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This-Here-Now to El & all

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Hi El,


As you, yourself have said, Maharaj spoke to people at different levels of

consciouseness; depended on who was asking the question and what they needed

to hear at the time.


Last year at the beginning of a Net of Jewels egroup, there were posts about

Ramesh being " the only Master " who spoke for " those who were ready to hear

the final truth " ; " the ripe and mature student " . He is often referred to

as a Sage (as you have also referred to him in posts on Net of Jewels)


I am in resonance with you in regard to ... at a certain point in

understanding, this all becomes resolved; none of this matters, but to come

back to what you, yourself told Dan..... & since we are here, " keeping good

company " is there not a place for discrimination without judgement

....discussion without smart assing? (not implying judgement on your part -

just that this could be a very 'sticky' subject and I in no way want this

to come across as judgemental )


All of the below and several posts from Peter in regard to Ramesh, as well

as a comment made by Cathy after one of my previous postings is stimulating

me to comment ( which i shall do in another post; here would make it too







Dan: and even those are too positive.


El: Yes, but they are a hell of a good start.

Not everybody is where you are.



and in another post to Hur:


But as you move on up or in, these things will resolve themselves by

themselves. And you will not be deceived by the various shadings and colors

of the various hands Maharaj's teachings passed through.


and then in response to Cathy's post

you wrote:


It Rings True HERE.


So quite frankly my dear,

don't give a damn where it came from.








I would like to mention a couple of points here.




... In the past I have confronted Balsekar about

putting Wei Wu Wei's words (which I revere) in Maharaj's mouth. He did not

deny this. Be very aware that Maharaj may not have said these things at





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I think it's safe to assume that Maharaj represents for you (El), what

Robert does for me, and many here regard Nisargadatta as their guru.


Robert was realized at the age of 14, prior to meeting Ramana ( whom he

spent two years with) Nisargadatta (spent 6 months with, when Ramesh was N's

translator) and there were also other 'gurus' (other than jnanis) he spent

time with as well.


In a previous post to this group I shared a satsang with Robert, wherein he

commented on Maharaj being quoted in I Am That, and saying, " that is not

what he meant " and also that Nisargadatta was often angry ( got angry as

part of the act for those(egos) who needed it) at Balsekar. He also regarded

Nisargadatta a Jnani.


Because Robert was a Jnani and spoke in my native tongue without a

translator, his words carry more weight for me than words spoken by Tom,

Dick or Harry. After listening to Robert being presented with questions in

regard to various gurus, teachers and his comments in return - as well as

including everything I mentioned in the previous post, including Peter's

Whale's post to Sandeep:



Ramesh seems to hold the view that he has the ultimate understanding the

same as Maharaj Nisargardatta. Would you hold this opinion?



and also one of Sandeep's posts about seeing Ramesh's stock portfolio on

his (R's)desk...


But if Ramesh has followed the path of jnana marga, as did Nisargadatta,

Ramana and Robert, and if it is accurate that he has the same understanding

as Nisargadatta, it would logically follow that Ramesh is a Sage; a Jnani.


While for some, it may not matter whether Ramesh holds the view that he has

the ultimate understanding - the same as Maharaj's, or whether or not he is

a Master or Sage, to me it did matter because I wanted to know if I was

listening to a Jnani or ajnani...


and so for those, whom it matters as well, I will share with you what Robert

had to say ...


to be continued...

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