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permeable walls

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johnmp_nr <johnmp_nr


> **I am not looking for agreements. I am looking for infinity to say

> something zero point inside apparent conventionality without Lewis' or

> JP's self blocking the conversation.



The conversation between you two was a bit a of a brain squeeze for me.

I like these words above though. " Something " pinged. Now I am sitting here

waiting for infinity to say something zero point and nothing comes. Pretty

sure joni got blocked, and the idea of " there are no more words " has just

turned into breathing and a sort of smile. :)



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Sunday, June 12, 2005 2:18 AM

Re: permeable walls



JP: How can actual meaning (or a constructed agent for that matter)

be produced from that which is both metaphor and tautological?


Lewis: it arises inexplicably.


JP: Does it really? It seems fairly evident that we both agree it



Lewis: Yes, for me it does. Then I make post hoc explanations about

how I imagine or conceive it to have happened.


**Yes, but surely you can let go of that and say that it does not

really arise inexplicably? Or, more simply, it does not arise

inexplicably? Why assert it?


Lewis: I use any conception as is needed.


JP: What do you want?


Lewis: Agreement in this case does not matter.


JP: Agreement can even be dulling.



Lewis: As you read these words, you are understanding what is being

said in some way and if I say, the brown cat walks across the lawn in

the rain, there is instantaneous recogition of some " meaning " in

those words. There it is instant meaning production. Is that not so?


JP: Playfully, relatively, as a dream-like pretense, yes. Actually,



Lewis: No need to assert it as this or that. It is moot always for me.


Lewis: ...all sorts of imagining will be made to try to account for

the arisings of inseparable meaning


JP: Agreed.


Lewis: There is no emphasis on subjectivity over objectivity.


**Yes, no agency emphasis (no tautological counterpart emphasis).


Lewis: At the level of analysis presented it was stated clearly that

it is a process (semiosi and in a process all is one (agency,

semiotics and semiosis) unless there is a focus to see one aspect

over another.


Lewis: What is actuality?


**In this dialogue, a worm on a hook, and I was hoping not to catch



Lewis: You believe in actuality (whatever that is).


**There is no actuality.


JP: In this way your, permeable walls, imagery can be problematic.


Lewis: It is obvious that the permeability of the walls is not in

your liking or perspective. Change it to what you like or dispose of

it. What do you want me to do? Think and be like you?



**No. I want to see how tenacious you are. Resistance inhibits the

disappearance of abstractions (participants, you and I).



JP: That which may appear as a handhold at one level may be a finitude

obstacle at another level.


Lewis: Ok. Change it to what you like so it is more satisfying.


It is not a question of what is satisfying. It is a question of

intellectualization. Thus far this is all (stripped down)

abstractions, all semaphoring into a vacuum called self.


Lewis: You are seeing emphasis where there is none intentionally



JP: Yes, and more problematically, smelling ontology because of the

tenacity of your imagery and the subtle use of quotation marks.

Quotation marks are exceedingly deceptive as defense against

reification in that reification is exactly what they most often

protect by obfuscating tautology.


Lewis: The smell of ontology and tenacity of the imagery is in



**It's in relativity.


Lewis: You can do what you want with the metaphor. The quotation

marks too. It was made up for discussion like many things I make here

and elsewhere for exploration and dialogue.


**Perhaps less emphasis on making exploration and dialogue and more

emphasis on selflessness would net less ontology on everyone's part.


Lewis: I use it as necessary and put it down or dispose of its use if

it is no longer viable. It is transient stuff, just like you are.


**Yes, Lewis, just like I am.


Lewis: Also there is a confusion and mixing of levels of analysis

where there is a descent to a more fundamental level of analysis with

the question on meaning while hanging on to the ideas of the level

above it as it is done and these ideas in the level above are

emergent from the level below.


JP: Indeed, conceptualizations dissolve in the descent. Now, can any

actuality of one's self remain?


Lewis: That was not the point....JP.


**Yes, Lewis, it was the point all along...right from the beginning (a

beginning well a priori to this dialogue). There is no difference

between epistemology (or, derivatively, semiotics), ontology and




Lewis: Now are you trying to root for some conception of self I may

hold or if I have an intact self or some other thing, like an ego or

some bundle of skandahs or neuronal firings that are mistaken for me

or some other conceptualization?


**Yes, is there any other rooting going on here (on this board)?


Lewis: If so, just ask plainly and avoid seeking needless agreements.


**I am not looking for agreements. I am looking for infinity to say

something zero point inside apparent conventionality without Lewis' or

JP's self blocking the conversation.


**If you say that is impossible, then I will move on in kindness and

gratitude for the time you've shared, noble sir.


Lewis: We were not talking about a self or any of that. And agreements

are unecessary unless you think you are Nagarjuna trying to use

another's argument against him/her so that they see the error of their

thinking, logic, beliefs and so on.


**I do not want Lewis to see the error of his thinking. I want his

thinking out; I want him out.


Lewis: If so, you are wasting your time. There is no thing here to

argue about.


**No argument there.


Lewis: ...there is " no thing " beyond words. There is " no thing " to

point to.



**What about Lewis?







Present When Absent


Watching the Sky Last Night

SomeOne Forgot to Watch.

Alone and Alive Was the Night,

Teeming With Stars







It Is the Meditation of One,

It Is the Meditation of NoOne.

The Hearing of This Is Silence.







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Nisargadatta , " johnmp_nr " <johnmp_nr> wrote:


> JP: How can actual meaning (or a constructed agent for that matter)

> be produced from that which is both metaphor and tautological?


> Lewis: it arises inexplicably.


> JP: Does it really? It seems fairly evident that we both agree it

> doesn't.


> Lewis: Yes, for me it does. Then I make post hoc explanations about

> how I imagine or conceive it to have happened.


> **Yes, but surely you can let go of that and say that it does not

> really arise inexplicably? Or, more simply, it does not arise

> inexplicably? Why assert it?


**Lewis: Sure. It does not arise inexplicably....We can also say it

does not arise at all. It is. Or on another pole, it is not. Or

paradoxically both or it is neither. Or, there is no meaning at all

only meaninglessness. Or, There is no meaning and there is no

meaninglessness. How about those? Other plays can be imagined take

your pick, JP. All can do work in certain contexts. As contexts

changes so can the answers.


No need to assert. A question answered in one way possible in a

context. It is always moot or there is no final answer. But hey, you

want to talk, no?



> Lewis: I use any conception as is needed.


> JP: What do you want?


Lewis: [.........]



> Lewis: Agreement in this case does not matter.


> **JP: Agreement can even be dulling.


**Lewis: So fly free.




> Lewis: As you read these words, you are understanding what is being

> said in some way and if I say, the brown cat walks across the lawn

> in the rain, there is instantaneous recogition of some " meaning " in

> those words. There it is instant meaning production. Is that not so?


> JP: Playfully, relatively, as a dream-like pretense, yes. Actually,

> no.


> Lewis: No need to assert it as this or that. It is moot always for

> me.


> Lewis: ...all sorts of imagining will be made to try to account for

> the arisings of inseparable meaning


> **JP: Agreed.


> Lewis: There is no emphasis on subjectivity over objectivity.


> **Yes, no agency emphasis (no tautological counterpart emphasis).


> Lewis: At the level of analysis presented it was stated clearly that

> it is a process (semiosi and in a process all is one (agency,

> semiotics and semiosis) unless there is a focus to see one aspect

> over another.


> Lewis: What is actuality?


> **In this dialogue, a worm on a hook, and I was hoping not to catch

> anything.


**Lewis: If you are hungry and your mouth is open, the worm on the

hook always will be there for you.



> Lewis: You believe in actuality (whatever that is).


> **There is no actuality.


**Lewis: OK. There is no actuality.



> JP: In this way your, permeable walls, imagery can be problematic.


> Lewis: It is obvious that the permeability of the walls is not in

> your liking or perspective. Change it to what you like or dispose of

> it. What do you want me to do? Think and be like you?



> **No. I want to see how tenacious you are. Resistance inhibits the

> disappearance of abstractions (participants, you and I).



**Lewis. Ok. How it be doing dat since the tenacity has been bound in

your incessant questioning, seeking some thing in the origin of words

and my respnding to them. So your tenacity in rooting for something

becomes mine because I reply and don't say to you, as some no nonsense

posters might say, fuck off dimwit? We are in the middle always. As

for disappearing participants, they always seem to reappear.


> JP: That which may appear as a handhold at one level may be a

finitude obstacle at another level.



> Lewis: Ok. Change it to what you like so it is more satisfying.


> It is not a question of what is satisfying. It is a question of

> intellectualization. Thus far this is all (stripped down)

> abstractions, all semaphoring into a vacuum called self.



**Lewis: You are seeing what? A vacuum called the self? Do you talk to

vacuums? Is this a well worn, oft repeated line issued here to

demonstrate some thing? What is being demonstrated? What is being

said? Getting to the root of all reality or some thing like that with




> Lewis: You are seeing emphasis where there is none intentionally

> made.


> JP: Yes, and more problematically, smelling ontology because of the

> tenacity of your imagery and the subtle use of quotation marks.

> Quotation marks are exceedingly deceptive as defense against

> reification in that reification is exactly what they most often

> protect by obfuscating tautology.


> Lewis: The smell of ontology and tenacity of the imagery is in

> you.


> **It's in relativity.


**Lewis: Whatever....You seek it, create it (smell and tenacity), hand

it to me, I hand it back and you hand me some thing else, relativity.

You take a long time to get it, JP. Who needs these particular

creations? I do not. Take it away. If you want to talk about creations

by examining them on an exploration table together then let us do

that, but if you want or expect me to take these sort of creations

home, forget it. They are of no use to me. Just fun to examine and




> Lewis: You can do what you want with the metaphor. The quotation

> marks too. It was made up for discussion like many things I make

> here and elsewhere for exploration and dialogue.


> **Perhaps less emphasis on making exploration and dialogue and more

> emphasis on selflessness would net less ontology on everyone's part.


**Lewis: Hey, JP that is what I am about here in this place at the

moment. If you do not like it or cannot deal with it as it is, as it

happens, there are other expressions you can do your thing with and

where you can get what you are about. You can easily go play somewhere

else if you don't like it here with me. It is in you do as you are.


Creating selflessness and selfishness by default now? Now what are

these? Where are these located? Here, take back your imagined

selflessness and all the baggage that comes with it. I have no need

for such a concept.


> Lewis: I use it as necessary and put it down or dispose of its use

> if it is no longer viable. It is transient stuff, just like you are.


> **Yes, Lewis, just like I am.


**Lewis: So you are just transient stuff? Good. How is your appetite




> Lewis: Also there is a confusion and mixing of levels of analysis

> where there is a descent to a more fundamental level of analysis

> with the question on meaning while hanging on to the ideas of the

> level above it as it is done and these ideas in the level above are

> emergent from the level below.


> JP: Indeed, conceptualizations dissolve in the descent. Now, can any

> actuality of one's self remain?


> Lewis: That was not the point....JP.


> **Yes, Lewis, it was the point all along...right from the beginning

(a beginning well a priori to this dialogue). There is no difference

> between epistemology (or, derivatively, semiotics), ontology and

> self.


**Lewis: No JP. If you want to involve in an intellectual exploration

or discussion of some thing, then it is easier not to mix levels. Now

if you like to do that, mix and confuse levels, then that is ok with

me. I will point it out and untangle that when it happens. If you do

not like your expressions and reasoning to be to be untangled, there

is no thing I can do about it. If you speak straight and worry not

about or try to create and situate what I am, as a vacuumous self or

whatever, the levels stay as they are and do not mix.




> Lewis: Now are you trying to root for some conception of self I may

> hold or if I have an intact self or some other thing, like an ego or

> some bundle of skandahs or neuronal firings that are mistaken for me

> or some other conceptualization?


> **Yes, is there any other rooting going on here (on this board)?


**Lewis: Well, for one, I do not see any selves, just expressions and

I work with that as it goes. I do not need to imagine an issuer. The

expression is enough. As it changes so does my creation of it and in

relation to it. Now, those who seek selves are dullwitted, for as you

say, it is a vacuum, and searching in a vacuum gives what, so go ahead

and root as you, perhaps, imagine all others to do, as you imply

above. All you will get back from me in that regard is the dirt you

overturn in your futile rooting for what you say is not and then,

conveniently, say is.



> Lewis: If so, just ask plainly and avoid seeking needless

> agreements.


> **I am not looking for agreements. I am looking for infinity to say

> something zero point inside apparent conventionality without Lewis'

> or JP's self blocking the conversation.


**Lewis: Oh. Well, if you did not see it already, you ain't going to

see it now. So, you will have to create and go to those expressions,

that fantasy world of expressing, that matches it and get it. As for

me, I don't be dealing with no infinities that talk through selves

that mess up its words. I am not divided into Lewis and some imagined

infinity or primoridal being or other fiction. You have perhaps wasted

your time in looking for " infinity to say something zero point inside

apparent conventionality without Lewis or JP's self blocking the

conversation. " That is your mythpoetic creation. Such creations are

for tail chasing.



> **If you say that is impossible, then I will move on in kindness and

> gratitude for the time you've shared, noble sir.



**Lewis: Peace, JP. Good fortune with finding that infinity that says....


> Lewis: We were not talking about a self or any of that. And

> agreements are unecessary unless you think you are Nagarjuna trying

> to use another's argument against him/her so that they see the error

> of their thinking, logic, beliefs and so on.


> **I do not want Lewis to see the error of his thinking. I want his

> thinking out; I want him out.


**Lewis: Oh, you want to annihilate me? Hahaha! Your body of

expression is becoming fast an ongoing hilarity to me. You create me

and then want me to get rid of your creation. What an amusing thing to

say for consideration. Are you ribbing me? If you are serious, then go

into nondual deprogramming and work with those expressions that are

appearing as self-proclaimed jnanis, absolute monists, theists, no

selfers, and other expressions showing belief and practice of dual

existences, split and sectioned being, I am That and I am not the

body, egos and true selves and all that. Take this magic show on the

road to them, JP. You will have a field day finding exactly what you



You know, JP, this is one of the more amusing and enjoyable aspects of

these lists. The creation of others and then the demand that these

creations be accepted as true and then for these creations to do this

and that, and to act this way and that. I do it too, to experience and

explore how expression changes and re-forms and go with it as is as it

can or cannot, see what is revealed and learning from it. Now when a

creation is put to me that I am this or that, it is in as it is in

goes and it either can or cannot work as it goes, that is, as to the

working taste of it, well or poorly or not all, and a response or not

as it goes at the moment. You last statment is hilariously sweet.


Perhaps you are struggling with egoness or conceptions of it, so that

you see it in my expression and perhaps in others, is that it? Or

perhaps you are just pretending to be dullwitted. Are you pretending

to be dullwitted, JP? Forrest Gump's mother says, stupid is as stupid

does. Or you are looking for some thing else? Forget me. I am no thing

to be concerned about.



> Lewis: If so, you are wasting your time. There is no thing here to

> argue about.


> **No argument there.


> Lewis: ...there is " no thing " beyond words. There is " no thing " to

> point to.



> **What about Lewis?


**Lewis: What about me? It is not clear is it? So, create me as you

want, JP, pack it up, put it with the others, if there are any, and

deal with it as you are wont, enjoy, amuse, suffer, grapple..., do

whatever with it. Its yours, all yours. I do not need it.

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Lewis, your semantics paradigm is protecting your self.


In it's essence, your paradigm can be summed as a contradiction:

contextual tautology.


For you, the " tautology " is a non-dual intellectualization and the

" context " is the defense against the implication (dissolution of self)

of tautology. Do you see that? In tautology, there cannot be context.

Context requires arising, but tautology nullifies arising.


And yet, context is the axis upon which your thinking turns.




You repeat, " fun to examine and explore " , and yet you say " no emphasis

on subjectivity " .


You repeat, " arisings of inseparable meaning " and yet how can meaning

arise if inseparable? [Answer: irregardless of the contradiction, your

" context " axis requires its arising in order to maintain your

substantive self.]


[Note: context IS emphasis]





Tautology (intellectualization):


Lewis said:

- there is " no thing " beyond words. There is " no thing " to point to

- You create me

- The expression is enough

- Such creations are for tail chasing

- I do not see any selves, just expressions

- I do not need to imagine an issuer

- no emphasis on subjectivity over objectivity

- It is moot always for me



Context (protected self):


Lewis said:

- it arises inexplicably... Yes, for me it does

- I do it too, to experience and explore

- As it [the expression] changes so does my creation of it

- it is easier not to mix levels

- that is what I am about

- Just fun to examine and explore

- As for disappearing participants, they always seem to reappear

- I use any conception as is needed

- to experience and explore how expression changes

- see what is revealed and learning from it



Revealings at the edges:

- stupid is as stupid does

- I reply and don't say to you...fuck off dimwit

- Oh, you want to annihilate me? Hahaha!

- What about me? It is not clear is it?

- I do not need it

- As for me, I don't be dealing with no infinities

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Nisargadatta , " johnmp_nr " <johnmp_nr> wrote:

> Lewis, your semantics paradigm is protecting your self.



Lewis: Words are just that with their meanings made and interpeted

just so or not, or in any way you wish. You can have the whole

shebang. I have no thing to protect. The metaphor is a figment of

imagination. You can have it. Do you want it? No. You want me! Well

here I am again in my glory!



> In it's essence, your paradigm can be summed as a contradiction:

> contextual tautology.


Lewis: Ok. You can say that. That is fine.



> For you, the " tautology " is a non-dual intellectualization and the

> " context " is the defense against the implication (dissolution of self)

> of tautology. Do you see that? In tautology, there cannot be context.

> Context requires arising, but tautology nullifies arising.


> And yet, context is the axis upon which your thinking turns.


Lewis: Context requires arising, tautologies nullifies arising, so

there can be no context.... Do you want me to drink this word soup?

You are mixing levels because you seek the specter. Context is verbal

thought and words, especially here. All of it. If it is not words, it

is no thing, if it is no thing then there are no words. But words are

the basis of the [imagined] context, tautologies, conceptualizations

and the whole of communication and semiosis in language and thought.

Try again. Your are in the room and you can't get out. A prisoner for

the walls are seen.




> Examples:

> You repeat, " fun to examine and explore " , and yet you say " no emphasis

> on subjectivity " .



Lewis: Am I somehow removed from language and not involved in it? How

about you? I make the stuff, put in on an exploration table that I and

others also make and talk about it as an object among many objects

with words all in the same made up word stuff. The context you refer

to is words as well, no escaping words and the fragmentation they

bring into various levels of description and analysis. You and I as

long as we use words are within them. And so what you say has no

privilege or ascendancy over any others. Now if you would like to say

that something outside of words has occurred here please tell me what

the context outside of words is? Show it to me. Demonstrate it. Speak it.


Now what you are doing is simple. You are creating a word context to

fit my words and the metaphor into and to elevate that context to some

sort of reality made with your words as central, hence, you make

contextual tautology in your hope to catch a specter you think is me.

And in this, you hope to corner, snare, catch, and dispatch a self of

your own creation. It is like trying to catch your shadow in your

hand. It is your creation that is out of your control because you do

not know how you created it.


Now can you see you are specter hunting with words and that that is

always shadow chasing and futile? See JP chase his shadow. See JP come

back and say no, I am not chasing my shadow, I am chasing down and

trying to catch Lewis' self and I want it to die. Now specter hunter,

some words:





Lewis: Now are you trying to root for some conception of self I may

hold or if I have an intact self or some other thing, like an ego or

some bundle of skandahs or neuronal firings that are mistaken for me

or some other conceptualization?


**Yes, is there any other rooting going on here (on this board)?




Now to play the same game in a different way, let me say that perhaps

in your enthusiasm to catch your created specter, you forget that you

are within words and there is no escaping using them in here or that

the specter is made of words and all you have manufactured for it. So

you are using words and trying to capture a word specter, (self) of

your own making. You create with words a " contexutal tautology " as a

lariat and try to rope the word self with it. So, in turn I

demonstrate that you are a merely a specter hunter that you admittedly

are, and are not interested at all in discussing a metaphor, a usable

or non usable thing of no consequence except to those who are

interested in it, on a exploratory table mutually constructed. So you

being a hunter you hope to catch your prey with words, using them as

bait. Why? Do you need me? Do I excite you, thrill you so? Do you lust

after me. Do you want me?


> You repeat, " arisings of inseparable meaning " and yet how can meaning

> arise if inseparable? [Answer: irregardless of the contradiction, your

> " context " axis requires its arising in order to maintain your

> substantive self.]


> [Note: context IS emphasis]



Lewis: Substantive self? What is that? (regardless not irregardless my



In any case, what difference does it make? It is of no significance to

you. You are not interested in metaphors like that one and only wish

to hunt specters. Now, whatever you say, I can say more and you can

say more, creating more on top of each creation with words. Going

around and around. You only want me to die in the way you conceive me,

you want somehow that I die as you see me for you, in front of you, in

some sort of agonizing realization of my protected self, or perhaps

the ego I cherish and protect with a metaphor. This is too much.


Well, I gave you my carcass and you still want more. Such a greedy

fellow. Take your fill above and below. You have plenty to feed on so

you can enlarge your abdomen and burst your intestines with me, me, me.




> =============



> Tautology (intellectualization):


> Lewis said:

> - there is " no thing " beyond words. There is " no thing " to point to

> - You create me

> - The expression is enough

> - Such creations are for tail chasing

> - I do not see any selves, just expressions

> - I do not need to imagine an issuer

> - no emphasis on subjectivity over objectivity

> - It is moot always for me


Lewis: Yes


> Context (protected self):


> Lewis said:

> - it arises inexplicably... Yes, for me it does

> - I do it too, to experience and explore

> - As it [the expression] changes so does my creation of it

> - it is easier not to mix levels

> - that is what I am about

> - Just fun to examine and explore

> - As for disappearing participants, they always seem to reappear

> - I use any conception as is needed

> - to experience and explore how expression changes

> - see what is revealed and learning from it


Lewis: Yes.




> Revealings at the edges:

> - stupid is as stupid does

> - I reply and don't say to you...fuck off dimwit

> - Oh, you want to annihilate me? Hahaha!

> - What about me? It is not clear is it?

> - I do not need it

> - As for me, I don't be dealing with no infinities


Lewis: Yes.



Lewis: Well, we have intellectualization, protected self and

revealings at the edges. Your categories for creating me. There is

plenty more here to add to your selections. Work away.


Now what is the expected or anticipated reaction, JP to this

demonstration of the specter and the art of specter hunting. What

would you like to see next?


More words that indicate to you that there is a protected self, I

imagine, which, of course, in your specter hunting will be anything

that alerts your framework for word assessment and evaluation for

specter detection. So let me give you this to create me more vividly

and you can feed and gorge on this created me at home and wherever you go.


JP, you are a way out of your league. When you gather the

understanding necessary to go toe to toe with the likes of me, a

supreme giant of a well protected specter of unlimited proportions

come back and give me a visit. And if you are still chasing shadows

and feasting on vacuums, running around in circles of words and not

realize you are doing it, and thinking it makes a difference in anyway

and trying to get others to do the same, stay your hands and think

twice. You are just a small _____ learning to think your way out the

maze you do not realize you are in and believing you can get somewhere

in nowhere. Think on, think on. Lost are you in room of words.

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Lewis, it is as if you constantly repeat this mantra: 1) " Here is this

meaning on an examining table. " 2) " This meaning is

indistinguishable. "


This is contradiction (that which is indistinguishable cannot be



The first part is the context, arising, emphasis, focus. The second

part is the tautological nullification of the first part.


The arising appears to be required for your self. The nullification of

the arising appears to be non-dual intellectualization.




Note: you are saying " metaphor " (repeatedly) as a trojan horse for

arisings, focus, emphasis, contexts.




JP: Lewis, your semantics paradigm is protecting your self.


JP: In it's essence, your paradigm can be summed as a contradiction:

contextual tautology.


JP: For you, the " tautology " is a non-dual intellectualization and the

" context " is the defense against the implication (dissolution of self)

of tautology.


JP: In tautology, there cannot be context. Context requires arising,

but tautology nullifies arising.


JP: And yet, context is the axis upon which your thinking turns.


> Lewis: Context requires arising, tautologies nullifies arising, so

there can be no context.... Do you want me to drink this word soup?

- " word soup "

- Tautology (nullification of arising)




Examples of the speed with which you flip back and forth. It seems

that you are unaware that you are doing this.



> words are the basis

- " basis "

- Context (arising)


> of the [imagined] context, tautologies, conceptualizations

and the whole of communication and semiosis in language and thought.

- " imagined "

- Tautology (nullification of arising)





JP: You repeat, " fun to examine and explore " , and yet you say " no

emphasis on subjectivity " .


> Lewis: I make the stuff, put in on an exploration table that I and

others also make and talk about it as an object among many objects

- " I make " " exploration table " " as an object "

- Context (arising)


> with words all in the same made up word stuff.

" made up "

Tautology (nullification of arising)




> no escaping words and the fragmentation they bring into various

levels of description and analysis. You and I as long as we use words

are within them.

- " fragmentation " , " levels " , " within them "

- Context (arising)


> And so what you say has no privilege or ascendancy over any others.

- " no privilege or ascendancy "

- Tautology (nullification of arising)




> [you] are not interested at all in discussing a metaphor,

- " metaphor "

- Context (arising)


> a usable or non usable thing of no consequence

- " usable or non usable " , " no consequence "

- Tautology (nullification of arising)


> except to those who are interested in it, on a exploratory table

- " those interested " , " exploratory table "

- Context (arising)


> mutually

- Tautology (nullification of arising)


> constructed.

- Context (arising)




JP: You repeat, " arisings of inseparable meaning " and yet how can

meaning arise if inseparable? [Answer: irregardless of the

contradiction, your " context " axis requires its arising in order to

maintain your self.]


[Note: context IS emphasis]



Tautology (intellectualization):

Lewis said:

- there is " no thing " beyond words. There is " no thing " to point to

- You create me

- The expression is enough

- Such creations are for tail chasing

- I do not see any selves, just expressions

- I do not need to imagine an issuer

- no emphasis on subjectivity over objectivity

- It is moot always for me


Lewis: Yes


Context (protected self):

Lewis said:

- it arises inexplicably... Yes, for me it does

- I do it too, to experience and explore

- As it [the expression] changes so does my creation of it

- it is easier not to mix levels

- that is what I am about

- Just fun to examine and explore

- As for disappearing participants, they always seem to reappear

- I use any conception as is needed

- to experience and explore how expression changes

- see what is revealed and learning from it


Lewis: Yes.


Revealings at the edges:

Lewis said:

- stupid is as stupid does

- I reply and don't say to you...fuck off dimwit

- Oh, you want to annihilate me? Hahaha!

- What about me? It is not clear is it?

- I do not need it

- As for me, I don't be dealing with no infinities


Lewis: Yes.


- [additional ad hominem deleted]

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Nisargadatta , " johnmp_nr " <johnmp_nr> wrote:

> Lewis, it is as if you constantly repeat this mantra: 1) " Here is this

> meaning on an examining table. " 2) " This meaning is

> indistinguishable. "


LewisL Number 2 is your interpretation. Never said it. Anything in

words can be further divided in words and made distinct or overturned.



> This is contradiction (that which is indistinguishable cannot be

> examined).


Lewis: This is your interpreation.



> The first part is the context, arising, emphasis, focus. The second

> part is the tautological nullification of the first part.


Lewis: In your model, that is always the case. Now I think your model

tries to exist withour words as if it has some preminent status to

evaluate all words withour words. This is mistaken. But if you wish to

hold to that then do so. I do not mind.



> The arising appears to be required for your self. The nullification

of the arising appears to be non-dual intellectualization.


Lewis: What ever you think about self and arisings is your

conceptualization of how things go. Now, I have said to you before,

that it is words and words alone here and that you cannot escape it

and you return again with the same thing and insist that it is true. I

tell you it is mistaked to think that you are outside of words. You

return to insist with out demonstrating context as I requested. You

cut what you do not want to appear and keep and post what you do. So

around it goes. I can continue forever in this idiocy.



> -------------


> Note: you are saying " metaphor " (repeatedly) as a trojan horse for

> arisings, focus, emphasis, contexts.


Lewis: It is not a trojan horse. It was the basis upon whihc this

conversation started. However, your turned into a withc hunt for

specters, mu specter and wants to eliminate it.


Your words:


> Lewis: We were not talking about a self or any of that. And

> agreements are unecessary unless you think you are Nagarjuna trying

> to use another's argument against him/her so that they see the error

> of their thinking, logic, beliefs and so on.


> **I do not want Lewis to see the error of his thinking. I want his

> thinking out; I want him out.





Now your own stated motivation plays out here. You hunt and hunt and

insist and insist as if that will make any difference. Every thing you

do below can be done with your words applying your model to it as it

goes so I do so for your reading pleasure.


> --------------


> Lewis: JP, your semantics paradigm is protecting your self.


> Lewis: In it's essence, your paradigm can be summed as a

contradiction: contextual tautology.


> Lewis: For you, the " tautology " is a non-dual intellectualization

and the " context " is the defense against the implication (dissolution

of self) of tautology.


> Lewis: In tautology, there cannot be context. Context requires

arising but tautology nullifies arising.


> Lewis: And yet, context is the axis upon which your thinking turns.


> > JP: Context requires arising, tautologies nullifies arising, so

> there can be no context.... Do you want me to drink this word soup?

> - " word soup "

> - Tautology (nullification of arising)


> ------------------


> Examples of the speed with which you flip back and forth. It seems

> that you are unaware that you are doing this.


Lewis: I am fully aware of what is going in this conversation and

flipping back and forth is part of it. I create and destroy and I make

and distance, I come close and then go far away, I make apart and then

I make whole again. I do anything I want as I want as you do. Your

examples below point to nothing else but that and so? Is there

something miraculous in this? Something different than any other

speaker? Perhaps you are free of this? A perfection of some sort

perhaps or an imperfection searching for other imperfections you think

are posing as perfection?




> > words are the basis

> - " basis "

> - Context (arising)


> > of the [imagined] context, tautologies, conceptualizations

> and the whole of communication and semiosis in language and thought.

> - " imagined "

> - Tautology (nullification of arising)



> ------------------


> JP: You repeat, " fun to examine and explore " , and yet you say " no

> emphasis on subjectivity " .


> > Lewis: I make the stuff, put in on an exploration table that I and

> others also make and talk about it as an object among many objects

> - " I make " " exploration table " " as an object "

> - Context (arising)


> > with words all in the same made up word stuff.

> " made up "

> Tautology (nullification of arising)


> ------------------


> > no escaping words and the fragmentation they bring into various

> levels of description and analysis. You and I as long as we use words

> are within them.

> - " fragmentation " , " levels " , " within them "

> - Context (arising)


> > And so what you say has no privilege or ascendancy over any others.

> - " no privilege or ascendancy "

> - Tautology (nullification of arising)


> ------------------


> > [you] are not interested at all in discussing a metaphor,

> - " metaphor "

> - Context (arising)


> > a usable or non usable thing of no consequence

> - " usable or non usable " , " no consequence "

> - Tautology (nullification of arising)


> > except to those who are interested in it, on a exploratory table

> - " those interested " , " exploratory table "

> - Context (arising)


> > mutually

> - Tautology (nullification of arising)


> > constructed.

> - Context (arising)


> --------------


> JP: You repeat, " arisings of inseparable meaning " and yet how can

> meaning arise if inseparable? [Answer: irregardless of the

> contradiction, your " context " axis requires its arising in order to

> maintain your self.]


> [Note: context IS emphasis]



> Tautology (intellectualization):

> Lewis said:

> - there is " no thing " beyond words. There is " no thing " to point to

> - You create me

> - The expression is enough

> - Such creations are for tail chasing

> - I do not see any selves, just expressions

> - I do not need to imagine an issuer

> - no emphasis on subjectivity over objectivity

> - It is moot always for me


> Lewis: Yes


> Context (protected self):

> Lewis said:

> - it arises inexplicably... Yes, for me it does

> - I do it too, to experience and explore

> - As it [the expression] changes so does my creation of it

> - it is easier not to mix levels

> - that is what I am about

> - Just fun to examine and explore

> - As for disappearing participants, they always seem to reappear

> - I use any conception as is needed

> - to experience and explore how expression changes

> - see what is revealed and learning from it


> Lewis: Yes.


> Revealings at the edges:

> Lewis said:

> - stupid is as stupid does

> - I reply and don't say to you...fuck off dimwit

> - Oh, you want to annihilate me? Hahaha!

> - What about me? It is not clear is it?

> - I do not need it

> - As for me, I don't be dealing with no infinities


> Lewis: Yes.


> - [additional ad hominem deleted]


You do not know what ad hominem is. Look it up at Wikipedia.


Lewis: You have taken my words and put them into your specter hunting

model. And in doing so have done nothing except to futilely attempt to

point to some specter. Now some will find your specter and other will

not. And so? Have you gotten your jollies? Are you still desirous of

me, need me? Perhaps even love me, since you continue to come back

here despite my pushing you away? Truly you love me, JP and need me. I

am you at the moment.


Your words fit the same model and do the same thing if applied. I do

not use your model for their is no need to search for specters. But

you fit perfectly into my metaphor. You are enclosed in a room of

words with me. And somehow you think that you can escape that. And so

you erase every mention of it in these posts to go after me, your prey

and your need, as if your truly flimsy model had any strength at all

to do what it is designed to do. I watch you struggle to rope me and

corral me for your purpose. And each time the your lariat of words

falls unto no thing, you try again. Now if you were paying attention

that is what you do with my words and metaphor. You just let it drop

at your feet and you look at it saying, Pffft. Well, if you can't see

this picture then you have learned nothing.


Now go suck your thumb and if you want to come back for more pablum

try to bring something different to this room.


These last words are especially made for you. Now use them to entangle

your thinking even more.

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[From msg #25194]


JP: How can actual meaning (or a constructed agent for that matter)

be produced from that which is both metaphor and tautological?


Lewis: it arises inexplicably.


**Does it really? It seems fairly evident that we both agree it



**Lewis: Yes, for me it does. No. I do not agree with you. It arises

inexplicably for me.




Above is what you are defending. That " inexplicable arising " of

meaning is, in essence, your self.


It is the reason you are compelled to repeat " metaphor " . You are using

the word " metaphor " as a shell for arisings, but then the moment that

the arising is brought to consciousness, your non-dual

intellectualization cannot tolerate the arising so it nullifies the

arising with a direct contradiction - you write, " arisings of

inseparable meaning " .


So here are these two conditions which you posit:

1) inexplicable arising of meaning

2) arisings of inseparable meaning


To repeat the point of my previous post, it is a contradiction to say

that meaning both arises and is inseparable. If it is inseparable, how

can it arise?




FYI, besides quotation marks, you nullify with various other stock



Lewis writes:

-it is moot always for me


-no emphasis

-mixing levels

-change it to what you like

-transient stuff

- " no thing " to point to



-you be you

-any conception as is needed

-as contexts changes so can the answers


[the word, " tautologies " , basically sums it up]






Lewis Burgess wrote:



> > Lewis, it is as if you constantly repeat this mantra: 1) " Here is

this meaning on an examining table. " 2) " This meaning is

indistinguishable. "


> LewisL Number 2 is your interpretation. Never said it. Anything in

words can be further divided in words and made distinct or overturned.


> > This is contradiction (that which is indistinguishable cannot be

> > examined).


> Lewis: This is your interpreation.


> >

> > The first part is the context, arising, emphasis, focus. The


> > part is the tautological nullification of the first part.


> Lewis: In your model, that is always the case. Now I think your


> tries to exist withour words as if it has some preminent status to

> evaluate all words withour words. This is mistaken. But if you wish


> hold to that then do so. I do not mind.


> >

> > The arising appears to be required for your self. The


> of the arising appears to be non-dual intellectualization.


> Lewis: What ever you think about self and arisings is your

> conceptualization of how things go. Now, I have said to you before,

> that it is words and words alone here and that you cannot escape it

> and you return again with the same thing and insist that it is

true. I

> tell you it is mistaked to think that you are outside of words. You

> return to insist with out demonstrating context as I requested. You

> cut what you do not want to appear and keep and post what you do. So

> around it goes. I can continue forever in this idiocy.



> > -------------

> >

> > Note: you are saying " metaphor " (repeatedly) as a trojan horse for

> > arisings, focus, emphasis, contexts.


> Lewis: It is not a trojan horse. It was the basis upon whihc this

> conversation started. However, your turned into a withc hunt for

> specters, mu specter and wants to eliminate it.


> Your words:

> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

> > Lewis: We were not talking about a self or any of that. And

> > agreements are unecessary unless you think you are Nagarjuna


> > to use another's argument against him/her so that they see the


> > of their thinking, logic, beliefs and so on.

> >

> > **I do not want Lewis to see the error of his thinking. I want his

> > thinking out; I want him out.



> ~~~~~~~~~~~~


> Now your own stated motivation plays out here. You hunt and hunt and

> insist and insist as if that will make any difference. Every thing


> do below can be done with your words applying your model to it as it

> goes so I do so for your reading pleasure.

> >

> > --------------

> >

> > Lewis: JP, your semantics paradigm is protecting your self.

> >

> > Lewis: In it's essence, your paradigm can be summed as a

> contradiction: contextual tautology.

> >

> > Lewis: For you, the " tautology " is a non-dual intellectualization

> and the " context " is the defense against the implication


> of self) of tautology.

> >

> > Lewis: In tautology, there cannot be context. Context requires

> arising but tautology nullifies arising.

> >

> > Lewis: And yet, context is the axis upon which your thinking


> >

> > > JP: Context requires arising, tautologies nullifies arising, so

> > there can be no context.... Do you want me to drink this word


> > - " word soup "

> > - Tautology (nullification of arising)

> >

> > ------------------

> >

> > Examples of the speed with which you flip back and forth. It seems

> > that you are unaware that you are doing this.


> Lewis: I am fully aware of what is going in this conversation and

> flipping back and forth is part of it. I create and destroy and I


> and distance, I come close and then go far away, I make apart and


> I make whole again. I do anything I want as I want as you do. Your

> examples below point to nothing else but that and so? Is there

> something miraculous in this? Something different than any other

> speaker? Perhaps you are free of this? A perfection of some sort

> perhaps or an imperfection searching for other imperfections you


> are posing as perfection?


> >

> >

> > > words are the basis

> > - " basis "

> > - Context (arising)

> >

> > > of the [imagined] context, tautologies, conceptualizations

> > and the whole of communication and semiosis in language and


> > - " imagined "

> > - Tautology (nullification of arising)

> >

> >

> > ------------------

> >

> > JP: You repeat, " fun to examine and explore " , and yet you say " no

> > emphasis on subjectivity " .

> >

> > > Lewis: I make the stuff, put in on an exploration table that I


> > others also make and talk about it as an object among many objects

> > - " I make " " exploration table " " as an object "

> > - Context (arising)

> >

> > > with words all in the same made up word stuff.

> > " made up "

> > Tautology (nullification of arising)

> >

> > ------------------

> >

> > > no escaping words and the fragmentation they bring into various

> > levels of description and analysis. You and I as long as we use


> > are within them.

> > - " fragmentation " , " levels " , " within them "

> > - Context (arising)

> >

> > > And so what you say has no privilege or ascendancy over any


> > - " no privilege or ascendancy "

> > - Tautology (nullification of arising)

> >

> > ------------------

> >

> > > [you] are not interested at all in discussing a metaphor,

> > - " metaphor "

> > - Context (arising)

> >

> > > a usable or non usable thing of no consequence

> > - " usable or non usable " , " no consequence "

> > - Tautology (nullification of arising)

> >

> > > except to those who are interested in it, on a exploratory


> > - " those interested " , " exploratory table "

> > - Context (arising)

> >

> > > mutually

> > - Tautology (nullification of arising)

> >

> > > constructed.

> > - Context (arising)

> >

> > --------------

> >

> > JP: You repeat, " arisings of inseparable meaning " and yet how can

> > meaning arise if inseparable? [Answer: irregardless of the

> > contradiction, your " context " axis requires its arising in order


> > maintain your self.]

> >

> > [Note: context IS emphasis]

> >

> >

> > Tautology (intellectualization):

> > Lewis said:

> > - there is " no thing " beyond words. There is " no thing " to point


> > - You create me

> > - The expression is enough

> > - Such creations are for tail chasing

> > - I do not see any selves, just expressions

> > - I do not need to imagine an issuer

> > - no emphasis on subjectivity over objectivity

> > - It is moot always for me

> >

> > Lewis: Yes

> >

> > Context (protected self):

> > Lewis said:

> > - it arises inexplicably... Yes, for me it does

> > - I do it too, to experience and explore

> > - As it [the expression] changes so does my creation of it

> > - it is easier not to mix levels

> > - that is what I am about

> > - Just fun to examine and explore

> > - As for disappearing participants, they always seem to reappear

> > - I use any conception as is needed

> > - to experience and explore how expression changes

> > - see what is revealed and learning from it

> >

> > Lewis: Yes.

> >

> > Revealings at the edges:

> > Lewis said:

> > - stupid is as stupid does

> > - I reply and don't say to you...fuck off dimwit

> > - Oh, you want to annihilate me? Hahaha!

> > - What about me? It is not clear is it?

> > - I do not need it

> > - As for me, I don't be dealing with no infinities

> >

> > Lewis: Yes.

> >

> > - [additional ad hominem deleted]


> You do not know what ad hominem is. Look it up at Wikipedia.


> Lewis: You have taken my words and put them into your specter

hunting model. And in doing so have done nothing except to futilely

attempt to

> point to some specter. Now some will find your specter and other


> not. And so? Have you gotten your jollies? Are you still desirous of

> me, need me? Perhaps even love me, since you continue to come back

> here despite my pushing you away? Truly you love me, JP and need

me. I

> am you at the moment.


> Your words fit the same model and do the same thing if applied. I do

> not use your model for their is no need to search for specters. But

> you fit perfectly into my metaphor. You are enclosed in a room of

> words with me. And somehow you think that you can escape that. And


> you erase every mention of it in these posts to go after me, your


> and your need, as if your truly flimsy model had any strength at all

> to do what it is designed to do. I watch you struggle to rope me and

> corral me for your purpose. And each time the your lariat of words

> falls unto no thing, you try again. Now if you were paying attention

> that is what you do with my words and metaphor. You just let it drop

> at your feet and you look at it saying, Pffft. Well, if you can't


> this picture then you have learned nothing.


> Now go suck your thumb and if you want to come back for more pablum

> try to bring something different to this room.


> These last words are especially made for you. Now use them to


> your thinking even more.

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Nisargadatta , " johnmp_nr " <johnmp_nr> wrote:

> [From msg #25194]


> JP: How can actual meaning (or a constructed agent for that matter)

> be produced from that which is both metaphor and tautological?


> Lewis: it arises inexplicably.


> **Does it really? It seems fairly evident that we both agree it

> doesn't.


> **Lewis: Yes, for me it does. No. I do not agree with you. It arises

> inexplicably for me.


> ---


> Above is what you are defending. That " inexplicable arising " of

> meaning is, in essence, your self.


Lewis: JP. I am not defending. I simply reject your idea as it is for

me. You can believe whatever you want about me. I reject your idea. I

am not arguing with you. I reject your idea. I am not trying to

disprove your idea. I reject your idea. I am not trying to say you are

wrong. I reject your idea of how I abstract my experience. Do you

understand? I reject your idea of how I abstract my experience. You

cannot tell me how to do it, nor can you know in any way how it occurs

in me. Do you understand, JP? I reject your imposition since you

cannot possibly know in any case. I reject your idea. Is it clear now?

Or will you come back and try to impose your view on me again?





> It is the reason you are compelled to repeat " metaphor " . You are using

> the word " metaphor " as a shell for arisings, but then the moment that

> the arising is brought to consciousness, your non-dual

> intellectualization cannot tolerate the arising so it nullifies the

> arising with a direct contradiction - you write, " arisings of

> inseparable meaning " .



Lewis: Are you stupid JP? How is it that you are inside of me? Or any

one. Are you telepathic? Are you are a spirit possessing me that you

can see all that happens as it does? All this from words written

without any questions beyond a limited bait traps?



Not tolerate?

non-dual intellectualization?



Now where did you get these? These are imaginative creations set to

words. It is mere psychologizing, as all of what you have written is.

You somehow think you can know what the other is by psychologizing

words. How do I know? I can see you making me up in the words you

write. I can see it as plain as day. Oh yes, I am blind to it. Well

let's say that is the case. I still reject your idea.


For example, the metaphor to me is tool a heuristic. I say it is so. I

do not need that tool for living it is something to talk about with

others. I put in down or dispose of it when it is finished being used

as I have done with many others. Now, if you have questions about the

tool I tell you how I constructed it and if you have further

questions, I do my best to explain. Now I have done that. It is

nothing more than that.


You disagree with the tool for whatever reason and I say ok, have it

your way it is ok. Ok, it can be taken that way or another, yes. My

experience is like this and so I constructed it like that. Ok, still

not up to your standards fine, trash the whole thing it is only a

tool. I do not need it and if you do not like do not use it as I have

said to you......


But instead of accepting that as said to you in so many different

ways, plus me trying to turn you off with some nasty bit of language,

you keep coming back, trying to put back the metaphor back into my

hand and then insist that I am holding it and protecting it and

defending it and all this nonsense and then bring in some bullshit

about the self that I am defending somehow in and with this metaphor

and how you want me (self) out of the way so infinity can speak...You

refuse to see anything but this creation of yours, which you evaluate

and judge. It is ludicrous.


If you cannot accept that your view is rejected, that is worthless to

me, I have no use for it, that is your problem that you consistently

try to make mine by coming back with more of the same.


Now I say to you, deal with it at home. Your " contextual tautology " is

not worth deconstructing because it is constructed on a psychologizing

basis and seeks specters and it is always the case as you insist it is

so. You believe it so there is no discussion of it, as your purpose

has been clearly stated that you want self me out what the hell that

is to you. And since, I do not seek specters (selves) it is worthless.

That being so, everytime you give it to me, I throw it in the trash

can. It may have value to some other or to you. For for me it

worthless, of no general or heuristic value whatsoever. So your

continued insistence on the matters below underlines some problem with

hearing and understanding what rejection is. Your opinion and ideas in

this case are rejected by this nasty well protected specter called

Lewis. The next time you write, you will not get this much. If you

decide to speak around an exploratory table on some matter you are

welcome. If not go bother some one else.


Stamped REJECTED for the manyeth time: 6/14/05



> So here are these two conditions which you posit:

> 1) inexplicable arising of meaning

> 2) arisings of inseparable meaning


> To repeat the point of my previous post, it is a contradiction to

> say that meaning both arises and is inseparable. If it is

> inseparable, how can it arise?






> -----------------------------


> FYI, besides quotation marks, you nullify with various other stock

> expressions.


> Lewis writes:

> -it is moot always for me

> -tautologies

> -no emphasis

> -mixing levels

> -change it to what you like

> -transient stuff

> - " no thing " to point to

> -figment

> -imagined

> -you be you

> -any conception as is needed

> -as contexts changes so can the answers


> [the word, " tautologies " , basically sums it up]



> JP

> ---

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The following are two conditions which you posit (they are not ideas

that I have about you):


1) inexplicable arising of meaning

2) arisings of inseparable meaning


It is a contradiction to say that meaning both arises and is

inseparable. If it is inseparable, how can it arise?

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Nisargadatta , " johnmp_nr " <johnmp_nr> wrote:

> The following are two conditions which you posit (they are not ideas

> that I have about you):


> 1) inexplicable arising of meaning

> 2) arisings of inseparable meaning


> It is a contradiction to say that meaning both arises and is

> inseparable. If it is inseparable, how can it arise?


Lewis: Ok, JP. Take the second and put it in the context you found it.

That is show the words were it was stated as such. Include any text

leading up to it and immediately before it and after it.

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The following are two conditions which you posit (they are not

ideas that I have about you):


1) inexplicable arising of meaning

2) arisings of inseparable meaning


It is a contradiction to say that meaning both arises and is

inseparable. If it is inseparable, how can it arise?



Message 25169

> So, in trying to do this impossible task [figuring out meaning

production] all sorts of imagining will be made to try to account for

the arisings of inseparable meaning, thought and language and all the

other abstractions made to be arising with those (emotions,

intentions, images, perceptions, etc.) and all that will result from

all of this will be similar to what was presented to you and to which

you now ask a question where the answer is obvious to the clear. It

arises inexplicably.

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Nisargadatta , " johnmp_nr " <johnmp_nr> wrote:

> The following are two conditions which you posit (they are not

> ideas that I have about you):


> 1) inexplicable arising of meaning

> 2) arisings of inseparable meaning


> It is a contradiction to say that meaning both arises and is

> inseparable. If it is inseparable, how can it arise?



Lewis: Ok, JP. Take the second and put it in the context you found it.

That is show the words were it was stated as such. Include any text

leading up to it and immediately before it and after it.



> Message 25169

So, in trying to do this impossible task [figuring out meaning

production] all sorts of imagining will be made to try to account for

the arisings of inseparable meaning, thought and language and all the

other abstractions made to be arising with those (emotions,

intentions, images, perceptions, etc.) and all that will result from

all of this will be similar to what was presented to you and to which

you now ask a question where the answer is obvious to the clear. It

arises inexplicably.


Lewis: I will insert what I requested since you seem incapable of

doing so. This is what was said:


It does not matter. It is clear to me, that meaning arises

simultaneously with language and thought and that all three

abstractions are not in any way separate as it goes. And the

possiblity of knowing how this occurs has not ever been and seems it

will never be available to the understanding. As you read these words,

you are understanding what is being said in some way and if I say, the

brown cat walks across the lawn in the rain, there is instantaneous

recogition of some " meaning " in those words. There it is instant

meaning production. Is that not so?


Now all one has to do is to figure out how one does that or more

appropriately how one did that because you are unable to see how

meaning, thought and language arise fullblown as it does in the

mooment, in the popular jargon the now. All explanations will be post

hoc ones abstracted from short and long term memories held in

attention and constructed and manipulated and in doing that laborious

job, one will never know how. One can only think or believe one knows

how. So, in trying to do this impossible task all sorts of imagining

will be made to try to account for the arisings of inseparable

meaning, thought and language and all the other abstractions made to

be arising with those (emotions, intentions, images, perceptions,

etc.) and all that will result from all of this will be similar to

what was presented to you and to which you now ask a question where

the answer is obvious to the clear. It arises inexplicably. There are

no words.


Can you take that bit? Not many people like that they cannot have the

slightest idea of how anything happens as it does. Not one thing. All

we have is post hoc metaphors, tautologies, analogies, explanations,

theories, scriptures, teaching and other fictions, conceits,

imaginings and concpetualizations to try to make secondary sense of

what is obviously immediate and inexplicable and inexpressible.



Lewis: Now look at this. I say it twice in two two ways.




" It is clear to me, that meaning arises simultaneously with language

and thought and that all three abstractions are not in any way

separate as it goes. And the possiblity of knowing how this occurs has

not ever been and seems it will never be available to the understanding. "


" Now all one has to do is to figure out how one does that or more

appropriately how one did that because you are unable to see how

meaning, thought and language arise fullblown as it does in the

mooment, in the popular jargon the now. All explanations will be post

hoc ones abstracted from short and long term memories held in

attention and constructed and manipulated and in doing that laborious

job, one will never know how. One can only think or believe one knows

how. So, in trying to do this impossible task all sorts of imagining

will be made to try to account for the arisings of inseparable

meaning, thought and language and all the other abstractions made to

be arising with those (emotions, intentions, images, perceptions,

etc.) and all that will result from all of this will be similar to

what was presented to you and to which you now ask a question where

the answer is obvious to the clear. It arises inexplicably. There are

no words. "



It says that the arising of meaning, thought and language does so full

blown in the moment instanteously, as inseperable, as one whole in an

inexplicable manner and that is abstracted in retrospect into pieces

of meaning, thought, language, intentions, images, perceptions and so

forth and then spoken about as such. An example was given of reading

about the cat that shows how meaning arises instanteously as the

words, language is read and that how one does that can only be done in

retrospect and with abstractions of the kinds mentioned as a secondary



Now you can say spontaneously speak words in a language using its

lexicon to convey an intended meaning. You do not have an idea how

those words form and emerge and only in post hoc analysis is that

whole separated into components that make sense. So that in the

inseparable whole abstract components are analytically contructed.

This whole arises inexplicably. And each part if examined separately

arises inexplicably. It does not matter how one tries to examine the

origins, it all arises iexplicably.


So as to Number 1, the burden is on you to demonstrate that it does

not arise inexplicably. You have not done so. I await your

demonstration, your knowledge of how a single phrase is formed without

using a post hoc explanation.


In number 2, that you say I posit, is a falsity. You have cut the

sentence off, removed it from its context and examples, placed it as

if that was what was said and then ask me to comment on this creation

of yours. You have interpreted in the way you see it and have not

understood it as intended. In that I cannot help you. And it needs no

more explanation.


Now all you have to do is demonstrate Number 1. And in your failure to

do so, you will perhaps understand your misunderstanding of what was

written originally and trash the falsity you made.



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The following are two conditions which you posit (they are not

ideas that I have about you):


1) inexplicable arising of meaning

2) arisings of inseparable meaning


It is a contradiction to say that meaning both arises and is

inseparable. If it is inseparable, how can it arise?




Are you reaffirming the first?


As for the second, you indicate it is misrepresented. Are you saying

that the arising is separable?






Per Message 25169


Lewis: It says that the arising of meaning, thought and language does

so full blown in the moment instanteously, as inseperable, as one

whole in an inexplicable manner and that is abstracted in retrospect

into pieces of meaning, thought, language, intentions, images,

perceptions and so forth and then spoken about as such. An example was

given of reading about the cat that shows how meaning arises

instanteously as the words, language is read and that how one does

that can only be done in retrospect and with abstractions of the kinds

mentioned as a secondary sense.


Lewis: Now you can say spontaneously speak words in a language using

its lexicon to convey an intended meaning. You do not have an idea how

those words form and emerge and only in post hoc analysis is that

whole separated into components that make sense. So that in the

inseparable whole abstract components are analytically contructed.

This whole arises inexplicably. And each part if examined separately

arises inexplicably. It does not matter how one tries to examine the

origins, it all arises iexplicably.


Lewis: So as to Number 1, the burden is on you to demonstrate that it

does not arise inexplicably. You have not done so. I await your

demonstration, your knowledge of how a single phrase is formed without

using a post hoc explanation.


Lewis: In number 2, that you say I posit, is a falsity. You have cut

the sentence off, removed it from its context and examples, placed it

as if that was what was said and then ask me to comment on this

creation of yours. You have interpreted in the way you see it and have

not understood it as intended. In that I cannot help you. And it needs

no more explanation.


Lewis: Now all you have to do is demonstrate Number 1. And in your

failure to do so, you will perhaps understand your misunderstanding of

what was written originally and trash the falsity you made.



Message 25169

Lewis: It is clear to me, that meaning arises

simultaneously with language and thought and that all three

abstractions are not in any way separate as it goes. And the

possiblity of knowing how this occurs has not ever been and seems it

will never be available to the understanding. As you read these words,

you are understanding what is being said in some way and if I say, the

brown cat walks across the lawn in the rain, there is instantaneous

recogition of some " meaning " in those words. There it is instant

meaning production. Is that not so?


Now all one has to do is to figure out how one does that or more

appropriately how one did that because you are unable to see how

meaning, thought and language arise fullblown as it does in the

mooment, in the popular jargon the now. All explanations will be post

hoc ones abstracted from short and long term memories held in

attention and constructed and manipulated and in doing that laborious

job, one will never know how. One can only think or believe one knows

how. So, in trying to do this impossible task all sorts of imagining

will be made to try to account for the arisings of inseparable

meaning, thought and language and all the other abstractions made to

be arising with those (emotions, intentions, images, perceptions,

etc.) and all that will result from all of this will be similar to

what was presented to you and to which you now ask a question where

the answer is obvious to the clear. It arises inexplicably. There are

no words.

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Nisargadatta , " johnmp_nr " <johnmp_nr> wrote:

Nisargadatta , " johnmp_nr " <johnmp_nr> wrote:


The following are two conditions which you posit (they are not

ideas that I have about you):


1) inexplicable arising of meaning

2) arisings of inseparable meaning


It is a contradiction to say that meaning both arises and is

inseparable. If it is inseparable, how can it arise?




Are you reaffirming the first?


Lewis: The first is an abstraction of my abstracted experience as it

is and put into words.



> As for the second, you indicate it is misrepresented. Are you saying

> that the arising is separable?




Lewis: What I say is below, JP.




It does not matter. It is clear to me, that meaning arises

simultaneously with language and thought and that all three

abstractions are not in any way separate as it goes. And the

possiblity of knowing how this occurs has not ever been and seems it

will never be available to the understanding. As you read these words,

you are understanding what is being said in some way and if I say, the

brown cat walks across the lawn in the rain, there is instantaneous

recogition of some " meaning " in those words. There it is instant

meaning production. Is that not so?


Now all one has to do is to figure out how one does that or more

appropriately how one did that because you are unable to see how

meaning, thought and language arise fullblown as it does in the

mooment, in the popular jargon the now. All explanations will be post

hoc ones abstracted from short and long term memories held in

attention and constructed and manipulated and in doing that laborious

job, one will never know how. One can only think or believe one knows

how. So, in trying to do this impossible task all sorts of imagining

will be made to try to account for the arisings of inseparable

meaning, thought and language and all the other abstractions made to

be arising with those (emotions, intentions, images, perceptions,

etc.) and all that will result from all of this will be similar to

what was presented to you and to which you now ask a question where

the answer is obvious to the clear. It arises inexplicably. There are

no words.


Can you take that bit? Not many people like that they cannot have the

slightest idea of how anything happens as it does. Not one thing. All

we have is post hoc metaphors, tautologies, analogies, explanations,

theories, scriptures, teaching and other fictions, conceits,

imaginings and concpetualizations to try to make secondary sense of

what is obviously immediate and inexplicable and inexpressible.



Lewis: Now look at this. I say it twice in two two ways.




" It is clear to me, that meaning arises simultaneously with language

and thought and that all three abstractions are not in any way

separate as it goes. And the possiblity of knowing how this occurs has

not ever been and seems it will never be available to the understanding. "


" Now all one has to do is to figure out how one does that or more

appropriately how one did that because you are unable to see how

meaning, thought and language arise fullblown as it does in the

mooment, in the popular jargon the now. All explanations will be post

hoc ones abstracted from short and long term memories held in

attention and constructed and manipulated and in doing that laborious

job, one will never know how. One can only think or believe one knows

how. So, in trying to do this impossible task all sorts of imagining

will be made to try to account for the arisings of inseparable

meaning, thought and language and all the other abstractions made to

be arising with those (emotions, intentions, images, perceptions,

etc.) and all that will result from all of this will be similar to

what was presented to you and to which you now ask a question where

the answer is obvious to the clear. It arises inexplicably. There are

no words. "



It says that the arising of meaning, thought and language does so full

blown in the moment instanteously, as inseperable, as one whole in an

inexplicable manner and that is abstracted in retrospect into pieces

of meaning, thought, language, intentions, images, perceptions and so

forth and then spoken about as such. An example was given of reading

about the cat that shows how meaning arises instanteously as the

words, language is read and that how one does that can only be done in

retrospect and with abstractions of the kinds mentioned as a secondary



Now you can say spontaneously speak words in a language using its

lexicon to convey an intended meaning. You do not have an idea how

those words form and emerge and only in post hoc analysis is that

whole separated into components that make sense. So that in the

inseparable whole abstract components are analytically contructed.

This whole arises inexplicably. And each part if examined separately

arises inexplicably. It does not matter how one tries to examine the

origins, it all arises iexplicably.


So as to Number 1, the burden is on you to demonstrate that it does

not arise inexplicably. You have not done so. I await your

demonstration, your knowledge of how a single phrase is formed without

using a post hoc explanation.


In number 2, that you say I posit, is a falsity. You have cut the

sentence off, removed it from its context and examples, placed it as

if that was what was said and then ask me to comment on this creation

of yours. You have interpreted in the way you see it and have not

understood it as intended. In that I cannot help you. And it needs no

more explanation.


Now all you have to do is demonstrate Number 1. And in your failure to

do so, you will perhaps understand your misunderstanding of what was

written originally and trash the falsity you made.



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