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Unlike the soul which is radiated from God and uncreated, the mind is made

of material substance. The soul, already a spark of the Divinity of God,

its source, is turned inward towards the spirit side of life. The mind

conditioned by worldly life goes upward, toward material objects, and seeks

to derive enjoyment from objects of the sense. The mind seeks satisfaction

for itself, and is almost always insatiable. Given satisfaction it demands

more. It loves ease and relaxation to the extent that it does not value

spiritual disciplines, prayer and sacrifice, nor worship of the God

Purification can occur through God’s mercy. One must take the mind and

rid it of dust and dirt. The mind collects dust, like the surface of

glass. As soon as a surface is polished or cleaned, you can see dust

forming immediately. The dust that forms on a glass will not do the harm

that dust on the mind does. “It ought to be removed by virtue of the

purificatory waters of discipline, introspection, contemplation, recitation

and cultivation of devotion.... And association and devotees.” The mind is

a reflector of light. When one removes the impurities of wrong thinking,

self-importance, egotism and ignorance from the mind then it will be

reflective of divine light.

The mind’s impurity should be destroyed because it contaminates the heart.

When that happens, the heart aspirations are not heard by the mind. “Can’t

you hear”, the heart says, “I do not want worldliness. I just want to dwell

upon God.” Or if heard, the heart’s prompting is dismissed as sentimental

emotionalism or non-importance. God has encased the heart chakra near the

heart thereby causing the human heart to be highly sensitive. The

slightest finger on the heart causes filibration. The heart organ is very

close to the heart chakra, physical center. One should listen to what the

heart says, because it is the voice of one’s conscience and of one’s soul.

So many times the heart is conveying a truth to the individual while he,

unwilling to listen, is engaging in faulty reasoning, selfish acts, or lewd

conduct. D not let your mind make your heart impure.

Like a spoiled child, the human mentality resists discipline. This leads

to wrong thinking, which brings about wrongdoing. The restless mind always

disturbs one’s inner peace that is natural to the soul. Hence, there is a

constant struggle between the mind and soul. Many people lose the battle

daily when they yield to anger, deceits, ignorance and hatred.

Because the uncontrolled mind is dangerous like a lethal weapon in the

hands of a child, it cannot be trusted. It must be subdued and conquered.

One must exert control over the mind lest it becomes agitated and

destructive like a run-away animal. The mind, with its mundane worldly

values above spiritual ones, must be re- trained to appreciate divine life.

The process of systematic redevelopment of the mind is not easy, yet not

impossible. For one seeking spiritual communication with God, it can and

must be done the earthly plane. No matter what challenges, test or

trials have to be faced, one must focus the mind on God. Since the purpose

of Life is to attain God, the mind needs to become one-pointed in

concentration upon God.

Surrender the mind to God; it then will become one and at peace in the

Spirit and in the Blessedness of God.





(This book can be read from www.saileelas.org/books)

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