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> I am sorry, Devi,


no problem, your extremely nice compared to most of the other men on

other lists..



I didn't mean to sggest You were arrogant, only that some things


> appeared that way. You are right, it is my interpretation. If one

is having

> a delusion now, how can one admit to it?


devi: no, i'm not having a delusion now, i used to have delusions,

thinking i was a famous personality from previous lives.i've thought

that i was an alien. or that realizaiton was had by one out of a

million and i was lucky enought to be one of those one out of a

million...would you like to meet some other realizers,,,theres jeff,

gangak, judi, greg, geene jody? i've been talking with them since the





We all know we exist. What is this knowledge you

speak about?

devi: we all may know that we exist but there are different levels of

> > knowing this,,,enlightenment is the deepest level..


> It is always perfectly obvious on every level, yes? It is the

noticing that

> makes the difference, and the disposition affects the abilty to



devi: i don't know if its perfectly obvious,,,if you've realized it

on all the levels then why are you still confused?



> It can be said to be extemely deep as at the Heart or Ground of

Being, and

> yet it is Nowhere in particular, so it must be locatable

Everywhere, even

> the shallowest level.




this is the best description of realization that i'v seen: it was

written by meher baba




NIRVANA is that state where apparently " God Is Not "

This is the only state where

" God Is Not " and

" Consciousness Is "

this experience of the first stage of Fana

is what Buddha emphasized

but later on it was misinterpreted

as Buddha having emphasized that there was no God

the reality, however

is that God Is;

but in the absolute vacuum state of the first stage of Fana

only consciousness remains experiencing " Absolute Vacuum "

as it can never happen for God not to exist

in the state of Nirvana

God plays the part of consciousness itself

which consciousness is sometimes termed super-consciousness or " Maha-

Chaitanya "

the second stage of Fana must immediately and invariable follow this

Nirvan state

and the " I Am God " state is experienced consciously

the first stage of Fana is thus immediately followed by the second

state of Fana called " Fana-Fillah "

where the annihilated false and limited ego or " I " is replaced by the

real and infinite, unlimited " I "

on which the super-consciousness now becomes automatically focused


the " Absolute Vacuum " is automatically filled by the experience of

the Infinite.

the super-consciousness of God in the man state, as man now fixed and

focused on the unlimited " I "

spontaneously identifies man with God the Infinite.

Simultaneously with the identification, the super-consciousness of

God the Infinite experiences the " I Am God " state.

This is the GOAL.

attainment of the Goal is to attain the " Nirvikalpa-Samadhi "






> Is realisation dependent on anything?

> One the one hand one could say it depends upon the disposition, the

point of

> view, the asana...but on the other hand, what can one say except

that it

> depends on Grace. What *is* Grace?



devi: grace is something good that happends to you when you don't

except it?


> > All the sages I have heard agree that NOTHING is added in

> >> realisation.

> >

> > devi: i think its just *thought* semantics, i can say nothing is

> > added but everything is removed..everything including body/mind

> > complex...nirvana is NOTHING, maybe thats what they mean by


> > is added...


> > The one who is, is present now.

> >

> > devi: yes, but do you know that one at the deepest level of your




> I know Him at the shallowest level.


> <snip>

> > my kids are pestering me so i can't look over what i said,maybe


> > of it is inacurate..



> don't sweat it...You're kids still at home with you? I thought

they'd be all

> grown by now, being you're so old an' all. ;-)


very funny: my youngest is 14, my oldest is 27,,,


> That was to make up for the 'you spell your name like a girl'

> nonsense!Hahahahahah


devi:really, i've been watching you for some months now and i thought

you were a very agressive woman...now that i see your a man, i

understand and think that your aggressivness is low compared to some

of the other baracuda on the internet...


> here's some love for you))))))))))))))


devi: oh, thank you, hugs to you


> BTW who's your Guru?


> )))))))))Skippy


i say that Baba Hari Dass is my Guru, but i've had alot of help from

other sourses...i actually didn't accept Him as my Guru till after

realization..i think upon just seeing Him a few times pushed me over

the edge..is your wife into nisargaddataa? where do you live? i'm in


and let me know if you want to meet some other realizers,

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Karta: wow Shawn! I never saw Grace

described like this smiles:


" > Yes, and more...it is the the power of Love freely flowing from us all and

> everywhere available. It is Shakti, herself. It is the transforming Power of

> what IS.

> "


> We're on the Big Island of

> Hawaii.


Karta: my Hungarian sufi poet friend

Imre lives there




and do you know Jay Ludvick who

has a wood factory: both live in

Honaunau? he is a Quan Yin devotee

we went to Washington DC to see Ching

Hai together.


I looove that Buddhist place there

the Paleaku Garden and their yoga

classes too.




in Hilo I have an other famous

Hungarian friend for 25 years





Awareness-Love, Karta


> ))))))))Shawn

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would you like to meet some other realizers,,,theres jeff,

> > gangak, judi, greg, geene jody? i've been talking with them since


> > summer..?


> No,non ,no keep them away! lol


devi: haha, i wish i hadn't have met them, some of them can be down

right nasty...mean...haven't changed at all from the unenlighted

beings they were..

shawn: We all know we exist. What is this knowledge you

speak about?

devi: we all may know that we exist but there are different levels of

knowing this,,,enlightenment is the deepest level..

shawn: There are no levels ultimately.

devi: i can see levels and i can see that there are no level



devi: i don't know if its perfectly obvious,,,if you've realized it

on all the levels then why are you still confused?

shawn: Everytime i think I am this body-mind and I am a doer, there

is confusion.

devi: oh, well you just have to change the angle of your mind...think

God does everything, it's true too, you have no choices in this life,

everything is just happening. nisargaddatta says that he is just the

looker...everything just happens..thats your whole problem, you still

think you do something,,,just stop...


shawn: Enlightenment to me, means this doesn't happen anymore at all.

The ego is seen thru so completely that the natural state of Being

Only is Ever-apparent and natural....this to me represents what I call

enlightenment. But then again, I turn to Sri Ramana Maharshi and Mr.

Natural for my inspiration.


devi: oh i see, i understand what your saying..i think this has

something to do with that adyashanti quote i pasted,,a few posts

back,,about how there are alot of beings who have had an experience

of the Self but the beauty of sri ramana was that He embodied It.


well, i consider just having that nirvan/nirvikalp the goal, if

someone didn't come back to the body after that expereince they would

be considered muktied, liberated...



that's enlightenement, but still, after enlightenement, and this is

my undersatnding, and coming back into creation ,there for some of

us are still residual karmas working themselves out. and those karmas

are not selfish karmas, there special yoga yoga sanskaras...liberated

sanskaras....you know i can't imagine you reaching that goal to be

like ramana or nisargadatta until you retire from the world,,,so you

better hope that what happens is that you make alot of money fast so

you can retire and just sit and be that SELF..

> <snip>

> >

> > this is the best description of realization that i'v seen: it was

> > written by meher baba

> >

> >

> >

>shawn: I don't agree with this at all. Sahaj is the highest and

natural state

> according to all the big guys I've read. Nirvikalpa denies the


> perception of objects.

devi: i think meher baba was a bigger guy then ramana or

nisargaddats, no offence...and yes nirvana/nirvikalp is a formless

place and like i said above, the ones who don't come back from that

state are considered muktied....i don't have what meher baba says

about shaja samadhi, but he does talk about it as being after the

nirvan, nirvikalp,,if i have the time i'll look for it...




> >> Is realisation dependent on anything?

> >> One the one hand one could say it depends upon the disposition,


> > point of

> >> view, the asana...but on the other hand, what can one say except

> > that it

> >> depends on Grace. What *is* Grace?

> >

> >

> > devi: grace is something good that happends to you when you don't

> > except it?


> Yes, and more...it is the the power of Love freely flowing from us

all and

> everywhere available. It is Shakti, herself. It is the transforming

Power of

> what IS.


devi: yes, that nice description



> I really don't like fighting, and I realise that Any ideas I may

have that

> are so strong as to cause an emotional flustering when contradicted


> another is a sign of attatchment and identification that needs to

be looked

> at more closely by myself.


devi: why do you have to look at it.? just stop thinking


> That being said, I do think it serves a pupose to argue nicely


> getting personal and without malice. And if all this spiritual

stuff does

> not end up in love, then it is really worthless from the get-go,


> ))))))))))))


devi: i totally agree, i'm sad that those other realizers are the way

they are, they make it difficult for me to love them, but sometimes i

tell myself that i'm not supposed to love people, i'm supposed to

love God, supposed to just be love without necessarily seeking iton

the outside..>

> >


i say that Baba Hari Dass is my Guru, but i've had alot of help from

> > other sourses...i actually didn't accept Him as my Guru till after

> > realization..i think upon just seeing Him a few times pushed me


> > the edge..is your wife into nisargaddataa? where do you live? i'm


> > california

> > and let me know if you want to meet some other realizers,



> My wife is not much interested in this stuff. We're on the Big

Island of

> Hawaii.


> ))))))))Shawn

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Nisargadatta , shawn <shawn@w...> wrote:

> on 4/2/03 9:39 AM, shawn at shawn@w... wrote:


> >

> >> i say that Baba Hari Dass is my Guru, but i've had alot of help


> >> other sourses...i actually didn't accept Him as my Guru till


> >> realization..i think upon just seeing Him a few times pushed me


> >> the edge..is your wife into nisargaddataa? where do you live?

i'm in

> >> california

> >> and let me know if you want to meet some other realizers,



> I'm confused again. ;-)


> You say you didn't accept him till *after* realisation and yet then

you say

> seeing him pushed you over.


> )))Shawn


it makes sense..i went to see Him a few times, three, maybe four..i

didn't think of Him as my guru yet....then i had my *experience*

(it's possible that he thought of me and that's what pushed me over)

and then after that, was when i need HIm because i was pretty

disorientated..i realized him to be my Guru..

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