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Dyinig / Arvind

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Nisargadatta , " adithya_comming "

<adithya_comming> wrote:


> [..........]



> > > >So, why try to use words to beat a dead horse, when

> > > >instead, you could get over your self?



> >> What a concept, Dan !


> >> How can myself get over myself ?


> >You can't, that's the point.


> >You can't transcend yourself.


> >You can only die, give way, dissolve.


> ....and, why would I have ANY Interest in dying, Dan ? Even if it


> a possibility ...?



> Or, are assuming or talking about some `special' philosophical


> of bizarre dying, ...in which, I would die but still live ...


> So, I think a natural to ask would be:


> ---- Are you DEAD, Dan?


> If No, ...why do you advise me to die.



> If Yes, ...


The assumptions involved in your question,

are what one dies to, Arvind.


To point to a question that isn't based in those assumptions:

" So, Dan, you are saying

that every believing mind, conceptualizing as a self

with a center, actually is not a center, and is not

able to have an existence of and for its own? "


To which I would answer: " This truth is clear, only when

there is the dying to the hold of any attempt at

having or existing as a center of one's own, including

one's attempts to have a permanent being such as 'I AM.' "


-- Dan

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