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taking a deeper look.....

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> March 23




> What we call our voluntary actions are in fact involuntary and our


> personal free-will is nothing but an ineffectual and temporary


> to the natural, involuntary workings of the universe.



I believe I hear the essence of what he is saying, troubled

though I was at first to hear him use the word " ineffectual " .


What I hear him say is that Life has It's intention. Call

it fate, destiny, karma.... whatever. And the supposed

" free-will actions " of an individual that attempt to run

'counter' to that Movement, will fail to change the

direction of that Movement....they can only delay the



He seems to be taking this statement a step further

below by suggesting that supposed " free-will actions "

to *speed up* that Movement, to " bring about " apperception,

is an exercise in futility, as well.


This seems to be at odds with the 'practice' Maharaj

is said to have encouraged: the focusing of attention on

" I Am " .


This may *not* be at odds, however, if Maharaj was

doing what Osho did: Giving the disciples something

to do, until the 'instant' appercption Ramesh describes

below happens.



> Making positive effort to stop thinking as a spiritual practice is


> exercise in futility, and so is any other kind of effort. The only

> effective effort is instant apperception of truth, which is in fact

> effortless.





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Nisargadatta, " Melody " <melody@s...> wrote:


> What I hear him say is that Life has It's intention. Call

> it fate, destiny, karma.... whatever. And the supposed

> " free-will actions " of an individual that attempt to run

> 'counter' to that Movement, will fail to change the

> direction of that Movement....they can only delay the

> inevitable.


They can't even do that (delay). The 'doer' is purely illusion. The

idea of a doer arises with each action occurring, but nobody is doing

anything... only an idea " I did this " arises at the same instant as

various actions occur (or perhaps lags slightly 'behind' -- I'll

leave that to the philosophers and brain specialists).


What seems to cause the suffering is the sense of resistance that

arises along with the sense of being a doer. Who hasn't felt the

burden of " responsibility? "


> He seems to be taking this statement a step further

> below by suggesting that supposed " free-will actions "

> to *speed up* that Movement, to " bring about " apperception,

> is an exercise in futility, as well.


> This seems to be at odds with the 'practice' Maharaj

> is said to have encouraged: the focusing of attention on

> " I Am " .


The focusing of attention on " I Am " is actually a demonstration of

futility. It tends to encourage seeking/striving momentum to come to

a stop.


> This may *not* be at odds, however, if Maharaj was

> doing what Osho did: Giving the disciples something

> to do, until the 'instant' appercption Ramesh describes

> below happens.


Yes, essentially that's what he was doing, with a twist: It also

includes a strong element of 'self-inquiry' ala Sri Ramana Maharshi.

Remaining with the Beingness is essentially the same thing as

Maharshi's " Who am I? " inquiry (presented even better, if you asked






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~What I hear him say is that Life has It's intention. Call

~it fate, destiny, karma.... whatever. And the supposed

~ " free-will actions " of an individual that attempt to run

~'counter' to that Movement, will fail to change the

~direction of that Movement....they can only delay the



~He seems to be taking this statement a step further

~below by suggesting that supposed " free-will actions "

~to *speed up* that Movement, to " bring about " apperception,

~is an exercise in futility, as well.


~This seems to be at odds with the 'practice' Maharaj

~is said to have encouraged: the focusing of attention on

~ " I Am " .



Nisargadatta points out that the observed thinking,

talking and acting of the body/mind referred to as

Nisargadatta simply enters awareness, without

apparent effort on the part of any imagined identity.


He also states that everything is caused by everything

else. Thus his assertions are the result of everything,

even as they are the cause of everything. This

universal causation--intent-at-large--if you will, acts

upon all, including those instances of mind that

happen to be privy to Nisargadatta's statements.


In this vein when admonitions attributed to

Nisargadatta enter into awareness, they may

be said to cause behaviors conducive to

" enlightenment, " without entailing an exercise

of personal will on the part of any imagined




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Hi Tim.....



> Nisargadatta, " Melody " <melody@s...> wrote:


> > What I hear him say is that Life has It's intention. Call

> > it fate, destiny, karma.... whatever. And the supposed

> > " free-will actions " of an individual that attempt to run

> > 'counter' to that Movement, will fail to change the

> > direction of that Movement....they can only delay the

> > inevitable.


> They can't even do that (delay). The 'doer' is purely illusion.


> idea of a doer arises with each action occurring, but nobody is

doing > anything... only an idea " I did this " arises at the same

instant as

> various actions occur (or perhaps lags slightly 'behind' -- I'll

> leave that to the philosophers and brain specialists).



This is one part of his statement that really hung me

up at first....the idea of *delaying* the inevitable.


But something comes to mind which may be an

example of what he is saying:


I used to be a smoker, and for many years I

struggled and struggled to stop. That 'struggle'

not only cost me a lot of money, but with that

struggle came a lot of feelings of shame mixed

with self-loathing. And so I suffered not only

with the fear of disease and a short life, but

with a heightened sense of shame and self-loathing

because " I hadn't the *will* to change " .( hehehe)


Then one day, I decided it was time to stop.

It wasn't one of those " I should " decisions, but

a sense of determination and finality that arose.

And within 2 days I had.


All those years of struggle and shame and

expense....for nought!


And it does not seem to be such a long stretch

to see that had not that struggle had a 'piling

on' effect ...emotionally.... the habit of

smoking may have ended long before.


I could certainly see how it could have.


It could be this 'piling on' effect.....this

digging a bigger hole, so to speak... that he is

referring to.


And yet, at the same time, this 'piling on'

of shame and self-loathing, was the perfect

action based on programmings and conditionings.


And so what *appears* to be a delay, could

not have unfolded any other way for this

particular 'biological computer'.





> > He seems to be taking this statement a step further

> > below by suggesting that supposed " free-will actions "

> > to *speed up* that Movement, to " bring about " apperception,

> > is an exercise in futility, as well.

> >

> > This seems to be at odds with the 'practice' Maharaj

> > is said to have encouraged: the focusing of attention on

> > " I Am " .


> The focusing of attention on " I Am " is actually a demonstration of

> futility. It tends to encourage seeking/striving momentum to come


> a stop.


I understand. But why do we want the " seeking/striving momentum "

to come to a stop??? Isn't that just veiled seeking????


I guess my question, restated, would be: why does Maharaj

tell his disciples to focus on " I Am " .... if not to 'fascilitate'

awakening.....something Ramesh says can't be done?


Well...heck. Just as I write this, these thoughts come

to mind: His telling disciples to focus on " I AM "

will NOT *speed up* awakening. His teaching may

be just the words that individual was ready to hear

at that time. And Existence placed those disciples

(or readers) such that those words, and that 'doing'

would unfold, just as it did.


(I'm not sure if I made sense to anyone, but it does

resonate with me finally. )


More and more this 'body mind complex' of mine is

'relaxing into' this concept of non-doing. And by

being exposed first to sandeep, then Osho, then

Ramesh and Nisargadatta, Life is unfolding

perfectly -


despite, for the first 2 years, a lot of struggling

to put my attention and efforts elsewhere. :-))


Thanks for the discussion, Tim. :-)




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> He also states that everything is caused by everything

> else. Thus his assertions are the result of everything,

> even as they are the cause of everything. This

> universal causation--intent-at-large--if you will, acts

> upon all, including those instances of mind that

> happen to be privy to Nisargadatta's statements.



Beautiful, tomas!!


Yes, yes. I see that now.




> In this vein when admonitions attributed to

> Nisargadatta enter into awareness, they may

> be said to cause behaviors conducive to

> " enlightenment, " without entailing an exercise

> of personal will on the part of any imagined

> identity.


> -tomas



I loved reading this directly after

writing my response to Tim.


Perfect. Absolutely perfect.


Thanks all!



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