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A Report from a Volunteer.........

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Current mood: disappointed


I thought I might inform the few friends I have on my recent

traumatic experience. I am going to tell it straight, blunt, raw, and

I don't give a damn. Long read, I know but please do read!!!


I went to volunteer on Saturday at the George R. Brown convention for

two reasons.


A: I wanted to help people to get a warm fuzzy.


B: Curiosity.


I've been watching the news lately and have seen scenes that have

made me want to vomit. And no it wasn't dead bodies, the city under

water, or the sludge everywhere. It was PEOPLE " S BEHAVIOR. The people

on T.V. (99% being Black) where DEMANDING help. They were not asking

nicely but demanding as if society owed these people something. Well

the honest truth is WE DON'T. Help should be asked for in a kind

manner and then appreciated. This is not what the press (FOX in

particular) was showing, what I was seeing was a group of people who

are yelling, demanding, looting, killing, raping, and SHOOTING back

at the demanded help!!!!! So I'm thinking this can't possibly be true

can it???? So I decide to submit to the DEMAND for help out of SHOCK.

I couldn't believe this to be true of the majority of the people who

are the weakest of society. So I went to volunteer and help folks out

and see the truth. So I will tell the following story and you decide:


I arrived at the astrodome only to find out that there are too many

volunteers and that volunteers were needed at the George R. Brown

Convention Center. As I was walking up to the Convention Center I

noticed a line of cars that wrapped around blocks filled with

donations. These were ordinary Houstonians coming with truckloads and

trunks full of water, diapers, clothes, blankets, food, all types of

good stuff. And lots of it was NEW. I felt that warm fuzzy while

helping unload these vehicles of these wonderful human beings. I then

went inside the building and noticed approximately 100,000 sq. ft. of

clothes, shoes, jackets, toys and all types of goodies all organized

and ready for the people in need. I signed up, received a name badge

and was on my merry way excited to be useful.


I toured the place to get familiar with my surrounding; the entire

place is probably around 2 million sq. ft. I noticed rows as far as

the eye can see of mattresses, not cots, BLOW UP MATTRESSES!!! All of

which had nice pillows and plenty of blankets. 2 to 3 bottles of

water lay on every bed. These full size to queen size beds by the way

where comfortable, I laid in one to see for myself. I went to look at

the medical area. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing!!! A

makeshift hospital created in 24 hours!!! It was unbelievable, they

even had a pharmacy. I also noticed that they created showers, which

would also have hot water. I went upstairs to the third floor to find

a HUGE cafeteria created in under 24 hours! Rows of tables, chairs

and food everywhere - enough to feed an army! I'm not talking about

crap food either. They had Jason's deli food, apples, oranges, coke,

diet coke, lemonade, orange juice, cookies, all types of chips and

sandwiches. All the beverages by the way was put on ice and

chilled!!!! In a matter of about 24 hours or less an entire mini-city

was erected by volunteers for the poor evacuees. This was not your

rundown crap shelter, it was BUM HEAVEN.


So that was the layout: great food, comfy beds, clean showers, free

medical help, by the way there was a library, and a theatre room I

forgot to mention. Great stuff right????


Well here is what happened on my journey -


I started by handing out COLD water bottles to evacuees as they got

off the bus. Many would take them and only 20% or less said thank

you. Lots of them would shake their heads and ask for sodas! So this

went on for about 20-30 minutes until I was sick of being an

unappreciated servant. I figured certainly these folks would

appreciate some food!!! So I went upstairs to serve these beloved

evacuees some GOOD food that I wish I could have at the moment!


***The following statements are graphic, truthful, and discuss

UNRATIONAL behavior***


Evacuees come slowly to receive this mountain of food that is worth

serving to a king! I tell them that we have 2 types of great deli

sandwiches to choose from - ham and turkey. Many look at the food in

disgust and DEMAND burgers, pizza, and even McDonalds!!!! Jason's

deli is better than McDonalds!!!! Only 1 out of ten people who took

something would say " thank you " the rest took items as if it was

their God give right to be served without a shred of appreciation!!!

They would ask for Beer and liquor. They complained that we didn't

have good enough food. They refused food and laughed at us. They

treated us volunteers as if we where SLAVES. No not all of them of

course...but 70% did!!!!!! 20! % where appreciative, 10% took the

food without any comment and the other 70% had some disgusting

comment to say. Some had the nerve to laugh at us. And when I snapped

back at them for being mean, they would curse at me!!! Needless to

say I was in utter shock. They would eat their food and leave their

mess on the table... some would pick up their stuff many would leave

it for the volunteers to pick up. I left that real quick to go down

and help set up some more beds. I saw many young ladies carrying

mattresses and I helped for a while. Then I realized

something...their were hundreds of able bodied young men who could

help!! I asked a group of young evacuees in their teens and early

twenties to help. I got cursed at for asking them to help!!! One

said " We just lost our ****ing homes and you want us to work!! " The

next said " Ya Cracker, you got a home we don't " I looked at them in

disbelief. Here are women walking by carrying THEIR ****ING BEDS and

they can't lift a finger and help themselves!!





I waved them off and turned away and was laughed at and more " white

boy jokes " were made at me. I felt no need to waste my breath on a

bunch of pitiful losers. I went to a nearby restroom where I noticed

a man shaving. I used the restroom, washed my hands and saw this man

throw his razor towards the trash can...he missed... he walked out

leaving his disgusting razor on the floor for some other " cracker " to

pick up. Even the little kids were demanding. I saw only ONE white

family and only TWO Hispanic families. The rest where blacks...sorry

20% to 30% decent blacks... and 70% LOSERS!!!!!


I would call them ****ERS, but the actual definition of a ****er is

one who is ignorant, these people were not ignorant......they where

ARROGANT ********. The majority of which are thugs and lifetime lazy

ass welfare recipients. We are inviting the lowest of the low to

Houston. And like idiots we are serving the people who will soon

steal our cars, rape, murder, and destroy our city while stealing

from our pockets on a daily basis through the welfare checks they

take. We will fund our own destruction.


By " US " I don't mean a specific race, I mean the people who work

hard, work smart, have values and morals. Only people who want to

help themselves should be helped, the others should be allowed to

destroy themselves. I do not want to work hard, give the government

close to half the money I earn so they can in turn give it to a bunch

of losers.


I don't believe in being poor for life. My family immigrated here, we

came here poor, and now thank God, and due to HARD WORK we are doing

fine. If immigrants, who come here, don't know the language can work

and become successful... WHY THE **** CAN'T THE MAJORITY OF THE

HOMEGROWN DO IT!!! If we continue to reward these losers then we will

soon destroy our great country. I just witnessed selfish, arrogant,

unappreciative behavior by the very people who need help the most.

Now these same people who cursed me, refused my cities generosity,

who refuse to help themselves are DEMANDING handouts on their own

terms!!!!!!! They prance around as if they are owed something, and

when they do receive a handout, they say it's not good enough!

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This came from a friend of a friend:


>> Here's a story for you....................as witnessed by my dad

and mom.


>> At the state line between TX and LA, there is a HUGE, brand new


>> area. It's NICE.


>> Okay, here's the story. Last Friday, my dad, who works for TxDOT,

>> answered a call for TxDOT employees to go help with the refugees

at this

>> rest stop. So, after working ALL DAY Friday, he and three guys

from his

>> office left for the state line at I-20 and Waskom, TX. Working


>> evening was a state trooper, several sheriff's office deputies, Red

>> Cross workers, TxDOT employees, and other local volunteers.


>> These buses from New Orleans start pulling in. They let the

people off

>> to potty, eat, and rest. As they get off the bus, they are

greeted and

>> shown to the restrooms--where they pee all over the walls, floors,


>> They did not even flush the toilets. Left the restrooms in a


>> mess.


>> The local Burger King restaurant donated burgers and hot-dogs and


>> people there cooking. Two of the black men walked over to see


>> being cooked and one says to the other, " Man, I don't want none of


>> shit. "


>> Other volunteers are handing out bottles of water. The people take

>> them, drink two or three drinks from the bottles, and throw them

on the

>> ground. My dad and his coworkers spent their time picking up

trash and

>> taking it to the very large and OBVIOUSLY placed trash cans. (They

>> ended up hauling off two HUGE truck loads of trash from these


>> He said WASTEFUL wasn't the word.


>> Other volunteers had brought in snack items, such as chips,


>> gum, small candy, etc. There were ladies there making snack bags


>> the people and handing them out. These nasty, nasty people would


>> the bags, dig out what they wanted and throw the remainder on the

>> ground. BRAND NEW FOOD ITEMS! Daddy said one deputy got so mad he





>> THESE NICE LADIES! He was hot!


>> Daddy worked pretty much all night. He and my mom said the people


>> HORRIBLE. Nasty, filthy mouthed, ungrateful. TxDOT had to pretty


>> scour the Rest Area and restrooms after they left. My dad went

home and

>> slept most of the day Saturday, got up sick and had to go back to


>> Remember, he'd been in the hospital not two weeks ago with chest


>> (he's okay now, but still)! The man went to help these NASTY


>> after working ALL WEEK!


>> So, after hearing about these ungrateful people, I could really


>> less about a lot of them. Idiots and human debris. *I am more


>> now to send MY donations to the officers and firefighters.* It's


>> but Texas does not need any more of them!


>> */And to add one more thing.....

>> /*

>> *//*

>> Why are all these fat lazy people laying around on cots sleeping

>> while local people are lining up by the thousands to SERVE THEM


>> am sorry but it's starting to xxxx me off that we're expected to

>> serve these lazy " evacuees " indefinitely. Why can't they line

>> up themselves and help unload all these trucks and cars full of


>> stuff?


>> Okay, let them have a day or two of rest but then put those folks


>> work taking care of themselves. Why should any of them want to


>> a job when they can lay around all day in free air conditioned

>> stadiums where they don't have to spend a dime and they have TV,

>> entertainment and education and great food? Houstonians are going


>> being nice to these people, free hamburgers, free admission to the

>> Children's' Museum and Museum of Natural Science, etc. Show your


>> license and everything is free.


>> Like I said, a short time is definitely warranted after all they


>> been through but it's my opinion that the worst thing we can do

for them

>> is to allow them to do nothing.


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Hee's just another thought. A number of years ago I saw where

society was headed and emailed the following suggestion to political

leaders. I also emailed it out to education leaders as an option to

the current display of humanity. It's pretty easy to guess that the

leaders couldn't have cared less. None of the recommendations I

sited have been put into effect to any degree. I don't feel the

least sorry for anyone. An action produces an experience and if the

experience isn't going to produce the desired affects then the

actions gotta be changed. Otherwise the definition of insanity is:

doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.


Here's the essay I mailed out:


Greed for money as the sole goal, and lack of intelligent foresight

is one of the things that keeps an inequality cycle going.

* * * Money and its acquisition has become the focus of all

choices, rather than seeking out more productive and respectful

choices and behavior, and how it affects self and others, and the

environment on many levels.


The other underlying cause of many of our social problems seems to

be that everyone from politicians, business owners to sales clerks

and spouses do NOT seem to understand or recognize and identify the

consequences of their behavior and choices and how it affects them

and others, in relationships and society on all levels. First of

all they have not adaquately been taught healthy interactive or

coping skills. All choices and behavior have consequences from the

party that makes the choice/behavior and the party that receives

(self and others). This seems like a rather simple statement

however the underlying cause of many of our social problems seems to

be that everyone from politicians, business owners to sales clerks

and spouses do NOT seem to understand or recognize and identify

coping skills and the consequences of their behavior and choices

and how it affects them and others, in relationships and society

and how it plays out on all levels.


I realize this country operates on a free enterprise/capitalist

system, and by that I mean it is run mainly by Big Business, and

the financial choices those businesses make. This has offered many

opportunities which have benefited me but it's my opinion, through

observing the outcome, that it's no longer in a balanced state and

therefore doesn't serve the country to it's fullest advantage.


The consequences of this have affected my life, and its quality,

and those of millions of other people so drastically that I do

believe it has become a human rights issue. Big Business and the

greed motivating it have caused inflation to rise so high that this

is causing stress on so many levels.


One random example of this is that many people hate their jobs

because labor acts are sub-standard and they feel helpless victims

due to the need for employment. In this case a lack of ethical

behavior with a focus on money often shows up in society through

physical health problems, mental stress and hopelessness which

often translates into unhealthy addictive behavior and family

breakdown that does little to build the fiber of society in

relationships but more often aids in tearing it down.


An inflation freeze, and/or price slashing, combined with wage hikes

for low paying type of jobs, must be re-evaluated and changed to

make it proportionate with the current rate of inflation.


Our society has become poverty ridden where people can't even afford

to pay their rent and bills, much less buy a house. For many who

earn low wages, (and many are single mothers) a house is simply not

even a dream they can attain, since even paying the month end light

bill is financially challenging. Owning a home is simply out of many

people's reach.


In 1985, in most locations, for the average person who did not hold

a college degree, a $10.00/hr. job was considered a good wage – if

you could find one. Now it is still hard for a blue-collar laborer

(especially female) to find a $10.00/hr. job, but it's no longer a

good or fair wage because it can't compete with the current rate of

inflation. If all citizens who are paid under $10.00/hr staged a one

week job walk off, we'd soon see just how dependant our entire

society is on these job services in order to function properly.


Even in the 1940's an average laborer such as my father, could

still afford to buy a house, and that was on one salary !! Most

people can't afford to buy a car ( a $10 to $15,000. vehicle – not

including the high cost of maintenance, gas and insurance) which is

necessary for them just to get back and forth to their low paying

jobs. At this current rate of inflation my retirement savings plan,

when cashed upon my retirement, might buy me a new car if I'm

lucky. This does not give the average wage earner a great feeling

of hope. This does, however, create a sense of hopelessness and

helplessness which shows up socially in many different ways. With

even a small amount of vision one can see where this current state

is headed. It is creating a human rights catastrophe of epic

proportions. It contributes to creating a society of apathetic and

angry people, and it will continue to influence society on all

levels. It is creating crime, depression, and hatred to name a few

traits It is causing a huge gulf between the rich and poor, the

haves and the have nots. Possibly it's more evident today due to

the increase of population, but obviously the fact remains that

inflation vs. wage is out of control.


The average employee is underpaid and works too fast of a pace,

often doing the job of two people, due to cut backs. Most

businesses have hopped on the cut-back band wagon seeing an

opportunity for more profit, weather they really need to or not.

This is bad for employees since many of them are giving a $20.00/hr

effort for a minimum wage. Work loads are often so extreme that

tension is so high, and burn out is so high that most people HATE to

go to their jobs. I know a man who works on a machine and the

company insists on turning the speed up faster and faster so they

can produce more products. As a result, physical, emotional and

mental burn out happen, followed up with anger and hatred, and

resentment and in many cases poor health. This is causing stress on

so many levels, and again, it is breeding a society of mental,

emotional, and physically sick people. This in turn affects the

home life, and the society. Addictions to food, gambling, alcohol,

drugs, and crime become an avenue for depressed and disgruntled

people to disperse energy and anger and distract from their reality,

because they feel helpless and hopeless. Don't people have a right

to ethical and fair wages and treatment?


Many work places are very unethical and employees suffer greatly

because of it? Employers know that the staff needs the job so

they'll put up with it, because the employer can turn around and

find someone else to hire tomorrow. It is creating a society of a

type of apathy, anger and hatred and disconcerted thieves. People

become abusive to the system and don't care since they feel they are

being abused and not treated fairly. It becomes a vicious circle

truly serving no good in the long view of things. This puts

financial stress on the criminal enforcement sector, on the

healthcare system due to physical and emotional disease caused by

burn-out or over work, plus on the relationship unit within

families and the inter-relations within society. These are only a

few of the consequences. This in fact has become a human rights




Who is policing or monitoring work environments, and government

ethics? Let's have some basic ethical rules in place that are

mandatory and fines implemented when they are broken. Standards

must be raised and enforced.


The reason why this has become a human rights issue is because

capitalist/free enterprise countries only work well if they are

policed or monitored/regulated by authorities who will set certain

rules of fair conduct in place, so that laborers may be dealt with

in an economically fair manner, and big businesses more monitored.

A small manual can be sent to all businesses stating certain basic

codes of ethics in dealing with employees. Obviously many

corporations, business owners and leaders (with few exceptions),

don't know what they are, because you can pick almost any employee

who can give you a list of at least 2 ways their work place is

unethical and unfair. Fines should be in place when these basic

rules of conduct are broken. These rules don't even have to be too

complicated, but can be quite simple. This is not existent to the

degree that is necessary to instill a change. Currently, businesses

have full reign with little to no monitoring, which is a good profit

making opportunity for the owners and shareholders – not good for

common menial laborers. The laborer becomes a poverty ridden slave

to Big Business.


I appreciate the fact that this nation has many rights and benefits,

which all people enjoy (especially for women as compared to eastern

countries) however, I see great room for improvement, especially in

the area of implementing regulations and monitoring, using a system

which works to benefit both sides of capitalism – the business owner

as consumer, and the lowly employee as consumer.


Socialist countries also only work well if their monitored and

policed by authorities who will set certain rules of fair conduct

and codes of ethics. Otherwise socialist types of societies that

are given too much often become abusive, and lazy, with a bad

attitude, which then becomes a financial burden on the tax-payer,

which is obviously where the source of our nation's money is coming

from. It is only in societies that have enforced rules within

businesses regarding inflation and wages, and re-evaluation of

programs so that they are practical, plus very conscientious and

respectful citizens can make for both a prosperous and healthy

community. I'm not talking about communism, or even socialism,

although obviously these types of systems don't work either if they

don't have some sort of regulations to ensure that abuse to the

system on all sides doesn't occur. I'm talking about simple ethical

rules and regulations and enforcement on many levels.


If capitalism is all about businesses winning an economic war, then

clearly the low wage earning laborer is the casualty and the

prisoner, and in the end, so is society. We are seeing the

consequences now.


Business and government accountants and decision makers reorganize,

re-evaluate and restructure programs that are unnecessary, outdated,

not producing productive/healthy results, or abusing its money. My

own country has homeless people, is in need of more classrooms, more

teachers, more law enforcement, cleaning up the dumping of

pollutants into our water, earth and sky, etc. The thing that

separates us from a 3rd world country is that we have clean water,

plumbing and education, yet if money isn't put into finding

alternatives for pollution to the environment, and crime in our

society, and much needed classrooms in our schools, then 30 years

down the road we will see ourselves in a worse state than the 3rd

world countries, because we all share the same planet and therefore

the same consequences of our actions. The ones who really need the

help here are in fact the 1st world countries who are creating

catastrophes of such consequences that they don't even recognize.

It's very difficult to live in a first world wealthy country with

clean water, and electricity, yet stressed about not being able to

pay for it at bill time and unsure how to put food on the table.

Welfare doesn't offer enough money for people to adaquately survive

against the raising inflation. Living in a wealthy country and

unable to provide basic rent and bills adds to depression. Unlike

many of the 3rd world countries the victims in the west see an

extreme contrast. Again it sets up a system of social problems.

With freed up money from abusive or out-dated, abused or

nonessential programs, money could be used to help small businesses

raise their wage until the market stabilizes. It could be put into

other areas that are very much in need.


I have no problem living in a country that pays high taxes if it

allocates it intelligently with a healthy foresight into the future,

so it can provide a high standard of living. But many programs have

to be reorganized, because with the ever rising rate of inflation

versus wages I can't afford to be taxed any higher. There is no

logic to this at all. Poor people's tax versus big business

taxation is disproportionate.


This kind of current operation develops a culture of distress and

that is exactly what kind of consequences we're seeing, and it will

only get worse.


Again, my main concern is the lack of education about cause and

effect and foresight in interactive social skills leading to

formation of rules and regulations that affect all people.

Some ideas that will definitely help move along a healthier society

and incorporate the need for a balance in both the above mentioned

areas are listed as follows:


- - I suggest free classes offered in every community to help

people identify and recognize healthy/respectful versus unhealthy

behavior, choices and treatment, and how it shows up in their lives

as consequences on all levels from government issues to menial

interactions, plus coping skills to teach compromise and more

healthier alternatives. These classes would be available each week

by trained volunteers, or paid staff when feasible and provide

adults in the community with structured classes to educate in

this. If you look at our society you will see that the

word " respect " is not a concept that people understand well, or even

know how to play a role in it, neither are many people able to

really grasp the far reaching implications of consequences. (Some

worse than others). These people then go on to head businesses or

work in authoritative positions which often further spreads chaos

on many levels. Adults have children and can't teach them what

they do not know. Even adults and parents with the best intention

are simply not trained, and just simply lack the knowledge to

teach their child many skills that are necessary in running a

balanced life leaving them ill prepared for adulthood in jobs or

government systems or relationships, especially if the focus is

unbalanced solely on the acquisition of money. Plus the fact that

both parents are working to pay their bills often makes for a time

crunch and unavailability of many basic teachings. One example of

this is that we have a world that is being polluted through water,

earth and sky daily which shows humanities basic lack of

intelligence, foresight and consequences based on actions or lack of

actions. Not only can adults not teach what they don't know, but

obviously they cannot live what they don't know and understand.

Implementing a well structured program taught to adults and children

would be the quickest way to make a change in society through deep



-- Classes should also be taught on a weekly or even twice weekly

basis to children in each grade in school, about the same things

I've mentioned above, starting in kindergarten. Classes could

be geared differently for each age group using varied creative

teaching techniques. The amount of kids in relationships who do not

have these skills to some degree or another, is quite alarming.

Again, many parents are not trained with the type of skills

necessary to teach their children relationship skills through cause

and effect by implementing balance. There is a very good program

in place called the empathy program, but it isn't offered in every

school, or to every class. I've also heard of another program which

was offered but was also described as sadly lacking and essentially

a waste of time as it didn't address inter-relation skills and

social repercussions. Children need to be taught what the parents

are not educated to teach them if this vicious cycle will ever be

broken. And these kids go on to fill leadership positions in the

future, which is our only hope for healthy change within the system.

These classes should be as important as math, science and history,

since our society is seeing the consequences of educating the mind

in sciences and technology without educating the person about

healthy choice making and it's consequences. If these aren't well

balanced, then you have an intelligent brain which has the potential

to do a lot of damage to society, example: nuclear warfare,

polluting of the oceans through sewage dumping, inflating prices to

the point of social insanity etc., without the capacity to grasp the

social fallout caused by such imbalance.


-- There should be pre-marital classes set up in each community

using volunteers and paid staff where feasible. Most people (with a

small percent of exceptions) need help in their marriages. Marital

relationships with a staggering divorce rate and unhappy marriages

should be proof enough that relationships are in need of education

on all levels. Many people just do not have the skills needed to

have a productive divorce free marriage. Like me, most people just

jumped into it quite uneducated. Those who don't divorce (with

some exceptions) are still often left unhappy with partners who lack

abilities to produce a nurturing relationship. They lack the

knowledge and so the cycle continues. They have not been taught,

and then they bring children into the marriage, which just continues

this cycle that I've been talking about. These children go on to

become adults whose lack of relationship skills also spills over and

influences society in the work force. Adults in their own

marriage do not generally know how to have a healthy relationship,

identifying productive versus damaging choices and behavior toward

self, others, and the environment, to varying degrees and levels. So

how can their children learn any different? Everyone suffers, from

the child to the parent to the community. When a focus on greed

through materialism and money is introduced we can see an imbalance

of extreme proportions.


* * * Instruction class manuals for these programs could be

created and a student workbooks for each of the various classes.

The goal, motive and purpose is to teach people skills that

obviously many people do not know to varying degrees and how it

affects personal life on a small and large societal scale. This need

is evident from many of the authority leaders in various groups down

to welfare recipients. Again, I ask, where else are people going to

be educated? Implementing these classes and programs in each

community would definitely result in the education of many people

and society in the work place, and in relationships of all kinds.

This would result in a reduction in expenses on healthcare, law

enforcement, and so many other areas, and would in turn create a

better life for the individual, for others, and for society. It

would reduce the amounts of crime thereby reducing prisons. It

would eliminate toxic dumping into rivers and oceans and implement

alternative solutions that don't destroy our planet. It could

bring people into a better sense of being one world citizens rather

than each country fighting for their own weatlh and power.

Our society needs help. There needs to be change and education from

the very top to the bottom is the obvious way in which to do it. The

consequences of not installing these type of community programs,

advertising them really well so everyone knows about them and making

them available for all people, will only result in a further lack of

education and continue to increase with little chance of

improvement. The core root to improvement is through this type of

education and in order to improve basic changes and applications

must be made to facilitate this.


I don't have all the answers as to how to translate this into a

financial/political system, but I do know that with a bit of time

and thought, and re-structuring, it can be done and a balance must

be struck through education.



Nisargadatta , " chefboy2160 "

<chefboy2160> wrote:

> SO I VOLUNTEERED..........

> Current mood: disappointed


> I thought I might inform the few friends I have on my recent

> traumatic experience. I am going to tell it straight, blunt, raw,


> I don't give a damn. Long read, I know but please do read!!!


> I went to volunteer on Saturday at the George R. Brown convention


> two reasons.


> A: I wanted to help people to get a warm fuzzy.


> B: Curiosity.


> I've been watching the news lately and have seen scenes that have

> made me want to vomit. And no it wasn't dead bodies, the city


> water, or the sludge everywhere. It was PEOPLE " S BEHAVIOR. The


> on T.V. (99% being Black) where DEMANDING help. They were not


> nicely but demanding as if society owed these people something.


> the honest truth is WE DON'T. Help should be asked for in a kind

> manner and then appreciated. This is not what the press (FOX in

> particular) was showing, what I was seeing was a group of people


> are yelling, demanding, looting, killing, raping, and SHOOTING


> at the demanded help!!!!! So I'm thinking this can't possibly be


> can it???? So I decide to submit to the DEMAND for help out of


> I couldn't believe this to be true of the majority of the people


> are the weakest of society. So I went to volunteer and help folks


> and see the truth. So I will tell the following story and you



> I arrived at the astrodome only to find out that there are too


> volunteers and that volunteers were needed at the George R. Brown

> Convention Center. As I was walking up to the Convention Center I

> noticed a line of cars that wrapped around blocks filled with

> donations. These were ordinary Houstonians coming with truckloads


> trunks full of water, diapers, clothes, blankets, food, all types


> good stuff. And lots of it was NEW. I felt that warm fuzzy while

> helping unload these vehicles of these wonderful human beings. I


> went inside the building and noticed approximately 100,000 sq. ft.


> clothes, shoes, jackets, toys and all types of goodies all


> and ready for the people in need. I signed up, received a name


> and was on my merry way excited to be useful.


> I toured the place to get familiar with my surrounding; the entire

> place is probably around 2 million sq. ft. I noticed rows as far


> the eye can see of mattresses, not cots, BLOW UP MATTRESSES!!! All


> which had nice pillows and plenty of blankets. 2 to 3 bottles of

> water lay on every bed. These full size to queen size beds by the


> where comfortable, I laid in one to see for myself. I went to look


> the medical area. I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing!!! A

> makeshift hospital created in 24 hours!!! It was unbelievable,


> even had a pharmacy. I also noticed that they created showers,


> would also have hot water. I went upstairs to the third floor to


> a HUGE cafeteria created in under 24 hours! Rows of tables, chairs

> and food everywhere - enough to feed an army! I'm not talking


> crap food either. They had Jason's deli food, apples, oranges,


> diet coke, lemonade, orange juice, cookies, all types of chips and

> sandwiches. All the beverages by the way was put on ice and

> chilled!!!! In a matter of about 24 hours or less an entire mini-


> was erected by volunteers for the poor evacuees. This was not your

> rundown crap shelter, it was BUM HEAVEN.


> So that was the layout: great food, comfy beds, clean showers,


> medical help, by the way there was a library, and a theatre room I

> forgot to mention. Great stuff right????


> Well here is what happened on my journey -


> I started by handing out COLD water bottles to evacuees as they


> off the bus. Many would take them and only 20% or less said thank

> you. Lots of them would shake their heads and ask for sodas! So


> went on for about 20-30 minutes until I was sick of being an

> unappreciated servant. I figured certainly these folks would

> appreciate some food!!! So I went upstairs to serve these beloved

> evacuees some GOOD food that I wish I could have at the moment!


> ***The following statements are graphic, truthful, and discuss

> UNRATIONAL behavior***


> Evacuees come slowly to receive this mountain of food that is


> serving to a king! I tell them that we have 2 types of great deli

> sandwiches to choose from - ham and turkey. Many look at the food


> disgust and DEMAND burgers, pizza, and even McDonalds!!!! Jason's

> deli is better than McDonalds!!!! Only 1 out of ten people who


> something would say " thank you " the rest took items as if it was

> their God give right to be served without a shred of


> They would ask for Beer and liquor. They complained that we didn't

> have good enough food. They refused food and laughed at us. They

> treated us volunteers as if we where SLAVES. No not all of them of

> course...but 70% did!!!!!! 20! % where appreciative, 10% took the

> food without any comment and the other 70% had some disgusting

> comment to say. Some had the nerve to laugh at us. And when I


> back at them for being mean, they would curse at me!!! Needless to

> say I was in utter shock. They would eat their food and leave


> mess on the table... some would pick up their stuff many would


> it for the volunteers to pick up. I left that real quick to go


> and help set up some more beds. I saw many young ladies carrying

> mattresses and I helped for a while. Then I realized

> something...their were hundreds of able bodied young men who could

> help!! I asked a group of young evacuees in their teens and early

> twenties to help. I got cursed at for asking them to help!!! One

> said " We just lost our ****ing homes and you want us to work!! "


> next said " Ya Cracker, you got a home we don't " I looked at them


> disbelief. Here are women walking by carrying THEIR ****ING BEDS


> they can't lift a finger and help themselves!!





> I waved them off and turned away and was laughed at and

more " white

> boy jokes " were made at me. I felt no need to waste my breath on a

> bunch of pitiful losers. I went to a nearby restroom where I


> a man shaving. I used the restroom, washed my hands and saw this


> throw his razor towards the trash can...he missed... he walked out

> leaving his disgusting razor on the floor for some other " cracker "


> pick up. Even the little kids were demanding. I saw only ONE white

> family and only TWO Hispanic families. The rest where


> 20% to 30% decent blacks... and 70% LOSERS!!!!!


> I would call them ****ERS, but the actual definition of a ****er


> one who is ignorant, these people were not ignorant......they


> ARROGANT ********. The majority of which are thugs and lifetime


> ass welfare recipients. We are inviting the lowest of the low to

> Houston. And like idiots we are serving the people who will soon

> steal our cars, rape, murder, and destroy our city while stealing

> from our pockets on a daily basis through the welfare checks they

> take. We will fund our own destruction.


> By " US " I don't mean a specific race, I mean the people who work

> hard, work smart, have values and morals. Only people who want to

> help themselves should be helped, the others should be allowed to

> destroy themselves. I do not want to work hard, give the


> close to half the money I earn so they can in turn give it to a


> of losers.


> I don't believe in being poor for life. My family immigrated here,


> came here poor, and now thank God, and due to HARD WORK we are


> fine. If immigrants, who come here, don't know the language can


> and become successful... WHY THE **** CAN'T THE MAJORITY OF THE

> HOMEGROWN DO IT!!! If we continue to reward these losers then we


> soon destroy our great country. I just witnessed selfish,


> unappreciative behavior by the very people who need help the most.

> Now these same people who cursed me, refused my cities generosity,

> who refuse to help themselves are DEMANDING handouts on their own

> terms!!!!!!! They prance around as if they are owed something, and

> when they do receive a handout, they say it's not good enough!




>This came from a friend of a friend:


>> Here's a story for you....................as witnessed by my dad

and mom.


>> At the state line between TX and LA, there is a HUGE, brand new


>> area. It's NICE.


>> Okay, here's the story. Last Friday, my dad, who works for TxDOT,

>> answered a call for TxDOT employees to go help with the refugees

at this

>> rest stop. So, after working ALL DAY Friday, he and three guys

from his

>> office left for the state line at I-20 and Waskom, TX. Working


>> evening was a state trooper, several sheriff's office deputies,


>> Cross workers, TxDOT employees, and other local volunteers.


>> These buses from New Orleans start pulling in. They let the

people off

>> to potty, eat, and rest. As they get off the bus, they are

greeted and

>> shown to the restrooms--where they pee all over the walls, floors,


>> They did not even flush the toilets. Left the restrooms in a


>> mess.


>> The local Burger King restaurant donated burgers and hot-dogs and


>> people there cooking. Two of the black men walked over to see


>> being cooked and one says to the other, " Man, I don't want none of


>> shit. "


>> Other volunteers are handing out bottles of water. The people take

>> them, drink two or three drinks from the bottles, and throw them

on the

>> ground. My dad and his coworkers spent their time picking up

trash and

>> taking it to the very large and OBVIOUSLY placed trash cans. (They

>> ended up hauling off two HUGE truck loads of trash from these


>> He said WASTEFUL wasn't the word.


>> Other volunteers had brought in snack items, such as chips,


>> gum, small candy, etc. There were ladies there making snack bags


>> the people and handing them out. These nasty, nasty people would


>> the bags, dig out what they wanted and throw the remainder on the

>> ground. BRAND NEW FOOD ITEMS! Daddy said one deputy got so mad he





>> THESE NICE LADIES! He was hot!


>> Daddy worked pretty much all night. He and my mom said the people


>> HORRIBLE. Nasty, filthy mouthed, ungrateful. TxDOT had to pretty


>> scour the Rest Area and restrooms after they left. My dad went

home and

>> slept most of the day Saturday, got up sick and had to go back to


>> Remember, he'd been in the hospital not two weeks ago with chest


>> (he's okay now, but still)! The man went to help these NASTY


>> after working ALL WEEK!


>> So, after hearing about these ungrateful people, I could really


>> less about a lot of them. Idiots and human debris. *I am more


>> now to send MY donations to the officers and firefighters.* It's


>> but Texas does not need any more of them!


>> */And to add one more thing.....

>> /*

>> *//*

>> Why are all these fat lazy people laying around on cots sleeping

>> while local people are lining up by the thousands to SERVE THEM


>> am sorry but it's starting to xxxx me off that we're expected to

>> serve these lazy " evacuees " indefinitely. Why can't they line

>> up themselves and help unload all these trucks and cars full of


>> stuff?


>> Okay, let them have a day or two of rest but then put those folks


>> work taking care of themselves. Why should any of them want to


>> a job when they can lay around all day in free air conditioned

>> stadiums where they don't have to spend a dime and they have TV,

>> entertainment and education and great food? Houstonians are going


>> being nice to these people, free hamburgers, free admission to the

>> Children's' Museum and Museum of Natural Science, etc. Show your


>> license and everything is free.


>> Like I said, a short time is definitely warranted after all they


>> been through but it's my opinion that the worst thing we can do

for them

>> is to allow them to do nothing.


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