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Matter vs Spirit

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This is an old debate. The fight of the centuries. One

fight in which matter's reputation has been badly

bruised. Gross, lowly, lumpy matter has been despised

and relegated for centuries like a cosmic Cinderella.


Well, things started changing last century. The more

scientist learned about matter the more ethereal it

became. Today, matter is as much a mystery as spirit

and almost as insubstantial.Matter might be nothing

more than different values of energy fields inherent

in space itself. So what reason is there to deny the

brain the paternity rights to consciousness? A human

brain has more synaptic connections possibilities that

the total number of all the subatomic particles in the



That is an inconceivable large number. Your brain

could contain all the information in the universe.


Consciousness is not downgraded if considered a child

of the brain, on the contrary. It's only those who


for personal survival, who would have their personal

memories survive death who believe consciousness needs

be a spiritual entity encompassing the universe.


They fail to realize there is no outside or inside the

brain. The universe doesn't end at our cranium. There

is only one seamless whole.


Join the 21th century. Matter is cool!


Best wishes,






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