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[DirectApproach] If you think you are free, You are free. - Various sources.

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Ram Tzu knows this...


You respond to flattery.


You adore being told that you are:


Pure Love

Ultimate Goodness



Everything Wonderful and Worthwhile


You flock to Masters

That reassure you

You're not the debased

Little asshole

You secretly know yourself to be.


Guess what?


The You they are talking about

Isn't you.









Jan Sultan

ultimateAdvaita ; SufiMystic

Saturday, September 14, 2002 8:43 AM

[DirectApproach] If you think you are free, You are free. - Various sources.

You are already enlightened. You already are the pure and perfect reflection of God, a part of God and the whole of God. You are Sat Chit Ananda, Being Consciousness Bliss. Clear the cobwebs [the ego-mind] and see for yourself. Enough is enough, do not delay now … let that Sat Chit Ananda which is your real nature shine out.Everything else is the pass-time of the ego-mind. [including temporary bliss experiences, witnessing, expanded consciousness, kundalini, colorful ‘enlightement’ experiences, etc. … nothing that comes and goes is you] If you prefer the games and fairy tales of the ego-mind that is okay too.It’s a win-win situation.So rejoice and celebrate. There are no losers in this deal.However, if you really want to confirm your enlightenment, don't beat around the bush. Read and understand and confirm deep down your truth from the Ashtavakra Gita. [You will find a copy in the files section here: SufiMystic ]All techniques, all effort, all meditation is just a round-about-way to confirm this fact. Almost all who have “become enlightened” realize this fact. [They invariably hit their heads and say, “What a fool I have been. It was so simple, so obvious.”]See quotes below.JanUltimateAdvaita- -- ----------------------- -- -ASHTAVAKRA GITA says,"If you think you are free, You are free.If you think you are bound, You are bound.For the saying is true: You are what you think."- -- ----------------------- -- -RAMANA says,“ Mukti or liberation is our nature. It is another name for us. Our wanting mukti is a very funny thing. It is like a man who is in the shade, voluntarily leaving the shade, going into the sun, feeling the severity of the heat there, making great efforts to get back into the shade and then rejoicing, "How sweet is the shade! I have reached the shade at last!" We are all doing exactly the same. We are not different from the reality. We imagine we are different, that is we create the bheda bhava (the feeling of difference) and then undergo great sadhana (spiritual practices) to get rid of the bheda bhava and realise the oneness. Why imagine or create bheda bhava and then destroy it?"- -- ----------------------- -- -NISARGADATTA says,“Liberation is not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the courage to believe that you are free already and to act on it."- -- ----------------------- -- -BALSEKAR says,“What people call realization or enlightenment already exists - it is not 'something' to be acquired. Therefore, any and every attempt to 'attain' it is an exercise in self-defeating futility.”"We are neither different nor separate from Consciousness, and for that veryreason we cannot 'apprehend' it. Nor can we 'integrate' with it because wehave never been other than it. Consciousness can never be understood inrelative terms. Therefore, there is nothing to be 'done' about it. All isConsciousness and we are That."- -- ----------------------- -- -JEAN KLEIN says,“What you are looking for is what you already are, not what you will become. What you already are is the answer and the source of the question. In this lies its power of transformation. It is a present actual fact. Looking to become something is completely conceptual, merely an idea. The seeker will discover that he is what he seeks and that what he seeks is the source of the inquiry.”- -- ----------------------- -- -

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Well I see that this little backed up sewer pipe of a group is stillfestering in all of its sin and corruption. When are you all going tostraighten up and bow down? The Lrod doesn't want to have to wreak havoc andconsternation on you, but he will if you don't get down onto your knees andtake a stand for God.Well, I am off for the next two weeks to the Madagascar for a gloriouscrusade in the name of Yehway (rhymes with freeway). We are going to handingout condoms to cut the transmission of AIDS, and we will be collecting gunsfrom the militant fundamentalist Islaams to cut down on the terrorism.And of course we are going to be spreading the good news of the Kingdom ofGod that is going to overthrow all the existing governments and rule theworld with gentle loving kindness. So if you want to live in that wonderouskingdom, you better get with the program because if you don't, the Lrod willtear you limb from limb and leave your sorry ass carcas to be consumed bythe birds of carrion.This message of peace and hope is brought to you by the Reverend HelenHiwater Evangelical Foundation, which has been bringing messages of peaceand hope to the teeming masses since 1996, when I was contacted by the Lrodand told that I had a mission to save the world from the grimey clutches ofthose who would claim to be serving mankind, when in actuality all they aredoing is stroking their egos and lining their pockets with ill gotten gain.Speaking of which, if you would like to send a love offering, we wouldn'twant to offend you by turning it down.All I can tell you is that you need to repent and debase yourself. Once thathas been done and accepted in your heart of hearts, you will be sooooo proudof the humility you will find. There's just nooooo way around it.A sister in service to the Lrod,Reverend Helen Hiwater, DD

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So gee, then. Is it you?



Judi Rhodes [judirhodes]Saturday, September 14, 2002 8:13 AMDirectApproach Cc: Nisargadatta Subject: Re: [DirectApproach] If you think you are free, You are free. - Various sources.

Ram Tzu knows this...


You respond to flattery.


You adore being told that you are:


Pure Love

Ultimate Goodness



Everything Wonderful and Worthwhile


You flock to Masters

That reassure you

You're not the debased

Little asshole

You secretly know yourself to be.


Guess what?


The You they are talking about

Isn't you.









Jan Sultan

ultimateAdvaita ; SufiMystic

Saturday, September 14, 2002 8:43 AM

[DirectApproach] If you think you are free, You are free. - Various sources.

You are already enlightened. You already are the pure and perfect reflection of God, a part of God and the whole of God. You are Sat Chit Ananda, Being Consciousness Bliss. Clear the cobwebs [the ego-mind] and see for yourself. Enough is enough, do not delay now … let that Sat Chit Ananda which is your real nature shine out.Everything else is the pass-time of the ego-mind. [including temporary bliss experiences, witnessing, expanded consciousness, kundalini, colorful ‘enlightement’ experiences, etc. … nothing that comes and goes is you] If you prefer the games and fairy tales of the ego-mind that is okay too.It’s a win-win situation.So rejoice and celebrate. There are no losers in this deal.However, if you really want to confirm your enlightenment, don't beat around the bush. Read and understand and confirm deep down your truth from the Ashtavakra Gita. [You will find a copy in the files section here: SufiMystic ]All techniques, all effort, all meditation is just a round-about-way to confirm this fact. Almost all who have “become enlightened” realize this fact. [They invariably hit their heads and say, “What a fool I have been. It was so simple, so obvious.”]See quotes below.JanUltimateAdvaita- -- ----------------------- -- -ASHTAVAKRA GITA says,"If you think you are free, You are free.If you think you are bound, You are bound.For the saying is true: You are what you think."- -- ----------------------- -- -RAMANA says,“ Mukti or liberation is our nature. It is another name for us. Our wanting mukti is a very funny thing. It is like a man who is in the shade, voluntarily leaving the shade, going into the sun, feeling the severity of the heat there, making great efforts to get back into the shade and then rejoicing, "How sweet is the shade! I have reached the shade at last!" We are all doing exactly the same. We are not different from the reality. We imagine we are different, that is we create the bheda bhava (the feeling of difference) and then undergo great sadhana (spiritual practices) to get rid of the bheda bhava and realise the oneness. Why imagine or create bheda bhava and then destroy it?"- -- ----------------------- -- -NISARGADATTA says,“Liberation is not an acquisition but a matter of courage, the courage to believe that you are free already and to act on it."- -- ----------------------- -- -BALSEKAR says,“What people call realization or enlightenment already exists - it is not 'something' to be acquired. Therefore, any and every attempt to 'attain' it is an exercise in self-defeating futility.”"We are neither different nor separate from Consciousness, and for that veryreason we cannot 'apprehend' it. Nor can we 'integrate' with it because wehave never been other than it. Consciousness can never be understood inrelative terms. Therefore, there is nothing to be 'done' about it. All isConsciousness and we are That."- -- ----------------------- -- -JEAN KLEIN says,“What you are looking for is what you already are, not what you will become. What you already are is the answer and the source of the question. In this lies its power of transformation. It is a present actual fact. Looking to become something is completely conceptual, merely an idea. The seeker will discover that he is what he seeks and that what he seeks is the source of the inquiry.”- -- ----------------------- -- -

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