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all there is, is Totality

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some people get hooked on advaita because they imagine that the

fleeting glimpse of the nondual awareness they have experienced, the

mysterious grace is GOD.. though it may just be a mental state, a

neurological disorder where the sense of self (the little self, ego),

sense of doership malfunctioned and didn't kick in the way it was

designed to do so.


god is the anon, unknown causes, the uncertainty, the sum of all

personal love and fear. god is the other, the big daddy who's always

watching the paranoid mind.


the difference between myths and thinking is that myths tell you the

magic plug in figure for all the uncertain formulations is

GOD...thinking says for example, the cause is water, consciousness,

or ice cream. greeks thought sea storms were caused by the sea god.

you can say the cause is water, wind, ice cream and even advaitans'

almighty Consciousness and all these answers may turn out to be wrong

but it's better than saying " all there is, is Totaliy. " it's as

redundant as saying " every formula equals its Total. " yeah, duh.


the people who say " all there is, is god " and worship the persona of

the existence, their facial expressions will quickly turn sour

when " god " in another format says no to them. people who cling on to

these sort of delusions, very often their personal lives are a mess

but they'll keep on telling you " all there is, is god " till they're

blu in the face. why is that? why is it that they have this need? in

turkish there is a very cruel saying. " the hungry chicken will

imagine itself in a cereal warehouse. " is religion a mental illness

or a therapy for mental illness? i have no idea but it's madness.


why am i saying all this? if you're programmed to believe in god,

enjoy sex, you'll continue to do so and why should you stop anyway if

it pleases you? please excuse me but it's also my program at this

stage of my life to enjoy questioning these sort of things.



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--- hurg <hurg wrote:

> some people get hooked on advaita because they

> imagine that the

> fleeting glimpse of the nondual awareness they have

> experienced, the

> mysterious grace is GOD.. though it may just be a

> mental state, a

> neurological disorder where the sense of self (the

> little self, ego),

> sense of doership malfunctioned and didn't kick in

> the way it was

> designed to do so.


Every thing is a mental state. Reality itself (as you

see it) is a mental state. Your dog sees a different

universe that you see, and you, are a mental state in

your dog's mind. :) or maybe God's. People inquire


the nature of reality because they are unhappy,

dissatisfied, they suffer. Completely happy people

have no philosophical questions. Investigate your

mental states and why they cause you suffering. Be

alert, pay attention to whatever comes up in

consciosness and all your questions will vanish.







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