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Advanced Trickery

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" Then there is the movement to more " advanced " trickery...... "


Thanks, Lewis, for your clarification. I will re-post

your reply at advaitatozen and at

nondual philosophy, which I cordially invite

you to join. Now, let's see what you consider

'advance trickery.'






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my two cents on......advanced trickery





For a Sixth Form Reader



Don't read odes, my boy, read the timetables:

they are more exact. Unroll the seacharts

before it's too late. Be on your guard, don't sing.

The day will come when they'll hammer lists

on the door again and mark with special signs

all who say no. Learn to go unrecognized,

learn more than I ever did: to change

your domicile, passport, face. Become

adept at petty treacheries and the everyday

dirty get-out. Encyclicals

are good to light the fire with,

manifestos: to wrap the butter in and salt

for those who cannot defend themselves. Rage

and patience are needed

to blow into the lungs of power

the lethal dust

finely ground by those who have learned a lot

and are exact, like you.




Hans Magnus Enzensberger

Translated from the German by David Constantine

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Nisargadatta , Pedsie2@a... wrote:

> " Then there is the movement to more " advanced " trickery...... "


> Thanks, Lewis, for your clarification. I will re-post

> your reply at advaitatozen and at

> nondual philosophy, which I cordially invite

> you to join. Now, let's see what you consider

> 'advance trickery.'


> Pete


Dear Pete,


All joined up.


Advanced Trickery


Mode One


To know what you are you must become a pigeon.



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In a message dated 12/30/04 1:18:31 PM, lbb10 writes:



> >Advanced Trickery

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> >Mode One


> >To know what you are you must become a pigeon.


> >Lewis




:) Maybe advanced rookery. But yes, I wrote something

along those lines last year. It didn't fly far, though.

See below:


Animal Meditation


Like an animal, a beast, a bird, a bug perched on a rock,

just seeing, hearing, sensing, just being there without

a notion in the brain, apperceiving what is, being the

eye of God, that's the animal way, the natural meditation.


Most people have this notion that the spiritual way is akin

to progress, an evolution into a superior being, or ubermensch.

And that this evolution, requires discipline, the acquisition of

knowledge, and the practice of virtue. In reality what is required

is pure animal sensitivity, sensuality, (in the sense of a lack of

intellectual, spiritual, or moral connotation) a total immersion,

a total indwelling of the body.


To explain reality, to understand it, to strive for a theory of

everything is a game that has no end, and leads nowhere.

Ontologically nothing can be said. What is, is. There is no method

to illumination, it is just being a lizard on a sunny rock, to be

lost in contemplation.

Of course, there is no need to eradicate personality

or intellect, just don't label, don't identify with a self,

no matter how nebulous or lofty. Just stay in that blessed state

of pure and simple animality.







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Pedsie2 wrote:



> In a message dated 12/30/04 1:18:31 PM, lbb10 writes:



> > >Advanced Trickery

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > >Mode One

> >

> > >To know what you are you must become a pigeon.

> >

> > >Lewis

> >

> >


> :) Maybe advanced rookery. But yes, I wrote something

> along those lines last year. It didn't fly far, though.

> See below:


> Animal Meditation


> Like an animal, a beast, a bird, a bug perched on a rock,

> just seeing, hearing, sensing, just being there without

> a notion in the brain, apperceiving what is, being the

> eye of God, that's the animal way, the natural meditation.


> Most people have this notion that the spiritual way is akin

> to progress, an evolution into a superior being, or ubermensch.

> And that this evolution, requires discipline, the acquisition of

> knowledge, and the practice of virtue. In reality what is required

> is pure animal sensitivity, sensuality, (in the sense of a lack of

> intellectual, spiritual, or moral connotation) a total immersion,

> a total indwelling of the body.


> To explain reality, to understand it, to strive for a theory of

> everything is a game that has no end, and leads nowhere.

> Ontologically nothing can be said. What is, is. There is no method

> to illumination, it is just being a lizard on a sunny rock, to be

> lost in contemplation.

> Of course, there is no need to eradicate personality

> or intellect, just don't label, don't identify with a self,

> no matter how nebulous or lofty. Just stay in that blessed state

> of pure and simple animality.


> Pete



Yes. Advanced rookery is good. Ha, ha, ha ha...... And, yes, such

advanced rookery doesn't fly far. Usually there are no takers for such

trickery. Seems outlandish, a demotion of sorts to a lower realm, the

animal realm. Enlightenment, illumination being reduced to " just being a

lizard on a sunny rock, " is not very appealing, counterintuitive it may

be said, like the old " die to self " dictum. The incredulity and

avoidance response is... well leave it to be filled in.


Now back to the trickery. A rock pigeon, the flying rat of the urban

landscape, as you know well, is a highly enlightened being, and far more

so than most human beings. The secret of life is hidden in it. The most

advanced in the mystical and yogic traditions could do well by becoming

a pigeon. Becoming a pigeon reveals some secrets but not all. There is

not intention to lead one astray.


To become a pigeon for a true adept is no problem at all. It is a most

rewarding experience, illuminating. Whole new vistas open up as a pigeon

that flies freely through the skies above the trudging humans, seeing

them in their homes from building ledges, seeing them making their

characteristic utterances and performing their characteristic behavior

in utter unconceptualized clarity. The experience is indescribable and

the secrets learned are many. This is the beginner mode. Easy to do.

Other advanced modes are listed below.



Advanced Trickery Mode Two requires becoming a blood cell.


Advanced Trickery Mode Three requires becoming a water molecule.


Advanced Trickery Mode Four requires becoming an electron.


Advanced Trickery Mode Five requires becoming a charm quark.


Advanced Trickery Mode Six requires becoming a strong interaction.


Advanced Trickery Mode Seven requires becoming a photon.




Are you experienced " Pete? "



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In a message dated 12/30/04 8:47:14 PM, lbb10 writes:



> Are you experienced " Pete? "


> Lewis



P: Not at all, " Lewis. " Neither, Buddha nor Christ, nor Saint John

needed such names, or trickery. They understood and became

the Big Fish directly. 'Nothing in particular' is required.

Only St. Thomas needed tricks. And it's for the St. Thomas of

this world (those who fancy, they can discern the Truth) that

tricks are needed.




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In a message dated 12/31/04 9:17:10 AM, lbb10 writes:



> Are they not simply instructions that may be be taken or declined?


> Which is it?  What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love (  ) Hate (  )

> Indifferent (  ) Ignore (  ) Cast to the fires (  ) ????? (  ) Ban (  )

> Other (  ) Anti-Other (  ) Sign me up! (  ) All other possibilities (  )


> How about what Lewis said:


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Advanced Trickery

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Advanced Trickery Mode One - To know what you are you must become a pigeon.


> Advanced Trickery Mode Two requires becoming a blood cell.


> Advanced Trickery Mode Three requires becoming a water molecule.


> Advanced Trickery Mode Four requires becoming an electron.


> Advanced Trickery Mode Five requires becoming a charm quark.


> Advanced Trickery Mode Six requires becoming a strong interaction.


> Advanced Trickery Mode Seven requires becoming a photon.


> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> Yes, they are nice instructions, very lovely, on target, clear simple,

> elegant. Yes, they are terrible, horrible instructions that are personal

> concepts that are demeaning, ignorant, filled with bias, prejudice,

> insensitivity, stupidity, and contradiction. Yes, they are unnecessary

> for  they lead nowhere. Yes, it is more trickery and worthy of this

> forum. Yes, time to get rid of....Yes, time to join the cult. No, I

> can't take it any more stop the shape shifting.....


> Are they not simply instructions that may be be taken or declined?


> Which is it?  What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love (  ) Hate (  )

> Indifferent (  ) Ignore (  ) Cast to the fires (  ) ????? (  ) Ban (  )

> Other (  ) Anti-Other (  ) Sign me up! (  ) All other possibilities (  )


> Those wishing to vote see the thread " Animal Meditation " for the full

> experience by using the Search tool at


> http://www.truthpointers.com/Nisargadatta.php?PHPSESSID=4e1571e441a08a19f20c7

> ad968e953c6 & searchfor=Animal+Meditation





LOL. The immense majority doesn't care. Two , three will vote, if any, and


as a political statement. Anyway, nothing I write is a recipe for

enlightement pie, at best

it is, 'that store yonder has pies for free'. But such is the market

nowdays that not

even free pies sell well.




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Pedsie2 wrote:


> In a message dated 12/30/04 8:47:14 PM, lbb10 writes:



> > Are you experienced " Pete? "

> >

> > Lewis

> >


> P: Not at all, " Lewis. " Neither, Buddha nor Christ, nor Saint John

> needed such names, or trickery. They understood and became

> the Big Fish directly. 'Nothing in particular' is required.

> Only St. Thomas needed tricks. And it's for the St. Thomas of

> this world (those who fancy, they can discern the Truth) that

> tricks are needed.


Hi Pete,


No experience as a pigeon? It can be a lovely experience, Pete.

Experience as a photon can be nice too.



Pete says:


" In reality what is required is pure animal sensitivity, sensuality,

(in the sense of a lack of intellectual, spiritual, or moral

connotation) a total immersion, a total indwelling of the body.


" There is no method to illumination, it is just being a lizard on a

sunny rock, to be lost in contemplation. There is no need to eradicate

personality or intellect, just don't label, don't identify with a self,

no matter how nebulous or lofty. Just stay in that blessed state

of pure and simple animosity. "


" Nothing in particular' is required, "


(Taken from rework (post 17216) of post 9791)



Yes, they are nice instructions, very lovely, on target, clear simple,

elegant. Yes, they are terrible, horrible instructions that are personal

concepts that are demeaning, ignorant, filled with bias, prejudice,

insensitivity, stupidity, and contradiction. Yes, they are unnecessary

instruction for they lead nowhere. Yes, it is more trickery and worthy

of this forum. Yes, time to get rid of....Yes, time to join the cult.

No, I can't take it any more stop the shape shifting.....


Are they not simply instructions that may be be taken or declined?


Which is it? What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love ( ) Hate ( )

Indifferent ( ) Ignore ( ) Cast to the fires ( ) ????? ( ) Ban ( )

Other ( ) Anti-Other ( ) Sign me up! ( ) All other possibilities ( )


How about what Lewis said:



Advanced Trickery


Advanced Trickery Mode One - To know what you are you must become a pigeon.


Advanced Trickery Mode Two requires becoming a blood cell.


Advanced Trickery Mode Three requires becoming a water molecule.


Advanced Trickery Mode Four requires becoming an electron.


Advanced Trickery Mode Five requires becoming a charm quark.


Advanced Trickery Mode Six requires becoming a strong interaction.


Advanced Trickery Mode Seven requires becoming a photon.



Yes, they are nice instructions, very lovely, on target, clear simple,

elegant. Yes, they are terrible, horrible instructions that are personal

concepts that are demeaning, ignorant, filled with bias, prejudice,

insensitivity, stupidity, and contradiction. Yes, they are unnecessary

for they lead nowhere. Yes, it is more trickery and worthy of this

forum. Yes, time to get rid of....Yes, time to join the cult. No, I

can't take it any more stop the shape shifting.....


Are they not simply instructions that may be be taken or declined?


Which is it? What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love ( ) Hate ( )

Indifferent ( ) Ignore ( ) Cast to the fires ( ) ????? ( ) Ban ( )

Other ( ) Anti-Other ( ) Sign me up! ( ) All other possibilities ( )


Those wishing to vote see the thread " Animal Meditation " for the full

experience by using the Search tool at



68e953c6 & searchfor=Animal+Meditation





It may be said that all posts are in the same position. Yes? No? ????.



Some questions Pete.

What is the Big Fish? Is this some thing or no thing? If it something,

please describe it. If it is no thing why deceive us by pointing to

something that does not exist? Are you a trickster? A deceiver?


How does a who (a name) become a what? Or How is that " no one " become a

something or a no thing?


Is not " understood and became the Big Fish " trickery of the first order?

(Note the past tense).


Aren't all those names, the names of Tricksters pointing here and there

there and saying not this, not that, while " no one " gets it trickery?


Of course it is not. It is the truth. No, it is not the truth. No, you

can't handle the truth. No, there is no truth to handle. No, there is no

one to handle it. Silly yes. Serious yes. Unnecessary speech waste

yes....... Which is it?


What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love ( ) Hate ( ) Indifferent (

) Ignore ( ) Cast to the fires ( ) ????? ( ) Ban ( ) Other ( )

Anti-Other ( ) Sign me up! ( ) All other possibilities ( )


Becoming a pigeon has nothing to do with the Truth or truth, tuth, turth

or St. Thomas Aquinas, may his well-educated spirit (no oneness) not be

raised (reincarnated) from Heaven (nothingness) to correct (deny) us (no

one) with his truth (no thing).


Becoming a pigeon is play to children or perhaps torture to an adult who

has no time for playing enjoyable tricks with mind. Or a confusing

notion that has to wait its turn after Self-realization. Or something to

be cast into the lake of fire. Or to be stomped on by Shiva. Or

something turned into a film or perhaps a play.


A call to play Pete, to enjoy human capabilities. You don't want to play

becoming a pigeon? Ok.


What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love ( ) Hate ( ) Indifferent (

) Ignore ( ) Cast to the fires ( ) ????? ( ) Ban ( ) Other ( )

Anti-Other ( ) Sign me up! ( ) All other possibilities ( )


To be serious or not to be serious or silly or not silly is not even a



The point is.....

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In a message dated 12/31/04 3:31:15 PM, lbb10 writes:



> LOL. The immense majority doesn't care. Two , three will vote, if any,

> > and

> > only

> > as a political   statement. Anyway, nothing I write is a   recipe for

> > enlightenment pie, at best

> > it is, 'that store yonder has pies   for free'. But such is the

> > market

> > nowadays that not

> > even free pies sell well.


> It is unknown who cares Pete. The free pies are on the window sill and

> in the freezer for all to try. Home cooking' is always the best though,

> so dig in and eat till your belly is bursting' with belches!

> Hahahahahahaha!


> * *

> \

> O  Burrrrrrrrrp!



P: No Divine Baker has come up yet, with the perfect pie,

an infallible one that would when eaten produce w/o

fail more Divine bakers. It's all hit and miss, what

works here, doesn't there. What used to work then,

doesn't now. What looks like wisdom to one, seems

folly to another. Sublime words of wisdom can't

equal the power to motivate of a few well chosen

insults. Mumbo jumbo and trickery seem as useful

as the greatest Sutra. And of course, what the

majority considers the best is seldom so. But alas,

yes, your pies are tasty, and I'll let you decide who

is worthy to eat them and who is not. Please excuse

my lack of respect. I am a very crude fellow, not

used to haute cuisine. It's only natural that a good

cook will take his cooking 'seriously.' :)




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Pedsie2 wrote:



> In a message dated 12/31/04 9:17:10 AM, lbb10 writes:



> > Are they not simply instructions that may be be taken or declined?

> >

> > Which is it?Ý What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love (Ý ) Hate (Ý

> )

> > Indifferent (Ý ) Ignore (Ý ) Cast to the fires (Ý ) ????? (Ý ) Ban

> (Ý )

> > Other (Ý ) Anti-Other (Ý ) Sign me up! (Ý ) All other possibilities

> (Ý )

> >

> > How about what Lewis said:

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Advanced Trickery

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Advanced Trickery Mode One - To know what you are you must become a

> pigeon.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Two requires becoming a blood cell.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Three requires becoming a water molecule.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Four requires becoming an electron.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Five requires becoming a charm quark.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Six requires becoming a strong interaction.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Seven requires becoming a photon.

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Yes, they are nice instructions, very lovely, on target, clear

> simple,

> > elegant. Yes, they are terrible, horrible instructions that are

> personal

> > concepts that are demeaning, ignorant, filled with bias, prejudice,

> > insensitivity, stupidity, and contradiction. Yes, they are

> unnecessary

> > forÝ they lead nowhere. Yes, it is more trickery and worthy of this

> > forum. Yes, time to get rid of....Yes, time to join the cult. No, I

> > can't take it any more stop the shape shifting.....

> >

> > Are they not simply instructions that may be be taken or declined?

> >

> > Which is it?Ý What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love (Ý ) Hate (Ý

> )

> > Indifferent (Ý ) Ignore (Ý ) Cast to the fires (Ý ) ????? (Ý ) Ban

> (Ý )

> > Other (Ý ) Anti-Other (Ý ) Sign me up! (Ý ) All other possibilities

> (Ý )

> >

> > Those wishing to vote see the thread " Animal Meditation " for the

> full

> > experience by using the Search tool at

> >

> >

> http://www.truthpointers.com/Nisargadatta.php?PHPSESSID=4e1571e441a08a19f20c7


> > ad968e953c6 & searchfor=Animal+Meditation

> >

> >

> >


> LOL. The immense majority doesn't care. Two , three will vote, if any,

> and

> only

> as a political statement. Anyway, nothing I write is a recipe for

> enlightement pie, at best

> it is, 'that store yonder has pies for free'. But such is the

> market

> nowdays that not

> even free pies sell well.


It is unknown who cares Pete. The free pies are on the window sill and

in the freezer for all to try. Home cookin' is always the best though,

so dig in and eat till your belly is burstin' with belches!



* *


O Burrrrrrrrrp!




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Nisargadatta , Pedsie2@a... wrote:


> In a message dated 12/31/04 9:17:10 AM, lbb10@c... writes:



> > Are they not simply instructions that may be be taken or


> >

> > Which is it?  What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love (  )

Hate (  )

> > Indifferent (  ) Ignore (  ) Cast to the fires (  ) ????? (  )

Ban (  )

> > Other (  ) Anti-Other (  ) Sign me up! (  ) All other

possibilities (  )

> >

> > How about what Lewis said:

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Advanced Trickery

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Advanced Trickery Mode One - To know what you are you must

become a pigeon.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Two requires becoming a blood cell.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Three requires becoming a water molecule.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Four requires becoming an electron.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Five requires becoming a charm quark.

> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Six requires becoming a strong


> >

> > Advanced Trickery Mode Seven requires becoming a photon.

> >

> > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Yes, they are nice instructions, very lovely, on target, clear


> > elegant. Yes, they are terrible, horrible instructions that are


> > concepts that are demeaning, ignorant, filled with bias,


> > insensitivity, stupidity, and contradiction. Yes, they are


> > for  they lead nowhere. Yes, it is more trickery and worthy of


> > forum. Yes, time to get rid of....Yes, time to join the cult.

No, I

> > can't take it any more stop the shape shifting.....

> >

> > Are they not simply instructions that may be be taken or


> >

> > Which is it?  What do the lurkers think? Vote now. Love (  )

Hate (  )

> > Indifferent (  ) Ignore (  ) Cast to the fires (  ) ????? (  )

Ban (  )

> > Other (  ) Anti-Other (  ) Sign me up! (  ) All other

possibilities (  )

> >

> > Those wishing to vote see the thread " Animal Meditation " for the


> > experience by using the Search tool at

> >

> > http://www.truthpointers.com/Nisargadatta.php?


> > ad968e953c6 & searchfor=Animal+Meditation

> >

> >

> >


> LOL. The immense majority doesn't care. Two , three will vote, if

any, and

> only

> as a political statement. Anyway, nothing I write is a recipe


> enlightement pie, at best

> it is, 'that store yonder has pies for free'. But such is the


> nowdays that not

> even free pies sell well.



Your pies are not free. We have to consider you as a great cyber

guru for you to give us your pie. I won't eat it. You made one long

ago " when you wrote your two poems " and it was good. Now you are

dull. You were funny, but now that you are what you are! You are not

funny at all. You believe in nothing. You are borring.


You Dark Vader you!! (star wars)You even lost your Dark Vader

sword!!!! can you believe that???



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Pedsie2 wrote:



> In a message dated 12/31/04 3:31:15 PM, lbb10 writes:



> > LOL. The immense majority doesn't care. Two , three will vote, if any,

> > > and

> > > only

> > > as a political statement. Anyway, nothing I write is a recipe for

> > > enlightenment pie, at best

> > > it is, 'that store yonder has pies for free'. But such is the

> > > market

> > > nowadays that not

> > > even free pies sell well.

> >

> > It is unknown who cares Pete. The free pies are on the window sill and

> > in the freezer for all to try. Home cooking' is always the best though,

> > so dig in and eat till your belly is bursting' with belches!

> > Hahahahahahaha!

> >

> > * *

> > \

> > O Burrrrrrrrrp!

> >


> P: No Divine Baker has come up yet, with the perfect pie,

> an infallible one that would when eaten produce w/o

> fail more Divine bakers. It's all hit and miss, what

> works here, doesn't there. What used to work then,

> doesn't now. What looks like wisdom to one, seems

> folly to another. Sublime words of wisdom can't

> equal the power to motivate of a few well chosen

> insults. Mumbo jumbo and trickery seem as useful

> as the greatest Sutra. And of course, what the

> majority considers the best is seldom so. But alas,

> yes, your pies are tasty, and I'll let you decide who

> is worthy to eat them and who is not. Please excuse

> my lack of respect. I am a very crude fellow, not

> used to haute cuisine. It's only natural that a good

> cook will take his cooking 'seriously.' :)



Yes Pete, those are the appearances.... Hey Pete, what you talkin bout

eatin and cookin'? If you became a pigeon (Advanced Trickery-Mode One)

as suggested you would know that pigeons eat all kinds of stuff off the

street! Hey, almost all organic stuff is a meal. Pigeons eat to be and

do. We clean the city streets of all kinds of organic debris. And

pigeons ain't thinking too much about it. Fries, seeds, chicken on eaten

chicken bones (Oh my, is that you cousin, Jerry), rice, beef, pies,

bread, pretzels, franks, cookies,...Gum don't get it, though. So there

are no class issues with Pigeon. We and the homeless are homies. Haute

cuisine? Pigeon wishes. Pigeons always eat and find things to eat and

people leave food for eating all the time. Just have to look out for the

poisoned food, you know because of the feathered rat stereotype.


As far as pigeon's smelly droppings go, any one can use them for

whatever they want after cleaning out the viruses and bacteria.


Come on Pete, fly with old pigeon, show old pigeon all the worlds you know.


Old Pigeon

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Nisargadatta , " ilikezen2004 "

<ilikezen2004> wrote:


> ****************************************


> Your pies are not free. We have to consider you as a great cyber

> guru for you to give us your pie. I won't eat it. You made one


> ago " when you wrote your two poems " and it was good. Now you are

> dull. You were funny, but now that you are what you are! You are


> funny at all. You believe in nothing. You are borring.


> You Dark Vader you!! (star wars)You even lost your Dark Vader

> sword!!!! can you believe that???


> Odysseus,


Man, Odysseus! are you between 15 and 20?

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