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deep sleep consciousness

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since this subject appers at many forums

in synchronicity: I think the universe

wnats   us to work on it


from HS:


F: My teacher once told me. " Illumination

is deep sleep " .I answered, can there

be full consciousness while there is

deep sleep? " He said " Full consciousness

is deep sleep, only the background

remains, which is consciousness.


One may remain working with mind but

not identified with it as people usually

are. "


H: The light of the Self is always there

as It Self, as pure consciousness.

Fully awake, it is the nature of freedom

How brightly the light of the Self is reflected depends on the purity of

the mind, and the subtlety of the



A mind that is more or less unconscious

during the awake state will be

so in sleep as well and lie merged in

the Self. Coming out of the Self, it is

still the same mind.


A mind that is becoming pure and aware

has the possibility of entering the

deep sleep state while conscious.


That is Nirvikalpa Samadhi. Coming out,

it is still the same mind, but the

Self recognizes It Self even in the

presence of the mind. That is why aham

Brahm Asmi (I Am the Self) is one of

the Mahavakyas.


Sri Ramana has pointed out that deep

sleep must be experienced while awake.

The Realization is that that the Same

Self is present in all states.


Only, the Self is experienced in its

fullness if one enters the sleep while



As long as the latent tendencies are

strong, Self remains covered to some

degree in association with the mind.

Self never fully loses sight of itself,

its nature being that of Pure

Self-Sight. It Sees Only It Self..


B: I was glad to read this. Your

insight seemed pointed at me as I was

pondering this question of deepsleep yesterday.


In a conversation last week with a

fellow named Sandeep about discrimination

he mentioned something about 'B's

World' disappearing in deep sleep and I remembered this staying awake while=


  mind was stilled.


* E: I see sooo many dearones go to lala

-land at this point: to belive that

they reincarnate like a clone into the

next life and than the next; some even recall who they were in a previous =





--we resonate with an essence familiar

to us at the most, as did Buddha

recognise his previous self's essence



there are only essences held by and

essences getting slowly refined by

living organisms


it is so simple


all life depends on on life-force, on god-force, its present in every livin=


thing and in deep sleep its not

aberrated by the small self: its pure:

one can say its pure *Consciousness


B: The faculty of discrimination being

active in a sense, in discrimination

between the Self and not-Self, seems

to see thoughts and discard the

involvement in them.


I was wondering if you had any further

insight about this. I hope you and yours

are well by the way.




S: really many children have very valid

past life recall...... who says anyone

is like a clone ? i have past life

knowledge which was quite instrumental

in understanding what was being played

out within this one and why ......


E: yes, that can be useful for processing


I hate to tell you this, but all these

holy expenses awakening visions are

created by the mind


in other words by Lucifer


***mind is the LuciferL the APPLE we

should not have


to derail us to test us and to keep

the gate toward God protecte and clean

some of these dreamed up universes

are kept up by great spiritual sages

and mystics, the Bardo belongs to these

also imho




because STRAIGHT is the way and

NARROW is the gate what leads to

God [Life]


--all the inner plane holy visions and

 and glimpses, experiences belong ther



above the supracausal plane, where the

God planes start, there is a final gate;

to go through that one the mind must

be left behind


it can NOT go there, very very few have

the courage to trough that one because

it literally feels like death


and that meditation is storyless


--monks who went trough recognise

each other but has no story to share

just a consciousness an understanding


S: past life experience ?


E: are mindgames or processing the

'story' but NOT from god


plus 'wants' are a no no: one can enter

to the pure-planes innocent like a child,

without wantings


E: there are only essences held by and

essences getting slowly refined by

living organisms


it is so simple


just have the RIGHT VIEW


and the right ETHICS


do not want " IT " for yourself


S: the essence is always pure


E: no, still its " personalised' its not


-- all life depends on on life-force,

on god-force, its present in every

living thing and in deep sleep its not aberrated by the small self: its pur=


one can say its pure *Consciousness,

but that state can not be held in

waking state


--even Sri Ramana could not hold this

motionless samadhi: he had to be taken

care of by others


--the difference between deep sleep

and deep meditation lies from where

one exist the body; in deep sleep mostly

through the hara


that is why siting is stressed for

meditation its better to stoop forward

than fall back, there is a geometry

involved what makes the crown or

thirdeye exit easier




--if someone " gets it " it is from Grace,

not through any wise text; those are

  pointers only rather it can be grasped

 in an instant, by osmosis and in that

 same instance s/he is onto a higher

 essence sharing with the like-minded

and all the knowledge who dwells in

there is shared and becomes available


--and if someone is lucky enough and

deserved through correct spiritual

ethics and collects essences what are

  useful for mankind its very possible

that such 'essence' will manifest on the

physical plane all the way in value of

 an Avatar like Buddha


ONLY if its helpful for elevating mankind



--its not a reincarnation of anykind

of small selfs


--this is a very crucial point, where

 the android, the small ego tries to

claim God; but its Not possible


*God is a FLOW, 


'it' can NOT be claimed, grabbed onto,

or owned. The minute you try these

it goes to the android and its gone


It is all on a RAZOR'S EDGE and all

razors have 2 sides


--I have two cyberfriends who gone

stray at this crucial point, they want

  to be 'saved' and hope to reincarnate,

butthe minute one has an AGENDA a wish

instead of a VOID created by meditation

where God can flow in, the sadhana goes

to the android again


--one of them is meditation laying

down, forgetting, that the sacred

geometry is at play as the the God-Tumo:

  Life-Force is coming from above and

not form the North Pole


once one is 'up' already its ok to lay

down but the value of that meditation

we called sleepitaion and its less



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Nisargadatta , " Era " <satkarta7@j...> wrote:

> since this subject appers at many forums

> in synchronicity: I think the universe

> wnats   us to work on it


> from HS:




i enjoyed this one Era


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