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reading 'nonduals'

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Yes, and No ...are both part of the same whole.


.....just like birth and death is ...


....just like acceptance and rejection is ...


Love and ...fear is ...



However, they work quite differently.


Yes, acceptance ...is the work of Love.


NO is the language of ...Fear!



No strengthens the Ego,

Yes EXPANDS ...You.


One causes you to contract

....other prompts you to share.



On connects you, ...nourishes you, fills you.

joy, happiness, bliss, overflowing ...flows out of ...FULLNESS !


Other cuts your root and is quite ...un-natural.

.....you are attempting to `kill' yourself and your whole being will

naturally revolt.


You are SPLIT right from start,

You are moving towards a barren, bitter, lonely, loveless

Existence ...


You can easily sense it in the words of many modern nay-nay pseudo



Love, acceptance, connection, warm friendliness is the last thing you

can see flowing ...


Bitterness, criticism, condemnation, rejection, Hate, cutting off is

available ...without asking.


How can a person who itself is burning in a barren place can offer

others any love.


How can one that can Not accept itself be accommodating, spacious,

loving to ...accept others ?






Perhaps, it is a good thing most people reject these crazy, freak

fake non-dualists.






My unreserved recommendation is to read and understand Ramana very

well first. And, then even after that, ...be careful of whom and what

you read.


Observe what experiences, feeling, emotions, thoughts, ...it

generates in you.


Does it EXPAND you or does it try to contract you and cut you off.


Do you feel CONNECTED, LOVED or do you feel barren and cut off ...


Anything can become Addictive and ...there are enough masochists in

the world.


However, for most people It may NOT be a GREAT idea to willingly read

or do something that results in negative emotions or pain.






On positive side, you can just watch and observe what's going on

inside you and why it is there and use risen emotions to examine,

understand and uproot the cause.


However, if you don't see that happening, ...then, it is better to

stop reading negative things.





It might be possible to eat garbage to read / hear hate-filled words,

watch tiresome, painful, gruesome TV shows or movies but, ...and to

still be Fine.


....why insist if there are sweeter, more delicious, more nourishing,

connecting, loving alternatives are available.


When life is a play, game, dream, ...a Self-create illusion,


....then, what is wrong with living it ....Laughing, loving,

connecting, sharing, enjoying, cherishing, blooming, flowering, and


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