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What's it ALL about? / ralph

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I am but a student in the state of becoming who I already AM.


All the wisdom offered on this site falls into this category of easier said

than done.


My intent was to cull the TRUTH to its bare essence.


Anyone can TALK the TALK...you gotta WALK the WALK.


We are a facet on the diamond face of GOD.






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<Nisargadatta >

Monday, March 29, 2004 7:08 PM

What's it ALL about?



> Greeting:


> I have read some posts and skipped some.


> It seems to me a lot off highly intellectual sparing goes on here.


> Enlightenment?..Love everyone unconditionally and desire nothing.







easier said than done.




do YOU love everyone unconditionally?


do YOU desire nothing?


and the next question is, of course...


ok, i'll wait for you to answer these first.















> End of story!


> Ralph




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<Nisargadatta >

Tuesday, March 30, 2004 12:39 AM

Re: What's it ALL about? / ralph









yes, Rph..




> I am but a student in the state of becoming who I already AM.




how do you know you already are that which you are trying to become?

you don't.

you heard this somewhere.



do you know who you are?





> All the wisdom offered on this site falls into this category of easier said

> than done.




yes. so?


my understanding of the word 'wisdom' is:

words that are truthful, words that are experienced.


from this point of view,

your words were not wisdom.

they still aren't.





> My intent was to cull the TRUTH to its bare essence.




how do you know what you said was truth?

what do you know about truth?

do you know anything at all?





> Anyone can TALK the TALK...you gotta WALK the WALK.






here i am trying to discuss the walk.

i do the walking when i walk.

not here.



sad thing is,

many people just talk the talk

like they have walked the walk.

you too.





> We are a facet on the diamond face of GOD.




of WHO?









a true seeker is one

who knows that he does not know




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