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The goal


In the third stage the full consciousness of the soul is

drawn still further inwards (i.e., towards itself) and it ceases to

identify itself even with the mental body. Thus in the third and

last stage (which is the goal), the soul ceases to identify itself

with any of the three bodies which it had to develop for evolving

full consciousness. Now it not only knows itself to be formless and

beyond all the bodies and worlds, but also realises with full

consciousness its own unity with the Oversoul, which is One,

Indivisible, Real and Infinite. In this realization of the Truth it

enjoys infinite bliss, peace, power and knowledge, which are

characteristics of the Oversoul.




In the beginning, because it had not evolved consciousness,

the soul was unconscious of its identity with the Oversoul, and

hence, though part and parcel of the Oversoul, it could not realise

its own identity with it or experience infinite peace, bliss, power

and knowledge. Even after the evolution of full consciousness it

could not realise the state of the Oversoul (although it is all the

time in and with the Oversoul) because its consciousness is confined

to the phenomenal world owing to the sanskaras connected with the

evolution of consciousness. Even on the Path, the soul is not

conscious of itself, but is conscious only of the gross, subtle and

mental worlds which are its own illusory shadows. At the end of the

Path, however, the soul frees itself from all sanskaras and desires

connected with the gross, subtle and mental worlds; and it becomes

possible for it to free itself from the illusion of being finite,

which came into existence owing to its identification with the

gross, subtle and mental bodies. At this stage the soul completely

transcends the phenomenal world and becomes Self-conscious and Self-

realised. For attaining this goal, the soul must retain its full

consciousness and at the same time know itself to be different from

the Sharira (gross body), Prana (subtle body, which is the vehicle

of desires and vital forces) and Manas (mental body, which is the

seat of the mind), and also as being beyond the gross, subtle and

mental worlds.

The soul has to emancipate itself gradually from the

illusion of being finite by (1) liberating itself from the bondage

of sanskaras, and (2) knowing itself to be different from its bodies—

gross, subtle and mental. It thus annihilates the false ego (i.e.,

the illusion that " I am the gross body, I am the subtle body or I am

the mental body " ). While the soul thus frees itself from its

illusion, it still retains full consciousness, which now results in

Self-knowledge and realisation of the Truth. Escaping through the

cosmic illusion and realising with full consciousness its identity

with the Infinite Oversoul, is the goal of the long journey of the





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dear friend


i want to some clarifications. i have given my words in pink colour. Also

stress on the practical implementation, because i am interested in practising

the true knowledge and should reach the goal. i am not here for time-pass. i

mean i want to practice and reach the goal.please help me.


devianandi <polansky wrote:

The goal

In the third stage the full consciousness of the soul is drawn still further

inwards (i.e., towards itself) and it ceases to identify itself even with the

mental body.


you are more interested in becoming one with the Lord and even want to become

Lord Himself.


you are referring to full consciousness of the soul, then i have some

questions. what is this full consciousness of the soul and how do you get it?


Thus in the third and last stage (which is the goal), the soul ceases to

identify itself

with any of the three bodies which it had to develop for evolving full

consciousness. Now it not only knows itself to be formless and beyond all the

bodies and worlds, but also realises with full consciousness its own unity with

the Oversoul, which is One, Indivisible, Real and Infinite. In this realization

of the Truth it

enjoys infinite bliss, peace, power and knowledge, which are characteristics of

the Oversoul.


you are telling infinite bliss is the characteristic of soul but Veda says

" Anando Brahma " which means Lord (creator of all the souls) is of inifinite


how do you solve this contradiction?


what is the difference between peace & bliss?



..... For attaining this goal, the soul must retain its full consciousness and at

the same time know itself to be different from the Sharira (gross body), Prana

(subtle body, which is the vehicle of desires and vital forces) and Manas

(mental body, which is the seat of the mind), and also as being beyond the

gross, subtle and mental worlds.

you tell me practically what i have to do to achieve this? By the way this

methodology is supported by any of the scriptures like Vedas or Gita or atleast

even in epics?


in this whole methodology where the words Jnana, Bhakti or devotion and Karma

yoga fit. or devotion is not required because you are becoming Lord.


at the lotus feet of shri datta swami





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