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The Wine Upon Your Table

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my heart rushes in where I wear my daily sentence of Ana

words I so write, words that write me, worlds inside

a fairness, played with much gifted aplomb, I Am

in Placement, as Fool of silver and gold merit

of Being someone a Lifetime Achievement

Actor's Award taking my bows now,

thank you for this greatest honour,

thank you All, my Beloveds

it is good to be Love

it is good to Love

it is good to

be God


Love with

This Is As It Is

As It Was As It Will

Be In The Beginning,In

the End, the Alpha-Omega

The Sign of The Cross walked

along the longer walking of the Dao

held in the small distances between points

of light and surrender to the Unborn Unknown

Buddha Mind where nothing remains but remaining

a comunion between Lovers and

Beloveds, All Precious Friends, the Gift of One to the Many having crossed

Strawberry Canyon and climbed Aranachula.

children of both sunlight & moonlight

children of the rainbow Gods, our return as the Bird Tribes swimming up towards

the light of awareness The Love of Self

in the arms of God we give thanks in the

dancing of words made flesh, in the songs of amen sung in Kirtan, in the prasad

of our daily bread as we breathe in breaths

freely given amd taken, clouds dance in

both sequoia and evergreen both judas-fish and christ-fish, an ever-so-beautiful

becoming of the subtle consciousness of One,



Breathe In, Breathe Out, Breathe In Breathe Out

Meditate This One








































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