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What is Love and What is Ignorance

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What is Love and What is Ignorance


bindu: Knowledge is ignorance -- Love is Wisdom.



The amazing thing is this......... tens of thousands of people have

tried to explain the inexplicable; all the books exist for that

reason... even if they are purana's people debate about the meaning

of them. They take their OWN understanding and try to prove it

correct or to disprove others


Sri Vivekananda said that there comes a point when we shouldn't argue

with others, because the point of arguing is to have satisfaction;

but satisfaction lies in the realization of the Self.


There are books about the history of ..... or nature of the


descriptions ............ of the indescribable. While the only

satisfaction can come from understanding A-U-M. Om is the seed from

which all words come


tatasthaa: If the Self, which is pure Knowledge itself, requires the

help of another knowledge, would that not be like the Sun seeking

help of another light?


bindu: yes nishu. Understanidng .. communication ........

description .. all come from OM. From the primordial vibration. From

the flash of consciousness.


noyakrishna: Aum is Vishnu; gharbadakshai Vishnu: it is said in

mahanarayan upanishad; it is mentioned secretly he has thousands of

heads, thousands of eyes.


bindu: i am not approaching it from that angle today dear noya.

i will come by another route; please wait. just like Narayan describe

in purana, who has thousands of hands and eyes. You can call

upanishad dark age, and bhagava purana the renaissance of the Sanatan



tatasthaa: Yes noya ji, but bindu ji is speaking about an aspect of

aum ... an aspect of vishnu ji. let us listen ji. Om is the seed from

which all words come:understanidng .. communication ........



noyakrishna: ok


bindu: The numbers used were written thousands of years ago..........

in those times even one thousand was thought to be an almost

unthinkable number ... but today we kow numbers of unbeleiveable

proportions because the human consciousness has evolved to that

degree .......... saying he has one thousand eyes or such is no

longer enough......... we now understand the unity of atomic reality

up to and including all existence. Thus he has uncountable eyes,

ears, and such upto and including all gods and demigods also..


tatasthaa: jai jai


bindu: Now we will go to quantum physics; We will begin with two

incontravertible facts: " ALL MATTER IS ONE MATTER " " ALL SPACE IN ALL

ATOMS IS THE SAME SPACE. " So today we know in a way that is far far

beyond the knowledge in the old books.... (not to say they are wrong)

but to say they help us to find the path; but there is far far more

than they say; they give us the clue to the unity of the self. Via

them we can connect the Conscious Self to and beyond atomic reality.


but again let me go back to another angle all of existence.........

ALL of it .... includiing all realms and lokas; all the various

universes of experience being had by countless different species and

beings........ on all levels of the ecosystem of this planet and all

other existences; are not and cannot be separated from the nature of

atomic reality ......... including subtler and subtler matter upto

and including photons of light flashing in ALL atoms

everyhwere......... waves of being, waves of light; waves of

consciousness. All requiring time in which to occur\happen and

move......... ARE PART AND PARCEL of TIME ... space does not move....

TIME and MOVEMENT...... vibration.......... occurence is all

interconnected to the ends of existence.... AUM is the nature of

it.... because each particle... each being........... each photon of

light .......... vibrates the AUM in its own way; each REFLECTS the

original and due to it being a reflection there is greater and

greater permutation and change and difference and diversity the

further away from the original that we go...

this is the law of cause and effect;: Karma if you like.........


The movement of the atomic reality is the Kriya the knowledge of it

is the Jnana. Now to connect all this to the Conscious ONE. In the

space in ALL ATOMS the electrons spin around the nuecleus " IN SPACE "

The nuecleus and the electrons exist in SPACE.


The atoms of a rock are not disconnected from he atoms of the air or

the earth or the space beyond the atmosphere. The space in those

atoms is not disconnected from the space in the atoms next to it. So

then when a thing moves the whole moves! Thus HE (THE SELF) moves as

the universe. This is ParamAtma and the effects caused by the

movement of the consciousness was concieved as the Dance of Nataraj

in the distant past; or if you want to be scientific, when an atom

moves it cannot move independant of the universe as the atomics are



When you move your hand in water the water is displaced, the air is

displaced, the cosmic dust is displaced; the universes moves! NOT YOU

nothing moves but god! So then the cosmic AUM moves the whole by

vibration this is called pranavam; it is all interlinked.


Thus it is Jnana ... ignorance is to think it is not linked;

ignorance is to think there is difference, but knowledge of the parts

or some bits and not others is mere limited knowledge; it is the

cause of bondage ........... it is the cause of the non-recognition

of the nature of OM.


But bringing it down to the realm of personal knowership, first there

is god existing as the whole cosmos (upto and including the demigods

and all the realms and lokas imaginable). These are higher and higher

modes of knowing until final supersession in the Absolute being. In

the ParaBrahman or The Conscious Absolute. We should never confuse


The Referrence in many many books to the Absolute COnsciousness is

misleading... It should be translated and read as " THE CONSCIOUS

ABSOLUTE " because to call it the ABSOLUTE CONSICOUSNESS is to imply

that the Conscious Absolute is an entity and that consciousness is

its object, regardless if it is conscious of " A THING " or conscious



God is the knower in ALL of them; he is not bound to them though

because the space transcends the matter and vibration OF THE MATTER.

But in the space .... in the PARABRAHMAN, the vibration begins due to

the absence of form (it is a potential) sri Krishna says everything

exists in his potential.......... etc etc..... there are proofs

without number that everything i say is true............ it is



The problem is simply a matter of knowing how to KNOW IT, it is not a

question of KNOWING IT - BUT HOW. How to look at it; how to

understand what already exists; how to understand OM. How to relate

to OM


tatasthaa: Oh.. and u cannot relate to om.. by knowledge.


bindu: it is to learn about acceptance about connection, about unity


tatasthaa: wow. now i understand it


bindu: so.. Om is the vibration in the non-formed absolute which

causes reflections in the Absolute that make the Cosmos apear in all

its diversity.


tatasthaa: we can learn only about it.. and understand a part of

it... but in order to understand it we need to relate in a different



bindu: yes exactly. we have to get outside the universe; we cannot

explain it from within it; for example this software cannot

shut down the PC the PC is supererior to it and beyond it. is a

system within a system to shut down the system we have to get outside



In the same way the absolute cannot be understood by what is inside

it, as that would make what is inside superior to the absolute.

So ... the only way to understand is to get out of your mind.


To let go of limitation thinking... To die to jiva ... to refuse to

suscribe to being jiva long enough for the consciousness to go beyond

matter itself.


tatasthaa: limitation of knowledge?


bindu: Yes to go beyond knowledge itself. To find the source of

knowledge yes


tatasthaa: how do we do that?


bindu: by OM. by understanding the primordial pranavam. By

recognizing that nothing exists that knows but THE ONE SINGULAR SELF.


tatasthaa: ji we are outside the om.. we have to get into the om?


bindu: now nishu, that is a very confusing thing; to say it

we would have to say we have to get-inside-outside.


tatasthaa: it is just an internal feeling... when the sound came.. we

came out from it... and we are remaining outside now.. and we have to

get into it that is something coming from my heart. Is it wrong?


bindu: yes it is almost correct nishu, this simply means to sink to

the bottom .. to allow the self to drop below beyond and before being.


LOVE brings us outside the inside... or alternatively inside-the-


love is the true nature of CONSCIOUS ONENESS. it is acceptance... non-

resistence and being. It is thus that the consciousnness of the

absolute can permeate the body


tatasthaa: i feel almost like a fish.. which came with the waves..

but somehow got out from the water and staying outside.. and need to

get into the water again bit like that.


bindu: Now ah! nishu......... that is the point.. YOU CANNOT GET IN

as you are NOT OUT! You think YOU ARE OUT.


tatasthaa: ohhh


bindu: You are not, so stop trying and accept the truth.


tatasthaa: i understand it better


bindu: Do not resist.. accept OM and merge into it, sink to the



tatasthaa: yes ji exactly; i have a image of a cone shaped well.

There is no end to that well. the om came out from it. It looks wider

on the top of it..


bindu: Yes, then from that point listen, speak, think, feel. taste,

scent, LOVE.......... with respect for YOUR OWN MULTI-DIMENSIONAL




Stop looking at it and BE IT - LOVE IT. LOVE is the expression of the

OM through your being. Existence is ........... IT IS ........... OM

IS. It is YOU Mr Self!


tatasthaa: ji, I am miss. self... but let us say.. we are self, not

miss or mr. :)


arunachala: loving love


bindu: LOVE IT ........... non-acceptance is not love - resistence is

not love

There are no sexes IN YOU - you are ALL. SELF IS SELF! No persons no

plural ONENESS ONLY. Just conscious SELF existing as OM.


tatasthaa: You are saying I am that. But... i also want to experience

i am that.


bindu: yes I AM THAT. exactly. but THAT IS IN ME.. i transcend even


i love AS THAT. The Omkara vibrates in ME


tatasthaa: i maybe that. but i need to experience iam that. knowledge

is not enough.


bindu: To experience it, drop to the bottom and begin by listening to

the river of being with respect and love and non-judement; accept all

of it

reject nothing as it is your very own self. Thus if you reject even a

hair you reject the whole.


When we reject trouble comes AS the reflection OF OUR REJECTION!.

When we accept it it will disipate like smoke because the existence

of what is bad has come about by our rejection or judgement of it.


tatasthaa: How do we accept and embrace a bad part of us how can

accept a part which is full of ego. How can we accept one who kills

someone or hurts another? It is really hard ji. It is really hard to

accept people like that.


bindu: No, it is not. It is simply a matter of thinking that Sri

Krishna needs to experience eveything if he is going to be who he is.

We cannot only accept the good side of knowable things; all knowing

is simply knowing.


tatasthaa: okie ji.. u are walking on street... a person approches

then kicks you to ther ground for no reason... and you get hurt and

you are bleeding... could you really love and accept that person?


bindu: whether goood or bad it is by degrees, good and bad and all in

between; it will never ever happen to me as i accept all evil as mere

knowledge .... pain is a mode of knowledge; joy also; rape also

murder also. All modes of knowing are mere knowing in and about that

mode thus Sri Krishna (God or the realized ones) knows all as the

consciousness experiencing but another of the modes of its



tatasthaa: How can you work with a victim and give comfort... it is

really hard since they dont have the understanding you have..


bindu: If i will not accept this then i do not accept him. if i will

not accept him then he will show me what my rejection has done to him

by hurting me; as when i reject him he is hurt; then trouble comes to

teach me the results; this is simple cause and efffect. (Often called



It is science, fact, obvious, sensible. Easily known. Accept it or

get hurt

it is that simple; do not resist him; do not reject him. Accept love



tatasthaa: But do you believe in law, police... and the way of right

conduct in this material world?


bindu: Those things exist to control the mind's until they understand

what i am teaching you today; this evolves the consciousness (or the

possiblility of conciousness) in all beings.


tatasthaa: okie ji


bindu: Moral. law, subscription to ritual and tradition apply until

the mind grows up.


tatasthaa: It seems more difficult in the real world than the false



bindu: No, non-resistence does not make waves, then the waves do not

come and hit you. Letting the pool grow still by subsiding into the

self........ by letting go........ by sinking to the bottom ..... by

harmlessness ..... by non rejection of sri krishna no matter what

disguise he is wearing

frees us.


tatasthaa: but watchin it hit others gives me pain.


bindu: No, you must understand that krishna is teaching the mind to

grow up; thus the pain is not pain, it is compassion. Imagine if he

did not teach them, they would not grow to finally realize that their

own rejection is the cause and then would not return to Sri Krishna

(God) in the end.


arunachala: To become helpless in life is to gain strength. Only the

helpless attain Godhood! " said a tapasvini.


bindu: Every one would be doomed. Yes, that is totally correct

tyrone. Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth. He said become

as little children. He sais uffer little children to come unto me.


There are countless verifications of what i say in all scriptures all

over the world. Nothing of what i teach is discordant with any

religion or philosophy


tatasthaa: yes arun ji but some cruelty... is really hard to perceive

that way. After working with people who have been affected by all

these cruelty.. gets to you somehow.. and make you think.. hmm.


bindu: Nishu here is a secret: When we look upon those who are in

pain with love and respect, there is the possiblity of assisting god

in their lessons... he shows them the results of their rejection..

god goes to help them AS US ...So we go and help them which shows

them the difference between love and their hate (rejection is hate,

resistence is non-trust, it is doubt. faithlessness is distrust of he

who is most trustwortthy...< this lack of faith hurts him so he shows

us the result of it IN OUR PAIN) when we go to assist those who are

in pain he goes AS US... soo compassionate in all cases.......


Pain then is not pain... it is love. It is the type of love seen from

the point of view of those who reject god. They think that by

rejecting this or that (not realizing they are rejecting an aspect of

god) that they are actually loving themselves; or him! They are

therefore going to get the results of it.


tatasthaa: it really make sense.


bindu: Better it is to drop to the bottom and accept him. Better it

is to love him. Better ti is to stop resisting his advances and Love

him. Do not reject even a hair of his head; else you will certainly

suffer the consquences. That is KARMA.


But it is HIS.. NOT YOURS.. It makes you what you are ... it is NOT

OURS. it makes your life experiences come. but it is NOT YOURS just

as you do not belong to yourself... YOU ARE HIS - NOT YOUR OWN. So

stop denying it. Give up stop lying, stop avoiding, stop pretending,

stop being dishonest

stop being a hypocrite by accepting only some of him. Accept him all

or die and be subject to reincanration and death again and again.


tatasthaa: okie ji one more question.. when u feel like educating

someone about something in your heart.. about Krishna.. because they

don't really understand the whole concept.. but then your heart

says.. no perhaps you shouldn't.. and should i speak to people about

krishna.. although i am not realised and let them know what i know..?


bindu: No, it is not your concern..................... when that

feeling arises, understand that what is happening is that you are

noticing the rejection in them as a reflection OF IT in you. God will

take care of them .. it is not your responsiblity. God is the Sadguru.


tatasthaa: so i shouldnt say anything? All i am asking .. do I have

the right to speak about krishna to others.


bindu: Nope, not unless asked; if the situation arises whereby " GOD -

" AS " them ASKS then tell them. But be humble. Be respectful, sink to

the bottom; act with respect. Act with love, act with honesty and

total integrity.


tatasthaa: jai radhe krishna.. thank u very much bindu ji


Imagine the following


Since the universe is made of one matter,.... one atomic nature....

and since the Space in all atoms is interconnected............

whenever we act the intention of our act vibrates out of us into the



So when we act with love and respect in every tiny action, intention

and movement........ in every taste, in every looking, in all seeing,

in all hearing and listening, in all scenting, in every time we place

our foot upon the earth, in every touch of our hand in every finger

movement... our existence begins to reflect the truth of the ONE GOD

IN ALL we attain perfection this way <<<........


So move with love and respect; sense with the same respect; taste,

eat, look, hear, smell, feel with respect what is being sensed and

known this is to live AS OM. do you understand what i am saying and

why i am saying it my dear freinds?


tatasthaa: yesss indeed. it is good. It is not ours anyway.. it is



bindu: Each joint, every sinew, every atom of you body will then

begin to vibrate with god-consciousness via this loving respect for

him - do you see? This is OM.


tatasthaa: everything is his. jai jai radhe - the beauty of whole

thing is.. i am also his. This is the goal of Japa.


Remember Hanuman ripped open his own chest and saw Rama Rama Rama

written on every sinew and bone.


bindu: OM Ram Jai Ram JAI JAI RAM On NArayanaaaa!


tatasthaa: Jai radhe jai radhe jai radhe jai radhe krishna


tatasthaa: thank u very much bindu ji


bindu: Describe to me what you understand now?


tatasthaa: jai radhe krishna ]=o<: how can i describe with words ji..

i feel love towards everything as he is everyone and everything.

There is no such thing as knowledge or ignorance.. even if exists..

it exists within him also. It is amzing that we are existing in this

state jai radhe.. i guess he is just amazing !


bindu: Jai YES! True wisdom is to be ever mindful of who he is; of

what the nature of reality is.


arunachala: excellent


bindu: Pranams to the great lord of Being! Pranams to you great

Lord.... Pranams to the great white lord of truth Om Namah Sivayaaaa!


tatasthaa: jai radhe krishna


arunachala: tasmai guruve


bindu: So it is impossible to move one micron without effecting the


move with love; think with love, talk with love, see with love; be

balanced and equal in your love and respect for him.


arunachala: tasmai sri guruve namaha


tatasthaa: jai jai radhe!


bindu: Look at your hand... hold it up in front of your eyes and move

each finger with respect and love for him - move your body with

respect and love - place each foot on the ground with great

gratitude - carress the very air with your fingers - kiss the sky -

hug the trees, hug the very space itself - exude love and respect;

practice this this is true bhakti

Om Tat Sat; Practice it inside and outside.


Think it; think with respect; look upon thoughts with respect

look at feelings, look at all things with love and respect ...reject

nothing-what-so-ever else be a hypocrite foreever and suffer because

of it.


tatasthaa: madhva govinda vasudevaa!


bindu: This is what jesus meant by FOREGIVENESS, to love before the

nature of what has come to you has been revealed is to revere it as

god himself. Thus nothing will harm you. JAI sri Radhe


tatasthaa: From today.. i will accept my self that which lies.. i

will accept the self that which steals.. that which hurts

others...all krishna's qualities


bindu: Accept ALL OF him or be a hypocrite; forgive him. and also

respect accept and love yourself AS HIM also


tatasthaa: i also accept him for being a hypocrite ji.


bindu: It is said that when we pray to him we should do it with deep


bindu: no, the respect should not only be reserved for prayer and


it should be constant; we should live with great gratitude, with

great compassion, with great love.


tatasthaa: jai jai radhe ..: only radha ma knows all this.


bindu: Whoever we say god is ........ HE IS ALL regardless of his

name. We should then respect and love every one from every religion;

rejecting no one, rejecting nothing. This is jnana


Om Tat Sat. This is his Dharma. This is the Truth.


tatasthaa: Krishna says that in bhagavatam.. that he has different

names and he is known in different names in different culture.


tatasthaa: jai radhe krishna

bindu: Jai Sri Krishna

bindu: today is a huge huge discourse, it will take me a week to edit



tatasthaa: jai sri radhe krishna.


bindu: Thank you great lord for your mercy and generosity.


tatasthaa: thank u very much jai radhe krishna.. thank you very for

your time and explation. wonderful. jai radhe krishna


bindu: __/|\__


tatasthaa: thank u bindu ji, thank u arun ji thank u caisuir ji thank

u noya.. .. the self in disguise. jai jai.. may krishna be with you



bindu: Jai Jai Sri Ram

tatasthaa: jai radhe krishna

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