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The Sampradaya of Dattatreya, the other nondual lineage?

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" Why should sampradayas originating from Shankara be the only one

valid ?

Shankara definitely was not the first person to speak on the non-dual

philosophy. Take for instance, the sampradaya of Dattatreya, who also

expounded non-dual philosophy. The Navnath sampradaya traces his


to Him. A recent guru of this tradition, Shri Nisargadatta Maharaj,

who was a contemparary of Ramana Maharshi, spoke very highly of


Even Ramana himself says that what he preaches is not


philosophy, but philosophy based on his own experience. This


just matches that of Shankara [Talks with Ramana]. "




" Just for information, Nisargadatta Maharaj was the guru of Igneri

(sp?) branch of the Navnath sampradaya, which is supposed to started


the teachings of Rishi Dattatreya {who is beleived to be an


of the Trinity of Brahma, VishhNu and Shiva}. Dattatreya is mentioned


Markadenya PuraaNa, bhagavata puraaNa etc. He is believed to have


Avadhuta giitaa and is mentioned extensively in tripura rahasya. "



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