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The body

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One of the major illusions is to believe that everything comes

directly from the body! That the body is the only Reality. That

every search or understanding has to begin with the physical body as

the only truth. So one starts to try to understand Reality with the

belief that the body is the only true reality. This because the body

is there when needed and that it is physicaly available when we are

to investigate. The buddha found that the body or life is real but

the Ego or " I " inside is not true or illusion. This cannot be. This

statement is false!! It becomes true, only for teaching purpuses.

The buddha teaches levels of understanding, up until Nirvana.

The Ego or constructed self is true and as real as the body or

anything else. One cannot separate them as separate entities. It is

impossible to do that. To teach it, is a methode. To say it is the

Reality it is not! not at all!


One cannot say that the wind is true but the clouds are not true etc.

Or the white clouds are true but not the grey ones!

In sadhana, There are steps. Step 1, To understand or to start the

search you need a brain. No brain no searh, no search no awakening

or enlightement, no buddha nature, because you cannot know. You have

no brain! As in the case of a 4 years old child. He has no

developped the brain enough yet to try to understand anything. Like

the animals. They cannot understand.


Animals cannot become enlighten.


Humans can become enlighten or Self-realised or God realised.


We are childs, then teenagers, then adult, etc. These are level of

understanding or awakening to life it self. So when someone says

that life has no levels. I would like to tell him can I get a Ph.D

degree instanly? I wish I could be a doctor. To help people, to cure

people. Can I be a doctor tomorrow morning? Send me my diploma



Ask Silly Billy he will tell you that all is an illusion.


To enter any level of understanding you must start somewhere. Most

of you have started reading. That is a very good begining. That

gives you an idea of what can Spirituality or Enlightenement or

Liberation or God be. But that is all. Even if you read all the book

in the world about Love. You cannot truly fall in love. Is that

clear enough!!!!! You can masturbate your brain again and again but

you will never never will fall in love. Drop the books and go to

meet a lovely lady etc a friend something. You have more chances!


But the major error is to presume that the body is the reality and

that " the ego " or the other level of awakening is the illusion.


On that presumption the whole search is made and the mental or mind

results comes foward. Reality in a sadhana, must be taken as a

whole. Neti, neti methode gives you half the coin. It is not good if

taken as pure truth. Negation if a methode not Truth it self. Neti

neti bring you to the Self. But you cannot negate the Self. Maybe

some try and become fouls. Non-existance cannot negate non-

existance. I cannot erase what I never wrote! It is none sense to

talk this way. These are only methodes to reach the Reality. If

taken as truth you lost yourself in those theories.


2- Reality is above thinking it self. You want to understand the

Self , well don't think. it is as simple as that but who can. Some

can as Ramana and other Masters. That is why masters starts some

inquiries to reach our true, pure Self or Reality. But at each step

of the way one who cannot go more far yiels, That's it. There is

nothing more to do or to be done. That is why there are poor masters

and great or grand masters. They have reached higher levels of

Spirituality and Truth. Just to reach the non-thinking level as in

Zen. It could take more than 20 years to reach that level. I'm

talking about stopping the tinking process stop it. Non-thinking.

Not, to look that we are thinking!! That is quit easy to do. I know

a Zen master that told me that it took him 20 years to become a Zen

master, Soto school.


There are several school, several methodes, several teachings,

several revelations, several ways. The Spiritual path is a jungle,

were each master build his own path and their own destiny.


Your thinking is the more I talk the more I know. It is the opposit,

The more you talk the more you don't know! The more you try to grab

the mind the more it goes a step foward and you just are running to

reach it and you cannot reach it. Even If I tell you let it go!! You

just can't. I know!! What to do then. That is why I say there is no

cyber guru. This is just Spiritual pornography. You won't go no

where but in your brain. But it is the brain that you have to



The forum is good to talk and exchange what we have found. What we

understood and get help form people who are ready to share what they

have understood. It is a cyber cafe, not a cyber guru. The fonction

of the Guru goes beyong mere talking. It is personal, he is

spiritual active with the disciple etc. It is very very difficult to

find such a guru, or true Guru. Anyway they abuse to much their

students so I can understand the students too.


What can we do prey? But you don't believe in God. God for you is

worse than a dog!


There are true disciples and there are true Masters.





If you tell me that the truth is your body and your ego is the

illusion. I tell you the illusion is not the Ego, the illusion is the

Body, that body that you at first thought it was so real.




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What can we do pray? –




The HARMONY of perception.




We swim in the limitless ocean of raw and unprocessed consciousness




as accurately entangled bodily manifestations of the structured thoughts,


which temporary coexist in the organized chaos of our suptures.




Yet, what is the nature of each thought?




What makes is organized or spontaneously free?




Does it mean that if you learn how to liberate the structured thoughts


from the SPACE and the TIME you could master levitation and so on?




Love to all,














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