Guest guest Posted August 9, 2005 Report Share Posted August 9, 2005 Why does existence Come out of God and why is it called The Mother balakrishna has joined the conference. arunachala has joined the conference. jaya has joined the conference. arunachala: hello bindu: Namaste everyone; please meet jaya, he is the fellow who is helping with the editing of the book. Jaya, these are good men. __/|\__ Jaya: Hi everyone balakrishna: Please accept adiyen's respectful pranams! Jaya: i talked once to Arunachala arunachala: hi jaya. Jaya: thank you, what part of India do you live arunachala: i live in Manitoba, Canada Jaya:Yes i know arunachala; i meant to ask Balakrishna. balakrishna: my jiva just moved from California to Hyderabad Jaya: How is Canada Arun balakrishna: Hare Krishna, From California, USA to Hyderabad India Jaya: Is that south of Delhi? balakrishna: yes it is ji. arunachala: ah pretty good nice and temperate weather. arunachala: i do yoga Jaya: Yes, Arun you are a yogi not a trendy who will put the body in this position and wear some colorful cloth....I used to live in a very new age trendy place with many yoga schools. Jaya: yes Broome WA bindu: Broome is about 1500 miles north of my house. Jaya: Yes just down the road from Perth. A few snakes skins up the road....Petra had a beautiful black face Python around her body the other day at the market, she looked so natural so many life's in ancient Egypt. bindu: so arun, what have you been up to? arunachala: Mostly working at Boston pizza and various chores around the house. bindu: How is the job going? arunachala: i don't like it that much so i want to get a new one.and i got some more job applications. Hopefully my throat will get better so i can get one of those telecom jobs. bindu: m. How is your knee doing? arunachala: It's getting better actually, thanks be to god. maybe in a year i will be able to ride my bike and run again. bindu: mm. if you had not had that problem you would not have been able to stay still long enough to grow as much as you have in your sadhana so it is all good. Your inner process knows what is happening ... arunachala: lol yes probably so; Shiva is hard on me. Jaya: It is SO all that happens is pushing us to realize Siva. bindu: Yes, but Siva is only as hard as we are stubborn; the more we let go of resistance the easier it gets. Because all is the Self, who are we resisting? The more we push out the ego into life the more life pushes back. The more loving we are the more life is enjoyable. arunachala: ya bindu: People are always trying to become something or achieve something; we should all realize He is the doer, then everything is his responsibility. This does not mean stop doing, it means do the things that are duty and let Him take care of the results; if we do not trust Him to take care of the results then we are faithless. Hence He shows us by the difficult situations - exactly what the results of our lack of faith are we are the instruments He is the one who wields them arunachala: ya bindu: This is what is means when it is said: " I AM NOT THE DOER " . it is not to mean i will not do anything that will mean you are DOING NOTHING. i.e. still doing! Above it was mentioned that we should do our duty, which lands us in a minefield of opinion as to what is duty. The only duty that is not ego driven is to act with compassion, love and understanding toward all beings; as that is what it means to do His Will .... " Gods Will is To Love Himself... So being that He is the only Self in existence, our duty is to Love also. Jesus said it: " Love Thy Neighbor as Thyself " but this is taken to mean love him as much as you love yourself... NO... it is not that way at all ... IT means LITERALLY love him AS yourself. AS THE SELF!. This is our duty. We should o all acts in this understanding this is true Seva. However, having, doing, owning, existing as the one who is not existing as is the case of the Buddhists... all are doers. Jaya: It is to see your real identity is HE and HE Does All through His will of not doing... It is a.great Paradox. bindu: Realizing who is The I Am one does not think one is the doer anymore... one does not attain me ... I attain SELF-realization as The I AM is the Self. So then like the Bible says: Surrender all works unto Him. The prayer goes: For thine is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever Amen! There is the Idea of sacrifice also: This means to give the responsibility of bringing about and enjoying all actions to Him, this is the sacrifice. It is to let go of the results of actions thus its implementation is also the exercising of faith. When we do this He gives us His grace and we feel it as great love and bliss; which is much more enjoyable than anything we can get by the achievement of results for personal gratification. So again it is said: What we sow ... we also reap! Om Tat Sat. There is no mystery at all; it is very very simple. The mystery and the confusion come when we try to justify the rejection of one mode of knowing. It comes when we will not accept. When we have little faith. When we reject we must build an elaborate confusing edifice of philosophy to hide the rejection in complexity. This is what has happened to almost all religions. They have lost the meaning of omnipresence. This occurred because men tried to prove THEY knew what The Self was saying . They tries to attain egoic position. When no one knew but He Himself. It is just like the rich man who wants to be seen as the highest in the land. Men want to be the ones who know more than all others. it is another form of egoic behavior is all. They wanted to be honored by their peers or be set on pedestals....... thus it was Sri Krishna playing tricks on them as their OWN Jeeva. arunachala: ya bindu: However we should have great compassion for them; as this is acceptance; however we must be careful of the pride hidden in compassion else it will become arrogance as in the fact of thinking " I " am helping " YOU " . Who is the " i " mentioned there but Ego? No, He helps Himself in all beings by allow compassion to come through those who do his work. What we should know is that the Lord has made compassion appear in us then we should be humble that he has done that because in our giving WE ourselves are getting because the one we give to is The self ... WHO IS WHO WE ARE! Hence again: We reap what we sow! But Neither should we give in order to get... or with the intent to get. We should give because HE gets joy from receiving, not from giving. The secret of giving is very very deep indeed. Neither should we think WE give; it is HE WHO GIVES THRU US. Nor should we say " i " am wonderful because HE gave such and such THRU " ME " . We should give ALL to HIM ALL ALL ALL ALL. Then it is up to Him to give the grace or withhold it. Then we must give back the grace. Giving it back causes it to multiply like compound interest. To give back the grace He gives; we should do Sadhana then He will make us into his instruments. Selfishness is of the Jeeva. He who thinks he owns a thing is a thief selfishness is required so that Jeeva can exist. In the absence of selfishness IN SELFLESSNESS the Jeeva does not exist. Thus if there are no individuals ... He is the omnipresent Self. arunachala: yes bindu: On the other hand if individuality is real .. there is selfishness. which CAUSES Jeeva to exist. Non-ownership, non-clinging, non resistance, renunciation of thinking you are a renunciate ... these are what we seek. Where are the questions dear friends? Jaya: Petra is trying to think of a QUESTION she had the other day around where tension arises in Siva. bindu: oh ok. Does Petra want to know how it comes or why it is seen as feminine or Sakti ? Jaya: Both while your at it! bindu: The how of it is due to the fact that The Self " IS " conscious... this is so in this way-------> Jaya: do you mean tension brings consciousness? bindu: Please wait Jaya you will see. We say " HE " but what He actually " IS " cannot be spoken or written. The " HE " (or God) comes the moment there is the reference made to existence. This reference is The Idea called " I " ; but there is no saying or asking " I " it comes as and from the fact that he exists. In that reference there is the reflection in HIS own psychic-space of who He is.... bindu: Now this next part is very hard to express and harder to understand, so please bare with me. bindu: Because he IS EVERYTHING that exists (as well as everything that does not exist) .......... the reflection that comes in his own PSYCHIC space (which space comes with existence also) what arises is the whole of TIME and ALL it contains will contain , did contain and might contain by permutation in its' interactions within His own conscious being existing as existence. It comes into being as what is called the ParamAtma . This concludes the answer to the 1st part of the question. Now... .. The psychic space is the Primal Sakti, because due to the fact that it comes is possible for him to be conscious of the ParamAtma Having come... it is called the Mother of existence (Kali etc) because existence is born in it like in a womb....but pay attention here. All that i have answered in this subject says it comes into existence ...... as if it did not previously exist; it is both existing and not existing ... it is on the way into existence and on the way out of existence... and all positions and modes of manifestation in between; such that when we say it came - we are using that as a tool in order to explain it. It exists at all level it has always existed at all levels; it is eternal beingness in the act of existing; to coin a phrase: " It is the I-amness of The Self " . This coming and going, goes on in every single atom of existence even quantum physics proves it. So then this is the nature of the conscient-consciousness: Conscient means it is conscious of consciousness. but is not simply consciousness. So then from the point of Becoming, the Primal Sakti, the rest comes in all its diversity to manifest as uncountable realms, lokas, heavens, worlds, stars, atoms and so on .... even uncountable beings knowing existence at their own level. Hence knowership of who The I Am is ... has been expressed. " AS " existence itself. Thus REAL Realization is to understand the truth of Omnipresent omniscience; and hence the Jeeva is so tiny as to be a joke Om Tat Sat. Jaya: conscient this word i couldn't find in the dictionary the other day.....So what it means is Conscious of Consciousness? Petra says thank you for the teaching. Yes if we refer to the conscient Self (THE REAL SELF) - that of which " HE IS OR CAN BE CONSCIOUS " is - and " CAN ONLY BE " Himself VIS: HE is conscient. He is aware and conscious at one and the same time of consciousness. Jaya: Is it a word that i can use in the book because i didn't find it in the dictionary? bindu: Yes Jaya. However its' use is very strict. Jaya: Oh lets examine this --- bindu: OK. When i was trying to learn how to understand this in words i tried inventing words. One was: " Inconscientiousness " to signify Conscious-Being beyond consciousness. Jaya: Interesting, yes English is limited. Aware/conscious is what i want to examine. Aware is before consciousness. Conscious before aware but to know is consciousness which is the reflective mirror to see. bindu: To refer to the inconscient consciousness ... cannot be understood but since The Self is the only ONE who is conscious He is conscient. I call it naked reality. Nothing can be said if we want to describe it as it has no attributes. It is called Siva. It is called the transcendental consciousness of Sri Krishna also;: but it is like the clear light in which the day resides. It is colorless, formless- infinite-light. Recall above we talked of the psychic space? Jaya: Yes interesting way to express appearances in Space. bindu: To picture the psychic space as empty ... (although it can never be empty) think of the reflection of a clear-still pool then know that the reflection is not necessary once you see your face in the mirror... you can then smash the mirror of the mind. This is as close as words can come to saying it, because words are reflections also; they are concepts. so when we smash the mirror there is no limitation anymore. It is utter transcendental being NOT CONSCIOUSNESS. Think try to understand ... go back back back back. Jaya: Isn't it more to the point that there then isn't a reflection, because its all yourself bindu: YAY! he got it. So then when we see it is all The Self there is no reflection; there is no more mirror. Pool, image and knower of it are one. then The Self knows His infinite beingness as described above. Now the GIVING the grace!!! comes BY ACCEPTING IT AS SELF! By faith in it; by non-resistance. But it is said that it is up to God to give His grace. Jaya: lets take the idea of no mind, the wrong idea is taken that there is no thinking/ thought but its that its all you thought and All. bindu: Which YOU? What YOU? What is known by whom? What MIND? What idea? Whose IDEA? here is the answer. IN THAT HE THINKS ... THAT HE IS THINKING .........THERE LIES HIS ERROR. Jaya: YOU=SIVA=MIND all ONE. bindu: Yes, hence " A MIND " never existed .. mind arises as thought but thought is thought to be thought only from the standpoint of the individual. So it is reflection thinking it is real; such idiocy! Jaya: Yes, Hence the use of the idea no mind! bindu: Yes, but who has NO MIND? who can attain NO MIND? Only he who is existing BY NOT existing THAT " S WHO! i.e Jeeva in his state of ignorance which is the consciousness of the void of the deep sleep state. Jaya: No one there was nothing to attain by a someone when there isn't a someone the riddle is self solved. bindu: Yes. but The Self is not unconscious He is fully conscious " AS EXISTENCE ITSELF " ! It might be said however that existence is not real or that it is a dream etc... that is correct only in the context of thinking that what is perceived as existing at this moment is real. but even as the messages about the existence of the outer-reality is heading thru the nervous system to the brain, what existed as that traveling perception has ceased to be already.. as time has passed. So we can never know by the mind, organism or instrument what actually exists as no matter when we perceive or measure is the past. Jaya: It is also because the world is taken as separate from the one who is conscious. bindu: Yes, so when the world is not separate it exists as the body of god as the ParamAtma; it is coming into being as described above at all modes, levels and tangents inward and outward at once. He exists in the past in the NOW and in the future ... He existed before during and after and all times in between. He said I Am The Alpha And the Omega... The Beginning and the end. This talk today is huge.... its been going on for hours... but this is like existence; it has been going on eternally; " It exists " ! Jaya: Beyond Space time it keeps going. The I am is Conscious so it exists. Or alternately I Am Conscious so it exists. Both are identical! bindu: Sri Krishna says: " Everything exists in my potency " ! Yes thus jaya, it is said that knowledge is ignorance. We can talk for ever and ever and ever;: but the wisdom is not knowledge Jaya: Ignorance is space. bindu: Wisdom is love WHICH loves The Self. after having seen His infinitude; now let us end this discourse. Jaya: yes bindu: Namaste everyone Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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