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Religion is regarded as the creation of man that has arisen, by whatever

psychological process, from man’s experiences of daily life and serves for

him various functions. It constitutes an attempt to formulate symbolic

answers to questions and problems that confront man. Gods, demons, evil

spirits, witches, souls, taboos and other supernatural sanctions governing

behaviours, rites at critical times during the life time, mythology, and

other religious beliefs and acts are seen as the casting into concrete and

comprehensible form of fear, hopes, wishes, dreams and animosities of man.

Once man has put his problems in these forms, he can deal with them by acts

analogous with those of his ordinary experience with objects of nature and

with his fellowman. Man has then created gods and religion is his own

image and in the image of the world of his experience, and his religious

beliefs and acts are functional responses to circumstances of life.

Religion is regarded not as the mainspring of culture or social life but

rather as a derivation of more fundamental factors, especially ways of

gaining a livelihood and the closely associated manner of ordering society.

Dr. Radhakrishna has said, “It is an irony that, in actual practice, God

has been reduced to Gods and goddesses, so much so that God’s creation -

the sun, the moon, the mountains, the rivers, the trees, the fire, even the

animals - are worshipped as the very creator. The said creations, which are

actually, meant to serve the man, have thus become the master of men, the

crown of creation, their slave! He, accordingly becomes a smart minded,

self-centred and begot:”

“The greatest of the temptation we must overcome is to think that our own

religion is the only true religion. Our own vision of reality is the only

authentic vision, that we alone have received a revelation and we are the

chosen people, the children of light, and the rest of the human race live in

darkness. The saints do not believe that God is the exclusive property of

any human being or a group of human beings”.



(This book can be read from www.saileelas.org/books).

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