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Paul/colored lens

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Hi Paul...


Continuing our dialogue....



> >Referring back to Nisargadatta's words

> >offered earlier today,

> >

> > " Suffering is primarily a call for attention, which itself

> >is a movement of love " ,

> >

> >Nisargadatta seems to be suggesting, is he not,

> >that suffering (which is within the realm of 'ego')

> >is a *movement* of love.

> >

> >In other words, Love is already 'rooted' in

> >suffering, whether we recognize it or not?


> I think that there are two different concepts at play here.

> 1) all is the movement of Love, meaning that existence is not a

> creation of Love but merely a 'movement'. (Words begin to break down

> on the definition of this). In this case, Love is indeed 'rooted' in

> suffering - and in everything else for that matter.



Yes. It's the canvas onto which desires and fears

get painted.




> 2) egoic suffering rejects the nature of Love

> and by doing this calls

> attention to the ego that something exists beyond itself. (Sort of

> like taking a slow boat to China versus much speedier travel through

> the " Who Am I? " approach.)



Narcissus comes to mind - in that once one

sees one's self as separate and unique, all that

he sees will a reflection of that self.


Clarity of view then depends on how much

that lens is colored by fears and desires.






> >Clarified. :-)

> >

> >And ditto for 'me'.


> Very glad to have 'run into' you. :-)









> >> How is it with you?

> >

> >Pretty much the same. Sometimes I seem to

> >communicate my thoughts effectively. Other

> >times not. But the clarity of transmission

> >relies as much on the clarity of the listener as

> >it does the communcator.


> Clarity, as in the amount of ego that is allowed to dominate?



Yes. To continue the metaphor from above...


as in how colored or distorted the lens of perception.





> >> Yes, these other points are moot as well, but not in a karmic


> >

> >

> >I'm not sure I follow you here. How are these not

> >'moot' in the same sense?


> In the same vein as the 'Love' topic above, from the standpoint of

> suffering, karma is definately not a moot point. But beyond


> it doesn't matter what is done, and 'who' it is that does it. It's


> Dance of the Universe, beauty abounds, but when we begin to call our

> own tune, we fall out of step. Ouch, is that you stepping on my


> :-)



Nope. Not I. :-)




> >A point can be moot even without our

> >accepting it as so, couldn't it?


> Well said. This points back to my response to the double binding

> behaviour post. Basically, the classification is itself the same as

> the belief in karma. Both have no validity other than as pointers to

> oneself.


Yes. All concepts.


A favorite response of mine from Sandeep is,


" Some concepts cut deeper than others. "




> >> What is the point you are attempting to reach?

> >

> >

> >Just talking.....seeing where it takes us. :-)


> I bow in gratitiude.



As do I.




> >Your name sounds familiar. Have

> >we shared the same list before?


> From time to time I read the messages of some of the other lists,


> very rarely do I ever post anything,



>so it is more likely that I

> 'know' much more about 'you' than 'you' about 'me'. :-)



Oh, lord....


Here we go again!




in jest,


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On Thu, 15 Mar 2001 10:41:01 -0800, you wrote:


>Hi Paul...


>Continuing our dialogue....


Yes, thank you.



>Narcissus comes to mind - in that once one

>sees one's self as separate and unique, all that

>he sees will a reflection of that self.


As a take-off of " I am, therefore, I exist. " - " I am, therefore, you

exist. "


" I love myself, how can I not love you? "



>Clarity of view then depends on how much

>that lens is colored by fears and desires.


'Mind-full' takes on a new meaning.



>> Clarity, as in the amount of ego that is allowed to dominate?


>Yes. To continue the metaphor from above...


>as in how colored or distorted the lens of perception.


The funny thing about this is that no matter where " I " may think that

I am, the lens is always way too dirty... :-)

Sort of like picking up a thorn during travel and having it be a

constant reminder that THIS doesn't belong.



>> Well said. This points back to my response to the double binding

>> behaviour post. Basically, the classification is itself the same as

>> the belief in karma. Both have no validity other than as pointers to

>> oneself.


>Yes. All concepts.


>A favorite response of mine from Sandeep is,


> " Some concepts cut deeper than others. "


Indeed. Sometimes, finding the path through the minefield called ego,

seems impossible. Luckily, the undeniable comes in many, many

different flavors! :-)


The right concept at just the right time will cut deepest. To that

end, we are all Guru's. It's just that some of us are not at it full

time. :-)


Perhaps this is applicable to Nisargadatta's quote that you mentioned.

Can the concepts of that quote wash over you without meaning being

attached to it? It sounds strange, but I think that you know what I




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