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[SufiMystic] forward from bowl of saki

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A Beloved friend, Steve Toth sufimystic



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[sufiMystic] forward from bowl of saki



The principles of mysticism rise from the heart of man; they are

learnt by intuition and proved by reason.


Bowl of Saki, by Hazrat Inayat Khan


Commentary by Pir-o-Murshid Inayat Khan:


What we generally know as the breath is that little inhaling and

exhaling, which we feel through the nostrils. We think that is breath

and attach little importance to it, while in reality, breath is a

life-current running through the innermost part of man's being

towards the surface. It would be no exaggeration, according to the

mystical point of view, to say that the breath connects heaven and

earth. It is the mystery of breath which shows the mystic that life

is not the material part of man's being, but consists of the part of

his being which is unseen. Breath is the bridge between body and

soul, keeping the two connected, and the medium of their action and

reaction upon each other.


In the Qur'an it is said, 'We have made man to be king of Our

creation,' which in other words, means that man himself is the

dominion as well as the king of that dominion. That dominion being

man's body and mind, and the king being his spirit, his soul. As a

horse can be controlled and directed by getting the rein in hand, so

life can be controlled and directed by gaining control over the

breath. Every school of mystics has, as its most important and sacred

teaching in the way of attainment, the control and understanding of

the mystery of breath. Modern science has discovered the importance

of physical culture and correct breathing, and for all diseases of

the lungs there is no greater or more beneficial remedy than sending

the patient to a place suitable for breathing freely. Psychologists

will some day come to realize that for all illnesses and disorders of

the mind the way of breathing also is the best remedy.


For the mystic, breath is not only a science, but the knowledge of

breath is mysticism, and mysticism to the thinker is both science and

religion. The mystery of breath is not a thing that can be

comprehended by the brain only. The principles of mysticism rise from

the heart of man. They are learned by intuition and proved by reason.

This is not only faith, though it is born of faith: it is faith with









Words must be used like stepping stones: lightly and with nimbleness,

because if you step on them too heavily, you incur the danger of falling

into the intellectual mire of logic and reason. -Balsekar










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