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Naked Invitation

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Dear Friends


A deep bow of gratitude and thanks to beloved

Jerry Katz of NDS (http://www.nonduality.com),

pioneering visionary of all things Nondual on the



His example of celebrating and encouraging

diverse voices, his work of loving service and

devotion have inspired many people to create

internet communities and lists dedicated to the

varieties of nondual spirituality.


You are cordially invited and warmly welcome to

to a new list on :


Erotic Nonduality




A sex-positive list celebrating and exploring the

relationship between sexuality, the erotic and



Don't be bashful.


Come as you are.








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Nisargadatta , JP <jppoffandi> wrote:

> Dear Friends


> A deep bow of gratitude and thanks to beloved

> Jerry Katz of NDS (http://www.nonduality.com),

> pioneering visionary of all things Nondual on the

> Net.


> His example of celebrating and encouraging

> diverse voices, his work of loving service and

> devotion have inspired many people to create

> internet communities and lists dedicated to the

> varieties of nondual spirituality.


> You are cordially invited and warmly welcome to

> to a new list on :


> Erotic Nonduality


> eroticnonduality


> A sex-positive list celebrating and exploring the

> relationship between sexuality, the erotic and

> nonduality.


> Don't be bashful.


> Come as you are.


> Love,


> JP




is this gene; the genes of intellect

without the blue jeans?




does anyone here knows the teaching of

the Qubalah?


in pants on of course?

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Nisargadatta , JP <jppoffandi> wrote:

> Dear Friends


> A deep bow of gratitude and thanks to beloved

> Jerry Katz of NDS (http://www.nonduality.com),

> pioneering visionary of all things Nondual on the

> Net.


> His example of celebrating and encouraging

> diverse voices, his work of loving service and

> devotion have inspired many people to create

> internet communities and lists dedicated to the

> varieties of nondual spirituality.


> You are cordially invited and warmly welcome to

> to a new list on :


> Erotic Nonduality


> eroticnonduality


> A sex-positive list celebrating and exploring the

> relationship between sexuality, the erotic and

> nonduality.


> Don't be bashful.


> Come as you are.


> Love,


> JP




In all mysticism from The Qabala theough

the Tantras in Shamanism the Pagan

sex is the sacred ebergy to transcend


here are some helpful pages and words


Samantabhadra Samantabhadri amitabha




from Ken Wilber One Taste:

" Shakti, the energy of the Goddess,

in an eternal embrace with Shiva, the

pure formless Witness. All Forms are

one with Emptiness: Shakti and Shiva

are eternally making love, bound to

each other with a fierce devotion

that time, turmoil, death and destiny

cannot even begin to touch.


In Dzogchen Buddhism, the same idea

is expressed in the thangka of the

Adi-Buddha Samantabhadra (the very

highest Buddha) and his consort, Samantabhadri. Samantabhadra is depicted

as a deep blue/black figure,

naked, seated in the lotus posture.


On his lap, facing him in sexual

congress, is Samantabhadri, also

naked, but a luminous bright white.

Samantabhadra represents the


or radical Emptiness, which is

completely formless and therefore

" black " (as in deep dreamless sleep). Samantabhadri represents the rupakaya,

the entire world of Form, which is

a brilliant white luminous display.


Emptiness and form,


consciousness and matter,

spirit and the world.

But the point is, they are making

love; they are one in the ecstatic

embrace of each other; they are

united through all eternity by the

unbreakable bond of a Love that is

invincible. They are, to each other,


One Taste.


This depiction of


Samantabhadra and Samantabhadri


Purusha and Prakriti,


Shiva and Shakti,


emptiness and form,


wisdom and compassion,


Eros and Agape,


ascending and descending


is not merely a symbol. It is a


depiction of a direct realization.


When you settle back as I-I, and rest

as the formless Witness, you literally

are Samantabhadra; you are the great

Unborn, the radically unqualifiable

Godhead. You are a great black

Emptiness of infinite release. And yet,

in the space of that Emptiness that

you are, the entire universe is

arising moment to moment: the clouds

are floating through your awareness,

those trees are arising in your

awareness, those singing birds are

one with you












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Nisargadatta , " Era " <satkarta7@j...>




....those singing birds are

> one with you






Yes, they are.

One flew in through the Kitchen door this morning

and sat on my shoulder while I was playing the piano.







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