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[SufiMystic] Bump in the Road

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I liked the first stanza so much that I hated to

go on. It seemed that the first stanza stood

so well on its own.


Then the second stanza, it stands on its own

too! I love the concluding line, " We come to

a place like an axle, where we are all the same. "

I connect that axle with Shiva, btw. That is just

my association, but strong enough that I mention

it here. It is also the Heart.


And then the last stanza. How wonderful it is!

The semi driving off with loud music and laughing...

what a fantastic image for Death! For me the final

stanza is, again, a marvelous poem on its own.


So what I see here is three marvelous poems.

Oddly, I don't feel much of a connection between

them. Not on the surface anyhow. All of them

express a perspective of life that is far beyond

ordinary experience. From the perspective of

looking deeply (1st stanza), one comes to see

the " axle " and the hollow ring of Death.




PS: I sent this once doing a Reply All and got

a bunch of kicked back messages. Here's

another try.




Most people would say

that knowledge is good

& ignorance is bad

But if you don't know something

& look deeper into it

the source of your discoveries

is your ignorance

When you feel you've learned enough

& stop looking further

the source of your stagnation

is your knowledge


Truth can be talked about

but not put into words

I look for you & see myself

I look for myself & see you

This existence is so fascinating

I think we come here for love

& we get it in unexpected ways

When we go back far enough

into our dreams & unconscious

we come to a place like an axle

where we're all the same


Even after death runs me down

with its semi-trailer truck

& drives off laughing to loud music

I'll still be a bump in the road

a spark of life & wonder

as long as one atom remains

Coyote walks off for a while

but circles back at night

for one more howl





Steve Toth



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