Guest guest Posted August 13, 2003 Report Share Posted August 13, 2003 Been talking of " qualifications " - try this on for size: Prof. Dr. Sir John Whitman Ray, B.A., N.D., D.Sc., N.M.D., C.T., M.T., C.I., Cert. Pers., Ph.D., B.C. Dip. N., M.D.(MA), Dr. Ac., F.F.I.M., Dp.I.M., F.W.A.I.M., R.M., B.E.I.N.Z., S.N.T.R., N.Z. Char. N.M.P., N.P.A. Enlightenment - a Physician's view. Dr. Ray: Did everybody hear that? Would you stand up please and speak loudly so everybody can hear you. Richard L.: I've been sitting here and I keep looking at a certain kind of resistance in myself - to really and fully accept and embrace the fact that our bodies can totally heal themselves. What I've been noticing is that we have this mechanistic view of the body; probably all of us have it. It seems like we view the body as a sort of object that things sort of happen to. And , you know, obviously, the body has innate intelligence where it can heal itself. I would like you, John, to talk a little bit about that - how this pressure on the point mobilizes the body's innate intelligence - how this sustained pressure on the point helps the body trough its own innate intelligence somehow - because that's the point I'm still a little bit confused about. Although I see it happening, I also still have some resistance. Dr. Ray: What is the question? Richard: The question is: How does this pressure on the body, this sustained pressure, how does that help the body to mobilize its own innate intelligence so that these blockages from the past can be released - so that the healing can be released? Dr. Ray: OK. As I understand the question - how does the sustained pressure on an acupressure point help the innate intelligence of the body to come forth? OK. Have a seat. OK. Let's take a look at the experiences that all of you will have eventually - where you will be able to feel - and let's start with something very simple - where you'll be able to feel the intelligences in the animal life. And you will be able to hear them speak to you as I am speaking to you. I am sure some of you have had those experiences - on a hologramic level - where you are in communication with your cats and you are in communication with your dogs. And they're just as real and alive as a human being is. Now as you increase your perceptiveness you will then have the opportunity of realizing that plants have feeling just like we have. And we should give them every single bit of love a respect as we would a human being. Because they are alive. They have feelings. They have emotions. They have drives. They have desires just like we have. So, plants really communicate. And in a safe space when you love a plant, they will actually talk to you. And you will hear them like I'm talking to you. Iris (Weir) had a plant the other day that was crying out for water. Correct? Iris: Yes. Dr. Ray: And Iris had to go and water that plant because it wanted to get watered. A plant cries out for water. And it's natural physical communication between a plant and human being. Now, as you move into the mineral world, you will have a realization that intelligence literally exists within a mineral itself. And it can be programmed with thoughts, feelings, and spoken words, to where it will operate within those bounds and limitations which a higher form of intelligence entrains into that mineral world. So there is intelligence that operates " automatically " - may I use the word? - within certain bounds and limitations even within the mineral world. It's not just a piece of rock. There is life and intelligence in that rock as it is slowly learning its experiences and moves upward. There's a little resistance here to what I'm saying. That's great. Now I' ll really blow your minds. Emerson says it this way; he says it very beautifully. And (Ralph Waldo) Emerson was one of the people that had the opportunity of having an enlightenment, where had that 360 degree vision where everything was made known to him momentarily - to let him know that there is more than just a body. And he said this - he wrote it down in beautiful beautiful poetry: A subtle chain of endless rings The next unto the furthest brings; The eye reads omens where it goes, And speaks all languages, the rose; And striving to be man, the worm, Mounts through countless spires of form; And so the intelligence that we have within the rocks themselves moves gradiently upward from mineral life into plant life into animal life, and then eventually into human life - over eons and eons of time. Until, through the experiences of life, they have learned to master every single energy at every single level. Every energy! At every level. And then they become Gods. It's that simple. Now, for the cells of our body, every cell in our body has intelligence. And when we look at our horse that we ride... This is our horse. We curry it well. We feed it well; we rest it well. We take it out and exercise it occasionally. We allow it to laugh and scratch. We allow it to breed and seed. We do what we have to do with it, you know. And, the things is, this is our horse. It has life in it. It has intelligence in it. And we, as a superior intelligence, being the middle self, we are able to entrain the lower self through the laws of love, light, and perfection and take away the resistances of the emotional body which enslaves the lower self so it cannot progress - which is the scar tissue on the body, which is the accumulation of the muco-protein within the body - shutting off our nerve supply and circulation, and so on. And gradually, when we cleanse this tabernacle, then that holy spirit can dwell herein - and we get that continual throbbing at 72 beats per minute as we keep receiving that impulse from our higher self - our God presence - and it activates and heals every cell of our body. And it lifts the vibratory level of the lower self up into a harmony with the higher self - especially when consistency and integrity and intent and commitment of the application of the law applies. And so when we as the middle self dedicate ourselves to become in perfect harmony with universal laws then our physical body will respond and start vibrating and moving up into a oneness with the middle self - which is us. Little Pogo goes out one day with his little canoe, a little dugout, you know. He goes with his little dugout up through the bayous. He says, " I'm going to go out and find the enemy. " And he comes back and says, " I've found then the enemy. And the enemy is us. " And that's who the enemy is. If you start looking at the carbon hydrogen body that we have... I've talked about this before, I think, with this class before, haven't I? How things were designed for this part of the universe? Haven't I? Richard: No. Dr. Ray: Haven't I? OK. Cellular intelligence is what the question is. This is all part of it. When we, as intelligences - and the intelligences in the grass, the intelligences in the birds, the intelligences in human beings, the intelligences in every little cell, the intelligences in every little grain of quartz, all of us collectively, at one time, agreed to separate from a One-ness. At which time we began to intersperse and start playing the game of life - with the agreement that we would find ourselves totally enmeshed in physical matter, where the physical universe, being the end result of resistance, would then be dropped back into eventual One-ness. Now according to the ancient teachings, we are at the very outermost thrust of the cycle of time before we once again return back into that universal One-ness. Which will take a few billion years. But we're at that point where we've totally identified ourselves with matter. We've done a beautiful good job of this. And now we're going to resolve all that and go back the other direction to the One-ness of all life. Well, what took place was that there was no plan to do that. And we get deeper and deeper on the dwindling spiral into identification with matter and there's no way to get back. So, the carbon hydrogen body was designed so that it would be a perfect outer manifestation of the inner consciousness. So that as we would think, our physical body would immediately respond to either a positive or a negative thought - where it would on one hand be able to project infinitely anything that the soul of man would design. And it would be capable of receiving anything that the soul of man could conceive. And so therefore, the physical bodies that we have originally was designed with a perfect DNA - with a perfect head structure approximating the crystal skull (Referring to the crystal skull in the posession of Anna Mitchell-Hedges in Kitchner, Canada. See the book by the same name and references by Shirley McLain in her book, Out on a Limb) with a perfect antenna to where we could receive all things within the time space continuum - and we would be able to project all things into that time space continuum. OK? Now, at that time, the exciting part about the whole things is - is that the physical body is a carbon hydrogen body. So that the moment that we have any degree of resistance which would be brought about from a judgement pattern which we would hold in our ever present state of consciousness we'd go down to our resistance. The unwillingness to experience is a resistance - the unwillingness to have something happen again is a resistance - if we're unwilling to ever have something happen to us again - we are doomed to have it happen again - and again - and again - until we can make it alright that it's happening. No matter what it is. But it's the unwillingness to experience which keeps the resistance in a continual state of creativity - which will then be reflected in the physical body by a carbon hydrogen or protein-melanin complex. A melanin protein complex - which will be our brown pigmentation in our eyes. It can be a golden pigmentation - it can be a dark brown - it can be a black. All of this is your melanin protein complex, which is an organic computer chip full of stored memory. Now, the intelligence, then, of the cell is subject to this melanin protein conditioned response - or stimulus response self perpetuating structure. It goes right down through the generations. And this determines the genetic concept that brown eyes are dominant. Because we inherit, to a great degree, that brown eyed inheritance from our ancestors. Unless we can love it out. And in the moment that we can love it out - which will be demonstrated by the fact that we are loving - and as we love and overcome all of these judgments that we have totally identified with - and let go of all the " shoulda - coulda - woulda's " we let go of the straight and narrow path which is our belief systems - we let go of all things and encompass all things and become all things to all people - at that point in time we no longer are sitting on top of belief systems. We're sitting on top of one thing and one thing only. We observe the energies around us and we participate appropriately within the law of right action. And when we can do that - period! And when we let go of all of our belief's, our judgments, the shoulda-coulda-woulda's - the only path toward immortality - as one person described - this very stringent belief system is the only path which will take us toward infertility. We die out. (Scattered laughter) So, as a result, what happens in our life - we look at the physical structures of our body and use it as a springboard toward spirituality. Because a physical body becomes an exact outer manifestation of our inner consciousness. Now, for those of us that have a little question on that, the body becomes our teacher - our perfect teacher. And the reason there's so many different irises of the eyes is because so many of us, because of our love factor, we' ve already overcome many things. So the eyes form in a different manner, from birth. But for the people that are still locked into a lot of resentment, are still locked into a lot of resistance, are still locked into a lot of belief systems, then ( now forgive me for getting very pointed because I notice there's a lot of brown eyes out here still) but we believe so heavily we are on a path which is accurate for us that we cannot consider alternatives. And any other alternative becomes very distasteful and direct violation and even a rupturing of our comfort zones. And so as a result of that we cannot encompass the dualities of life effectively and we're hung up in resistance and judgments. And the brown pigmentation in our eye then persists. Now the moment we can love unconditionally - and we can forgive unconditionally - and we can encompass the duality which we are capable of doing - the human creation drops away instantly - on the lower self body - and then the innate intelligence is able to align itself and progress with us as a middle self - and thereby fulfill its measure of creation. And start moving and progressing. But as long as we retain to a degree - any imperfection within our body - that is simply an indication that we have not learned our lesson yet. Now people ask me about the brown eyed Gurus. I'll have to very gently say that they can parrot wonderful phraseology. They're able to teach wonderful things that they have learned intellectually from their teachers. They might be able to do a few little yoga tricks. They might be able to do this or do that and have a few little things to get a little following around them. But what have they done to perfect their physical tabernacle? If they were truly loving - and I will say - if I were truly loving - and I' ll say if you were truly loving - and then I'll say if we individually were truly loving - we would see a continual change in our body structures. We would see a continual change in the iris of the eyes. We would see a continual change in the health of our being as we unfolded as the proverbial lotus flower and open up to the realms of the heavens - that the cosmic energy might flow through our body like a continual energy flow - of continual electrical vibration - activating and accelerating the ascensional process in every cell of our being. Now as this stimulus response mechanism drops away in our bodies by the encompassment of duality - the brown pigmentation - the melanin protein complex disappears and we're no longer bound by stimulus response mechanisms. Therefore - since we are no longer bound - Richard - by the stimulus response mechanism our horse begins to be no longer bound by stimulus response mechanisms and the human creation - which our love melts the glue which holds it together - that human creation of our resistance slowly drops away and the prefect DNA pattern slowly emerges - depending on how fast we can transmute it. And so this beautiful physical body we have - when it begins to resonate at that eight hertz frequency at which it is designed to do - we then become a perfect transmitter - a perfect transmitter of energy - every bit as powerful as the crystal skull. And what's more, we become a perfect receiver or receptor of energy - of the ever-whereness - the ever-whenness which is the total complexity of the entire physical universe around us of which we are integrally a microcosmic part. Richard, I don't know if I answered your question or not sir? Richard: Whew! Yes, in large part; for sure. Dr. Ray: What's the small part that I haven't gotten to yet? Richard L: How is the pressure on the point related to that? Dr. Ray: OK. The question is, within the framework that I've just established, how is the pressure on the point related to that? You find a crystalline structure which will be represented by resonant frequency - this computer chip - this organic computer chip of the melanin protein complex - when we press on that calcification - and a calcification is an over-simplification because that is the organic computer chip which will be represented in the iris of the eye as a pigmentation spot - and as some of the people who have seen these large 40 power microscopes - even though the eye appears blue way down in that blueness appears that microscopic black sand that you can't see with a ten-power- and you can see that pigmentations spot in the eye - even though it appears blue. So as this - as you put pressure on that crystal - you then have a pietzo electric effect, OK? Which is the outflowing of energy out of a crystal as pressure is applied upon it. It is a law of physics. You apply pressure on a crystal and electric current in a very small dossage is emitted, OK? But now electric current is the hologramic measurable part of the hologram thought patterns which are the sensory experiences - the word patterns which are the verbal expressions, and the emotions which are the feelings we have. And as those come out then the mind is capable of experiencing them. All the suppressed junk that we have can come out of that little organic computer chip which is encoded with the thought, feeling, and spoken word - which we cannot visualize because we can't have access to it. So we can't visualize something that is already suppressed in our being. And where we have no vision then people perish because that which is suppressed is a continual perpetuating death crystal in our body. Are we gettin' it? You put pressure on the crystal - the memory comes out - thought, feeling, and spoken word - then we can experience it on the mental level - eventually - when we can love the pain involved. Richard: And it's the separation... Dr. Ray: Stand up please. Richard: So it's the separation - or our own conditioned lack of intelligence that leads us to believe that leads us to believe that everything around us isn't intelligent. Dr. Ray: We project what we ourselves are. Richard: Right. Very interesting. Yeah. OK. So, it's my own innate intelligence, or my own connection with God source that's somehow blocked or shut down. Then I'm going to believe that my cells don't have any intelligence, that rocks don't have any intelligence, that the animals don't have any intelligence. ....separation OK. I got it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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