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Sai Baba warned human beings, not to be carried away by worldly honour.

This is because these are momentary. It is ultimately the grace of God and

blessing that would come to one's rescue.

So, the main purpose of human life has to be an unending attempt to be

honoured in the court of Baba.


Baba's reference to Karma is the same as explained by Lord Krishna in the

" Gita " . He has suggested to us, to endure whatever that came to us, as it

reflects the outcome of our Karma. The only means is to think of God and

request for his guidance. This would lessen the burden. Unconditional

surrender at the " LOTUS FEET " of God helps us in better living.


Baba has given the highest place of Guru. He suggested that love for one's

guru and surrendering to him would help one, to visualize the real light in



It is worthy to note that in Baba's presence, there would not be any kind of

difference between the rich and the poor. He is the only saint, who spread

the tendency of tolerance among various religions, saying " SABKA MALIK EK " .

This is evident by the people belonging to various religions coming to

Shirdi and worshipping Baba.


Baba had the unique power of visualizing the same ATMA (or SOUL both in

human form and also in the form of animals. He suggested that a person

before taking food should necessarily satisfy any form of living being, that

comes to the door. Baba has personally proved this, by thanking a lady,

who has fed a roti to a black dog. Baba felt that satisfying the dog has

satisfied Him personally, as the same ATMA existed in both the forms.


From all the above references, we come to understand that faith and patience

are the prime requisites to reach the fold of Baba.Also it has been made

clear, that developing love for fellow beings and serving them satisfy Baba.


Finally an unconditional surrender at the LOTUS FEET OF SAI BABA would make

our lives worth living


(To be contd....)


(This book can be read from www.saileelas.org/books

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