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The opposite of Silence is effort!

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Being in the silence does not require effort. Being your true self does not

require effort.


Try this ... try to force yourself to sleep or to do the jobs in the toilet

.... it won't happen! Only a letting go of effort, of trying, will get the

job done.


It is effort that is maintaining your status quo. Your fear of falling down

into the deep silence is what is maintaining the frantic search of

something to do, somewhere to go ... all that workholism, doerholism,

restlessness ... all that searching, wanting, 'knowing', etc.


There is not much difference between us and a schizophrenic. All of us live

in our minds. In fact we don't want to let go. We are afraid to let go of

the continuous commentary. We do not want to fall in the space between two



We do not want to let go of our story. We are all junkies, addicts to our

story. We are no different from those who live artificial lives in their

fantasy worlds of computers and the Internet!


Until, perhaps, desperation and bankruptcy sets in. When we finally want

out. Unfortunately, the tricky ego then starts another story ... that of

the seeker!


It is not seeking that will get you there. It is the complete end of your

story. Complete resignation, complete surrender, complete letting go ... no

half hearted measures! The end of all effort!



PS: This is advise for myself. If it also benefits you ... great! If you

think it is rubbish, that's fine too.


Here are a few relevant quotes from Balsekar:


Because it has been man's conditioning that it is only effort which could

bring him anything in life, it is extremely difficult for an ordinary man to

grasp the fact that nothing more than a deep understanding of one's true

nature is necessary for the total transformation of awakening to take place.


It is wanting that is the cause of bondage, irrespective of whether that

wanting is for some material benefit or for realization. Man's viewpoint

has become so inverted that he thinks of effortless, unfathomable

contentment as an abnormal condition that must be attained through want by

some special positive " spiritual " efforts!


There can be no technique or system for that total transformation in

viewpoint called enlightenment for the simple reason that all effort must

necessarily emanate from the illusory ego, that very mind of

thought-intellect which has brought about the sorry plight from which the

individual seeks freedom.


Once it is seen that volition is not only unnecessary but illusory, it

becomes obvious that in order to see something which is already there, no

effort is valid.

Effort to realize Truth is futile because Truth is all there is. Everything

IS Truth. One must abandon the cleverness of reason for bewilderment,

which is intuition or reliance on the innate principle of BEING


Life can be really and truly simple if we don't fight it.


Enlightenment is total emptiness of mind. There is nothing you can do to

get it. Any effort you make can only be an obstruction to it.


Apart from the futility of effort itself, any attempt to prevent thoughts

from arising divides the mind artificially into that which does the

prevention against that which is being prevented, creating only neurosis and

conflict. Whatever thoughts arise (being without substance) will promptly

vanish by themselves if they are not accepted and pursued as effective

reality. To try to erase thoughts consciously and deliberately is like

trying to wash away blood with blood.


There is an extremely important but subtle aspect of spiritual development

that is often lost sight of. It is that in each case, depending on the

makeup of each psyche, the development is taking place spontaneously

according to nature and that any deliberate efforts on the part of the

pseudo-entity only create hazards and obstructions. If this is kept in

mind, one automatically evades the greatest spiritual danger, which is the

uprising of the ego. What, then, is the individual to do? Merely to let

true understanding deeply impregnate his very being, passively and

patiently, so that all illusions and obstructions gradually fall off by



Intellect is very much necessary to understand certain fundamentals, but

there is a strict limit beyond which it cannot go. Thereafter it is only

when intellect gives up all efforts and acknowledges total surrender that

intuition takes over. Awakening can only happen spontaneously by itself.

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I think you explain this stuff a lot clearer than

Ramesh. You should write a book clarifying his





--- Jan Sultan <swork wrote:

> Being in the silence does not require effort. Being

> your true self does not

> require effort.


> Try this ... try to force yourself to sleep or to do

> the jobs in the toilet

> ... it won't happen! Only a letting go of effort, of

> trying, will get the

> job done.


> It is effort that is maintaining your status quo.

> Your fear of falling down

> into the deep silence is what is maintaining the

> frantic search of

> something to do, somewhere to go ... all that

> workholism, doerholism,

> restlessness ... all that searching, wanting,

> 'knowing', etc.


> There is not much difference between us and a

> schizophrenic. All of us live

> in our minds. In fact we don't want to let go. We

> are afraid to let go of

> the continuous commentary. We do not want to fall in

> the space between two

> thoughts.


> We do not want to let go of our story. We are all

> junkies, addicts to our

> story. We are no different from those who live

> artificial lives in their

> fantasy worlds of computers and the Internet!


> Until, perhaps, desperation and bankruptcy sets in.

> When we finally want

> out. Unfortunately, the tricky ego then starts

> another story ... that of

> the seeker!


> It is not seeking that will get you there. It is the

> complete end of your

> story. Complete resignation, complete surrender,

> complete letting go ... no

> half hearted measures! The end of all effort!


> Jan

> PS: This is advise for myself. If it also benefits

> you ... great! If you

> think it is rubbish, that's fine too.


> Here are a few relevant quotes from Balsekar:


> Because it has been man's conditioning that it is

> only effort which could

> bring him anything in life, it is extremely

> difficult for an ordinary man to

> grasp the fact that nothing more than a deep

> understanding of one's true

> nature is necessary for the total transformation of

> awakening to take place.


> It is wanting that is the cause of bondage,

> irrespective of whether that

> wanting is for some material benefit or for

> realization. Man's viewpoint

> has become so inverted that he thinks of effortless,

> unfathomable

> contentment as an abnormal condition that must be

> attained through want by

> some special positive " spiritual " efforts!


> There can be no technique or system for that total

> transformation in

> viewpoint called enlightenment for the simple reason

> that all effort must

> necessarily emanate from the illusory ego, that very

> mind of

> thought-intellect which has brought about the sorry

> plight from which the

> individual seeks freedom.


> Once it is seen that volition is not only

> unnecessary but illusory, it

> becomes obvious that in order to see something which

> is already there, no

> effort is valid.

> Effort to realize Truth is futile because Truth is

> all there is. Everything

> IS Truth. One must abandon the cleverness of reason

> for bewilderment,

> which is intuition or reliance on the innate

> principle of BEING


> Life can be really and truly simple if we don't

> fight it.


> Enlightenment is total emptiness of mind. There is

> nothing you can do to

> get it. Any effort you make can only be an

> obstruction to it.


> Apart from the futility of effort itself, any

> attempt to prevent thoughts

> from arising divides the mind artificially into that

> which does the

> prevention against that which is being prevented,

> creating only neurosis and

> conflict. Whatever thoughts arise (being without

> substance) will promptly

> vanish by themselves if they are not accepted and

> pursued as effective

> reality. To try to erase thoughts consciously and

> deliberately is like

> trying to wash away blood with blood.


> There is an extremely important but subtle aspect of

> spiritual development

> that is often lost sight of. It is that in each

> case, depending on the

> makeup of each psyche, the development is taking

> place spontaneously

> according to nature and that any deliberate efforts

> on the part of the

> pseudo-entity only create hazards and obstructions.

> If this is kept in

> mind, one automatically evades the greatest

> spiritual danger, which is the

> uprising of the ego. What, then, is the individual

> to do? Merely to let

> true understanding deeply impregnate his very being,

> passively and

> patiently, so that all illusions and obstructions

> gradually fall off by

> themselves.


> Intellect is very much necessary to understand

> certain fundamentals, but

> there is a strict limit beyond which it cannot go.

> Thereafter it is only

> when intellect gives up all efforts and acknowledges

> total surrender that

> intuition takes over. Awakening can only happen

> spontaneously by itself.




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