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The readers have acquainted themselves with the bare truth that the Sadhaka

must imbibe in himself, a number of virtues, piety, moral behaviour,

compassion and service. The virtues are divine wealth. The Yamas and

Niyamas in yoga science, suggest virtuous and moderate life. If our daily

life is selfish, self-centred, and infested with wrath, lust, jealousy and

hate, it will not be useful at all Sadhana. On the contrary it is fully

detrimental to the life of atomic progress and attainment. It is a fact

that a man does not change his nature, behaviour and expression of his mind,

intellect and ego in an easy way. His mind turns to God, only when he is

bitterly hit by dire disappointment, shocks or the battering at the hands of

distress. Only a few are the blessed ones who have an inborn tendency of

piety, devotion, love and unselfish attitude. This is an outcome of merits

of past births, which enjoin them to the Godly wealth of these virtues.

God waits to see and watch, when we would take to the new way of life by an

inner change within us. For this his test is made up of the incident of

weal and woe to which he exposes us from time to time. One who has honestly

changed his ways and who is endeavouring to reach God by sincere and honest

efforts is not far away from God. He cannot see God face to face because of

the impurity of mind, buddhi and ego. The light of realization would flood

his life, when he is inspired into divine life through the grace of Guru or


The mental, physical and intellectual preparation is an essential

prerequisite of Sadhana. We forget this simple truth and stick up to our

old type of behaviour and action. We forget the significance of the

preparation or ignore its pressing demand. It is because of this fact that

we do not cross even the first step to reach the arcade of Sadhana. We must

change our previous selfish and lusty life. Then alone the body and mind

are reformed to suit the needs of Sadhana. We forget this

conveniently. This truth is echoed in Yama and Niyama in Astanga Yoga.

The truth, non-violence, non-stealing, celibacy and non- acceptance of

anything from others constitute “Yamas”. This discipline causes the

senses to diminish their attachment for the worldly things and purifies the

mind and body. The body becomes energetic and the luster of morality shines

in the mind. The individual selfishness based on attachment abates. The

intensity of desires and longing for outward things evaporates. The

“Niyamas” constitute sacredness, love, pity which tinge the body and mind in

their divine colours. Niymam means assimilating purity, satisfaction,

penance, self-emancipation and trust in God which are virtues leading to

mental discipline. This includes some exercises of body; breathe

control, Asanas, penance, recitation of name, vows, etc. These help to

achieve external purification of the body. A man is self-contented because

of Santosha. Silence and peace free the consciousness from the external

interruptions and involvement and begins to think extrovertly. Truth,

celibacy and silence are such magic techniques, which open the doors of

happiness. This type of the pure aspirant (who observes silence, celibacy

and truth) imbibes in his free consciousness God’s love, universal

compassion, service of humanity and such other divine virtues, if he

practices Tapa, Swadhyaya, Ishwar pranidhana (Niyamas) japa or recitation of

name concentrates the mind and intellect on God’s name and form. The rays

of His grace are attracted towards the mind of the aspirant and illuminate

his heart. Swadhyaya (or self study) is next stage in which an aspirant

coaches himself and turns his mind to God. The next stage is Ishwara

Pranidhana (Meditation on God), which joins the mind, buddhi and ego to God

directly. This consists of nine-fold devotion (Smarana,

Chintana,Samkirtana, Archana, Atmanivedana, etc.) This orients his

consciousness towards God and teaches him to love God deeply. If the love

towards God is fixed and steadfast, the divine wealth like purification of

the body and mind, compassion, humanitarian attitude is easily accessible to

the Sadhaka. The simple meaning of Yama Niyama is to make the senses and

mind to leave their natural tendency towards worldly things and to love God

intensely and steadily. In short, this is the process to stop the tendency

of the mind to run after worldly things and tend it back to the Atman. The

mind that runs after the worldly things come back with the attachment for

things. The Sadhana aims at breaking his web of attachment between the

worldly things and the human mind by remaining aloof in water like the lotus

leaf. We have to gain detachment, satisfaction and contentment by the

Sadhana. The door of knowledge lies hidden behind the curtain

of discontentment. The door for entry into Anand opens through this

Santosha or contentment. We have to block one thought by another thought.

When thought and sankalpa (will) are brought to an end pure and sacred

consciousness appears within us. The web of thoughts and wishes create a

mind. Mind is nothing but a bundle of desires and longings. Peace abides

in freedom from desire. The Sadhana gives this freedom. The Sadhaka should

keep the God’s name on his tongue, his form in the eyes and turn the

consciousness (mind, budhi and ego) into Godly awareness. This Sadhana

means merging one’s will in God’s will and turning the sorrow in the form of

desire into happiness or bliss. The senses will be controlled by the mind;

the mind by prana, prana by laya (merger) and laya by constantly hearing the

and the mind should not relish planning of desire (samkalpa) nor the bonds

of past memories. This emancipates the mind and makes it fit for Sadhana.

This is indeed the reason why the Sadhana of purification of the mind,

buddhi, ego and Samyama is inevitably essential. The steps of future

exercises like Asana, Pranayam, Pratyahar, Dhyana and Dharana are open to

those who achieve this preparatory success. This preparation means, in

other words, to repulse the attached mind from the sources of attachment

like wealth, fame, power and lust and fix it on God through concentration,

moral life, selflessness, love and compassion and benevolent acts. This

creates true Ananda. Every good actor or fair feeling leads us towards God

and advances us to the goal of realization of the self. The variety and

indulgence are not real pleasure. The body is apart from the inner

consciousness is a truth realizable through Sadhana. Love is the means of

attaining Prashanti (Bliss). The unity of humanity and self-knowledge

springs from Prashanti. Prashanti is constantly flowing contentment

and Ananda. It is unselfish but faith bound life. It is truth, love,

knowledge and Shanti (Peace). This enables an aspirant to see his atma

shining apart from the five sheaths of his existence, body, mind and inner

consciousness. This is a Sadhana leading to original truth by casting each

sheath by turn.



(To be contd....)


(This book can be read from www.saileelas.org/books

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