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two fools are one, but for an ego

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There is a word that is very funny. It is funny because it is two

words and yet it is just one. One makes one of these words laugh, and

the more it makes one laugh the more this laughter upsets the other.


The word is ego.


As an example: You and I are the same fools: the difference is just

thoughts, an ego. This ego can be your ego or it can be my ego

because it makes no difference because we are the Same.

But this ego makes me laugh at being a fool, and the more it makes

me laugh with indifference the more it makes the other me, the other

fool, you, furious.


There is a group of elitist intellectuals that plague non-duality

groups. I call them elitist intellectuals because they routinely go

ballistics when non-duality is pushed to its limits. Call these egos

my egos or your egos it makes no difference because we are all the

Same, Consciousness.

For the sincere seeker these elitists are pure karma generators that

go around pretend that they are love personified – yet they go crazy

with hate and anger when this same LOVE called non-duality,

Consciousness, is pushed to its limits.


When Consciousness is pushed to its limits these elitist

intellectuals go psychotic with words like: " Get away from me you

f'ker .. if you were here I would call the cops. " … OR " don't walk

but run to your closest psychotherapist… " .


For this ego ( that is my ego or your ego it can make no difference)

non-duality means that we should seek and nurture what we have in

common and Laugh at the differences. This Laughter makes these

elitists go crazy with their incessant quotations … rote and rhetoric.


The limits of non duality, Consciousness:

I need nothing.

I want nothing

I have Nothing

because I AM the Nothing



If these words bring Joy or humor to your heart it is because it is

Consciousness, Kundalini, LOVE inside that is this EVERYTHING that in

fact (to the mind, ego) is Nothing.


Each person who speaks/spoke the language of non-duality,

Consciousness, agrees UNIVERSALLY that to Consciousness nothing

matters: it makes no difference to Consciousness if you kill or rape

people or if you go out and save their souls. Only to egos can it

make an IMAGINARY difference.


To society and its religions, and humanity in general, this

Consciousness has to be the Supreme Psychopath because IT just

cannot care if a child is born or if mankind is exterminated.


If your guru or 'duality-expert thinks he/she is going to make a

difference to you or, heaven forbid, humanity, then he/she/I is just

another karma generating JOKE that keeps Consciousness entertained

with its JOY and Laughter.



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