraced

by infinity itself

why fear this moment

when judgment falls away

at last my defenses

fail to keep intimacy at bay

why fear this moment

when hope is lost

at last my foolish dreams

are surrendered to perfection


- Nirmala, from Gifts with No Giver: a love affair with truth



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2. #3591 - Sunday, July 12, 2009




Posted by: " markwotter704 " markwotter704


Re%3A%233591%20-%20Sunday%2C%20July%2012%2C%202009> markwotter704


Sun Jul 12, 2009 11:33 pm (PDT)



Archived issues of the NDHighlights are available online:



Nonduality Highlights: Issue #3591, Sunday, July 12, 2009


Rest and Be Taken


When there is deep abundance

there is nowhere to abide.

There is nowhere to rest

or grasp onto

and yet there is rest


The sky abides

yet it never rests.

Neither can we say that

the sky is not always at rest.

We talk about the sky

as if it were something

as if it actually exists -

and yet we cannot say that

the sky does not exist.

The sky is nothing but

coming and going.

Everything is perfectly spontaneous.

The coming and going arise mutually


If the true I is asleep

you will miss the point entirely

and you will continue to dwell

in the world of opposites.


So see the two as one

and the one as empty

and be liberated

within the world of duality.


At first it seems

as if begoing follows becoming.

But look even closer

and you will see

that there are only

flashes of lightning

illuminating the empty sky.


Life and death

becoming and begoing

are only words.

In order to save your life

you must see that you die


moment to moment

instant to instant.


Now where are you going to abide?

And where are you not abiding already?


Indeed there is nowhere

to rest your head

and there is nothing but rest.

So let go of all ideas

about permanence and impermanence

about cause and effect

and about no cause and no effect.

All such notions are dualistic concepts.


The Truth of what you are

is completely beyond all duality

and all notions of non-duality,

and yet it includes duality

and non-duality alike.

Like an ocean

that is both waves and stillness

and yet un-definable

as waves or stillness.


The truth of being

cannot be grasped by ideas

or experiences.

Both waves and stillness

are the manifest activity

or your own self.

But self cannot be defined

by its activity

nor by its non-activity.

The truth is


ungraspable, all-inclusive

and closer than your own skin.


A single thought about it

obscures its essence.

The perfume of true life

is right in your nose.

There is nothing you can do

to perceive it

and yet you must do something.

I say:

Rest and be taken.

Rest and be taken.

- Adyashanti, from My Secret is Silence: Poetry and Sayings of





When all thoughts

Are exhausted

I slip into the woods

And gather

A pile of shepherd's purse.


Like the little stream

Making its way

Through the mossy crevices

I, too, quietly

Turn clear and transparent.


- Ryokan


You Are the Only Student You Have


You are the only faithful student you have.

All the others leave eventually.


Have you been making yourself shallow

with making others eminent?


Just remember, when you're in union,

you don't have to fear

that you'll be drained.


The command comes to speak,

and you feel the ocean

moving through you.

Then comes, Be silent,

as when the rain stops,

and the trees in the orchard

begin to draw moisture

up into themselves.


Rumi, Mathnawi V:3195-3219, version by Coleman Barks


Word, Thought, Kula and Akula cease to be there!

Neither silence nor yogic postures gain you admission there;

Neither Shiva, nor Shakti abide there!

Whatever remains is That; this is the Lesson!


- Lalla, English version by B. N. Paramoo



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