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[JK] Animals-Judi and Pete

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Nisargadatta , " wry " <wry1111@e...> wrote:




it is questionable that you are in any way enlightened,





KKT: No, Pete is not

enlightened (not yet :-))

but enlightening :-))


I find what he wrote very

enlightening and enjoy very much :-))








as it is obvious that I have gotten your goat , though I did not

even intend to. You are easily triggered into reactive states,

and over come by afflictive emotions. You talk about bliss,

but how blissful can this be? Sincerely, Wry

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Bill Rishel


Saturday, January 03, 2004 3:13 AM

Re: Re: [JK] Re: Animals-Judi and Pete



What a riot.


> Wry: People can say anything and even believe it when they are saying it.

I love this.


> To explain reality, to understand it, to strive for a theory of

> everything is a game that has no end, and leads nowhere.

> Ontologically nothing can be said. What is, is. There is no method

> to illumination, it is just being a lizard on a sunny rock lost in

> contemplation.

Errr...Uhhh...yes... : )


Wry***** Hope you don't think I wrote the above words. In any case, yes, Pete,

there is no way to explain reality--duh-but there is a way to fully incorporate

it, a method that can be applied to this, just as a method can be applied to

just about anything.



BTW... what about being not-lost in non-contemplation.

That counts too I presume.


Wry***** I would agree, and this is an excellent way to put it.



Wry: Unfortunetely, this does not solve the problem of human beings

destroying the earth and each other, does it?


This is so funny. Reminds me of " Church Lady " on SN Live.


Wry******You say this because you do not realize the extent that you and

others are suffering. There is no urgency for you. It is sad. Sincerely, Wry.

p.s. Judi, I have read your recent message. Has it ever occured to you that your

repertoire is very limited? (I suspect it has). Is it too late for you to

experience genuine participation? I hope not. Even if what what you fantasize

about yourself being selfless is true, which I do not believe it is, you

obviously do not have the skill or knowledge to communicate much of anything to

anyone. It is a form of being crippled. I suspect there is very much a reactive

psychological complex behind it.Do you ever feel like you are castrated? I do

not mean physically, obviously, but deep within? I get a sense of this about you

from reading your material.



Who needs SN Live when we have this list?


And don't let me interrupt this avid discussion.

Do carry on.

Just had to get these few chuckles in.






" wry " <wry1111

<Nisargadatta >

Saturday, January 03, 2004 12:46 AM

Re: [JK] Re: Animals-Judi and Pete



> Hi. Here is something I wrote to Pete on another list, in response to a

simplistic message on animal meditation. Judi, you have something to learn,

as your discrimination is not developed to the degree which is your

birthright as a human being.. I know you are trying to help by posting your

little set piece by Whitman out here (once again), and you actually are

helping, which I appreciate, but maybe, for once, it would be best to sit

on the side and listen. In any case, whatever you say or do, I suggest you

try to approach each situation in a way that is both specific and original.

in that you consciously use any thing I or others say or do for your own

purpose, which I hope is not only for the benefit of yourself, but also of

others, as I am surely going to do the same with you. In this way we can be

blood sisters, along with Jess.. Pete, it is questionable that you are in

any way enlightened, as it is obvious that I have gotten your goat , though

I did not even intend to. You are easily triggered into reactive states, and

over come by afflictive emotions. You talk about bliss, but how blissful can

this be? Sincerely, Wry

> -

> seesaw1us


> Monday, November 17, 2003 6:55 PM

> Animal Meditation




> snip......


> Wry: Animals are not like people. It is very easy for them to

" meditate, " as their memory function is not complex and they cannot remember

what happened to them yesterday and stew over it. In my opinion, it is not

only unrealistic to compare animals to people in this respect, but serves no

useful purpose that I can think of.

> ------------------


> >Like an animal, a beast, a bird, a bug perched on a rock, just

> seeing, hearing, sensing, just being there without a notion in the

> brain, apperceiving what is, being the eye of God that's the animal

> >way, the natural way, the highest illumination.

> -------------

> Wry: Perhaps it is, but since animals do not need to solve the problem

of psycholoigical thought by in some way incorporating something or other

back into the body in such a way that there is a transcendence, this is not

the untimate illumination. Case in points: animals are jealous. One cat is

jealous of the other, when I am petting him. He can learn to share, little

by little, to a degree, because I am teaching him, and it is wonderful to

see, but the reaction will probably always be there. Also, cats cannot

generate the greater boddhichitta, but a human being can. The greater

boddhichitta greatly affects an animal or any creature around it, whereas I

cannot honestly say that the kindness of a cat functions to this degree, to

it is wonderful to see a cat being kind, participating in this way. For a

human being to be fully alert, for there to be free attention without

resistance, would be the highest state of illumination, the buddha. I

believe this is possible, but first a person would need to work through the

obscurations and cleanse the mind of it stains.

> --------------

> >Most people have this notion that the spiritual way is akin to

> progress, an evolution into a superior being, or ubermensch. And that

> this evolution, requires discipline, the acquisition of knowledge,

> >and the practice of virtue.

> ------------

> Wry: I have this idea.

> ------------

> >In reality, what is required is pure

> animal sensitivity, sensuality, (in the sense of a lack of

> intellectual, spiritual, or moral connotation) a total immersion, an

> >indwelling of the body.

> ----------------

> Wry: People can say anything and even believe it when they are saying


> ---------------

> To explain reality, to understand it, to strive for a theory of

> everything is a game that has no end, and leads nowhere.

> Ontologically nothing can be said. What is, is. There is no method

> to illumination, it is just being a lizard on a sunny rock lost in

> contemplation.

> ------------

> Wry: Unfortunetely, this does not solve the problem of human beings

destroying the earth and each other, does it? There is horrible,

unbelievable suffering going on, both for people and animals.and the

solution to this IS ontological, not in the sense of an act of thought

(about being), but as an act of incorporation and transcendence. What you

say above, about being a lizard on a rock, is an innapropriate correlation

to a human being with his complex memory function and complex relationships.

You will not help anyone from suffering by saying these words, and

personally, I suspect that you, too, are suffering and do not even know it,

but even if you are not, even if you are what is called a " solitary

realizer. " which I doubt, this is of no real value to anyone. You spend your

days writings poems about pointing your " dick at the moon. " Even a lizard

on a rock knows better than this. He is being a lizard, but what you are

doing, in my opinion, is not being fully human.

> --------------

> Of course, there is no need to eradicate personality or intellect,

> and it can't be done unless a lobotomy is performed. It suffices to

> see through these tools, not to wear them welded to the forehead like

> antlers getting entangled in the conceptual brush. To label, to

> identify a self, no matter how nebulous or lofty, is to fall from

> that blessed state of pure and simple animality.

> ----------------------

> Wry: If animals had a more complex memory function, they too, would have

the concept of self. The reason they do not make this error is because they

cannot, but humans can. This is the problem which you so neatly sidestep. No

matter how much you expound on this theme about human beings and amimals, I

do not believe it will help anyone to suffer less, though it would be great

if it did. Personally, I think what you write does not take into acount

CONSCIENCE. It has taken a lot of time to answer your email, but I have done

this because you are drawing false assumptions from making innappropriate

correlations, and it is important to present the other side. In the real

world, in daily life, you are walking around everyday with this false idea

in your head about animals and people. I wonder how this is affecting the

world. Sincerely, Wry


> Pete





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