Guest guest Posted June 19, 2003 Report Share Posted June 19, 2003 Praise to the right path; an open letter related to Fathers-day based on the lords prayer. Open letter related to Fathers-day (based on the Lord-s Prayer # Matthews 6:9b-13 (KBS)) May we and all our relatives be safe and secure May we and all our relatives be happy at heart. Our father # He, himself will say to me : " You are my Father, my God and the rock of my wholesomeness. " Psalm 89:27 (NBG) And for every country we determined the doings for offering and initiation, so that they may speak the name of Allah over their cattle that he has given to them. Your God is àne God and therefore be humble to him. He gives good tidings to the humble ones. Al-Hadj 22:35 In heaven# And heaven itself will tell of his justice, because God himself is judge. Sela Psalm 50:6 (NWT) He will sent from heaven and save me. He will confuse the ones that are grasping towards me. Sela. God will sent his loving goodness and truthfullness. Psalm 57:3 (NWT) Holy thy name# In name of Alla the charitable, the mercifull. All honor is Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The charitable, the mercifull. Master of judgementday. You alone we worship and you alone we beg for help. Lead us to the right path, the path to whome you have given your favours - not to them on whome your thorn has come down nor that of the roamers. Al-faatihah 1:1-7 Thy kingdom comes#(a New Age) But first seach for his kingdom and his justice and this all will be given to you. Dont be concerned for tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries; every day has enough of its own evil. Matthew 6:33-34 (NBG) Thy will be done on earth as in heaven# Take your noise of your songs away from me; dont let me hear the melodious soungs of your string instuments. Let justice roll forth as the waters and righteousness as a continuous flowing stream Amos 5:23-24 (NWT) He said; " I am the voice of someone who calls from the wilderness that shouts " make the path of Jehova right " . Just like the prophet Jesaja has said. John 1:23 (NWT) [buddha :] " And this, monks, is the noble truth of the way of practice leading to the cessation of suffering: precisely this Noble Eightfold Path: right view, right resolve, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. " Samyutta Nikaya LVI.11 And Zacharia, John, Jezus and Elia. Each of them belonged to the viruous. And Ismael. Elia, Jonas and Lot; each of them we raise above the people. And from our fathers and their children and their brothers be chose them and lead them to the right path. This is Allah's guidance, he leads his servants with that, who he wants. And if they worshipped someone else besides him, then everything that they would try to do would have been lost. It is them who we gave the book and rulership and the job of prophet. But now they are ungreatfull; we have trusted it to people who are not ungreatfull for it. It is them that Allah has lead right; therefore follow their guidance. Say " I dont ask you a reward for it, this is simply a exhortion to all nations. " And they misinterpretate the right value of Allah when they say : " Allah made no disclosure to anyone. " Say : " Who disclosed the book of Moses as a light and guidance to the people - that you write down on paper and makes known, while you hide a lot and that is taught to you, even though you and your fathers knew nothing about it? " - Say : " Allah " and then leave them alone to enjoy themselves with their empty game. Al-an'aam 6:86-92 Give us today the bread that we need # Stop detroying the work of God for the sake of food. All things are purified, but it is harmfull for a human to eat motivated by stumbling. Have your faith that you own in accordance with yourself facing God. Happy is he who doesnt cause a judgement because of what he approves. Because if your brother is sad because of food, you dont walk according to love any longer. Dont break down with food those for whome Jesus has died. Because the kingdom of God doesnt mean eating and drinking, but it means justice and peace and joy with the holy spirit. Romans 14:20-22,16-17 (NWT) ---------- ---- For further information do I refer too the Theological Faculty of Tilburg (Netherlands) where they also teach in accordance with the Islam. ---------- ---- And forgive us our faults as we have forgiven those with debts to us.# Wonderous creator of the heavens and the earth. How can he have a son, when he doesnt have a consort? He created all things: and he is the knower of all things. This is Allah, your Lord. There is no other God besides him, He is the creator of all things, pray to him because he is the guardian of all. The eyes cant reach him; but he reaches the eyes. Because he is the untouchable, the all knowing Al-an'aan 6:102-104 When the angles said : " O Maria, truly, Allah gives you a happy tiding through his word; His name will be Messiah, Jesus, son of Maria, honoured in this world and in the next and he will belong to them that are in the precense of God. And he will speak to the nation in the cradle and at a middle age and he will be one of the righteous ones. " She said: " Lord how shall I have a son because no man has approached me? " He said : " Allah creates, whatever he wants. When he decides something he only says : " Be " and " it becomes " . And he will teach him the book of wisdom the Torah and the gospel. " Ali-Imraam 3:46-49 Sure, Allah is my lord and your lord; pray therefore to him, this is the right path. When Jesus noticed their disbelieve, he said: " Who will be my helpers because of Allah? " The disciples answered: " We are the helpers of Allah. We believe in Allah. An you will testify that we are Moslims. And they made plans (against Jesus). Allah also made plans (against them), but Allah foresees the best. When Allah says : " O, Jesus, I will make you die and lift you and purifiy you of the unfaithfull and shall your followers be victorious till the last day to them who dont believe; then your return will be to me and I shall speak right about that in which you make a difference. Sure, The case of Jesus with Allah is the same as that with Adam. He(Allah) created him out of dust and said : " Be " and he became. The truth is with the Lord, therefore dont belong to them who are in doubt. Would they argue with him(Jesus) after the knowledge came to you, then say : " Come, let us gather our children and you children, our women and your women and our nation and your nation; let us pray full fire and ask for a curse of Allah to those who lie. " This is surely the true explanation and there is no God than Allah and he truly is the Almighty, the Allwise. Yet if they turn away from him; Allah knows those troublemakers very well. Ali-Imraam 3:52-56,60-64 And because he lives in the flesh, he will be called the son of God, and because he has submitted the flesh to the will of the Father and because the Father is the Son. The father because he was created by the force of God and the son because of the flesh; therefore he becomes the father and the son. Mosiah 15:2-3 (BOM) He himself will say : " You are my father, my God and the rock of my wholesomeness " Psalm 89:27 (NBG) The shadow contains the darker aspects of our character that have remained undeveloped because they have not been given expression. If neglected, our shadow will rule us. So powerfull is the shadow, Jung wrote, that if it is not attended to, it will appear in the world as our fate. Shadow-work, Christine Jette. ISBN 1-56718-408-1 And dont lead us into temptation# And if Allah would have wanted it, they wouldn't have raised Gods. We made the propher no guard over them, nor are you the guardian over them. And dont abuse them who worship besides Allah, otherwise they will out of anger and ignorance abuse Allah. We made to every nation look their own deeds pure. Then they shall return to the Lord and he will inform them about what they are trying to do. Al-an'amm 6:108-109. But save us from evil# # Matthew 6:9b-13 (KBS) And there are people that say : " We believe in Allah and in the last day, even though they are no believers. " They try to deceit Allah and the believers, they fool noone but themselves and they dont realise it. There is a sickeness in their hearts and Allah made that sickness worse; them awaits a painfull punishment because they try to lie. When they are told : " Dont make mischief on earth " then they say : " We are only founders of peace " . Watch out! For certain it is them who make mischief, but they dont realise it. And when they are told : " Believe as others believe " , then they say: " Shall we believe as fools believed? " Watch carefully! They are the fools though they dont realise it. And when they meet the faithfull they say : " We believe " , but when they go to their leaders, they say : " We are on your side, we only ridicule them " . Allah will punish such ridicule and he will let them wander astray in their blindness. It is them who accepted the error in exchange for the right path, but their dealings has brought them no gain, nor could they be lead. Al Baqarah 2:9-18. They who break the pact with God after the confirmation of it and those who break apart what Allah ordered to unite and those who make mischief, they are the true losers. Al-Baqarah 2:28 They who are continuously dedicated to me and pray to me lovingly, to them do I give the intellect by which they can come to me. Bhagavad Gita X.10(ISKCON) May all beings be safe and secure May all beings be happy at heart Amen (a son) <End letter> Well as a psychiatric patient or as a person with a sick mind do I have a weakness in all of this. I seem to have many weaknesses with all of this and with wrong view, wrong resolve, wrong speech, wrong action, wrong livelihood, wrong efforts, wrong mindfulness, wrong concentration, wrong knowledge etc. Never the less do I try to share this gift with you in the hope that it contributes to your well being. God however has a reputation of being mercifull though and is will lead those to the right path who ever he choses. With mudita, Ratananam Matar. -- A saying of the Buddha from Having slain mother (craving) and father (conceit) and two warrior kings (views based on eternalism and nihilism), and having destroy a country (sense-avenues and sense-objects) together with its revenue officer (attachment), ungrieving goes the Brahmana (Arahant). Random Dhammapada Verse 294 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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