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From One of El's Friends--Genocide in Afghanistan

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One of El's friends


Sandeep's comments on journalist's article


Mon, Oct 22, 2001, 10:26 PM






1) The Koran is clear. Although it preaches

leniency with the non-Muslim, it also clearly concludes

that there is only one long-term course that is

satisfactory to Allah: either convert the infidel or kill

him. In our cutesy, Hollywood liberalism, we cannot

accept that at face value, but want to play footsie with

clerics of all ilks. If the roles were reversed, we could

expect the same reaction from fundamentalist Christian

clerics as we see from fundamentalist Muslim clerics:

just kill those who don't agree with us. This should

lead us to the notion that perhaps both religions

(similar and intertwined in so many fundamental ways)

may be faulty in their basic assumptions. A careful

meditation on that should lead to another consideration.


That consideration is that neither religion (Muslim

or Christian) means anything stripped away from the

culture that produced it. Our technology (material

culture) and our non-material culture have changed

in many ways that are incompatible with literal,

historical application of either great religion.


Mankind cannot progress as long as it clings to

religious barbarism clothed in modern attire. Perhaps

it's time to scrap the traditional thinking and redefine

where it is we want to go in light of where we've

been in the last few thousand years, i.e., look ahead

instead of backward. And looking ahead ultimately means

looking within. Until man looks inward for answers

instead of outward, we will be relegated to fighting

over the psychotic ravings of the interpreters of historic

rebels like Christ and Mohammed.


The other possibility is to revert to the barbarism

which both religions encompass so well. The way we are

going, we may accomplish this quite soon. Then everyone

can proceed with a clear conscience to wipe out anyone

who doesn't agree with him and then we can all trust to

our innate aggressive tendencies for an ultimate conclusion.


I'm not saying either religion is right or wrong,

simply that times have changed us and, as we have progressed,

those who interpret the traditional religions have eschewed

that change and try ceaslessly to jerk us back to stone age

mores and precepts. Instead of attacking the believers,

we should attack the beliefs, particularly each his own. If

we are wise enough to do this there may be hope for mankind

as a species. If not, we may well go the way of the dinosaur.

We have no more moral or divine right to survive than the

dinosaur. We should take heed and move inside and begin

asking ourselves where we have gone wrong and accept the

responsibility for what is. Only then can we make sense out

of the mess that is ours to correct.


2. Paraphrasing Musahide:


My storehouse having been burnt down,

Nothing obstructs the view

Of the bright moon.


3. Hokushi:


Unto the ashes where my cottage burned,

The cherry blossoms scatter,



4. If nothing else, time holds the cure:


Over the warriors summer grasses wave:

The aftermath of dreams,

However brave. (Basho)


5. " If a man wishes to be sure of the road he treads on,

he must close his eyes and walk in the dark. " St. John of the

Cross, " The Dark Night of the Soul "


6. He creeps along the log in fear and trembling.

He does not know the bridge is flowing

And the water is not. (Sengai)




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At 10/23/2001-10:48 AM elizabeth_wells2001 wrote:

>1) The Koran is clear. Although it preaches

>leniency with the non-Muslim, it also clearly concludes

>that there is only one long-term course that is

>satisfactory to Allah: either convert the infidel or kill



Which Quran are you talking about? The one you wrote yourself?

I don't pretend to be an expert on the Quran but no where does it say these

outrageous things.

In fact during the times when science flourished under Muslim rule, all

religions were treated respectfully. After all, the Quran is the

progression from the old testament and the new testament. The Muslims

believe in all the holy people that Jews and Christians believe in.


Otherwise I agree with what you wrote. I personally think all organized

religions [including Hinduism and Buddhism] are outdated and are political

entities not spiritual.


I Love You,

Cyber Dervish


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