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These words are for those readers who think they can think.

For the reader who is aware that thinking is just a thought, and thus

an illusion, this is just a simple exercise in illusions.



On Limitless Levels And Fathomless Depths nothing is what it appears

to be. And yet we call it reality – when obviously it has to be

illusion, hallucination.

If the " reality " of the mind were not illusion then

everything would appear to be what it is. Saints would always be

saints – TO ALL OBSERVERS -- and sinners would always be sinners


TO ALL OBSERVERS – so there would never ever be room for

discussions let alone disagreements.


Physics' matter is not what it appears to be because it is

everything else but matter; like waves or probability clouds –

whatever the mind wants. And the closer we look the more this matter

turns into everything else but matter. The closer I get to matter,

to observe it, the more illusive it gets with its probability-

clouds. So much so that I can never observe " matter " nor

its alias called " energy " any more than I can observe a


And that is just the beginning of the limitless-levels and fathomless

depths of the illusion that the mind calls its " reality. "


Physics gives us the only absolute law about the illusion the mind

calls its " reality " : the observer determines the

observation, its " reality. "


In other words: the mind is what it thinks. And if this absolute

law of the mind is absolute then it can be put into more

definitive words: the mind is its hallucinations.


This is certainly true in sleep-dreams. And if the mind does not

know when it is sleep-dreaming then it cannot know when it is not-

dreaming. Because dreaming, hallucinating is all it knows/is.

My mind is not a hallucinating machine because it is the




The addiction to drink alcohol and the addiction to seek is the same


AA, and related programs, appear to work because of its 12 steps.

One of these steps tells the alcoholic: " I was powerless over

alcohol and my life was unmanageable. "


The alcoholic that can somehow Accept this statement is free to

sober up while those who cannot ACCEPT the statement keep controlling

the uncontrollable, drinking, alcoholism. But the really Awake

alcoholic Accepts the statement and could care less, about living,

drinking or dying.


The spiritual seeker is no different from the alcoholic. The seeking

is an addiction. Just like the alcoholic the spiritual seeker can

only be set free from the addiction to seek with the ACCEPTANCE

that life is an illusion and thus there is nothing to seek, any more

than an alcoholic can seek a control to drinking.


The more I seek the bigger the illusion gets. It is like chasing

physics' light – the faster I go the more obvious it gets

that I'm standing still.

There is nothing to seek because the mind makes up things to seek so

that it can keep seeking. …. on limitless levels and to

fathomless depths.

Only when such an addicted seeker has found a limit to seeking can

the Acceptance come: that there is nothing to seek because 1: on

limitless levels and fathomless depths nothing is ever what it

appears because 2: the mind is what it thinks, hallucinates, on all

its limitless levels and fathomless depths....


Only with this Acceptance am I free of seeking to Realize that: I

HAVE NEVER DONE ANYTHING – it is all an illusion, hallucination.

I AM NOT this mind and its body.


And If I have never done anything then I have never controlled the

thoughts that made me think I was doing things…


Only with this Acceptance: I AM NOT THIS MIND AND BODY -- can I be

Awake to the illusion called life, maya.


Only with this Acceptance can a mind " realize " that it is

always hallucinating. And because it is always hallucinating the

mind can do so on limitless levels and fathomless depths – in

which nothing can appear to be what it is because it is hallucinations

– the mind is what it hallucinates.


And so in my sleep-dreams nothing can appear to be what it is –

because it is just a dream; in the mortal-dream called life nothing

can appear to be what it is because it is also a dream,

hallucination -- where saints are sinners and the justice is just a

façade for injustice, and good is just a façade of evil and

healthcare is more like death-care. And then there are all sorts of

different levels the mind can hallucinate like previous-lives and

out- of-body-experiences and astral-planes and near-death

experiences, and movies and novels and computers and brain washings

… none can appear to be what it is because on all its levels and

to all its depths it is always just hallucinations called the mind.



I am an ego if I think I can control my thoughts when not only is

there no " thinking " nor " control " but there is also

no " I " that can think, let alone control.

An ego-maniac is just like an alcoholic who will go to any length

to control his drinking when the control is the imaginary problem not

the imaginary solution.


Similarly, I am an ego-maniac when I will go to any length to

control " my " thoughts, when there can not only be no

" lengths " nor " control " but there can not even be an

" I " for the " my " that can think let alone control.


-- thoughts from nothing

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