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Regarding True Nature

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Dear Lists,


I am " my True Nature. "


It is impossible to " see my True Nature, " or " know my True Nature, " because

that would require something or 'someone' able to " stand apart from " what I

Am and observe what I Am.


Can you see the futility of this? The stupidity of it?


What prevents " Being what I Am? " Nothing, of course. I am whatever I am,



What is " The dream? " The idea that something or someone (often referred to

as " me " ) can " stand apart from, " or " separate itself from " WHAT IS, in

order to " observe " WHAT IS, or in order to know WHAT IS -- even " in order

to be what is " (HAH!).


Imagine a tree. It does not see that it is a tree, nor does it know that

it is a tree. It is a tree.


Now imagine a tree engaged in this dreaming foolishness. Somehow

'unsatisfied' with being a tree, it has to know that it is " a tree. " It

has to see that it is a tree.


So, an image (or shadow) of the tree appears that " steps away from " the

tree, and imagines that it observes a tree. It imagines that it " knows

itself as a tree. "


But the image being an impossibility itself... what does it see? What does

it know?


It sees a dream, an impossibility. It knows a dream, an impossibility.

The image (imagining itself) standing apart from WHAT IS, it sees only

images, knows only images. In order to do this, it generates a sense of

time and a sense of space. ALL THIS APPARENT ACTIVITY IS THE DREAM.


There is nothing separate or apart from " what is " to observe, see or know

" what is. "


Let this idea sink in deep. When these " efforts " of some imagined entity

(usually called " I " or " me " ) to step apart from WHAT IS in order to

observe, perceive, apperceive, know, see or be WHAT IS cease, then:


The dream dissolves. The " observer or perceiver " dissolves. It was never



What is, is. Which was all that ever was, anyway.


Let the dream end.





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>I am " my True Nature. "


Nothing like an axiom

for saying nothing

in grandiose fashion.


>It is impossible to " see my True Nature, " or " know my True Nature, " because

>that would require something or 'someone' able to " stand apart from " what I

>Am and observe what I Am.


>Can you see the futility of this? The stupidity of it?


Why the harsh judgment?

Does true nature include the dream,

or is it too " stupid " ?




>Let the dream end.


Dreams die,

dreams are born.

Why torture it?



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Perhaps someday, words will be seen

as the loose pointers they are, or

they will be ignored as useless.


Until that day... harsh judgments in all quarters.


Statements will be relentlessly picked apart,

the reader always judging them harshly, harshly,


Even at times judging the writer of those words,

and even judging the *reader* of those words

as superior to the words, as though either

existed 'substantially'.


Harsh judgments seen everywhere, in what is nothing

but an arbitrary arrangement of 26 symbols.






Nisargadatta, " thomas murphy " <tma@c...> wrote:

> Tim:


> >I am " my True Nature. "


> Nothing like an axiom

> for saying nothing

> in grandiose fashion.


> >It is impossible to " see my True Nature, " or " know my True

Nature, " because

> >that would require something or 'someone' able to " stand apart

from " what I

> >Am and observe what I Am.


> >Can you see the futility of this? The stupidity of it?


> Why the harsh judgment?

> Does true nature include the dream,

> or is it too " stupid " ?


> <snip>


> >Let the dream end.


> Dreams die,

> dreams are born.

> Why torture it?


> -tomas

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