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dan330033 wrote:


>>>>>Nisargadatta , " adithya_comming "

>>>>><adithya_comming> wrote:



>>>>>>People might use to talk about it, to present in a




>>>>>>--- I AM --- is one way of calling it.





>>>>>>They can't present `IT' in conversation,


>>>>You can not really present `anything' in conversation, Dan !


>>>>Word `water' is NOT really ...water.


>>>>Neither is word love ...LOVE.


>>>>...Nor is the word `Dan', ...Dan or word `ac' ...ac.


>>>>Same goes for many other words.


>>>So, why try to use words to beat a dead horse, when

>>> instead, you could get over your self?



>>What a concept, Dan !


>>How can myself get over myself ?



> You can't, that's the point.


> You can't transcend yourself.


> You can only die, give way, dissolve.


> And talk about being the great " I AM " only

> continues the futile attempt.


> So, thanks for asking that question.


> It's right on.


> The constructor is the contruction.


> They are not separate.


> Including the construction of the great I AM.


> I is a center.


> Am is an attempt to exist.


> I AM gives way, dies, opens, dissolves.


> So, the constructor and construction dissolve

> together, a mere transitory event that can't

> maintain localization. Including the great

> I AM.



>>BTW, what and `why' are you still `debating', Dan ?






> It's not a debate Arvind.


> It's a dialogue in which I am providing

> the NO to your AFFIRMATION,

> the NOT-I and NONBEING to your

> great I AM.


> It's poetry more than debate, at least

> in my eyes.


> And, by the way, there is no territory that the

> words indicate, but which aren't the words.

> Words only indicate other words.

> Just like self can only indicate self.


> That is why the NO to the YES works so well.


> Thanks for the dialogue!


> -- Dan


> (nothing new below)




>>>>It is NOT possible to really present LOVE, HATE, water, moon,




>>>>among many, many other things.


>>>>Word are just symbols, pointers that point to ...them.



>>>>People who engage in conversation understand that the word




>>>>is ...NOT really water and they can drink the ...word `water'.



>>>>Same goes for many other words ...




>>>>--- I AM ---


>>>Get over yourself, Mr. the great I AM.




>>>== Dan





Prasangikas (zeroisnis persistisis)


Identifiable Coverings: A robe and cloak made of the fabric emptiness,

dependent origination, and tetralemma, and a mantle made of the

interweaving of the two truths and skill means.


View of Others: delusional, bewildered, confused, trapped, ignorant.


Common Behaviors: makes constant effort to dissipate or otherwise

eliminate concepts, identities, selves, minds and so on in conceptual

appearances; constant focus on assisting conceptual entities to enter

emptiness using words and concepts in a persuasive manner.


Habitat: swamps, briar patches, brambles, tar pits, quicksand, jungles, etc.


Mutant behavior: Unwilling to experience and/or admit subjectness and I AM.




Advaita Vedantists (oneinesis incorrigibleisis)


Identifiable Coverings: a loin cloth and/or breast covering made from

fabric of indubitable experience of an indescribable subject - I AM (ATMAN)


View of Others: unrealized I AM's.


Common Behaviors: makes constant effort to encourage self-inquiry and

realization of I AM; constant focus on assisting others to realization

of I AM or I AM THAT using words and concepts in a persuasive manner.


Habitat: swamps, briar patches, brambles, tar pits, quicksand, jungles, etc.


Mutant behavior: Unwilling not to say I AM and to experience and/or

admit emptiness and no I AM.



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