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What is Enlightenment ...?

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Enlightenment is used as equivalent to the Sanskrit word ...Jnana.


Jnana means ...True Knowledge, the Knowledge of Self.



In Sanskrit and other eastern languages, people used to say ( as we

can still read in stories ), ...Buddha received Jnana.


Westerners learnt to say same thing as ... " Buddha got enlightened " !


However, if we pay little close attention, we can see that both these

phrases do NOT mean the exactly Same thing ! In fact, they try to

convey something quite different ...


Perhaps, ...it is NOT Accidental!






Much of East had grew believing and practicing ...All is God, God is

All, Only God is ...


....thus, NO other change that KNOWING this Reality Fully and directly

was ever required for someone to be Divine. Only Divine IS and Was.

Just this knowledge sometimes got obscured due to wrong

identification, constant thinking or dreaming.


To erase this wrong identification, to get rid of this obscuring

ignorance ...just TRUE Knowledge IS and was Enough.


There was no other effort was required to become God, divine, to be

God, Godly, ..to BE Divine ...as Only Divine IS.


Only Divine Was ...

Only Divine IS ...





However, that was Never going to work for the West ..!


Most of West had grew up believing, ...all are sons (and daughters)

of sin, there are `special' and `only' son of God, there

are `special' messenger of God, Rest are just poor, ordinary, sinful

creatures whose only hope was ...the Salvation through

those `special' sons and messengers !


West had the whole hierarchies of things ...

Sun was created to revolve ... " around the earth " ...


Cows, fishes, chickens were made so that humans could eat them ...

Rest of the creatures were made so that the humans could `rule'

and `use' them ...






humans themselves were son/daughter of sin bound for hell ...

So, `special' messengers and `only' son were sent by the

God `himself' so that sinful humans can achieve salvation and heaven

by following them !

.....and, then, on TOP of all this, ...there was A `special'

God `controlling' everything !!!!



Given that, ...it was NOT Possible for the west to conceive of

anything as simple as `know yourself' having anything to do with

divine or Godliness.


It was too ordinary ...

It was too simple ...


It needed something on the line ... " God sending `special' `only' son

or Messenger of God!! " .

If God had failed to do that, ...at least this special God needed to

do something similar, Now.


Otherwise, how someone like Buddha can be considered `divine' like

the special and `only' son and messenger of God that God `himself'

had sent !?!



....and, thus things like " Buddha was enlightened " was born to replace

simplicity of " Buddha received Jnana " .






However, perhaps, Not surprisingly, ...it also gave way to much

manipulation, exploitation as now special `promised God

Men', `Avatar' started emerging to manipulate and exploit the masses

needing hierarchy or `specialiness' !!

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> ...and, thus things like " Buddha was enlightened " was born to

replace the simplicity of " Buddha received Jnana " .



In fact, even ... " Buddha received Jnana " is not an Accurate



It gives an impression of Duality.


It gives and idea that there was someone or something to give him

thins Jnana.



Further, it gives an impression that Buddha received something that

he didn't have Before ...



A closer literal translation would be, ... " Buddha got hold of

Jnana. " !










GOD IS ...


....are two ways to word the same Reality.



However, GOD IS ...gives rise to duality and requires someone to know

this `GOD'.


As Ramana accurately pointed out that someone who knows ... " GOD IS "

can NOT possibly be `after', `lower' or `smaller' than ...the " GOD "

who is `known'!

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> However, GOD IS ...gives rise to duality and requires someone to


> this `GOD'.


> As Ramana accurately pointed out that someone who knows ... " GOD

IS "

> can NOT possibly be `after', `lower' or `smaller'

than ...the " GOD "

> who is `known'!



Yes, it becomes impossible to describe with words which is why it

becomes pointless to attempt it. Then one stops bothering about

trying to label and figure out what 'is' and 'is not'. When i came

to this experience of understanding my ajna centre (3rd eye) and

crown and back of head would burn like on fire with heat. It would

vibrate and my whole head would get hot.


Many novices don't understand the higher function of

brain/mind/thought. They either get trapped in the insatiable game

of trying to figure it out and label it (stuck in non-dualism for

purpose of doing so) --> intellect.

Once this 'knowing', as Ramana described, is experienced the

intellect falls into the background and is replaced by



Knowledge/intelligence isn't at all the same as

knowing/wisdom/understanding. College graduates who run the world

are prime proof of that. lol.


The altered ego/self tries to resist at every corner, especially

making grand intellectual statements to side track by appearing like

they 'know' what their talking about.


The altered ego/self in itself is insatiable which is why they are

left pretty much alone to work it all out. They won't listen to

anything that is said unless it fits nicely into their own little

idea --> which is always built to protect itself.


Then one thinks you (like Ramana) has blasphemed against God for

saying this. Or better yet, tell you to wake up. lol. In that

way they come of the controller and smart one.

I don't like the word " god " because it carries with it so much

strict and rigid western religious mumbo jumbo that people have come

to believe as rigid and true doctrine (programmed/brainwashed) and

they aren't open.


~*~ G


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Nisargadatta , " goldenrainbowrider "

<laughterx8@h...> wrote:


> >

> > However, GOD IS ...gives rise to duality and requires someone to

> know

> > this `GOD'.

> >

> > As Ramana accurately pointed out that someone who knows ... " GOD

> IS "

> > can NOT possibly be `after', `lower' or `smaller'

> than ...the " GOD "

> > who is `known'!

> ---


> Yes, it becomes impossible to describe with words which is why it

> becomes pointless to attempt it. Then one stops bothering about

> trying to label and figure out what 'is' and 'is not'. When i


> to this experience of understanding my ajna centre (3rd eye) and

> crown and back of head would burn like on fire with heat. It


> vibrate and my whole head would get hot.


> Many novices don't understand the higher function of

> brain/mind/thought. They either get trapped in the insatiable


> of trying to figure it out and label it (stuck in non-dualism for

> purpose of doing so) --> intellect.

> Once this 'knowing', as Ramana described, is experienced the

> intellect falls into the background and is replaced by

> understanding/wisdom.


> Knowledge/intelligence isn't at all the same as

> knowing/wisdom/understanding. College graduates who run the


> are prime proof of that. lol.


> The altered ego/self tries to resist at every corner, especially

> making grand intellectual statements to side track by appearing


> they 'know' what their talking about.


> The altered ego/self in itself is insatiable which is why they are

> left pretty much alone to work it all out. They won't listen to

> anything that is said unless it fits nicely into their own little

> idea --> which is always built to protect itself.


> Then one thinks you (like Ramana) has blasphemed against God for

> saying this. Or better yet, tell you to wake up. lol. In that

> way they come of the controller and smart one.

> I don't like the word " god " because it carries with it so much

> strict and rigid western religious mumbo jumbo that people have


> to believe as rigid and true doctrine (programmed/brainwashed)


> they aren't open.


> ~*~ G

> ------------------------


>>Then one thinks you (like Ramana) has blasphemed against God for

saying this. Or better yet, tell you to wake up. lol. In that

way they come of the controller and smart one.



And the parent tucks the child back into bed and lets them nap. A

parent doesn't wake the child up from it's sleep. Sleep and Awake

state aren't so relevent to the parent because the parent

understands the purpose behind both. It says to the child, " sweet

dreams " and when they have a nightmare they may try to soothe the

child but will the child believe that the nightmare isn't something

to be concerned about? That it has a purpose in working out the

processes of the psyche? Not usually. The parent knows the child

just has to grow out of this stage. No point in teaching

university calculus to a child because they won't understand it

anyways. They usually kill messiah's remember?


~*~ G

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