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Dancing Love

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Many spiritual seekers get " stuck " in emptiness, in the absolute, in

transcendence. They cling to bliss, or peace, or indifference. When the

self-centered motivation for living disappears, many seekers become

indifferent. They see the perfection of all existence and find no reason for

doing anything, including caring for themselves or others. I call this

" taking a false refuge. " It is a very subtle egoic trap; it's a fixation in

the absolute and all unconscious form of attachment that masquerades as

liberation. It can be very difficult to wake someone up from this deceptive

fixation because they literally have no motivation to let go of it. Stuck in

a form of divine indifference, such people believe they have reached the top

of the mountain when actually they are hiding out halfway up its slope.


Enlightenment does not mean one should disappear into the realm of

transcendence. To be fixated in the absolute is simply the polar opposite of

being fixated in the relative. With the dawning of true enlightenment, there

is a tremendous birthing of impersonal Love and wisdom that never fixates in

any realm of experience. To awaken to the absolute view is profound and

transformative, but to awaken from all fixed points of view is the birth of

true nonduality. If emptiness cannot dance, it is not true Emptiness. If

moonlight does not flood the empty night sky and reflect in every drop of

water, on every blade of grass, then you are only looking at your own empty

dream. I say, Wake up! Then, your heart will be flooded with a Love that you

cannot contain.


_ Adyashanti

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This is,.......... pure,...........sublime...........transcendental............




















No doubt appropriate, ..................and pure baloney.



---- Original Message -----




Monday, August 04, 2003 08:24 AM

Dancing Love

------Many spiritual seekers get "stuck" in emptiness, in the absolute, intranscendence. They cling to bliss, or peace, or indifference. When theself-centered motivation for living disappears, many seekers becomeindifferent. They see the perfection of all existence and find no reason fordoing anything, including caring for themselves or others. I call this"taking a false refuge." It is a very subtle egoic trap; it's a fixation inthe absolute and all unconscious form of attachment that masquerades asliberation. It can be very difficult to wake someone up from this deceptivefixation because they literally have no motivation to let go of it. Stuck ina form of divine indifference, such people believe they have reached the topof the mountain when actually they are hiding out halfway up its slope.Enlightenment does not mean one should disappear into the realm oftranscendence. To be fixated in the absolute is simply the polar opposite ofbeing fixated in the relative. With the dawning of true enlightenment, thereis a tremendous birthing of impersonal Love and wisdom that never fixates inany realm of experience. To awaken to the absolute view is profound andtransformative, but to awaken from all fixed points of view is the birth oftrue nonduality. If emptiness cannot dance, it is not true Emptiness. Ifmoonlight does not flood the empty night sky and reflect in every drop ofwater, on every blade of grass, then you are only looking at your own emptydream. I say, Wake up! Then, your heart will be flooded with a Love that youcannot contain._ Adyashanti

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Nisargadatta , shawn <shawn@w...> wrote:

> --


> such people believe they have reached the top

> of the mountain when actually they are hiding out halfway up its




at the video satsang group i attend, i had listened to adyashanti

tape once. i admit i liked the youthful zen-like stillness of his

voice. that's one of the good things with our group...that we

watch/listen a variety of tapes that i normally would not, such as

eckhart tolle and francis lucille whose dryness drive me nuts (just

my personal bias, no need to defend the gurus or my choiceless



anyway, since i liked the stillness of his voice, i was rooting for

adyashanti till he started talking about this mountain. you see, i

don't doubt he reached the mountaintop but there is a very important

lesson in writing. you don't just talk about the

mountaintop, you show it. i am not referring to the proof of his

enlightenment. with ramana and nisargadatta, they " show it " the way

tolstoy does by describing the mountain, not just drawing

distinctions at the ones who're halfway up its slope. one can be

enlightened but the skill to show it in words is a rare talent. i

know i am sounding like a connoisseur of rich mountain grown coffee

or something, which i am not.


talking about mountains...i used to climb mountains (or just huge

hills) when a was a kid. from a distance the mountain looked like a

huge chunck of rock but when i was climbing it, the mountain would

disappear! that always freaked me out. where did the mountain go?

since i could no longer see the mountain, it was hard to determine

which direction to go...the best guide was to follow the domestic

goat droppings. other travellers or your instinct could fool you but

the goat droppings...never. luckily when i was down, i could see the

big black rock again.



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Sandeep Chatterjee <sandeepc wrote:



This is,.......... pure,...........sublime...........transcendental............




No doubt appropriate, ..................and pure baloney.





Hi Sandeep,



Ok, here it comes: ... why?









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Hiya sk,


Aaaah, just when the baloney got deleted.


Since the person in question who was quoted, is most likely not present on this List to explain/clarify etc etc, ..........


.........invite you sk, to share what you felt was not baloney in that baloney and let's chew some blades of grass and shoot the breeze on that.


What sez ya?










Monday, August 04, 2003 11:05 AM

Re: Dancing Love


Sandeep Chatterjee <sandeepc wrote:


This is,.......... pure,...........sublime...........transcendental............




No doubt appropriate, ..................and pure baloney.





Hi Sandeep,



Ok, here it comes: ... why?







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Since the person in question who was quoted, is most likely not

present on this List to explain/clarify etc etc, ..........



Imagine I were the author and I would ask you, why you opine that

what I wrote is baloney.




.........invite you sk, to share what you felt was not baloney in that

baloney and let's chew some blades of grass and shoot the breeze on




Ok! Again: Why do you think what I wrote is baloney? At least it

provoked your reaction. By your reaction I deduce, you wanted to tell

me that what I wrote is baloney. Should I change my writing style? My

reaction is pure curiosity. So, tell me why did I write baloney and

why did you get the urge to respond to it?



sk :)

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