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the duality of --- Science & friends

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Nisargadatta , " Anna Ruiz " <nli10u@c...> wrote:

> namasté


> friends, All


sorry Anna, but MY ego has never been

and will never be MY friend

and least of all yours.



> -

> prakki surya

> Nisargadatta

> Saturday, October 01, 2005 8:09 AM

> Re: Re: the duality of --- Science &

Spiritual knowledge




> dear friend




> A mother feeds her child singing that the moon will come down

from the sky if the child eats the food. She is worried about the

welfare of her child and does not bother about the truth. The mother

grows this body, which is perished by this birth. But a teacher

(Guru) grows the soul by knowledge, which is permanent in all births,

and the knowledge accompanies the soul forever. The love and

compassion of a Guru on his student is million times more than that

of the mother. 'Sadguru' is the God of the mother who came down as

the teacher and the love of the Sadguru is beyond description.

Sankara, Ramanuja, Madhva are the three incarnations of the three

divine forms (viz. Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma) of the same Sadguru, who

is Lord Dattatreya (Datta). The commentaries of these three Gurus may

look different, which are meant for the people with different mental

maturity at different times. But the essence in these three

commentaries is one and the same.




> First, Sankaracharya came, who was the incarnation of Lord Shiva

in human form. India was full of atheists who were either Buddhists

or Purva mimamsakas. An atheist can never tolerate the greatness of

God and so denies His existence. Sankara said, " I am Shiva "

( " Sivoham. " ). Can an atheist tolerate this and accept that another

man is God? But, the atheist should also be uplifted by the Sadguru.

Sankara made a trick. He told that every man is God. An atheist likes

his own greatness and so becomes the follower of Sankara. Atleast

some atheists changed. Sankara equally distributed God, which is like

a treasure to all. There is a secret in this trick. When an atheist

says, " I am God " , he has accepted God!




> Sankara: Do you exist?


> Atheist: Yes I exist.


> Sankara: You are God. So God exists.




> So, at that time, the goal of Sankara, was only the first step

i.e., atheists should become theists. When a bull is running, you

have to run along with it for some time and then only you can stop

it. Similarly, you have to follow an egoistic person for sometime and

then only you can bring him gradually into your grip. The psychology

of a student is well understood by a good teacher. This is the

concept of incarnation (Avatara). Ava= down, Tara= coming i.e.,

coming down to the psychological level of the student. As we go down,

the truth is to be hidden and the upliftment of the student becomes

more important.




> Some disciples became fully pure and got rid of jealousy and ego

in course of time through constantly serving Sankara and they were

eligible to grasp the truth. Sankara revealed the truth to such

deserving disciples. Sankara swallowed molten lead and asked them to

swallow the same if they were God. The disciples were unable to

swallow the same and fell at the feet of Sankara since they grasped

the truth. But, Sankara limited this revelation of the truth to some

of His close deserving disciples only, since others were not able to

grasp the truth due to their egoism. Sankara left the earth at this





> In course of time, people got rid of their egoism and jealousy to

some extent but not completely. Ramanuja came and told that every man

is a spark of God. This is like 'Socialism' in which some wealth of a

rich man is donated to the poor. After some time, when people almost

got rid of their egoism and jealousy completely, Madhva came down and

told that man is not at all connected to God and man is only a

servant of God. This is like 'capitalism' in which a wealthy man

remains rich and the poor people always remain poor. These three

philosophies apply to different people at any time, which vary as per

their mentalities. Anytime, all types of people are present in this





> An egoistic person likes Sankara in his own case. He likes to be

God. He does not like Madhva since he does not want to be a servant

of God. He likes Madhva in the case of Lord Krishna who looks like a

man and does not like Sankara there. He likes Krishna to be called as

a servant of God and not to be called as God. This entire case is

reversed in the case of a person who got rid of egoism. He likes

Madhva in his case and likes Sankara in the case of Lord Krishna. He

thinks that he is the servant of God and that Krishna is God. Hanuman

is the best example. He believed Madhva in His own case and Sankara

in the case of Lord Rama. He always thought that He was the servant

of Lord Rama and that Rama was God and not a man. Hanuman is the

practical Guru for every human being. Sankara gave the

identification mark of God in human form stating, " Jnanadeva tu

Kaivalyam " , which means that one has to unite the God (that is to

join the God) by His knowledge. Veda says that knowledge is Brahman.

> That means, you have to recognize the Lord in Human form by His

knowledge and not by His miracles etc.




> at the lotus feet of shri datta swami


> surya

Gene Polotas <semmin@e...> wrote:

> Dearest " at the lotus feet of shri datta swami "


> There must be a story about the non-duality that means: not-two.


> Before all your words, which add up to far more than two, you


> with the duality: science and spiritual knowledge.

> Does non-duality mean non-duality?

> Or is it just a swami's claim to fame.


> =-=


> the mind cannot write

> and the hand cannot think

> So what is the connection if there is " no-two " ?: a thought,


> ego.

> -=-


> What no god nor swami ever said, not even Ramana, nor



> If I could think

> then it would not be these words


> that makes ME laugh

> because my hands cannot think

> and yet they write.


> -- beyond the words that need four : feet, shri, datta and swami .


> ==========================================

> Nisargadatta , prakki surya


> wrote:

> > I. Spiritual Knowledge - Concepts Of Science

> >

> >

> >

> > 1

> >

> > Science is the logical analysis of the items existing in this

> creation based on only one authority that is perception


> Pramanam). Even in the ancient logic, all the authorities


> are based on perception only. You see the fire giving smoke. This


> deduction or perception. When you see the smoke coming from a

> distance and do not see the fire, you say that fire exists there


> this is induction or inference (Anumana Pramanam). But this


> is based on your previous deduction only. Somebody says to you


> fire gives smoke. If that person is your dearest, you believe it


> infer the fire from the smoke. This is authority of word `Shabdha

> Pramanam'.

> >

> >

> >

> > Though you have not seen the fire, your dearest person has


> the smoke coming from fire. Like this all the authorities are


> on perception only. I do not find any scripture of any Religion,

> which contradicts the experience of perception. There are four


> of authority. 1) Sruthi, which is the original scripture. 2)


> which is the commentaries of Scholars on the original scripture.


> Yukthi, the logical analysis based on deduction, induction etc.,


> Anubhava, the experience based on the perception of the items in


> world, which may be direct or indirect. Out of these four ways,


> fourth way is the most powerful. If anything contradicts the


> way, that is not valid or it may be a misinterpretation based on

> misunderstanding of the Sruthi or Smrithi or Yukthi. Thus Science


> Philosophy are not separate. The very frame of the spiritual

> knowledge is Science only. Thus Science is the basic foundation


> over all underlying structure of all the Scriptures.

> >

> > CUT .

> >

> >

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