Guest guest Posted September 20, 2009 Report Share Posted September 20, 2009 Nonduality HighlightsThank you. NDhighlights - NDhighlights <NDhighlights > NDhighlights <NDhighlights > Saturday, September 19, 2009 6:19 AM [NDhighlights] Digest Number 2930 Nonduality Highlights <NDhighlights;_ylc=X3oDMTJjN3NiYmhhBF9TAzk3MzU5NzE\ 1BGdycElkAzIwMzU3MARncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNzczNjAEc2VjA2hkcgRzbGsDaHBoBHN0aW1lAzEyNTM\ zNTU1ODQ-> Messages In This Digest (2 Messages) 1. #3658 - Thursday, September 17, 2009 - Editor: Jerry Katz<about:blank#1> Jerry Katz 2. #3659 - Friday, September 18, 2009 - Editor: Jerry Katz<about:blank#2> Jerry Katz View All Topics<NDhighlights/messages;_ylc=X3oDMTJldmhlYjZp\ BF9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzIwMzU3MARncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNzczNjAEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA2F0\ cGMEc3RpbWUDMTI1MzM1NTU4NQ--?xm=1 & m=p & tidx=1> | Create New Topic<NDhighlights/post;_ylc=X3oDMTJlNXJhcTluBF9TA\ zk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzIwMzU3MARncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNzczNjAEc2VjA2Rtc2cEc2xrA250cGMEc\ 3RpbWUDMTI1MzM1NTU4NQ--> Messages 1. #3658 - Thursday, September 17, 2009 - Editor: Jerry Katz <NDhighlights/message/3658;_ylc=X3oDMTJwYWJlMDY1BF\ 9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzIwMzU3MARncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNzczNjAEbXNnSWQDMzY1OARzZWMDZG\ 1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMjUzMzU1NTg1> Posted by: " Jerry Katz " umbada <umbada?Subject= Re%3A%233658%20-%20Thursday%2C%20September%2017%2C%202009%20-%20Editor%3A%20Jerr\ y%20Katz> nondualguy <http://profiles./nondualguy> Fri Sep 18, 2009 3:38 am (PDT) #3658 - Thursday, September 17, 2009 - Editor: Jerry Katz The Nonduality Highlights - NDhighlights<NDhighl\ ights> ------------------------- Two blog entries pertaining to seeking, in case there is such a thing. ------------------------- This is a video poem I made. Beautiful title track from the album, " Ice Castle, " by KIRSTY HAWKSHAW Enjoy.<http://cafesiena.dreamhos\> In Sight I sit as Ive been taught By the enlightened ones Searching for the naked truth Its been a long road With many miles already traveled And many more to come Will I ever see beyond the veil Not just a glimpse precious peace My minds always a-chatter Mired in hopes and fears Fixed on dreams and desires Grasping the past As much as the future And then theres that grind The dissolution Of my body and brain The grey hair turning greyer The need for more and more sleep Sickness and death Just around the corner Yet they teach of a freedom How do I get it The answers in my mind somewhere Beyond what I normally see I am told I just have to look Observe the myriad displays All fresh and new As if I were a newborn baby Or my Calico kitty The calm does come Like from walking in the deep forest Or viewing a meandering stream And when I feel it Its like coming home to eat a warm dinner And rest with my loved one Any yet it all comes back Like a Caribbean storm The need to be permeated By beauty and fortune Praise and recognition The need to be jealous And angry I dont want any of that Not really But surely I cannot live without my mind The only way to get rid of the pain Is to get rid of my mind I return to the forest And stand beneath a lone Pine Its magnificence so apparent Gentle strength cradles me Standing below soft green needles Shimmering in the breeze I dont think it worries about fulfilling Its destiny. It already IS And then as if by magic Theres no separation Between me and the tree I become this tree Yes The tree is me Im clear Wow Words can't describe this. And the very next moment I think of sushi and beer I have a place where I was born I'm from Kitimat, British Columbia My last name is Hungarian My mother is a Schubert from Austria Im married to someone so near and dear to me I have places to see and things to do I want to be an artist Better yet A craftsman No matter how long it takes I'm all of this too Of this I have no doubt And so it is a delicate balancing act A melding of thinking mind and awareness Like the ever transmuting clouds above Dancing with the infinite sky beyond As lovers feasting on each other They are one The trick is and it's a big trick I must always concentrate Not so much on the clouds So as Not to miss out on all that heavenly glory So they tell me. shoutingbluetiger 2009 -------------------------<http://msayers\> Poke the Guru in the Eye Well, I guess you can tell I'm having fun with this seeking thing now. And I am. Seriously. My brevity has knocked the edge off of the intensity that had become overwhelming at times. I'm having a good time poking fun at things I'd held in some form of disregard or another. But the more I think about it all, the more I'm convinced that everything is suspect now. I'm basing all my looking, questioning, searching, hiding, on a simple question: Is that true? Jesus was part of the trinity of God, and was sent down to Earth to be bludgeoned and murdered so that all of us unworthy humans could make it into Heaven. Is that true? Really? Nothing is exempt from the truth knife! Ockham's razor! We learned a troubleshooting technique in the Navy called half-splitting. To find the problem quickly, take a measurement about halfway in the circuit. If it's bad, go back halfway from there, and keep going until you find the answer. Had some Shainin training a few years ago that used a similar approach. They called it splitting the dictionary. Same principle, but they actually used a dictionary to demonstrate it. You can try it, too. They claimed that if you picked a word at random, they could find it in 18, or less, steps by asking you yes or no questions. For instance, " Does the first word start with a letter that comes before the letter 'M' (halfway down the alphabet)? " If so, you've just eliminated HALF of the dictionary in one step. Brilliant! It works, try it. So, yeah, now I'm wielding the truth knife, albeit in a haphazardly way that grotesquely mimics laziness. The tough questions are not easily asked, though. " Who am I? " , is not a question you can ask with the blade of truth. What kind of yes or no answer do you expect from that? I suppose you could give whatever answer that comes up, then ask, " Is that true? " . As itchy as I am to launch into that question right now, I know where it leads, and it's raining here, and I don't want to work myself up into a manic frenzy, going nutso over this crap, then have to drive home. Oh hell. too late! Dagnabfrigginfarglesnottlebibbtickernuffinspluck! Whew, that was a suppressed cursing episode right there. It worked. I'm OK now. So anyway, I'm really diggin' on ol' UG still. He cuts through the crap with total disregard to common decency or Congressional decorum. Matter of fact, that man has crap-cutting blades on both edges of his truth knives, which are attached to all digits of all appendages, and are flailed about at hurricane force. Dig? That's the kind of confidence and intolerance for whiney little seeker pansies like me I like to see in somebody who's " got it " . That's right muthatrucka, give it to me straight! That's the way I want it! I ain't skeert! Ewww wee, and boy does he curse. Makes your eyebrows go all Spock-like, then you look around to see if anyone else heard. I mean, sometimes he seems royally pissed off! Well, now you probably think that UG is my guru. Nope! I don't have any gurus. I don't want any gurus. I just want to learn until the slow, dopey guy in the back of the class sneaks up on me with that football bat I've been talking about, and WHACK! Ahhhhhh! There it is. Until then. UG is not-so-serious and completely disregards all the other crap I've learned. That's what I'm talking about. Like the old Zen thing with the tea cup. How's that go again. (hold while I let Google do it's thing). OK, here it is (the internet is GREAT!): Nan-in, a Japanese master during the Meiji era (1868-1912), received a university professor who came to inquire about Zen. Nan-in served tea. He poured his visitor's cup full, and then kept on pouring. The professor watched the overflow until he no longer could restrain himself. " It is overfull. No more will go in! " " Like this cup, " Nan-in said, " you are full of your own opinions and speculations. How can I show you Zen unless you first empty your cup? " Damn! That's a great story. I'm that professor, and I've been spending waaaay too much time " learning " about this stuff. I've said it before, and it's so true, that I wish I'd never heard of nonduality, Advaita, oneness, and all that. So this is me. slowing down. having fun with all this useless crap I've taught myself. I'm really happy about what I've realized. Now, if I could only pull the plug out, and PPPPPPPPSSSSSSSSHHHHHHAAAAA (that's for you, blissbait), all the junk could flow out, empty the mind to accept. reality. Back to top <about:blank#toc>Reply to sender <umbada?Subject=Re%3A%233658%20-%20Thursday%2C%20Septembe\ r%2017%2C%202009%20-%20Editor%3A%20Jerry%20Katz>| Reply to group <NDhighlights ?Subject= Re%3A%233658%20-%20Thursday%2C%20September%2017%2C%202009%20-%20Editor%3A%20Jerr\ y%20Katz>| Reply via web post <NDhighlights/post;_ylc=X3oDMTJwcGQ1NTRuBF9TAzk3Mz\ U5NzE1BGdycElkAzIwMzU3MARncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNzczNjAEbXNnSWQDMzY1OARzZWMDZG1zZwRzbG\ sDcnBseQRzdGltZQMxMjUzMzU1NTg1?act=reply & messageNum=3658> Messages in this topic <NDhighlights/message/3658;_ylc=X3oDMTM0dnRmOGxoBF\ 9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzIwMzU3MARncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNzczNjAEbXNnSWQDMzY1OARzZWMDZG\ 1zZwRzbGsDdnRwYwRzdGltZQMxMjUzMzU1NTg1BHRwY0lkAzM2NTg->(1) 2. #3659 - Friday, September 18, 2009 - Editor: Jerry Katz <NDhighlights/message/3659;_ylc=X3oDMTJwcnJ1ZHY0BF\ 9TAzk3MzU5NzE1BGdycElkAzIwMzU3MARncnBzcElkAzE3MDUwNzczNjAEbXNnSWQDMzY1OQRzZWMDZG\ 1zZwRzbGsDdm1zZwRzdGltZQMxMjUzMzU1NTg1> Posted by: " Jerry Katz " umbada <umbada?Subject= Re%3A%233659%20-%20Friday%2C%20September%2018%2C%202009%20-%20Editor%3A%20Jerry%\ 20Katz> nondualguy <http://profiles./nondualguy> Fri Sep 18, 2009 12:07 pm (PDT) #3659 - Friday, September 18, 2009 - Editor: Jerry Katz The Nonduality Highlights - NDhighlights<NDhighl\ ights> ------------------------- Becoming Our Own Wise One By Dr. Stewart Bitkoff * * * There are as many ways to God as there are created souls. Muhammad * * * In our culture, who assumes the role of holy or wise one? In more traditional cultures the holy, wise one is a central figure. Often, they advise the king/queen, sit at the right hand of the chief, understand human behavior and prescribe medicine, help pass along the oral history of the tribe, and have an inner connection with universal wisdom and Truth. When a difficult societal issue arises, this individual is central in helping decide direction or outcome. Daily, they are consulted on a variety of issues. Today, this diverse role and function has been spread across a team of specialists. For guidance, we go to a priest, counselor, doctor, psychologist, historian, politician or lawyer. Because of the complexity of some issues, this specialist may not even live in our own community, and to consult them we make an appointment, months in advance, travel to get the advice/treatment and pay a fee. This specialist model has plus and minuses. Specialists because of training have information and expertise not available to others. In some endeavors, these people are essential and our culture cannot be without them. However, by separating out problems and going to others for solutions, we loose sight for the most part it is possible to manage our own concerns. Within the wise one model, a majority of issues can be solved by one person, who is readily accessible, knows us and is part of our tribe/family. In both models, the holy/wise one and specialist model, there is reliance upon others. While, it is important in today's technological world to have the option to work/consult with a specialist, generally, we have forgotten our own individual potential and multi-level capacities. With training, we can become our own source of wisdom and through inner perception manage a wide range of daily issues, consulting with specialists as indicated. Gradually, we are returning to a model of self-reliance and individual responsibility. We are shifting away from dependence upon others and searching for our own inner wisdom to manage our life. Tomorrow each person will be their own wise one, consulting with specialists far less frequently and only when required. This is the next stage in the evolutionary process. Building Self-Reliance How will this shift in personal awareness occur? We are in the beginning stages of it. Look around and notice the increasing interest in different religious philosophies that maximize individual human potential and how so many are returning to spiritual based living. See the general discontent in the way government is being run and the growing awareness republicans or democrats cannot save us. From the outside, our way of life is being attacked by terrorists who want to return to a more traditional and religious based social system (as defined by them). It is generally recognized, greed in the market place is destroying our middle class. The family fabric is being strained with couples having to work three jobs. Soon we will be a society of rich and poor. Many are beginning to wonder, what went wrong? Also, many are searching for real, lasting answers. We are living in an age when people are turning away from authority based to individual based action. Over time, many realized we have given up too much responsibility to authority, government and institutions; gradually people are taking back control of their lives and working locally to solve their own problems. The shift has occurred and will continue. Remember- a better world is created one person at a time. Missing Ingredient In order to create better, more complete people, we have to add the missing spiritual ingredient. This enriching element balances individual greed and helps the individual realize- because of our complex world; often our best interest is served helping our neighbor. For example, we may have to spend money to upgrade the air filtering capacity of our car engine; so, we have clean air to breathe. This may cost personally, but in the long run our air quality is healthier. According to the mystic, the missing ingredient and balancing factor, is higher consciousness. This consciousness, because of its alignment with Truth, enables the individual to work toward collective interest. This potential is latent in everyone, and its individual development and operation will help save us; and we can continue with our own evolution. Personal spiritual development is a new frontier and area of inquiry. How can each traveler develop inner wisdom and reach higher consciousness? How can each become a wise man/woman and achieve excellence in their daily life? There is a way to do this, but we have forgotten where and how to look. The next phase will see its full reemergence. How do I go about finding the missing ingredient? Turn back to the religion of your birth; become a better Christian, Jew or Moslem. Seek the inner core of religious experience; do not be satisfied with the outer shell of religious teaching and fossilized rules created by others. Find your own, inner, vibrant Truth, and become a spiritual traveler. Each of the great religions provides a structure or framework from which to begin the inner journey of exploration of self and higher consciousness. And if for some reason, your journey is restricted by the religion of your birth, seek Truth and higher consciousness in another spiritual path. Pray and ask for a different way to open to you. Pray for a guide and teacher who will show you your own inner potential and teach awareness of your own growing spirituality. Find a teacher that is aligned with Truth and will give you tools to uncover your own strength, and teach you how to proceed on your own. In this endeavor, three factors must be aligned: the student, the teacher and the grace (Baraka) of the path. It is tradition that the teacher calls to the student's sincerity or purity of heart; this is the factor that enables the student to be successful. How do you grow sincere in your efforts? Seek Truth or wisdom for its own sake not for what it will give you. Seek Truth because you love and must know it. Then, as The Light or God Wills, the golden or inner path will open to you. This is the balancing factor, the missing ingredient. One day this awareness will be as common as the growing realization that there is an underlying or connecting energy in the universe. Balanced Living Until I achieve this inner understanding, what am I to do? Try to live a good, balanced life. Achieve excellence in something. Seek to help others and develop the many aspects of yourself. Make time to listen to your inner song. Stay away from that which is destructive. Do things in moderation and try not to hurt someone. Be kind to yourself and others. Be a good loving person that is an asset to their family, community, and world. If you do these things, in time, the inner missing ingredient will develop. As it develops, it will help you fully utilize all of your skills and abilities. Added spiritual capacity is a balancing and enabling element; helping travelers reach human excellence and completion. And when this occurs, you will be a king/queen in this world and the next; having your own inner wise one to consult. (Originally posted at, copyright 2009, all rights reserved.) Listen to Dr. Bitkoff's weekly show on internet radio: Practical Wisdom, Tuesday 1-2 pm, go to Also by Dr. Bitkoff, A Commuter's Guide to Enlightenment, Llewellyn, 2008 and Journey of Light: Trilogy, Authorhouse, 2004. 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