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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 12-2005

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Third Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 12 / 2005


Please visit our Web site: http://www.saidarbar.org




















Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar – Hyderabad.

From the Satsanghs of SaibanisaJi


21. To lead the life on a good path, energy is needed to the physical

body. One has to have his own ways and efforts to fulfill it.


22. While traveling in the spiritual path, beware of the people who

try to deviate you from your spiritual journey.


23. To lead a peaceful life, you should maintain good relations not

only with your kith and kin but also with your neighbors.


24. You should develop a helping nature so that others will follow you

to help the underprivileged.


25. You should live amongst your kith and kin the way the Lotus plant

survives in the mud water with out having any attachment with mud.


26. When you are doing the pooja rituals to the God, you will feel you

are doing the routine job. But if you serve the Saints, you feel that

you are nearer to God.


27. You will reach your destiny safely if you avoid traveling in the

wrong path / avoiding too much dealing in monetary matters / a pomp

and show.


28. You try to understand your capacities and accordingly accept the

work load.


29. There is no parameter in the Spiritual life so you should lead the

spiritual life till your last breath.


30. It is your duty to analyze everyday progress and you should not

have contentment in the spiritual life.


To be Continued……..



June 1911: Kashinath Govind Upasani visited Shirdi for the first time

at the age of 41 years.


June 1929: Hemadri Pant (Anna Saheb Dhabolkar) completed writing Sai

Satcharitra in Marathi


June 1940: Sakhram Balvanth, a staunch devotee of Baba and an advocate

from Nashik passed away at the age of 67 years due to heart attack.




When Hemadri Panth (Anna Sahib Dhabolkar) contemplated to write Sai

Satcharita, Sri Sai advised Shyama (Madhava Rao Deshpande), the

mediator to see that Hemadri Panth sheds his Ahankara and take

recourse to his feet, then I myself shall complete the writing. Sai

was always instrumental in removing ahankara (ego) from the mind of

his devotees and thereby contribute to the spiritual advancement of

his devotees. In this experience, the 5th under the series, I shall

show how Sai tackled with my ahankara.


It was a cool morning of winter during the month of December, 1990; I

offered prayers at the Ganesh Temple near Secunderabad Station and

came out. A smiling middle aged person clad in white South Indian

attire wanted me to offer 1/- as dakshina. The typical smile reminded

me of Sai's Photograph in my house. I naturally felt happy that Sai

himself was demanding and I readily obliged to. After parting I walked

towards another temple of Panduranga Vittal in the nearby vicinity.

While doing so a thought crept in to my position conscious mind that I

am a class one Officer and why Sai always demands a dakshina Rs.1/-

only when I have capacity to pay more i.e. Rs.2/- as Baba normally

does. Certainly this cannot be my fault. As I was passing through a

lodging house in busy traffic area my attention was drawn to a fakir

calling for me. Involuntarily I moved towards him. Without any wait he

blasted me with words " you are a big officer and I am considered a

poor Sai Baba. Can you give me as much as I demand? Are you treating

me as a beggar? It appears that your ahankara has grown out of

proportion " .


Like a statue I listened to these sermons and realized my grave

mistake. How did this fakir on road capture thoughts reeling in my

mind? Definitely I consider it was none other than Sai Baba himself

graced in fakir's form to put a check on my growing ahankara and guide

me on to the path of righteousness. Unmindful of the surroundings and

with tremors in my body I touched his feet and requested him to pardon

me while quickly dumping a two rupees note in to his palm. After

coming out of Pandu Ranga Vittal's Temple I looked back nervously to

find the fakir nowhere around. I concluded that Sai is SARVANTARYAAMI

and what fitting lesson he gave me to remember and practice it forever.


To be Continued….




Jnanadev lived in the Maharashtra region of India in the late 11th



Jnanadev's father had been a sadhu ascetic who later abandoned the

renunciate life to marry and raise children. This was shocking to

orthodox authorities and the family was generally shunned. Jnanadev

was one of four siblings. His sister, Muktabai, was a great poet and

saint in her own right. When the children were all very young, their

parents died and the children had to survive by begging.


Though his life was extremely short, he composed four great works: the

Jnanesvari, (a translation of the Bhagavad-Gita Gita into Marathi,

along with a commentary that is still devoutly studied today for its

wisdom and insight), the Amritanubhava, the Abhangs, (spiritual songs

and poetry), and the Changadeva Pasashti (a story of conversion from

hatha yoga to a more deeply philosophical approach to God). He was a

strong influence and inspiration for other poet-saints in the region

who followed, such as Namdev and Janabai.


Traditionally Jnanadev is said to have felt he had completed his

purpose in life and left the body in conscious mahasamadhi (the final

spiritual union of a saint at death), exiting life at the young age of

22, having already been acknowledged as a great saint and poet.

To be Continued….




These are the dream sequences and messages as received by SAIBANISA

from our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that

this feature will help in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled

from his personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.


Dated: 26-06-1993.


The dream contents of the day have increased my sense of detachment.

While I was young, I was strongly in love with a lady. She got married

to some one else and I could not forget her even with passage of time.

Today after lapse of many years, Sai has shown her to me in a

different form. She became old with wrinkles writ on her face, fallen

teeth and that beautiful long hair was totally lost. She looked no

longer charming. Sai then uttered the words that; physical body will

gradually weaken and perish one day or other. I got up in the morning

but my mind was fresh with what I have seen in the dream. It was very

difficult proposition to imagine her in that position but a hard fact

of life. I have then gone through the reading of Satcharitra and it

happened to be the thirty-first chapter. Sai tells to Vijay Anand that

wealth and youth are only a passing phase in one's life and are

temporary in nature. The physical body will decay one day or other and

shall fall to ground. Know this truth and fulfill all your

commitments. This made me to think as to what is my responsibility?

And the immediate need of the hour.


Work for some thing that is permanent in nature.


Dated: 06-08-1993.


Sai appeared in the form of a fakir on the seashore. I bowed down in

front of him with all devotion and respect. He addressed me thus in

the words- Life is like a shore. Tidal waves are the happy moments

coming once in away. When high tides are encountered, the water as the

carrier, sometimes bring happy moments to the shore. Along with water,

some other elements like ego (snakes), difficulties (fish) and corals

with pearls (spiritualism) also manage to reach the shore. They

present a beautiful scene to the eye. When the water recedes, the

snakes and fish struggle to survive and finally die down. How- ever,

the corals no matter where they are, they live shining and appealing.

So I suggest you to follow the path set by the corals and develop a

spiritual bent of mind. I got disturbed and woke up. I started

searching for the meaning of the dream. The 16th and 17th chapter

where in Sai says that life is full of jealousy and ego. In 51st

chapter, Hemadri panth says that anger and jealousy are in built

qualities of a person. We can overcome them and their damaging effects

under the influence of our Samrdha Sadhguru Sainath.


Spiritualism is the only fallback tool in difficult times.


Dated: 13-08-1993.


Before retiring to bed, I prayed Baba and asked him whether I would

breathe my last at his lotus feet and also whether I can complete all

my responsibilities towards my wife and children. The dream visuals

have totally made me happy. I was present in a large gathering. Sai

appeared in the form of Governor of a State. Many VIP's were circled

round him to have a glimpse of him and also to get noticed by him. He

then called me by name. I walked towards him and expressed my desire.

He readily agreed to it and I bowed down to touch his feet

traditionally. Slowly, I was loosing my sight and senses. I got up

from my sleep. I was grateful to him and again I went in to another

spell of sleep. Next, my grocer called me up from where I purchase all

our monthly requirements for the house. He said to me " with the money

given, I have just now dispatched life time requirement of provisions

for your wife and children to your house. I got up from my sleep

contended with the firm hope that Sai will certainly take care of my

family and I have nothing to worry or look back.

Sincere prayers are always attended.

To be continued……



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)

" Shashi " : shashi_31

16. What is God? Who is God? How are we to see God?

Baba said- Prayer is the answer. Sincere prayer is always answered.

Detach and know that the world is temporal and an illusion and that

Self alone is Real. Through the expansion of the self, you develop

Universal Love and Universal Consciousness. This leads you to service

and sacrifice. The fact of surrender merely means that you do not

think about the fruits of actions. God likes the person, who knows and

does his Swadharma. It is in this sense that work is worship.


" What is the easiest way to achieve God's REALISATION? " asked Chandorkar.

Sri Sai Baba said- The easiest way to GOD REALISATION is to repeat

constantly God's name and make it pure. Then happiness will surely

follow. God will certainly come and dwell in your heart. You must

possess intense desire and longing to realize Him. Meditate on God's

name through the form of God that bears thy name. While uttering the

name of God feel always that He is before you. There are always

difficulties which come your way of Realizing God. These will be

overcome by the power of your devotion. God's name is the boat that

ultimately carries every one across the ocean of life.


Baba further said- REALISATION does not consist in running away from

home life, leaving one's devotion by the performance of worship

without having any real devotion or sincere aspiration. The

Realization of Truth or the vision of Reality can be achieved only by

one who performs his allotted work in life in a silent way, without

losing sight of his own ideal in view, offering everything and every

act of his to the Divine without caring for the results thereof,

always thinking and singing the glory of the Lord even though he may

be engaged eternally. Thus Realization depends purely on the

development of the inner being rather than the external one. For the

attainment of real happiness and infinite peace, it is necessary that

the glamour for I and MINE and the individual egoistic consciousness

should be merged in the Ocean of Universal Consciousness, since out of

that will arise, the Infinite Bliss and Joys of the Eternal. The

source from where we have come from should ultimately be the source

where we should go to. Only those who have gone beyond the Trigunas

can merge into Him. You must rouse the higher consciousness in you.

That will make the higher self gradually manifest itself within you.

It is that inner self that guides you and protects you. Good emotional

ways like Bhakthi, affection or zeal, helps one to acquire Realization

of God's vision and this will in turn give rise to good and to help

others to achieve the same.


To be continued…..



From Saidarbar files:


Hello friends/Sri Shirdi Sai's web site viewers, the following is very

interesting and it really happened to me this day the 12th Aug 1998.

I am working as a software consultant here in Australia since April

this year. My wife joined from India. An interesting incident took

place during her travel. She was traveling along with our son and met

one girl also traveling in the same flight. They booked one bag each

from Singapore to Sydney and on arriving here we enquired for the bag

and the airport authorities told it will take a day to get them and

asked for the address to deliver the bags. Unfortunately, my wife's

and the other girl's baggage receipts were mixed up and no one could

identify which was whose. The other girl told that she got very

important and everyday used items and given her address to deliver the

baggage as my wife and I were agreed for that. She told she would be

calling us when she receives the bags. Unfortunately, we do not have a

clue to contact her but she got our address and telephone number.

Until yesterday, we did not hear anything from her and thought she

might lost our details. We tried through many different ways to

contact her and failed to do so. Yesterday night my wife told me that

she was supposed to perform 101Pradakshinams in Saibaba temple in

India and failed to do so before she came here and may be that's why

all this happened. Immediately we prayed Lord Saibaba to show a way to

get the bag for which we both together perform 101 pradakshinams after

we are back to India. That bag has some valuable things and my wife

was worried a lot for almost loosing it. I told if it were ours, we

would get it. Very very surprisingly she heard from that girl's

husband today (the very next day) morning that they have the bag and

asked her to come and collect. It's a real wonder and I really admired

to be a real spectator of his Leelas. We both are devotees of Lord Sri

Shirdi Saibaba, we believe in him very strongly, and our belief

doubled with this incident. We are going to Shirdi when we go back to

India and perform 101Pradakshinams in our local Sai temple. He is the

real KALIYUGA PARAMATMA saint came from heaven to look after all his

devotees. We are proud to tell that we are DEVOTEES of Lord Sri Shirdi


I thank Sri Shirdi Sai website organizers to let me share this with

you all and look forward to see more later on the same wonderful Sai's




Venkateswaraswamy Swarna " swamysv & swamymain

5/28/2005 17:50:40 -0000

Sai Ram. Let us continue with the Chapter 15.


" Initially, Baba was known in Poona and Ahmednagar Districts, but

Nanasaheb Chandorkar, by his personal talks and by Dasganu, by his

splendid Kirtans, spread the fame of Baba in the Konkan (Bombay

Presidency). In fact, it was Dasganu - May God blesses him - who, by

his beautiful and inimitable Kirtans, made Baba available to so many

people there. " Sai Ram. As mentioned by Shri Hemadpant in one of the

earlier chapters (Ch.4), different people are assigned different jobs

by God and His representatives, viz., Saints like Sai. Baba chose

these and other devotees to spread His name and fame so that those who

were destined to benefit by His contact came to know and came to Him.

Sai Ram.


" The audience, who come to hear the Kirtans have different tastes.

Some like the erudition of the Haridas; some his gestures, some his

singing, some his wit and humour, some his preliminary dissertation on

Vedanta, and some others, his main stories and so on; but among them,

there are very few, who by hearing the Kirtan get faith and devotion

or love for God or saints. The effect of hearing Dasganu's kirtan on

the minds of audience was however electric, as it were. We give an

instance here. "


Sai Ram. Sun shines equally on all beings but the effects are

different. Rain falls equally in an area on all but again the effects

are different. Similarly, the darshan, shravan and keertan etc. of

Dasganu and other Haridasas on the audience is bound to be different,

depending upon the individual soul's preparation and readiness.

" Dasganu was once performing his Kirtan and singing the glory of Sai

Baba, in the Koupineshwar temple in Thana. One Mr. Cholkar, a poor man

serving as a candidate in the Civil Courts in Thana, was amongst the

audience. He heard Dasganu's Kirtan most attentively and was much

moved. He there and then mentally bowed and vowed to Baba saying -

" Baba, I am a poor man, unable to support my family. If by your grace,

I pass the departmental examination, and get a permanent post, I shall

go to Shirdi, fall at Your Feet and distribute sugar-candy in Your

name. " Sai Ram. In another chapter, Sai assured one of the devotees

that no one came to Shirdi unless He willed it. In another chapter,

Sai told one of the devotees that everything including that devotee's

forgetting a promise made to another Saint was Sai's will. Similarly,

Cholkar's vow was the Divine Will of Sai Maharaj.


" As good luck would have it, Mr.Cholkar did pass the examination and

did get the permanent post and now it remained for him to fulfill his

vow, the sooner the better. " Sai Ram. It was Mr.Cholkar's destiny

(which manifested as good luck at that point of time) that he passed

his examination and got the regular post. A vow should be fulfilled at

the earliest. Satyanarayana Vrata Katha also emphasises the same

point. The story of Sugriva in Ramayana of forgetting the promise made

to Sri Rama (that he will send his army of monkeys to search for Sri

Sita) and being reminded / admonished by Sri Lakshmana also emphasizes

the same point. Sakuntala reminds her husband King Dushyanta of the

great importance of truth in Mahabharatha, when under the curse of

Sage Durvasa, Dushyanta forgets that Sakuntala is his wife and

questions her relationship to him. Sai Ram.


" Mr. Cholkar was a poor man with a large family to support; and he

could not afford to pay for the expenses of a Shirdi trip. As is well

said, one can easily cross over Nahne ghat in Thana District or even

the Sahyadri Range; but it is very difficult for a poor man to cross

Umbareghat, i.e., the threshold of his house. As Mr. Cholkar was

anxious to fulfill his vow as early as possible, he resolved to

economize, cut down his expenses, and save money. He determined not to

use sugar in his diet; and began to take his tea without it. " Sai Ram.

What a great devotion! Mr.Cholkar was a poor man in a materialistic

sense of the world, but was spiritually very rich indeed. Compare this

with another gentleman who borrowed money for Shirdi trip and was

gently admonished by Baba. Baba did not desire any great fanfare.

Simple devotion was more valuable to Him than all the riches of this

world. Sai Ram.


" After he was able to save some money in this way, he came to Shirdi,

took Baba's darshan, fell at His Feet, offered a coconut, distributed

it with a clean conscience along with sugar-candy as per his vow and

said to Baba that he was much pleased with His darshan and that his

desires were fulfilled that day. " Sai Ram. Mr.Cholkar was indeed a

very fortunate and spiritually blessed man. Only a spiritually

advanced soul like Mr.Cholkar feels fulfilled instead of making fresh

demands when taking the darshan of a great Saint like Sai. " Mr.

Cholkar was in the dwarakamayi with his host Bapusaheb Jog. When the

host and the guest both got up and were about to leave the place, Baba

spoke to Jog as follows: - " Give him (your guest) cups of tea, fully

saturated with Sugar. " Hearing these significant words, Mr. Cholkar

was much moved, he was wonderstruck, his eyes were bedewed with tears,

and he fell at Baba's Feet again. " Sai Ram. I was moved to tears when

ever I read this part of the story since the devotion of Mr.Cholkar

was indeed extraordinary. I used to pray to Sai to give me too that

sort of steadfast devotion. By His grace, I can now say that though

the mind by its very nature keeps wandering, He, like a loving mother

brings it back to Him and He has been hearing my pleas and cries for

help, thus assuring me His steadfast support. Let all of us develop

the sort of steadfast devotion like Mr.Cholkar. Sai Ram. Baba

indicated by these words that He was fully aware of Mr.Cholkar's

resolve to give up sugar so that he can save enough money for coming

to Shirdi.


" Mr. Jog was also curious about this direction, regarding the tea-cups

to be given to his guest. Baba wanted by His words to create faith and

devotion in Cholkar's mind. He hinted as it were, that He got the

sugar-candy as per his vow and that He knew full well his secret

determination not to use sugar in his diet. Baba meant to say, " If you

spread your palms with devotion before Me, I am immediately with you,

day and night. Though, I am here bodily, still I know what you do;

beyond the seven seas. Go wherever you will, over the wide world, I am

with you. My abode is in your heart and I am within you. Always

worship Me, Who is seated in your heart, as well as, in the hearts of

all beings, Blessed and fortunate, indeed, is he who knows Me thus. "


What a beautiful and important lesson was thus imparted by Baba to Mr.

Chokar! Indeed it is a beautiful lesson to all of us. Sai Ram.


We will continue with this chapter in the next issue too. Sai Ram.



Author, Editor, Proof-Reader and Book Reviewer



To be Continued…….




Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use to play with

children and used to tell stories to them? I felt children visiting

Saidarbar should be entertained with good stories. Baba told before He

took His Maha Samadhi that He is Muralidhar and would like to play in

Booty Wada (Samadhi Mandir) with His devotees. So far you have enjoyed

Krishna Leelas. Baba has also established his identity with Lord Sri

Rama. Now I will take you through our epic Ramayan. Tell your parents

to read the Glory of Shirdi Sai – Bi-weekly E-magazine and narrate

Ramayan from this magazine.



When the rains were over and Rama heard nothing from Sugreeva he sent

Lakshmana to Sugreeva to remind him of his pledge. The angry Lakshmana

went to Sugreeva and said, " What type of friend are you? My brother

have kept his promise to you and with the help of him you have

recovered your kingdom and wife. And when your turn came to help us

you are backing out. Do you not remember your pledge? " Sugreeva begged

his pardon said politely that he has not forgotten his promise. He

told him that he had started working in that direction, that he had

already sent messages to assemble the entire army of apes. He said, " I

was thinking of coming to both of you after my entire army had

assembled " . Sugreeva and his ministers accompanied Lakshmana to Rama.

Sugreeva begged Rama's pardon and told him about the arrangements he

had made for the search of Sita. Sugreeva's whole army of apes

assembled at Rishyamuka mountain where Rama and Lakshmana lived. As

they did not know where Ravana had hidden Sita, Sugreeva divided his

army in four divisions and sent them in four directions with the

instruction that they were to report back within a month.


Hanuman was one of the leading members of the south-going members of

the south going division. Considering Hanuman to be ablest of all the

members of the division, Rama gave him his ring and said, " Give this

ring to Sita, if you find her. She will then be sure that I have sent

you. " Hanuman accepted the ring and then the party set out in search

of Sita. The south-going division was under the leadership of Hanuman,

Jambuvanta and Angad, Bali's son. They went through many regions, but

they were far from success. Then they met Jatayu's brother. He told

them that Ravana had confined Sita in Ashokavatika in Lanka. They were

also told that there was tight security arrangement at the place of

Sita's confinement. Jatayu's brother told them also that only that,

who crossed the vast expanse of mighty ocean, would be able to reach

Lanka. Every one was disheartened at the sight of vast expanse of the

violent ocean, but Hanuman courageously and confidently declared that

he would cross the ocean to go to Lanka and find out Sita's

whereabouts, and return with her news.


Hanuman remembered Rama and prayed for success, and filled with power

yet unknown to himself he leapt into the air. He flew over the vast

and limitless ocean. On his way he met Surasa, the mother of snakes,

who grew herself in size to swallow him, but the brilliant Hanuman

reduced himself to a very small size and having entered her mouth came

of out her nostril. Seeing this Surasa was highly impressed and

blessed him of all success in his mission. Having crossed miles and

miles of ocean Hanuman reached the glittering golden Lanka. He landed

on the top of Trikut mountain, and from there he looked at the

magnificent city of gold. He reduced himself to a very small size and

entered the city in search of Sita. Hanuman entered all the houses,

all the palaces and gardens, but could find no trace of Sita. He,

during his search even entered Vibhishana's palace. Ravana's brother

Vibhishana, was a devotee of Lord Vishnu, and he did not like Ravana's

evil ways. He always gave good advice which Ravana never heeded. He

could find no clue there either. Hanuman was not discouraged. He kept

on searching and at last he did succeed. He found Sita sitting under a

tree in a grove. He remembered Jatayu's brother had told that Sita was

confined in Ashokavatika. Hanuman whispered to himself, " So this is

Ashokavatika. " Hanuman looked around and found a large number of

demoness guarding her. Sita was remembering Rama and looked very sad.

But before Hanuman could present himself to Sita, he saw Ravana coming

towards Sita. Hanuman hid himself among the leaves of an Ashoka tree

and began to watch what happened there.


To be Continued……



Sankaraiah Dubagunta " sainama


Lord Sai Nath in His own mysterious way arranged Sainama Sankeertan

from 16th March to 17th March 2001 at Sajjanghad, Satara Dist,

Maharashtra, India. We know sacred Maharashtra mothered immortal

saints who are still guiding devotees seeking their guidance even

after leaving their mortal bodies some centuries ago. Saint Ramdas

Swamiji is one such immortal soul. He had popularized divine nama of

" Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram " as he had Rama sakshatkar. He

established thousands of ashrams and installed equal number of

Hanumanji's moorthies through out the length and breadth of India. Sri

Chatrapathy Sivaji Maharaj surrendered every thing at Samatha's feet

and ruled the state. His immortal treatise " Das Bodh " is His gift to

the posterity. As per the principle,' A sound mind in a sound body'.

He advocated workshop of Hanumanji for a sound body. Some considered

Him as an Avatar of Lord Hanuman.

Having gone to His place, we felt we should do 108 times non-stop

Hanuman chalisa of Goswami Tulasi Dasji.keeping in tune with the

tradition we did 3 hours non-stop Rama Naam ie, " SRI Ram Jai Ram Jai

Jai Ram " .Ofcourse, we have done 12 hour non-stop " Om Sai Sri Sai Jaya

Jaya Sai " as the very particulars of our visit was this. As this place

is also considered as Datta Sthan we did for about 2 hours " Digambara

Digambara Sripada vallabha Digambara " . Perhaps this was the first time

a big Dwarakamai photo was kept with Akhanda Deep and Sai Nama

Sankeertana was done at this holy place. Grateful to Baba for sending

us there and also to Samartha for inviting.

Sainath assured He will be active even after leaving the body. So also

Samartha Ramdas assured he would be in touch with devotees through

Parayana of 'Dasbodh' and 'Atmaram'.Devotees who get oppurtunity shall

not miss to visit this holy place and enjoy Divine Grace automatically

without any human effort. The spiritual head of this great mutt is

very simple and always be in service of devotees or the institution.

Perhaps many of us including Heads of Ashrams should learn from them

'service to humanity is service to God' and also no human is greater

than God. Jaya Jaya RaghuVeer Samartha!



" Ramesh and Anitha " kandra

5/28/2005 12:58:37 +1000

I pray BABA guide Saidarbar and its associated branches in spreading

and spearheading the glory of BABA in all corners of the world. Good

luck and best wishes to your team in spreading Gods Glory. Sairam



Siri kethu sirikethu

6/7/2005 13:47:55 -0700


I am very blessed seeing Baba in our website www.saidarbar.org ; I

have no words to write that you are doing excellent work for all Sai






Please visit:




Author's Name: Sai Ananda

Publisher: Sri Sai Spiritual centre, 1st Block, Thygarajanagar,

Bangalore – 560 028- INDIA.

Web: www.ssscsaipadananda.org

Telephone: 6766922.

Price: Rs.50/-



The present book by `Sai Ananda' completes the trilogy of the author

on Baba. Having been a follower of Poojya Narasimha Swamiji, Poojya

Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji and Poojya Narasimha Baba, `Sai

Ananda has been a silent Sadhak. While his first book focused on the

path of Dharma propounded by Baba, the second one highlights the role

of Sadguru. The present volume `The light of wisdom – Shirdi Sai Baba'

complements the Guru's role as a destroyer of darkness unto light.

Hardwork and a lot of patience have gone into the book. To serious

students of SAIISM, the present volume along with the two others

mentioned above is a must.


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for details contact, webmaster

saidarbar saidarbar

Acknowledgement of receipt of books will be done by E-mail only.

Book(s) sent to Saidarbar will be retained by Saidarbar and cannot be




Visit http://www.angelfire.com/sd/SaidarbarCanberra/index.html for

SAIDARBAR - Canberra - Australia activities.

Visit http://www.viswasaidarbar.com for SAIDARBAR - London Activities.

Visit http://www.saidarbarusa.org for SAIDARBAR - Walling ford



" Ramesh and Anitha " kandra

Saidarbar Canberra

For Shirdi Sai Bhajans in Canberra please visit:



Shirdi Sai Baba technical

6/5/2005 14:26:13 -0000

Next Satsang on Saturday, 11th June 2005

Dear Sai Bandhu,

Our next Sai darbar and satsang will be held on Saturday the 11th

June, 2005.

05:00pm - 05:30pm - Sai Nama japa

05:30pm - Satsang Prayer starts

For activities of Saidarbar Wallingford

Please contact: technical


Shanthi Ramakrishnan: shanthi

5/22/2005 16:04:05 -0700

Sai Darbar Portland OR USA

For Activities of Sai Darbar Portland

Please contact: shanthi


Usha malavathu " ushamalavathu

5/12/2005 11:48:22 -0000

TO All Sai Devotees,

We conduct Sai Satsangam every Saturday between 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM in


For further details contact on E-mail: ushamalavathu




" Saidhamsola.org " sai

5/19/2005 16:19:02 +0530

Hello Namaskar and Om Sai Ram

We request you to kindly visit our website http://www.saidhamsola.org

and include link of the same in your website at suitable place. As a

Common interest of Shri Saibaba of Shirdi this is humble request.

Please visit this unique website of Saibaba temple in Ahmedabad.

URL: http://www.saidhamsola.org

We send free udi and saibaba photo to devotees who want.

Thanks. Sureshbhai webmaster.


shanthipanneerselvam " : shanthipanneerselvam

Fri, 20 May 2005 12:33:51 -0000

For Correspondence course on Gita

Please contact: shanthipanneerselvam




FLUSHING, NY 11355 is in progress.

For further details please visit:


and contact: Email :info


Atlanta Sai Temple News " webmaster

Sat, 21 May 2005 21:19:59 -0700

North America Shirdi Sai Temple of Atlanta

Open 7 days a week. MON-WED 5 PM to 9 PM, THU-SUN 12 Noon to 9 PM

NASSTA Health Fair & Health Clinic – Saturday, June 4th from 8 AM - 2 PM.

Sai Vrath - Saturday, June 11th Continuing our tradition of

celebrating Sai Vrath on every second Saturday. Pooja will be

performed from 3 PM - 5:30 PM

Please bring your friends and family to witness this pooja and receive

Baba's blessings!

We encourage you to participate and make it a success.

For more details please contact the Temple

700 James Burgess Road, Suwanee, GA 30024


" Shirdi Saibaba Prayer Center " : sai

Thu, 2 Jun 2005 05:11:49 -0700 (PDT)

Guru Poornima 2005 - Sai Utsav on July 23rd at BAPS (Swami Narayan) temple


With the grace and blessings of Sadguru Saibaba of Shirdi, Shirdi

Saibaba Prayer Center will be celebrating Sai Utsav, a day long

celebration, on occasion of Guru Poornima on 23rd July at Shri

Swaminarayan Mandir [bAPS], Brooklyn Center, MN. Please join the

celebrations and receive Sadguru Saibaba's blessings. The program

includes Traditional Artis, Sai Abhishek, Ganesh Homam, Sai Satya

Vrata, Palki Seva, and Sai Naam jap.


For Further details Visit: Web Page: http://www.hamaresai.org/

Email: hamaresai


" Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW " USA: shirdisaidallas

The executive committee is pleased to announce the new temple timings.

Mon thru Fri - 5:15am to 6:00am, 12:00noon to 1:00pm, 6:00pm to 9:30pm

Sat - 5:15am to 6:00am, 10:am to 9:30pm

Sun - 10:00am to 8:30pm

Please email your questions, comments or suggestions about the web

site to: admin http://www.shirdisaidallas.org


" Om Sai Mandir " saisandesh

Wed, 1 Jun 2005 22:03:40 -0400

SAI SANDESH June 2005 Issue

Hanuman Jayanti Special Issue

The online issue of Sai Sandesh is available at:





Visit www.ShradhaSaburi.org for details about the Weekly Satsanghs.



We will be happy to conduct Tele-Satsanghs to cities out side

Hyderabad and India on prior intimation. For further details please

contact saidarbar



Things impressed me from this Magazine:

You should live amongst your kith and kin the way the Lotus plant

survives in the mud water with out having any attachment to mud.

Serving saints is being nearer to God. Sai tells to Vijay Anand that

youth and health are only a passing phase in one's life and are

temporary in nature. The physical body will decay one day or other and

shall fall to ground. Know this truth and fulfill all your

commitments. God likes the person, who knows and does his Swadharma.

It is in this sense that work is worship. For the attainment of real

happiness and infinite peace, it is necessary that the glamour for I

and MINE and the individual egoistic consciousness should be merged in

the Ocean of Universal Consciousness, since out of that will arise,

the Infinite Bliss and Joys of the Eternal.



Sai devotees may write about their Sai activities in their place,

essays, articles and poetry on Sai to " The Glory of Shirdi Sai " -

they may be address their contributions to E-mail id:

saidarbar with a copy marked to webmaster


We shall put in our best efforts to include them in the Glory of

Shiridi Sai- the bi-weekly E -Magazine. Unless the author of the

articles instructs, not to publish his/her E-mail id, we will publish

them as a matter of routine practice.


You can for THE GLORY OF SHIRDI SAI for a friend /relative

by submitting e-mail ID in the main page of http://www.saidarbar.org

also read the old issues from: http://www.saidarbar.org/glory.htm,

from www.saidakshina.com and from http://www.saidarbarusa.org


Editor does not accept responsibility for the views expressed in the

articles published.


This e-magazine is intended for Private circulation only.


Submitted by Sai Sevak: Srinivasa Rao Kasturi



P.S. In case you do not like to receive " The Glory of Shiridi Sai " ,

kindly reply UNSUBSCRIBE for our necessary action.

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