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Upanishads, Bell Theorem and Holographic Universe

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'Om Isha vasyam idam sarvam, yat kincha jagatyam jagat'

All this- whatever exists in this changing universe, is pervaded by God "Om purnamadah purnamidam purnaat purnamudachyate, purnasya purnamadaya purnamevaavashishyate"

That (pure consciousness) is full, perfect, complete;

This(the manifest universe of matter; of names and forms ) is full, perfect, complete.

Out of completion emerged completion.

And when completion emerged from completion.

Completion remained in completion.


(from the -Isa Upanishad)

The Sage's submission, the Bell's Theorem, the Hologram

The Sage's submission of a world in which man participates in a seamless existence, indivisibly united with the universe around him, resonates through a discovery called "BELL'S THEOREM". This discovery, first proposed in 1964 by the physicist John S. Bell was first confirmed by experiment in 1972 by Professor John Clauser at Berkley.


Professor Henry Stapp, a physicist at Berkley and an authority on the implications of Bell's Theorem, states..

"If the statistical predictions of quantum theory are true, an objective universe is incompatible with the law of local causes."

Although formidable at first glance, Bell's Theorem seems simpler once key terms are understood.


First, an "objective universe" is simply one that exists apart from our consciousness.

Secondly, the "law of local causes" refers to the fact that events in the universe happen at a speed that does not exceed the speed of light. Things happen, in other words, always at the speed of light or less.This limitation is imposed by Einstein's special theory of relativity, and is a mainstay of modern physical theory. To be accurate, in actual experimental situations, it is not Bell's Theorem that is tested, but the predictions of Quantum Mechanics.


In 1935, Albert Einstein, together with Nathan Rosen and Boris Podolsky proposed through flawless mathematical reasoning that if the quantum theory were correct, then 'A change in the spin of one particle in a two particle system would affect its twin simultaneously, even if the two had been widely separated in the meantime'. And 'simultaneous' is a dirty word in the theory of special relativity, which forbids the transmission of any signal faster than the speed of light. Obviously, a signal telling the particle 'what to do' would have to travel faster than the speed of light if instantaneous changes were to occur between the two particles.

The dilemma into which Einstein, Rosen and Podolsky dragged the quantum theory was a profound one, coming to be known as THE ERP EFFECT.


In 1964 Bell's Theorem emerged as a proof that Einstein's impossible proposition did in fact hold true: instantaneous changes in widely separated systems did occur.

In 1972, Clauser confirmed the statistical predictions of quantum mechanics, working with an elaborate system involving photons, calcite crystals, and photo multiplier tubes The experiment has since been run several times with the same consistent results; Bell's Theorem stands solid.





Imagine, two particles once in contact, separated even to the ends of the universe, change instantaneously when a change in one of them occurs!

Slowly, new ideas are emerging to explain these unthinkable occurrences. One view is that, in some unexplainable way, the separated particles are still in contact although separated in space. This is the suggestion of the French physicist Bernard D'Espagnat. In 1979, writing about quantum reality, he said that "the entire notion of an external, fixed, objective world now lies in conflict not only with quantum theory, but in facts drawn from actual experiments.... in some sense all these objects constitute an indivisible whole."

Physicist Jack Sarfatti of the Physics/Consciousness Research Group proposes that no actual energy-requiring signal is transmitted between the distant objects, but 'information' is transmitted instead. Thus no violation of Einstein's special theory of relativity occurs. Exactly what this information is is unclear, and it a strange thing which might travel instantly and require no energy to do so.

Nic Herbert, a physicist who heads the C-Life Institute, suggests that we have merely discovered an elemental oneness of the world. This oneness cannot be diminished by spatial separation. An invisible wholeness unites the objects that are given birth in the universe, and it is this wholeness that we have stumbled into through modern experimental methods. Herbert alludes to the words of the poet Charles Williams: "Separation without separateness, reality without rift."

It would be a mistake to suppose that these effects operate only with relevance to the invisible world of the atom. Professor Henry Stapp states that the real importance of these findings is that they translate directly to our microcosmic existence, implying that the oneness that is implicit in Bell's Theorem envelopes human beings and atoms alike.

The interrelation of human consciousness and the observed world is obvious in Bell's Theorem. Human consciousness and the physical world cannot be regarded as distinct, separate entities. What we call physical reality, the external world, is shaped - to some extent - by human thought. The lesson is clear; we cannot separate our own existence from that of the world outside. We are intimately associated not only with the earth we inhabit, but with the farthest reaches of the cosmos.

Certain quantum physicists now say that each part of the universe contains all the information present in the entire cosmos itself (similar to a giant oak tree producing an acorn that contains all the information to replicate itself).


i.e. The Hologram.


David Bohm, a former associate of Einstein, professor of theoretical physics at Birbeck College of University of London,...maintains that the information of the entire universe is contained in each of its parts. There is, he says, a stunning example of this principle in photography: the hologram (literally whole message).

Hologram is a specially constructed image which, when illuminated by a laser beam, seems eerily suspended in three dimensional space. The most incredible feature of holograms is that any piece of it, if illuminated with coherent light, provides an image of the entire hologram.


The information of the whole is contained in each part.


The entire representation of the original object is contained in each portion of the hologram. This principle, says Bohm, extends to the universe at large, that the universe is constructed on the same principles as the hologram. His theory rests on concepts that flow from modern physics.


The world is an indivisible whole.


For Bohm, order and unity are spread throughout the universe in a way which escapes our senses. In the same way that order and organisation are spread throughout the hologram. Each part of the universe contains enough information to reconstitute the whole. The form and structure of the entire universe is enfolded within each part.]

For many working physicists, these concepts are inescapable conclusions that flow from quantum mechanics and relativity. It is crucial to appreciate the scope of these implications. We frequently assume that quantum physics applies only to the diminutive realm of nature - electrons, protons etc., and that relativity has only to do with massive objects of cosmic proportions -stars, galaxies, nebulae etc.


But Bohm's contention is that we are squarely in the middle of these phenomena. Ultimately the entire universe (with all its 'particles' including those constituting human beings, their laboratories, observing instruments etc). has to be understood as a single undivided whole, in which analysis into separately and independently existent parts has no fundamental status.

What are the implications of a holographic universe?


As part of the universe, do we have holographic features ourselves that allow us to comprehend a holographic universe? This question has been answered affirmatively by Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram.


In an attempt to account for key observations about brain function which for decades have puzzled brain physiologists, Pribram arrived at a radical proposal: the hologram is a model brain function. In essence, the brain is the 'photographic plate' on which information in the universe is encoded.

When the proposals of Bohm and Pribram are conceptually joined, a new model of man emerges: we use a brain that encodes information holographically; and it is a hologram that is a part of an even larger hologram - the universe itself.

Pribram's radical suggestions are founded on work that originated in the laboratory of one of the pioneers of modern neurophysiology, Karl Lashley. At a time when it was popularly believed that there were specific centres in the brain for practically every human function - such as speech, vision, appetite, sleep etc.,- Lashley demonstrated that this was apparently not true for memory.

Working with animals, he found that even when bulk of the cerebral cortex was surgically removed, leaving only a remnant intact, the memory of how to perform specific tasks remained. The rapidity and accuracy of the performance was frequently attenuated, but the knowledge was retained.

These findings fit poorly with existing theories about how information is stored in the brain. It was as if memory was spread everywhere in the cortex - but how?


Pribram reasoned that the brain contained the memory in each of its parts. The analogy to a hologram was obvious. The entire memory pattern could be found throughout the cerebral cortex if the information had originally been encoded holographically.

In most right handed persons, the left side of the brain is presumed to control the movements of the right side of the body. In instances where the left side of the brain is injured - for example through a stroke or with a trauma -paralysis or profound weakness of the right side of the body is the predictable result. A physician, Richard Restak, has reported a case, in a twenty one year old female in which the entire left side of the brain was removed surgically in order to control epileptic seizures that were unmanageable with any other known form of therapy. The results of the therapy were astonishing. Although the seizures were stopped, within a few weeks the woman began to regain control of the right side of her body. She was able to return to work and to lead an active social life. Where did the right side of her body receive its motor information with the left side of the brain in the surgeon's pail?

In 1975 a similar case was reported by Smith & Sugar. A six year old male underwent total removal of the left cerebral hemisphere because of intractable epileptic seizures. Conventional neurophysiological wisdom asserts that the left side of the cerebral cortex is responsible for our speech, mathematical reasoning and logical thought in general, and that the right cerebral hemisphere controls our intuitive, non-rational, non-verbal forms of thought. Yet this young man grew up to become a gifted student, proficient in verbal reasoning and language abilities, testing even into the gifted range of on standard intelligence tests.



This indivisibility also applied fundamentally to space and time. Relativity has shown that they are inextricably linked, and cannot be teased apart.

Recall one of the possibilities embodied in Bell's theorem involving non-local features of the universe: objects once in contact, though separated spatially, even if placed at distant ends of the universe, are somehow in inseparable contact. Since any change in one immediately and unmitigatedly causes change in the other, this is a nonlocal occurance, meaning that any information passing between the two objects would have to travel faster than the speed of light to cause such instantaneous change. Since it is impossible for the speed of light to be exceeded, according to the special theory of relativity, this event is said to be noncausal-i.e. not caused by the transfer of any conceivable kind of energy passing between the distant objects.

Although these nonlocal and noncausal descriptions are worked out for objects separated in space, Bohm states that the implications of quantum theory also apply to moments in 'TIME'.


"Without and within all beings the unmoving and also the moving; because of Its subtlety, unknowable; and near and far away is That"

"And undivided, yet He exists as if divided in beings; He is to be known as the supporter of beings; He devours and He generates."

"No division in Consciousness is admissible at any time as it is always one and the same. Even the individuality of the Jiva must be known as false, like the delusion of a snake in a rope."


(From the various Upanishads)


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Enjoyed this post, Sandeep.


An implication of Bell's Theorem is that all apparent particles

are operating in synchrony, as they were all in contact

at the point of the " Big Bang. "


Similarly, an implication of a holographic universe, is that

every event/perception/instant is included in and as

every apparently other event/perception/instant.


Each and every, includes All and is included by All.


Nothing ever could be out of place, even what appears

totally out of place, and its appearing as

if out of place, is synchronistic with and as Totality.


A deeper implication is that there is no observer outside

of what is being observed, and nothing being observed

that is outside of the observer.


Space and time then are inferences, and theories such

as the Special Theory of Relativity don't describe

a universe out there, but describe a way of conceptualizing

a universe for a mind assuming itself as an observer

of a universe out there, which is itself.


Thus, so-called " information " isn't transmitted mysteriously

from one particle to another, with or without time.


Rather, that experiment about " spin "

is an elegant yet clumsy (because relying on

observations of so-called " physical events " )

way to try to apprehend

an inclusive truth (clumsy because the apprehension

isn't in terms of the observer, but in terms of the behavior of

specific and localized entities being observed by

the assumed observer).


The inclusive truth could be stated this way:

The entire universe is the information of where and

how space and time manifests as minds/beings, and

the relative locations of all events, simultaneously.


The universe, unbounded, is arising momement to moment

as mind/body experiencing -- yet is undivided, with every apparent

part synchronized and arising with and as every other

apparent part. It is only because an individual comprehending

mind/being is assumed as an observer, that space and time

are cognized, and things like particles moving through space

become apparent.




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A bow Dan.





Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033>


> Enjoyed this post, Sandeep.


> An implication of Bell's Theorem is that all apparent particles

> are operating in synchrony, as they were all in contact

> at the point of the " Big Bang. "


> Similarly, an implication of a holographic universe, is that

> every event/perception/instant is included in and as

> every apparently other event/perception/instant.


> Each and every, includes All and is included by All.


> Nothing ever could be out of place, even what appears

> totally out of place, and its appearing as

> if out of place, is synchronistic with and as Totality.


> A deeper implication is that there is no observer outside

> of what is being observed, and nothing being observed

> that is outside of the observer.


> Space and time then are inferences, and theories such

> as the Special Theory of Relativity don't describe

> a universe out there, but describe a way of conceptualizing

> a universe for a mind assuming itself as an observer

> of a universe out there, which is itself.


> Thus, so-called " information " isn't transmitted mysteriously

> from one particle to another, with or without time.


> Rather, that experiment about " spin "

> is an elegant yet clumsy (because relying on

> observations of so-called " physical events " )

> way to try to apprehend

> an inclusive truth (clumsy because the apprehension

> isn't in terms of the observer, but in terms of the behavior of

> specific and localized entities being observed by

> the assumed observer).


> The inclusive truth could be stated this way:

> The entire universe is the information of where and

> how space and time manifests as minds/beings, and

> the relative locations of all events, simultaneously.


> The universe, unbounded, is arising momement to moment

> as mind/body experiencing -- yet is undivided, with every apparent

> part synchronized and arising with and as every other

> apparent part. It is only because an individual comprehending

> mind/being is assumed as an observer, that space and time

> are cognized, and things like particles moving through space

> become apparent.


> Love,

> Dan

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thanks for making a veggie omelette with the bell pepper theory dan.

you're a good cook.


Nisargadatta , " dan330033 " <dan330033>


> Enjoyed this post, Sandeep.


> An implication of Bell's Theorem is that all apparent particles

> are operating in synchrony, as they were all in contact

> at the point of the " Big Bang. "


> Similarly, an implication of a holographic universe, is that

> every event/perception/instant is included in and as

> every apparently other event/perception/instant.


> Each and every, includes All and is included by All.


> Nothing ever could be out of place, even what appears

> totally out of place, and its appearing as

> if out of place, is synchronistic with and as Totality.


> A deeper implication is that there is no observer outside

> of what is being observed, and nothing being observed

> that is outside of the observer.


> Space and time then are inferences, and theories such

> as the Special Theory of Relativity don't describe

> a universe out there, but describe a way of conceptualizing

> a universe for a mind assuming itself as an observer

> of a universe out there, which is itself.


> Thus, so-called " information " isn't transmitted mysteriously

> from one particle to another, with or without time.


> Rather, that experiment about " spin "

> is an elegant yet clumsy (because relying on

> observations of so-called " physical events " )

> way to try to apprehend

> an inclusive truth (clumsy because the apprehension

> isn't in terms of the observer, but in terms of the behavior of

> specific and localized entities being observed by

> the assumed observer).


> The inclusive truth could be stated this way:

> The entire universe is the information of where and

> how space and time manifests as minds/beings, and

> the relative locations of all events, simultaneously.


> The universe, unbounded, is arising momement to moment

> as mind/body experiencing -- yet is undivided, with every apparent

> part synchronized and arising with and as every other

> apparent part. It is only because an individual comprehending

> mind/being is assumed as an observer, that space and time

> are cognized, and things like particles moving through space

> become apparent.


> Love,

> Dan

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