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ego - a Habit - false belief of realization - Death of real Potential !

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>>Tolle is said to spend many years


'INTEGRATING' after ... " enlightenment " !




>>He is also 'seen' dropping out of many


professional and social endeavors


including his Ph. d. research !




>>Possibly, he was learning how to live,


act, interact and behave without taking


up the prison that he had just gotten


rid of ...




>>Possibly, he was also ready and


willing to let anything that seemed


impossible without that 'id' ( ...THEN


) Drop ! Possible his Ph. d. research


and many other things were among that (


....Then ! ) !










>>Ramana is similarity seen dropping out


of school, family and spending lot of


time in what he called ...'meditating' !


He is also 'seen' Never to return to


what the society generally calls


....'family' and 'society' again !




>>It is possible that similar scenario


played in his case too ...






>>>And, then, there are many other


examples too ...










There are ways to ...”abide in Self”,


“to be and remain Self”, ...”to exist


without taking false limited id”,


.....”to be and remain free of the prison


of identified mind” !




....some try to find it ...like, Tolle


feeling necessity to UDERSTAND and


REMEMBER that a teacher is role he


plays and it is NOT his 'id' ! ...and,


that he needs to return to complete


Stillness, 'no role', 'no id' from time


to time ...




There might be some price to way,


....some are 'seen' as Ready and


willing to pay any price as well as


having paid the price !






Some are also 'seen' Concluding that


there " might be " be pricing and just


sticking with old, tried, tested and


prevalent way of " limited " 'person' ...




In such a case, 'realizer' mostly


becomes just another ... 'tag',


another 'label', another 'prison',


another 'limitation' that a person


used to the " assumed " 'comfort' and


safety of 'labels', 'ids' and 'tags'


might like to keep.






An ‘id’ and ‘tag’ that such a ‘person’


( ‘identified mind’ ) would ...FIGHT and


DEFEND ( ...to Death !!! ) Too !!!








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