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Hi All,





Lewis sezs Nisargadatta said:



~~~ " Use your mind. Remember. Observe. You are not different from

others. Most of their experiences are valid for you too. Think clearly

and deeply, go into the structure of your desires and their

ramifications. They are a most important part of your mental and

emotional make-up and powerfully affect your actions. Remember, you

cannot abandon what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must

know yourself. "






J: If one were to ponder this, what is everyone's

take on it? What might Ven.Niz be suggesting?

How does one go about " knowing yourself "

so as to abandon?






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Nisargadatta , Pedsie2@a... wrote:


> In a message dated 2/25/05 5:36:43 AM, insight@s... writes:



> > ~~~ " Use your mind. Remember. Observe. You are not different from

> > others. Most of their experiences are valid for you too. Think


> > and deeply, go into the structure of your desires and their

> > ramifications. They are a most important part of your mental and

> > emotional make-up and powerfully affect your actions. Remember,


> > cannot abandon what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you


> > know yourself. "

> >

> >

> > -------------------------

> >

> >

> > J:  If one were to ponder this, what is everyone's

> > take on it? What might Ven.Niz be suggesting?

> > How does one go about " knowing yourself "

> > so as to abandon?

> >

> >

> >

> >


> P: Nice seeing you here, Dr. Short. He says go into the structure


> your desires. Why? Because your desires and fears determinate

> what you believe, what you know, how you act, and what you remember

> and forget about your story.


> Otherwise, the only thing you can know about yourself is,.... that


> CAN'T KNOW yourself.




What if..........it means what it means?!




Kip Almazy

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Niz sez: " Use your mind. Remember. Observe. You are not different from

others. Most of their experiences are valid for you too. Think clearly

and deeply, go into the structure of your desires and their

ramifications. They are a most important part of your mental and

emotional make-up and powerfully affect your actions. Remember, you

cannot abandon what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must

know yourself. "



P: Nice seeing you here, Dr. Short.


J: So kind of you to say, Peteji.



P: He says go into the structure of

your desires. Why? Because your desires and fears determinate

what you believe, what you know, how you act, and what you remember

and forget about your story.






J: If one were to just sip, taste slowly and not gobble down,

Niz says: " OBSERVE " -


Observe what? The structures of your desires and their ramifications?


Observe HOW? Assuming that he means we are to really KNOW these and

not just fling aside like Ander's Hot Potatoe yuk yuk.


Details about this observing?

Thinking clearly and deeply?

How do we observe?

He says use our minds.















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Nisargadatta , " kipalmazy " <kipalmazy> wrote:


> Nisargadatta , Pedsie2@a... wrote:

> >

> > In a message dated 2/25/05 5:36:43 AM, insight@s... writes:

> >

> >

> > > ~~~ " Use your mind. Remember. Observe. You are not different from

> > > others. Most of their experiences are valid for you too. Think

> clearly

> > > and deeply, go into the structure of your desires and their

> > > ramifications. They are a most important part of your mental and

> > > emotional make-up and powerfully affect your actions. Remember,

> you

> > > cannot abandon what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you

> must

> > > know yourself. "

> > >

> > >

> > > -------------------------

> > >

> > >

> > > J: If one were to ponder this, what is everyone's

> > > take on it? What might Ven.Niz be suggesting?

> > > How does one go about " knowing yourself "

> > > so as to abandon?

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> > P: Nice seeing you here, Dr. Short. He says go into the structure

> of

> > your desires. Why? Because your desires and fears determinate

> > what you believe, what you know, how you act, and what you remember

> > and forget about your story.

> >

> > Otherwise, the only thing you can know about yourself is,.... that

> you

> > CAN'T KNOW yourself.




> What if..........it means what it means?!



> All:One

> Kip Almazy


In the teachings of Advaiata Vedanta, there is Brahman the Supreme

inexpressible and inexplicable ground of all existence, Atman which is

Brahman manifested as the inner or spiritual world of all entities and

atman which is a extension of Atman in human appearances. The atman is

an immortal soul that is neither born nor dies and is a microcosm of

the Atman that is of Brahman. Three but one.


Brahman is the Divine SELF, the Atman is the SELF and the atman is a

small self in all mortal human appearances. All are one. The lack of

oneness is due to the atman, not realizing that it is the Atman

because of the attachment and engrossment in this and that and the

quagmire of the ego or impermanent illusory false self made up

coagulation of memories and thoughts feelings and desires and habits.


The goal is for the self, one's atman to realize that it is Atman or I

AM. To do this it must abandon all the transitory and impermanent this

and that.


This could explain Nisagadatta's teachings on knowing one's self, his

intense focus on realizing Who AM I, speaking about I AM, God and so

forth and giving understandings, instructions and guidance on

realizing that each self is I AM [THAT] by instructing the abandoning

all things, this and that, that are not immovable, changeless,

eternal. Nisargadatta goes further to say that one must go beyond the

I AM and beyond the I AM is Brahman, the inexpressible and

inexplicable ground of all existence and to go beyond that.


It seems that the Buddhist teaching of no self or anatman is not part

of Nisagadatta's teaching, is foreign to it and not contradictory of

it if one experiences the teachings to see the oneness and if one

takes into account the graded nature of his words where he moves from

one level of experience to another; one moment he is talking of the

ego, then atman, then Atman, then God and beyond these.


As far not being able to know or not know self it depends on which one

is being referred to; false self [ego], self (atman), SELF (Atman),

Supreme SELF (Brahman) and beyond where there is no self.


Any and all clarification of this understanding is welcome.



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Nisargadatta , Insight <insight@s...> wrote:



> Niz sez: " Use your mind. Remember. Observe. You are not different from

> others. Most of their experiences are valid for you too. Think clearly

> and deeply, go into the structure of your desires and their

> ramifications. They are a most important part of your mental and

> emotional make-up and powerfully affect your actions. Remember, you

> cannot abandon what you do not know. To go beyond yourself, you must

> know yourself. "



> P: Nice seeing you here, Dr. Short.


> J: So kind of you to say, Peteji.



> P: He says go into the structure of

> your desires. Why? Because your desires and fears determinate

> what you believe, what you know, how you act, and what you remember

> and forget about your story.


> -




> J: If one were to just sip, taste slowly and not gobble down,

> Niz says: " OBSERVE " -


> Observe what? The structures of your desires and their ramifications?


> Observe HOW? Assuming that he means we are to really KNOW these and

> not just fling aside like Ander's Hot Potatoe yuk yuk.


> Details about this observing?

> Thinking clearly and deeply?

> How do we observe?

> He says use our minds.

> How?


Hi Joyce,


There seem to be many ways to observe and each method or type of

observing depends on what the condition of each appearance is.


For a one who still has such arisings in consciousness in great

quantities, continuously coming and going or of few types that have a

dominating impact, a simple method is to go about the day as one

usually does, doing whatever is done and simply noticing what arises;

feelings, thoughts, desires, imaginings, images, memories and so

forth. Letting them come and go as it happens. If one of these

continues to arise over the others, a simple " turning " to it, a

" looking " or " noticing " at it will reveal it and it may grow or emerge

into something more, starting as a tip of an iceberg and gradually

enlarging in revealing more and more of what it is or it may simply

recede slowly or dash away, replaced by another.


There can be a noting of them in any way that that is easy or pleasant

such as when this or that type of feelings, thoughts, desires,

imaginings, images, memories arises and in what way they do they

recede or behave or direct or what feelings and thoughts emerge, and

how the body feels during all of this and how one's consciousness is

affected as one does this or that, in relation to others or to things.

Does it interefere with clarity? Does it raise an unpleasant or

pleasant sensations? and so on. Eventually for the one with great

qunatities of these appearances some understanding of how and when

they appear will emerge and how to let them pass and how to understand

them. It seems that they cannot be controlled and when control is

attempted there is " falling into it " a loss of observing and a confusion.


There are methods for those who have particular types of inner

experiences and for those who have little or none of these. But it

seems that specific cases would need to spoken about, personal

experiences or if one does not prefer that to speak generally and

abstractly about as is done above.



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In a message dated 2/25/05 9:20:44 AM, kipalmazy writes:



> P: Nice seeing you here, Dr. Short. He says go into the structure

> of

> > your desires. Why? Because your desires and fears   determinate

> > what you believe, what you know, how you act, and what you remember

> > and forget about your story.

> >

> > Otherwise, the only thing you can know about yourself is,.... that

> you

> > CAN'T KNOW yourself.




> What if..........it means what it means?!



> All:One

> Kip Almazy



> :) P: Sure, Kip, it means what it means,

> and the reader, as usual, provides the meaning.









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