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A brand new participants comments re Judi

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Hi. This is Wry. I bet some of you who know me are surprised (and I hope

delighted) to see me on here. I happened to be perusing (ha ha) different

forums and noticed there is no censorship on here. Personally, I believe a

moderated list is of more value, not to keep members from name calling--who

even cares--it is only words, but to limit the posts to messages that

contain real ideas. For instance I noticed that last Tuesday there were well

over one hundred messages, most of them with little or no content, about

forty of which were written by one said Judi who was obviously fueled by

certain mechanical, reactive processes. She could not stop herself, could

she, which I'm sure we all understand, each of us having been in this

position at one time or another. More comments below.


> > " John Cox " <jcoxco>

> > <Nisargadatta >

> > Wednesday, November 26, 2003 10:15 PM

> > The poison of the self-appointed

> >

> >

> > > I am aware of the venom that will come my way; but this being has

> > > survived much more then curses and hatred. As much value as i

> place

> > > in this group, even more dismay arises from the mis-use of some

> with

> > > a bit of knowledge



Wry: Do not worry. Everything is grist for the mill and to be used, sanely,

simply and intelligently. I am looking forward to communicating with this

good person Judi, but I do not think she will be sticking around for too

long, as I have a hunch she has other business to attend to elsewhere.


>and alot of conceit. Insulting and abusing

> > > members is not only non-helpfull


Wry: No, it is helpful. It is good to use it.


>but an insult to the True

> Masters


Wry: I do not know of whom you speak. Are they alive or dead? Are they on

this list?


> > > and at least some of us who know we do not know all, but are

> sincere

> > > in our love for that part of non-duality that we do understand.



Wry: " that part of non-duality that we do understand. " No comment.



> Even

> > > worse is that this feeding frenzy of negitivity brings Judi to

> > > consume the blooded with her hatred in the guise of a

> misunderstood

> > > teacher.


Wry: This is her " technique. " It is all she knows..It is poignant. It has

brought Judi and now Judi has brought me, as she has touched my heart. Her

son is in Irag and she is a fanatic for " God. " No offense intended; this

makes her genuinely personable. I suggest people set their outlook express

so they do not receive her material (or mine) if it is too upsetting, or

simply do not respond, as it takes two to tango. Sometimes less is more. Let

her write a lot of messages and burn herself out. Or leave this forum if she

does not. Maybe I will start one for people who are serious. Ha ha.


>As a refuge of the ignorant, i result to quoting

> > > Nisargadatta: Did I ever tell you that you do not know and,

> > > therefore, you are inferior? Let those who invented such

> > > distinctions prove them. I do not claim to know what you do

> not. In

> > > fact, I know much less than you do....... So, bring it on, i

> can

> > > take

> > > it, but i will not confuse it as wisdom. Nameste: john


Wry: I am looking forward to being on here and enquiring with anyone who is

interested, in the spirit of discovery. Sometimes I can be a little harsh,

so those who are super sensitive, please bring your little salt shaker with

you when you read my messages, and if salt is needed, sprinke some on. I

will only be here for a little while, as the volume of messages is way too

high for my personal preference. I am interested in quality rather than

quantity, and somehow these two do not usually go together. Sincerely, Wry

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Hi Wry,




They call me Sandeep,...a bit wet behind the ears, with all this spiritual


Also, not being native English born,....you will have to take it very slowly,

whatever you are gping to teach me..





> >and alot of conceit. Insulting and abusing

> > > > members is not only non-helpfull


> Wry: No, it is helpful. It is good to use it.




Use what?


Insult and abuse?


To what pupose?







> >but an insult to the True

> > Masters


> Wry: I do not know of whom you speak. Are they alive or dead? Are they on

> this list?


> > > > and at least some of us who know we do not know all, but are

> > sincere

> > > > in our love for that part of non-duality that we do understand.



> Wry: " that part of non-duality that we do understand. " No comment.




No comment being a comment, what do you mean by that comment?







> Wry: I am looking forward to being on here and enquiring with anyone who is

> interested, in the spirit of discovery.



Enquire into what, Wry?



> Sometimes I can be a little harsh,

> so those who are super sensitive, please bring your little salt shaker with

> you when you read my messages, and if salt is needed, sprinke some on.




Sometimes I find sugar as useful.





> will only be here for a little while, as the volume of messages is way too

> high for my personal preference.



Oh, please do stay.




> I am interested in quality rather than

> quantity, and somehow these two do not usually go together.





What has one to do with the other?








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Nisargadatta , Sandeep <sandeepc@b...> wrote:

> Hi Wry,


> Greetings.


> They call me Sandeep,...a bit wet behind the ears, with all this

spiritual stuff.

> Also, not being native English born,....you will have to take it

very slowly, whatever you are gping to teach me..



> <SNIP>


> > >and alot of conceit. Insulting and abusing

> > > > > members is not only non-helpfull

> >

> > Wry: No, it is helpful. It is good to use it.


> -----


> Use what?


> Insult and abuse?


> To what pupose?


> --------




> >

> > >but an insult to the True

> > > Masters

> >

> > Wry: I do not know of whom you speak. Are they alive or dead? Are

they on

> > this list?

> >

> > > > > and at least some of us who know we do not know all, but are

> > > sincere

> > > > > in our love for that part of non-duality that we do


> >

> >

> > Wry: " that part of non-duality that we do understand. " No



> ----------


> No comment being a comment, what do you mean by that comment?



> <SNIP>




> > Wry: I am looking forward to being on here and enquiring with

anyone who is

> > interested, in the spirit of discovery.



> Enquire into what, Wry?



> > Sometimes I can be a little harsh,

> > so those who are super sensitive, please bring your little salt

shaker with

> > you when you read my messages, and if salt is needed, sprinke

some on.


> OK.


> Sometimes I find sugar as useful.




> I

> > will only be here for a little while, as the volume of messages

is way too

> > high for my personal preference.



> Oh, please do stay.




> > I am interested in quality rather than

> > quantity, and somehow these two do not usually go together.



> Why?


> What has one to do with the other?




Sandeep she only arrived!?

let her at least put her luggage down and warm up a bit!?


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Hi. Did I say I was going to teach? I do not recall,. but if so, ha haw. (Judi

can be my little helper, but I think she has hightailed it out of here already).




Sunday, November 30, 2003 9:12 PM

Re: A brand new participants comments re Judi



Hi Wry,




They call me Sandeep,...a bit wet behind the ears, with all this spiritual


Also, not being native English born,....you will have to take it very slowly,

whatever you are gping to teach me..





> >and alot of conceit. Insulting and abusing

> > > > members is not only non-helpfull


> Wry: No, it is helpful. It is good to use it.




Use what?


Insult and abuse?


To what pupose?



Wry+++++++No, sorry I did not mean it this way. When someone has done it to

oneself, it is good to be active with it. One can plow the abuse that has been

given to oneself back into the field and use it for a kind of fertilizer. Re

Judi; on the surface, it did seem like she was abusing people, but it was

actually quite endearing, was it not? I felt great love for her, especially in

that she did not seem to realize she was so transparent.It would be hard not to

like her under these circumstances.



> >but an insult to the True

> > Masters


> Wry: I do not know of whom you speak. Are they alive or dead? Are they on

> this list?


> > > > and at least some of us who know we do not know all, but are

> > sincere

> > > > in our love for that part of non-duality that we do understand.



> Wry: " that part of non-duality that we do understand. " No comment.




No comment being a comment, what do you mean by that comment?


Wry:++++++++ He who knows, speaks. Ha ha.







> Wry: I am looking forward to being on here and enquiring with anyone who is

> interested, in the spirit of discovery.



Enquire into what, Wry?


Wry:++++++ Whatever comes up. Duality and/or non-duality, I guess or whatever.

I will see what people write about.


> Sometimes I can be a little harsh,

> so those who are super sensitive, please bring your little salt shaker with

> you when you read my messages, and if salt is needed, sprinkle some on.




Sometimes I find sugar as useful.





> will only be here for a little while, as the volume of messages is way too

> high for my personal preference.



Oh, please do stay.




> I am interested in quality rather than

> quantity, and somehow these two do not usually go together.





What has one to do with the other?


Wry++++++++++++Good question, re generally speaking. I will think this over.

But re email lists; lists with thirty to ninety messages a day tend to have

messages which are sort of shallow, and the atmosphere gets chaotic, whereas

when people are posting less, they seem to think out the material more. I have

seen it time and time again. Sincerely, Wry







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Nisargadatta , " eric " <vertvetiver> wrote:

> Nisargadatta , Sandeep <sandeepc@b...> wrote:

> > Hi Wry,

> >

> > Greetings.

> >

> > They call me Sandeep,...a bit wet behind the ears, with all this

> spiritual stuff.

> > Also, not being native English born,....you will have to take it

> very slowly, whatever you are gping to teach me..

> >

> >

> > <SNIP>

> >

> > > >and alot of conceit. Insulting and abusing

> > > > > > members is not only non-helpfull

> > >

> > > Wry: No, it is helpful. It is good to use it.

> >

> > -----

> >

> > Use what?

> >

> > Insult and abuse?

> >

> > To what pupose?

> >

> > --------

> >

> >

> >

> > >

> > > >but an insult to the True

> > > > Masters

> > >

> > > Wry: I do not know of whom you speak. Are they alive or dead?


> they on

> > > this list?

> > >

> > > > > > and at least some of us who know we do not know all, but


> > > > sincere

> > > > > > in our love for that part of non-duality that we do

> understand.

> > >

> > >

> > > Wry: " that part of non-duality that we do understand. " No

> comment.

> >

> > ----------

> >

> > No comment being a comment, what do you mean by that comment?

> >

> >

> > <SNIP>

> >

> >

> >

> > > Wry: I am looking forward to being on here and enquiring with

> anyone who is

> > > interested, in the spirit of discovery.

> >

> >

> > Enquire into what, Wry?

> >

> >

> > > Sometimes I can be a little harsh,

> > > so those who are super sensitive, please bring your little salt

> shaker with

> > > you when you read my messages, and if salt is needed, sprinke

> some on.

> >

> > OK.

> >

> > Sometimes I find sugar as useful.

> >

> >

> >

> > I

> > > will only be here for a little while, as the volume of messages

> is way too

> > > high for my personal preference.

> >

> >

> > Oh, please do stay.

> >

> >

> >

> > > I am interested in quality rather than

> > > quantity, and somehow these two do not usually go together.

> >

> >

> > Why?

> >

> > What has one to do with the other?

> >

> >


> Sandeep she only arrived!?

> let her at least put her luggage down and warm up a bit!?

> erix


on the other hand one must admit Wry has some 'balls' targeting our

beloved Judi, our 'toughest' cooky, as soon as she jumps in...

he he he

will she make it till the second round?

i dun thin so

xerox copter

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Sunday, November 30, 2003 10:33 PM

Re: A brand new participants comments re Judi





> Sandeep she only arrived!?

> let her at least put her luggage down and warm up a bit!?

> erix


on the other hand one must admit Wry has some 'balls' targeting our

beloved Judi, our 'toughest' cooky, as soon as she jumps in...

he he he

will she make it till the second round?

i dun thin so

xerox copter


Wry: Judi is gone and I doubt she will be back for a while, but if she does

come back sooner than I expect her to, that is good. She is trying her best to

face life and help others do so. This is brave. How bad could she be? She is

the perfect compliment to a weakling like myself. No joke intended. Also, she

NEEDS to " teach, " and being a student teacher, needs lots of practice, in that

her words tend to go in one ear and out the other. I have seen it already. It is

kind to let her practice communicating, plus I believe she actually has some

kind of genuine altruistic motivation. It is not intelligent to let any one

person take over a forum, though, with a personal agenda to feel okay at the

expense of others. I am sure that she does not want this forum to center around

her reactive processes any more than I would want it to center around mine. I

plan to use Judi's responses to do a form of experimental work that is between

me and my " God. " I hope this is okay. Do not expect me to stick around too long.

Just hanging out for a while, with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the

other. Sincerely, Wry



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Dear wry,


you letter sounds resonable, but where is the sense? When not even in the

Web-Sharing people can give the freedom-of-speech and expression, so where

else can you expect the freedom-of-speech and expression?


When Judi is moved by the Holy Spirit, who can stop her and why? Will you

hinder her Holy Spirit to jump over and infiltrate people on the edge to

jump? Jump into her Holy Fire?


Is it asked too much, to delete for example 50 of her mails, or to stop

her restless rantings with several letters of your own? Do you need to ask

for Father Superior, to bring you an elevating enlightenment certificate

for your own special qualities expectations? What more conditions do you

need, to satisfy you?


Can't you see all these controversial communication as kind of

purification plant? Can't you stand the ardous challenge, to work as long

in service of this purification plant, untill you find something worth

inside? Mostly inside yourself - or do you expect your next step to self

realisation from a letter like this?


Do you need to threaten your poor readers with one of your first letters,

that anywhay you will need to leave soon? So for what reason to you claim

here anything, except to show up with an even more blown-up EGO

manifestation than our lovely Lady Juicy Judy?


There is no need to explain anything for meeee, maybe you can get a bit

clearer about yourself? Just a purposal?








with love








> Nisargadatta , " wry " <wry1111@e...> wrote:



> Wry: I am looking forward to being on here and enquiring with anyone

> who is

> interested, in the spirit of discovery. Sometimes I can be a little

> harsh,

> so those who are super sensitive, please bring your little salt

> shaker with

> you when you read my messages, and if salt is needed, sprinke some on.

> I

> will only be here for a little while, as the volume of messages is way

> too

> high for my personal preference. I am interested in quality rather than

> quantity, and somehow these two do not usually go together.

> Sincerely, Wry

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Nisargadatta , " wry " <wry1111@e...> wrote:



> Wry: I am looking forward to communicating with this

> good person Judi,




If and when you ever decide to grow up, you'll be welcome back at the

Ranch list, but not until. And, as by evidence of your post here,

you still have a lot of growing up to do. End of story.



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Nisargadatta , " wry " <wry1111@e...> wrote:


> -

> eric

> Nisargadatta

> Sunday, November 30, 2003 10:33 PM

> Re: A brand new participants comments re




> snip...

> >

> > Sandeep she only arrived!?

> > let her at least put her luggage down and warm up a bit!?

> > erix


> on the other hand one must admit Wry has some 'balls' targeting


> beloved Judi, our 'toughest' cooky, as soon as she jumps in...

> he he he

> will she make it till the second round?

> i dun thin so

> xerox copter

> ----------

> Wry: Judi is gone and I doubt she will be back for a while, but

if she does come back sooner than I expect her to, that is good. She

is trying her best to face life and help others do so. This is brave.

How bad could she be? She is the perfect compliment to a weakling

like myself. No joke intended. Also, she NEEDS to " teach, " and being

a student teacher, needs lots of practice, in that her words tend to

go in one ear and out the other. I have seen it already. It is kind

to let her practice communicating, plus I believe she actually has

some kind of genuine altruistic motivation.


erix: well, wry you don't look like a bad person yourself,


>It is not intelligent to let any one person take over a forum,


erix: Judi never had this intention and no one has this feeling


though, with a personal agenda to feel okay at the expense of

others. I am sure that she does not want this forum to center around

her reactive processes any more than I would want it to center around

mine. I plan to use Judi's responses to do a form of experimental

work that is between me and my " God. " I hope this is okay. Do not

expect me to stick around too long. Just hanging out for a while,

with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. Sincerely, Wry



erix: i thought instead of big hit-and-go plans you could start by

making yourself comfortable and accessible and see that there are

other people around here that could be of interest(?)

you don't need to play anything, let yourself go and you'll se the

world rush to your amazed senses :-)

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Nisargadatta , " wry " <wry1111@e...> wrote:


> -

> eric

> Nisargadatta

> Sunday, November 30, 2003 10:33 PM

> Re: A brand new participants comments re




> snip...

> >

> > Sandeep she only arrived!?

> > let her at least put her luggage down and warm up a bit!?

> > erix


> on the other hand one must admit Wry has some 'balls' targeting


> beloved Judi, our 'toughest' cooky, as soon as she jumps in...

> he he he

> will she make it till the second round?

> i dun thin so

> xerox copter

> ----------

> Wry: Judi is gone and I doubt she will be back for a while, but

if she does come back sooner than I expect her to, that is good. She

is trying her best to face life and help others do so. This is brave.

How bad could she be? She is the perfect compliment to a weakling

like myself. No joke intended. Also, she NEEDS to " teach, " and being

a student teacher, needs lots of practice, in that her words tend to

go in one ear and out the other. I have seen it already. It is kind

to let her practice communicating, plus I believe she actually has

some kind of genuine altruistic motivation. It is not intelligent to

let any one person take over a forum, though, with a personal agenda

to feel okay at the expense of others. I am sure that she does not

want this forum to center around her reactive processes any more than

I would want it to center around mine. I plan to use Judi's responses

to do a form of experimental work that is between me and my " God. " I

hope this is okay. Do not expect me to stick around too long. Just

hanging out for a while, with an angel on one shoulder and a devil on

the other. Sincerely, Wry


Hi baby cakes,


I'm glad you followed me to this den of murderers and thieves. I'm

glad you can muster enough discipline to write only one paragraph.

In this way you will be able to reach those who need you must, poor

idiots like me, who can't read the legalize on the back of insurance

forms. You do sound like a lawyer of philosophy. Hmm! There is a

virgin field for ambulance chasers.


Please, don't ever again threaten us with withdrawing the light of

your presence. You just got here and we barely tasted the sweet

torrent of wisdom that flows from your red, tumescent nipples.


Anyway, we know where to find you, you honey muffin, at

J_Krishnamurti. Sorry if the volume of our posts bothers you,

although, that is sort of strange, one of your post at JK has more

words than a whole day of postings here. But your own words are music

to your ears, isn' that right, sweet love?


Looking forward to suck your wisdom right up at the source. Yum, Yum,


Your devoted servant.

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Hi Pete,



Nisargadatta , " seesaw1us " <seesaw1us>




Hi baby cakes,


I'm glad you followed me to this den of murderers and thieves. I'm

glad you can muster enough discipline to write only one paragraph.

In this way you will be able to reach those who need you must, poor

idiots like me, who can't read the legalize on the back of insurance

forms. You do sound like a lawyer of philosophy. Hmm! There is a

virgin field for ambulance chasers.


Please, don't ever again threaten us with withdrawing the light of

your presence. You just got here and we barely tasted the sweet

torrent of wisdom that flows from your red, tumescent nipples.


Anyway, we know where to find you, you honey muffin, at

J_Krishnamurti. Sorry if the volume of our posts bothers you,

although, that is sort of strange, one of your post at JK has more

words than a whole day of postings here. But your own words are music

to your ears, isn' that right, sweet love?


Looking forward to suck your wisdom right up at the source. Yum, Yum,


Your devoted servant.





KKT: I've never seen

our Pete being so excited :-))


Here is a story for you, Pete :-))



Cheers :-))







Seems God was just about done creating the universe,

had a couple of leftover things left in his bag of creations,

so he stopped by to visit Adam and Eve in the Garden.


He told the couple that one of the things he had

to give away was the ability to stand up and pee.


" It's a very handy thing " God told the couple

(who he found hanging around under an apple tree).

" I was wondering if either one of you wanted that ability. "


Adam popped a cork. Jumped up and begged,

" Oh, give that to me! I'd love to be able to do that!

It seems the sort of thing a Man should do.

Oh please, oh please, oh please, let me have that ability.

I'd be so great! When I'm working in the garden

or flaming the animals, I could just let it rip,

I'd be so cool. Oh please, God, let it be me who

you give that gift to, let me stand and pee, oh please.


On and on he went like an excited little boy (who had to pee).


Eve just smiled and shook her head at the display.

She told God that if Adam really wanted it so badly,

and it sure seemed to be the sort of thing that would

make him happy, she really wouldn't mind if Adam

were the one given the ability to stand up and pee.


And so it was. And it was.. well, good.


" Fine, God said, looking back into his bag

of leftover gifts. " What's left here?


Oh yes,


***multiple orgasms... " ***

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Nisargadatta , " phamdluan2000 " <phamdluan@a...>


> Hi Pete,



> Nisargadatta , " seesaw1us " <seesaw1us>

> wrote:



> Hi baby cakes,


> I'm glad you followed me to this den of murderers and thieves. I'm

> glad you can muster enough discipline to write only one paragraph.

> In this way you will be able to reach those who need you must, poor

> idiots like me, who can't read the legalize on the back of insurance

> forms. You do sound like a lawyer of philosophy. Hmm! There is a

> virgin field for ambulance chasers.


> Please, don't ever again threaten us with withdrawing the light of

> your presence. You just got here and we barely tasted the sweet

> torrent of wisdom that flows from your red, tumescent nipples.


> Anyway, we know where to find you, you honey muffin, at

> J_Krishnamurti. Sorry if the volume of our posts bothers you,

> although, that is sort of strange, one of your post at JK has more

> words than a whole day of postings here. But your own words are


> to your ears, isn' that right, sweet love?


> Looking forward to suck your wisdom right up at the source. Yum,



> Your devoted servant.





> KKT: I've never seen

> our Pete being so excited :-))


> Here is a story for you, Pete :-))



> Cheers :-))





> =============


> Seems God was just about done creating the universe,

> had a couple of leftover things left in his bag of creations,

> so he stopped by to visit Adam and Eve in the Garden.


> He told the couple that one of the things he had

> to give away was the ability to stand up and pee.


> " It's a very handy thing " God told the couple

> (who he found hanging around under an apple tree).

> " I was wondering if either one of you wanted that ability. "


> Adam popped a cork. Jumped up and begged,

> " Oh, give that to me! I'd love to be able to do that!

> It seems the sort of thing a Man should do.

> Oh please, oh please, oh please, let me have that ability.

> I'd be so great! When I'm working in the garden

> or flaming the animals, I could just let it rip,

> I'd be so cool. Oh please, God, let it be me who

> you give that gift to, let me stand and pee, oh please.


> On and on he went like an excited little boy (who had to pee).


> Eve just smiled and shook her head at the display.

> She told God that if Adam really wanted it so badly,

> and it sure seemed to be the sort of thing that would

> make him happy, she really wouldn't mind if Adam

> were the one given the ability to stand up and pee.


> And so it was. And it was.. well, good.


> " Fine, God said, looking back into his bag

> of leftover gifts. " What's left here?


> Oh yes,


> ***multiple orgasms... " ***


yet, i'm sure Adam is happy to have just one go and run (don't we all

boys?), as for Eve she will have to find someone else to play

multiple rounds (hey maybe the snake would?)



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Nisargadatta , " phamdluan2000 " <phamdluan@a...>


> Hi Pete,


KKT, dear friend, are you a male chauvenist? Why did you change that

story? It was brains that was left in the bag. Brains! That's how

women had fooled us all these years into thinking we are in charge,

while we support them, bust ass for them, fight wars for them, and

die before them, leaving them all our money. Brains, KKT.





> Nisargadatta , " seesaw1us " <seesaw1us>

> wrote:



> Hi baby cakes,


> I'm glad you followed me to this den of murderers and thieves. I'm

> glad you can muster enough discipline to write only one paragraph.

> In this way you will be able to reach those who need you must, poor

> idiots like me, who can't read the legalize on the back of insurance

> forms. You do sound like a lawyer of philosophy. Hmm! There is a

> virgin field for ambulance chasers.


> Please, don't ever again threaten us with withdrawing the light of

> your presence. You just got here and we barely tasted the sweet

> torrent of wisdom that flows from your red, tumescent nipples.


> Anyway, we know where to find you, you honey muffin, at

> J_Krishnamurti. Sorry if the volume of our posts bothers you,

> although, that is sort of strange, one of your post at JK has more

> words than a whole day of postings here. But your own words are


> to your ears, isn' that right, sweet love?


> Looking forward to suck your wisdom right up at the source. Yum,



> Your devoted servant.





> KKT: I've never seen

> our Pete being so excited :-))


> Here is a story for you, Pete :-))



> Cheers :-))





> =============


> Seems God was just about done creating the universe,

> had a couple of leftover things left in his bag of creations,

> so he stopped by to visit Adam and Eve in the Garden.


> He told the couple that one of the things he had

> to give away was the ability to stand up and pee.


> " It's a very handy thing " God told the couple

> (who he found hanging around under an apple tree).

> " I was wondering if either one of you wanted that ability. "


> Adam popped a cork. Jumped up and begged,

> " Oh, give that to me! I'd love to be able to do that!

> It seems the sort of thing a Man should do.

> Oh please, oh please, oh please, let me have that ability.

> I'd be so great! When I'm working in the garden

> or flaming the animals, I could just let it rip,

> I'd be so cool. Oh please, God, let it be me who

> you give that gift to, let me stand and pee, oh please.


> On and on he went like an excited little boy (who had to pee).


> Eve just smiled and shook her head at the display.

> She told God that if Adam really wanted it so badly,

> and it sure seemed to be the sort of thing that would

> make him happy, she really wouldn't mind if Adam

> were the one given the ability to stand up and pee.


> And so it was. And it was.. well, good.


> " Fine, God said, looking back into his bag

> of leftover gifts. " What's left here?


> Oh yes,


> ***multiple orgasms... " ***

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Hi.KKT. I appreciate your message, but please do not worry about my feelings. It

is a form of subtly diminishing someone, sort of like putting a " lady " on a

pedestal; actually this weakens her. I hope people do not do this to others,

either, be they male or female, young or old, as people are generally very

resilient and able to take care of themselves and their own emotions, If not,

it is a good opportunity to learn, and what could be a safer place than an email

list? It is a wonderful.. Some comments below.





Monday, December 01, 2003 9:53 AM

Re: A brand new participants comments re Judi



Hi Pete,



Nisargadatta , " seesaw1us " <seesaw1us>




Hi baby cakes,


I'm glad you followed me to this den of murderers and thieves.


Wry: I did not follow you here. Once I saw you were on this list, I would not

have joined. I only joined because of Judi. More detail than this I will not go

into. but it has to do with my interest in bulletin boards as a learning tool.



glad you can muster enough discipline to write only one paragraph.


Wry: Actually, if you knew the time and patience I put into writing each

email, you would be stunned.


In this way you will be able to reach those who need you must, poor

idiots like me, who can't read the legalize on the back of insurance



Wry: No Pete, I cannot use you. It is sad. This is the kind of thing that even

I hesitate to say on an email list.


You do sound like a lawyer of philosophy. Hmm! There is a

virgin field for ambulance chasers.


Please, don't ever again threaten us with withdrawing the light of

your presence.


Wry: Unless this list is radically different than the other list, I cannot

spend too much time here. There must be a certain quality of grp (grip).


-------------You just got here and we barely tasted the sweet

torrent of wisdom that flows from your red, tumescent nipples.


Wry: Unfortunately, wisdom does not flow into anyone from an external source.

One can only develop ones discriminative faculty by being active with material,

such as by enquiring or by pondering. You can erase trauma from your brain and

still be able to think, do math, feel, enjoy nature. There are methods which

exist today to do that, two easy methods actually, but afterwards your

discriminative faculty will not be developed, and when the pain is gone, there

is no motivation to develop discrimination. Then you would be what in Buddhism

is called a " deva. " This is NOT good. We want to be fully human, so we can

formulate a way to help relieve the suffering of a specific person in a way that

is highly specific to that person. Do you understand this? It is very important.



Anyway, we know where to find you, you honey muffin, at



Wry: You do not know where to find anyone on the internet if they decide to

change their identity and go away. Certain people mauy leave one day. You do not

really care, but some others may.


Sorry if the volume of our posts bothers you,

although, that is sort of strange, one of your post at JK has more

words than a whole day of postings here.


Wry: It is better not to have more than a few messages a day. It is not so

much the length, but more the quantity of postings. It breaks down community,

and creates a mechanical atmosphere. One would think that the more people

exchange messages, the greater the quantity, the closer these people would be,

but it is not true on the internet. A certain vital physical material can be

depleted. Maybe it has partly to do with electro-magnatism. I am noit quite

sure, but this subject is most interesting, to me, at least.


------- But your own words are music

to your ears, isn' that right, sweet love?



Wry: No. It is not like you think. though sometimes I am glad I made something

meaningful.I liked n0by's words, " pain is felt in these words and the remedy is

poison. " To me they were like music. So now I have another reason to stay on

this list.



Looking forward to suck your wisdom right up at the source. Yum, Yum,


Wry: Wisdom cannot be obtained in this way, (nor can food, unless you are a

little baby).



Your devoted servant.



Wry: Do you realize that by saying this, even though it is sarcastic, you are

subtly conditioniong not only yourself but perhaps also some others to think of

themselves as my servant on a subliminal level?. What if I do not want servants,

but equals? Sincerely, Wry





KKT: I've never seen

our Pete being so excited :-))


Here is a story for you, Pete :-))



Cheers :-))







Seems God was just about done creating the universe,

had a couple of leftover things left in his bag of creations,

so he stopped by to visit Adam and Eve in the Garden.


He told the couple that one of the things he had

to give away was the ability to stand up and pee.


" It's a very handy thing " God told the couple

(who he found hanging around under an apple tree).

" I was wondering if either one of you wanted that ability. "


Adam popped a cork. Jumped up and begged,

" Oh, give that to me! I'd love to be able to do that!

It seems the sort of thing a Man should do.

Oh please, oh please, oh please, let me have that ability.

I'd be so great! When I'm working in the garden

or flaming the animals, I could just let it rip,

I'd be so cool. Oh please, God, let it be me who

you give that gift to, let me stand and pee, oh please.


On and on he went like an excited little boy (who had to pee).


Eve just smiled and shook her head at the display.

She told God that if Adam really wanted it so badly,

and it sure seemed to be the sort of thing that would

make him happy, she really wouldn't mind if Adam

were the one given the ability to stand up and pee.


And so it was. And it was.. well, good.


" Fine, God said, looking back into his bag

of leftover gifts. " What's left here?


Oh yes,


***multiple orgasms... " ***






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Dear Wry,



Nisargadatta , " wry " <wry1111@e...> wrote:



Hi.KKT. I appreciate your message, but please do not worry about my

feelings. It is a form of subtly diminishing someone, sort of like

putting a " lady " on a pedestal; actually this weakens her. I hope

people do not do this to others, either, be they male or female,

young or old, as people are generally very resilient and able to

take care of themselves and their own emotions, If not, it is a good

opportunity to learn, and what could be a safer place than an email

list? It is a wonderful.. Some comments below.





KKT: Don't worry, Wry.


I never want to diminish

someone, be they male

or female, young or old.


The joke I posted is just

for fun :-))


I'm a feminist and the first

to vote for Hillary Clinton!



Cheers :-))




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Monday, December 01, 2003 3:35 AM

Re: A brand new participants comments re Judi



Dear wry,


you letter sounds resonable, but where is the sense? When not even in the

Web-Sharing people can give the freedom-of-speech and expression, so where

else can you expect the freedom-of-speech and expression?


Wry: I am on an entirely different trip than you about this. I do not believe

ideas should be censored and I also do not believe material should be censored

to preserve peoples' feeling, to rescue them from taking responsibility for

their own feelings, but I do not have a problem with a benevolent dictator

moderating a list, as long as he does not censor ideas, or try to be a protector

of peoples' feelings. Sometimes it is better that way. In any case, there is not

much censorship on here, and no one is going to be censoring anyone or anything

because of me, so what is your problem? I also believe that certain material

that is not appropriate for a list, such as political material or pornography

should not be posted there, but I am not for censoring political material or


All I have done is to give my personal opinion. Perhaps, in doing so, I was

attemtping to change the external environment, but so what? I believe everyone

should be able to express their opinion of what they like or do not like on a

list. It is just one person's opinion, anyway. You are telling me what you do

not prefer about my behavior, which is fine with me, as this is how healthy

exchanges occur, so why should it not be fine with you that I do the same with

others. This is what makes no sense.




When Judi is moved by the Holy Spirit, who can stop her and why?


Wry: Well, this is not about Judi, but about anyone. Who can stop her

(anyone)? Well, I do not know. Why do you even care? (I am starting to sound

like a dumb ass zen buddhist, but seriously, why why WHY do you? Do not answer.

It does not matter, but this is a case in point about human stupidity.) If she

or anyone is moved by the holy spirit, why should anyones words stop her?


Now you can ask why I care. as this question spontaneously arises out of the

enquiry. I think there are some interesting people on here and there is actually

a great potential, but I have discovered, due to my extensive experimentation,

that the learning curve will only go up rapidly on an email list when it has a

bulletin board format. This means, in effect, that every member of the

community, sees every other members response. When there are too many messages,

it becomes a chat room, and the extraordinary potential for rapid human

transformation is mostly lost. I do not necessarily believe that a moderator

should censor for volume, though I probably would, but there is no reason why

members cannot monitor themselves in this respect. If they do not want to, if

they do not think it is intelligent and makes sense, then they should do

whatever it is that is meaningful to them, but it is my opinion that a chatroom

format, though perhaps satisfying on the surface, especially when people get

addicted to it, and the rapid reactions it triggers, will not ultimately satisy.

At least it does not satisfy me.




hinder her Holy Spirit to jump over and infiltrate people on the edge to

jump? Jump into her Holy Fire?


Wry: It is not really about stopping her, more about sharing what I have

discovered about email lists.



Is it asked too much, to delete for example 50 of her mails, or to stop

her restless rantings with several letters of your own? Do you need to ask

for Father Superior, to bring you an elevating enlightenment certificate

for your own special qualities expectations? What more conditions do you

need, to satisfy you?


Wry: What exactly are you asking? I cannot be on a chat room where there is so

much small talk and reactions. Peaople need (in my opinion) to be enquiring into

ideas together.



Can't you see all these controversial communication as kind of

purification plant?


Wry: See, this is the silliness. Can't YOU see MY messages as that?


Wry: It isn't about that. Other lists might yield more fruit. I will stick

around for a while longer and see what happens.


Can't you stand the ardous challenge, to work as long

in service of this purification plant, untill you find something worth

inside? Mostly inside yourself - or do you expect your next step to self

realisation from a letter like this?


Wry: You are skipping some steps here. Firstly, you are making the assumption

that is a challenge worth taking on. Though I do appreciate what you suggest

about the purification plant, maybe you should consider not writing messages

such as this and use the act of not doing to purify yourself, and..the next time

you are censored, such as on nonduality or whatever it is called, work around it

(ha ha), and try to communicate without insulting people, though, personally, I

would never censor anyone for insulting people. Maybe certain people are so

ignorant and suffering they cannot bear the pain of being insulted and need

someone like you around, someone who accepts the challenge of working with them.

Ha ha.



Do you need to threaten your poor readers with one of your first letters,

that anywhay you will need to leave soon? So for what reason to you claim

here anything, except to show up with an even more blown-up EGO

manifestation than our lovely Lady Juicy Judy?


Wry: Maybe it is to see how much they will react to this tone of

communication, so I can take a quick temperature reading of the " heat " of this

list. Or maybe it it was to begin to establish the conditions for purgatory, a

certain kind of boxing that is not mechanical. Or maybe I have low self-esteem

and need to say things like that to build myself up. Ha ha. What do you care,

anyway? Just use it. Actually, I like your message. I have used it. Sincerely,




There is no need to explain anything for meeee, maybe you can get a bit

clearer about yourself? Just a purposal?








with love








> Nisargadatta , " wry " <wry1111@e...> wrote:



> Wry: I am looking forward to being on here and enquiring with anyone

> who is

> interested, in the spirit of discovery. Sometimes I can be a little

> harsh,

> so those who are super sensitive, please bring your little salt

> shaker with

> you when you read my messages, and if salt is needed, sprinke some on.

> I

> will only be here for a little while, as the volume of messages is way

> too

> high for my personal preference. I am interested in quality rather than

> quantity, and somehow these two do not usually go together.

> Sincerely, Wry






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