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Maharaj on Meditation - a test

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Question: If Maharaj were here and to test me asked me what is meditation,

what would be his response to my answer?


What is meditation?


Perceiving without a perceiver.

Listening without a listener or a listened to.


The ego - not now.

Meditation - now.


The Presence beyond presence and absence

is meditation.


Awareness beyond consciousness is meditation.

Being - not doing is meditation.

Meditation is not what you think.

The cessation of conceptualization is meditation.


Meditation is seeing through the appearance to the Presence

in every person. every event. every situation, every moment.


Forgiveness is not to resist the

flow of life through you.

Meditation is forgiveness.


Humility is realizing that not only are you one with God,

but that everyone else is also.

Meditation is humbling.


All percept and all concept, all phenomena

are consciousness, the objective aspect

of subjective awareness - Presence.

Presencing is meditation.


The realization of your true power

is to realize that there is no other power.

Meditation is not two.


Being documenting monuments

emerging as origin

is meditation.


Nowhere to go

nothing to do

is meditation.

Giving up all seeking

is meditation.


No witnesser, nothing witnessed,

Witnessing is meditation.


No knower, nothing known,

knowing is meditation.

I donÕt know is meditation.


No meditator

nothing meditated on

no mind

no self.


Mutual unimpeded interpenetration is meditation.

You are the meditation



Hur Guler wrote:


> Question: What is meditation?


> Maharaj: To be one with THAT because of which we know we exist is

> meditation. There are a number of names which have been given to

> Gods, all of them represent the same things - they represent this

> knowledge that one is, this beingness, consciousness. This knowledge

> does not refer to an individual, but to the sense of presence as a

> whole. Instead of accepting this knowledge as a total functioning,

> one wants to cut up the knowledge into bits and pieces, taking a part

> for himself, based on some concept. Any knowledge based on a concept

> is not true knowledge...


> When you are dwelling in this consciousness you see that you are not

> doing anything, it is all happening spontaneously. There is no

> question of your trying to do anyting. You cannot try to be your

> Self, because you are your Self.


> ----


> Nisargadatta, a realized master of the Tantric Nath lineage, had a

> wife and four children and lived in a small apartment in the slums of

> Bombay. For many years he supported himself and his family by selling

> cheap goods in a small booth on the streets outside his tenement. His

> life was a telling parable of the absolute nonduality of Being.


> ----


> " There is no question of going anywhere, arriving anywhere, or doing

> anything; you are there already.


> " One has to work in the world; naturally, carry on your worldly

> affairs, but understand that that which has come about by itself -

> that is, this body, mind and consciousness - has appeared in spite of

> the fact that nobody has asked for it. .. The life force and the mind

> are operating, but the mind will tempt you to believe that it

> is " you " . Therefore, understand always that you are the timeless,

> spaceless witness. And even if the mind tells you that you are the

> one who is acting, don't believe the mind. Always keep your identity

> separate from that which is doing the working, thinking and talking.

> That which has happened - that is, the apparatus which is

> functioning - has come upon your original essence, but you are not

> that apparatus. "


> ----


> " The Self is nothing else but the knowledge that 'you are'.

> Meditate on that principle by which you know 'you are' and

> on account of which you experience the world. Meditate on

> this knowledge 'you are', which is the Consciousness, and

> abide therein. "


> ----


> Q: What gives you the courage to transcend in the nothingness which

> you know is

> there?


> M: Your deep urge to understand the Self. Receding only means to go

> within,

> your normal inclination is to come out through the five senses and

> see the

> world. Now reverse; I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not

> the senses;

> now you are stabilized in consciousness. After stabilizing in

> consciousness

> all further things will happen automatically. You expand into the

> manifest.

> I was, I am, I shall be in that original state before the " I Amness "

> came.



> Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj

> Edited by Jean Dunn

> The Acorn Press


> Reposted from: http://www.sentient.org/nis.htm



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