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mistakes made on the Spiritual Path

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Phil Servedio: The most common Errors made by Westerners on the Spiritual Path.


From beginningless time until now, all beings have mistaken themselves for

phenomena and, having lost sight of their original mind, are influenced by

phenomena, and end up having the scope of their observations defined by

boundaries large and small.


-Surangama Sutra, Gautama Buddha


I thought that this would be a top ten list, but upon secondary consideration,

it became clear that the number and kinds of errors that can be made are " as

numerous as the grains of sand on a beach " . And come to think of it, I've made

most of them, so I am an expert in this field!


The main thrust of this essay is that as eastern esoteric dharma has been

integrated more and more into the west, many a spirtual teacher has faced

obstacles in students that are endemic to the western mindset. Certainly most

'errors', or incorrect views, assumptions, imputations and concepts are

universal, spanning the globe. There is a certain 'spin' to the errors that have

a ring of familiarity to the west, as well as a brand new style of foolishness.

The main reason for the 'new foolishness' is that the western attitude and

orientation has been excessively dominated by a rational mind that is

characterized by linear thinking, far reaching conceptualization, introspection

and analysis, a black and white mentality, and perhaps the most blaring of all

characteristics, the reification of rationality itself.


You would think that with our lengthy training in math and science, critical

thinking, and the scientific method it would in some way create a happier and

more enlightened society, but that is not the case. In fact, it appears that our

western mindset and life of thinking and conceptualization is a runaway train

with no brake, and a cause for a great deal of excess complexity, depression and

a host of other mental afflications, all leading to profits of pharmaceutical

dispensary of Prozac, Zoloft, Valium and other mood altering pharmacopia. And

this excessive mentation does not escape the aspirant on the spiritual path.

Indeed, many a teacher has thrown up his or her hands in frustration dealing

with western students. Therefore I had an idea of listing and categorizing the

most common of errant views that not only are plain wrong, but upon which

fixation or clinging to these ideas prevent growth and only help to prolong



Of course, errors are not only the exclusive domain of beginners, but there are

'lions at the gate' at all points and stages in the spectrum of consciousness.

One obvious danger is similar to the reason why second year airline pilots are

susceptible to crashes: " a little knowledge (or experience) is dangerous " . Based

on knowing the ropes, gaining a little insight, one can feel that s/he has

completely scaled the wall of human suffering and ignorance, only to find that

over time, to one's surprise, there is a lot that has yet to be realized or

known. So here goes, and certainly it's not an exhaustive list, but ones that I

know from personal experience and observation.


Beginner Mistakes


Attempting to figure out the truth with the mind Using the tools that are one's

disposal is a natural strategy, and nothing is wrong with that. But to think

that one is going to excel in all human endeavours by the same tools and methods

that got him or her through Trigonometry class is a huge mistake. What is not

seen is that engaging the tendency to figure it all out is the very thing that

is preventing innate wisdom from going forward.

A large part of early practice is to quiet down this attempt to figure it out

through intentional or discursive thought, which is basically a strategy of

fear, anyway - figuring things out is a way to keep on top of things, a form of

aversion or holding back, not wanting to touch the unpleasantness of existence.


Low spiritual self-esteem: I'm not worthy or it's impossible for me.


Straight from Wayne's World ( " We're not worthy! " ), this idea is buried deep in

the western psyche and is probably a result of the tendency to over-analyze, or

based on the assumption that since most of the esoteric traditions are from the

" East " it's not geared or possible for the westerner.


It's gonna be real easy


The opposite of low self-esteem, a form of hubris which is probably a

compensatory mechanism. Also derives from a lack of understanding about the

spiritual process. Of course, it may be easy for some, but the concept

surrounding it is simply an obstruction.


Excessive conceptualizing, analyzing and criticizing


Some folks get into self analysis and criticism, hoping that is the key to

innate wisdom. As stated in the early paragraphs, this tendency to

over-conceptualize and analyze is part of the 'mental knot' or tendency that

characterizes the western seeker. It is more often than not simple habitual

patterning that has to be eased for any growth to occur. Spirituality is not a

glorified talk therapy session.


Avoidance of difficulty


Wanting a sanitized version of spirituality, going the workshop route, touching

the water just enough to get a taste but not wanting to really get involved, is

just another strategy of fear and avoidance. Difficult things are bound to arise

sooner or later for all but a rare few, and building castles of avoidance is

just prolonging the inevitable.


Seeking of difficulty, reifying difficulty


Realizing the above, one throws himself or herself into difficult situations

strategically to work through it faster or more intently. Or volunteering for

rough service assignments as a badge, means to look good, or that somehow noble

causes get you spiritual brownie points. Often borne out of a passionate,

emotional type who is hooked into the chaos and energy of crisis (read: Bill



Belief and hope of an 'end state'


The hope that one will arrive at some end state is one of the major foundations

of ignorance and suffering. It is hope itself which is the issue, which only

serves to delay or push one's freedom into the future.

Because one is suffering, the hope for a state of blissful invulnerability is

extremely strong and perhaps inevitable, but a major obstacle. Often it is the

hope for an extended womblike experience outside of the mother, which is the

opposite of mature spirituality which involves heightened sensitivity and

vulnerability, and a deep understanding of how states are supported by causes

and conditions. And the hope for a 'state', and the conception that freedom is

some kind of condition is based upon a lack of understanding about the nature of

things and what state are supported by.


Seeking of pleasurable states of experience for themselves One taste of

transcendent bliss can keep someone trying to duplicate that experience for the

rest of one's life. But a strategy of seeking pleasure is simply branching out

of the addictive tendency into the realm of spirit and is another form of the

desire for extended 'wombness'.


Reifying energetic experiences Related to the above strategy of spiritual

pleasure seeking, one assumes that blissful energetic experiences are what

spirituality is about and if one is not having them, there is 'something wrong',

setting up a deeper strategy to re-invent those blissful experiences. Mistaking

subjective analysis for Witnessing or innate wisdom.


Hearing about or reading about Witness Consciousness, non-dual Awareness, or

Transcendent Wisdom, one attempts to become wise by making an effort with heavy

intent to analyze oneself and offer concepts about how one is or tends to be.

While useful to some extent, subjective analysis is still in the realm of the

conceptual mind, and this tendency has to be relaxed in order for the innate

Witness to become evident.


Excessively relying upon external authorities for wisdom


While I do not want to add any more to the tripe of anti-Guru sentiment, there

is a tendency in some to just hand it over to the Guru, and never grow in the

relationship, keeping a spiritual daddy in place. Often borne out of the desire

to be safe, to be on the 'good side' (thank you Chogyam Trungpa), one never

absorbs the wisdom of the Guru into his or her own consciousness, as this would

require personal responsibility. The tendency to keep projections in place is a

strong one, and they have to be reeled in and owned sooner or later in order for

growth to occur. Keeping the Guru in place is tantamount to not seeing the Guru

as one's own inherent wisdom. For some it is just a form of laziness, others a

form of 'superstar fascination' that never is let go of. Gurupie-dom has to be

transcended sooner or later, even if one stays with the same Guru for the entire



Comparing and contrasting one's experience and insight with others

Often borne out of low-self esteem, a paranoid fear that one 'does not have it'

or 'will never have it', or basic adolescent competitiveness, this tendency is

sheer stupidity. But I confess I've done it a lot! Underlying it all is the

basic ignorance of the innate wisdom of pure Being.


Wanting to be free but wanting to stay the same People may want to grow

spiritually but like all other humans they fear change and with the mechanism of

ego in place, it fears the potential threat that spirituality represents. It's

ordinary to want to have it both ways, to 'have your cake and eat it too' but

the 'you' who is being clung to and identified with is the very root of one's

illusion and problem.


~ continued ~


full article http://www.geocities.com/mi_nok/mistake.html





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